9 research outputs found

    Phosphoproteins and regulation of steroidogenesis in rat tumour Leydig cells

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    The testis in--m.an and in general in mammals has two very important functions, i.e. the production of spermatozoa, necessary for sexual reproduction, and the production of male steroid hormones, the androgens, necessary for the development and maintenance of spermatogenesis and primary and secundary sex characteristics. The production of spermatozoa occurs in a specialized compartment within the testis, viz. the seminiferous tubule (Fig. 1.1). Starting from primordial germ cells, spermatozoa are formed through the intermediate formation of spermatogonia, spermatocytes and spermatids. All the spermatogenic cell types are surrounded by the Sertoli cell which is present in the outer region of the seminiferous tubule. The Sertoli Cell more or less guides the whole process of spermatogenesis and is under hormonal regulation of follitropin and androgens. Hypophysectomy, which results in deprivation of hormones, causes drastic disturbances in spermatogenesis, i.e. a large reduction in number and different types of spermatogenic cell

    Treatment of breast cancer with different antiprogestins: Preclinical and clinical studies

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    Abstract Treatment with antiprogestins in a new treatment modality for breast cancer. Previously, in rats with DMBA-induced mammary tumors we observed significant growth inhibitory effects of chronic treatment with the antiprogestin mifepristone (RU486). In addition, in 11 postmenopausal breast cancer patients, we observed one objective response, six instances of short-term stable disease, and four instances of progressive disease. Side-effects appeared mainly due to antiglucocorticoid properties of the drug. Increased plasma estradiol levels were observed which probably resulted from ovarian (rat) and adrenal (patients) steroidogenesis. Combined treatment with an antiestrogen in the rat model caused additive growth inhibitory effects. Tumor inhibition after single treatment with mifepristone or tamoxifen was 90 and 75%, respectively. In contrast, when combined, tumor remission similar to that caused by LHRH-agonist treatment (50%) was observed. Even higher tumor remission was found after combined treatment with mifepristone plus LHRH-agonist (75%). In first studies in the rat model we observed significant tumor growth inhibitory effects with two new antiprogestins of seemingly greater potency which cause less unfavorable endocrine side-effects. In conclusion: combined treatment (antiprogestin plus antiestrogen or LHRH-agonist) may be of value in endocrine therapy of breast cancer

    The somatostatin analog Sandostatin (SMS201-995) in treatment of DMBA-induced rat mammary tumors

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    The effects of treatment with a somatostatin analog (Sandostatin, SMS201-995) were investigated in female rats with dimethylbenzanthracene(DMBA)-induced rat mammary tumors. A 3-week treatment was performed using sandostatin, the LHRH-agonist buserelin alone, or buserelin in combination with sandostatin. Twice daily sandostatin treatment was performed with dosages of 0.05 μg, 0.2 μg, 1 μg, 5 μg, and 20 μg. Buserelin was used in a 2 × 5 μg/day dosage. The combined results from six different experiments show that the various dosages of sandostatin caused no tumor growth inhibition. Somatostatin receptors could not be demonstrated in these