56 research outputs found

    Association of People Living with HIV/AIDS as a Coping Strategy of Living with HIV/AIDS in Kachia Local Government Area, Kaduna State

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    The aim of this study is to assess the membership association of People Living With HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) as a coping strategy to HIV/AIDS. Data for this study were obtained through primary and secondary sources. Data also derived from the administration of a structured questionnaire and conduct of Focus Group Discussions (FGDs). A purposeful sampling method was used. This method selected those who are living with HIV/AIDS. In all, 163 PLWHA were involved in the survey. The data were analyzed and presented in percentage distribution. The results obtained reveal that 42.2 percent of the respondents were males and 57.8 percent were females. About 48 percent of the respondents were married, 51.3 percent were in polygamous union. It was found out that 80% of PLWHA derived benefits in belonging to the association. Getting drugs, getting money, receive comfort, getting food, and receive advice are the benefits of belonging to the association and as a mean of coping with HIV/AIDS. This study recommends the empowering of PLWHA as a matter of urgency. This could be done by giving them grants, employment opportunities as well as provide vocational training especially to poor PLWHA women who do not have jobs. Provision of opportunities to participate in either trading or empowerment to support their condition will go along way to enhance their quality of life. Keywords: Association of PLWHA, Coping strategies, HIV/AIDS, Kachia LGA

    Association of People Living With HIV/AIDS as a Coping Strategy of Living with HIV/AIDS in Giwa and Kachia Local Government Areas, Kaduna State

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    The aim of this study is to assess the membership association of People Living With HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) as a coping strategy to HIV/AIDS. The study was conducted in Giwa and Kachia Local Government Areas of Kaduna state. Data for this study were obtained through primary and secondary sources. Data also derived from the administration of a structured questionnaire and conduct of Focus Group Discussions (FGDs). A purposeful sampling method was used. This method selected those who are living with HIV/AIDS in both Local Government Areas. In all, 329 PLWHA were involved in the survey. The data were analyzed and presented in percentage distribution. The results obtained reveal that 42.2 percent of the respondents were males and 57.8 percent were females. About 48 percent of the respondents were married, 51.3 percent were in polygamous union. It was found out that 80% of PLWHA derived benefits in belonging to the association. Getting drugs, getting money, receive comfort, getting food, and receive advice are the benefits of belonging to the association and as a mean of coping with HIV/AIDS. This study recommends the empowering of PLWHA as a matter of urgency. This could be done by giving them grants, employment opportunities as well as provide vocational training especially to poor PLWHA women who do not have jobs. Provision of opportunities to participate in either trading or empowerment to support their condition will go along way to enhance their quality of life. Key words: Association of PLWHA, Coping strategies, HIV/AIDS, Giwa and Kachia LGAs

    Focus on Niger State Housing Corporation (N.S.H.C.)

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    Established in 1979, Niger State Housing Corporation (NSHC)had the primary responsibility to address qualitative and quantitative housing inadequacy in Niger State, thereby enhancing the standard of living of her citizens, this article with the aim of elucidating the activities of the Corporation for performance rating , has the objectives to examine its consultancy and contracting services, and to assess its home ownership and other programmes. The methodology adopted for the study was the qualitative research design method which provides description of case studies with purposive sampling, hence the analyses also. The results of the study concluded that the NSHC’s performance from inception to date has been very satisfactory, and recommended that the Corporation enhances its programmes and continue to discharge its responsibilities to Nigerian citizens in the State with more enlightenment about its activitie

    Pharmacognostic and Acute Toxicity Study of Burkea Africana Root

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    Burkea africana is a plant that belongs to then family Fabaceae; it is widely spread in tropical Africa including Nigeria. It is of valuable in  ethnomedicine especially in the treatment of antidote for venomous stings and bites, cutaneous and sub cutaneous parasitic infection, convulsion and pulmonary troubles. Despite the fact that roots of Burkea africana have several medicinal properties, no standardization parameter has been  assessed. Due to lack of standard parameters, proper identification and ascertaining quality and purity in the events of adulteration has been thwarted. The objective of the study was to establish some important pharmacognostic profile and safety margin of Burkea africana root with the hope of assisting in its standardization for quality, purity and safety. Elemental analysis was carried out using acid digestion method and phytochemical composition of the plants was evaluated using standard method. Acute toxicity was achieved using Lorke method to determine the LD50. Chemomicroscopical evaluation revealed the presence of cellulose, tannins, starch, lignin, calcium oxalate, suberin, aleurone grain and mucilage with the exception of calcium carbonate. The average moisture contents, total ash, acid insoluble, water soluble ash, alcohol extractive value and water extractive values in the powdered plant material were 3.8%, 7.5%, 4.43%, 8.07%, 25.0% and 20.33% respectively. In addition, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Cd and Cu were found to be within the safety limit. Phytochemicals which include alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, tannins, carbohydrates and triterpenes were detected in both aqueous and methanolic extracts. The LD50 of Burkea africana was found to be greater than 5000 mg /kg and could be considered safe for consumption. Keywords: Elemental analysis, Burkea africana, Pharmacognostic, Phytochemica

    Online cognitive-behavioral intervention for stress among English as a second language teachers: implications for school health policy

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    IntroductionStress is one of the highest-ranked work-related injuries worldwide and has become almost universal among the Nigerian workforce. English as a Second Language (ESL) teachers face enormous work-related threats that lead to occupational stress. When ESL teachers are stressed, students' language development and entire educational progress are at risk. This is mostly underscored as English, though a second language, serves as the language of instruction in Nigerian schools. As a result, managing occupational stress is particularly important for ESL teachers, as it is among the definitive ways of improving ESL learning and overall educational outcomes. This study examined the effectiveness of online cognitive behavioral intervention (o-CBI) in lowering occupational stress among ESL teachers.MethodESL teachers with at least 1 year of experience were among the participants (N = 89). Participants were divided into two groups: the intervention group (N = 44) and the control group (N = 45). For 9 weeks, the experimental group engaged in nine sessions of 2 h of the o-CBI program. The Single Item Stress Questionnaire (SISQ), the Satisfaction with Therapy and Therapist Scale-Revised (STTS–R), and the Teachers' Stress Inventory (TSI) were the measures used to collect primary and secondary data. Four sets of data were collected at baseline, post-test, and follow-up 1 and 2 evaluations. The data were analyzed using mean, standard deviation, t-test statistics, repeated measures ANOVA, and bar charts.Results and discussionCompared to the control group, the o-CBT group had significantly lower TSI scores at the post-test (Time 2) and follow-up evaluations (Times 3 and 4). Between pre-, post-, and follow-up 1 and 2 measurements, there were no significant differences in occupational stress index scores in the control group. It was concluded that o-CBI is effective in job-stress treatment among ESL teachers. In addition, implications for school health policy are discussed. The o-CBI for occupational stress was well received by the participants, showing high acceptability among ESL teachers

    Meningococcus serogroup C clonal complex ST-10217 outbreak in Zamfara State, Northern Nigeria.

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    After the successful roll out of MenAfriVac, Nigeria has experienced sequential meningitis outbreaks attributed to meningococcus serogroup C (NmC). Zamfara State in North-western Nigeria recently was at the epicentre of the largest NmC outbreak in the 21st Century with 7,140 suspected meningitis cases and 553 deaths reported between December 2016 and May 2017. The overall attack rate was 155 per 100,000 population and children 5-14 years accounted for 47% (3,369/7,140) of suspected cases. The case fatality rate (CFR) among children 5-9 years was 10%, double that reported among adults ≥ 30 years (5%). NmC and pneumococcus accounted for 94% (172/184) and 5% (9/184) of the laboratory-confirmed cases, respectively. The sequenced NmC belonged to the ST-10217 clonal complex (CC). All serotyped pneumococci were PCV10 serotypes. The emergence of NmC ST-10217 CC outbreaks threatens the public health gains made by MenAfriVac, which calls for an urgent strategic action against meningitis outbreaks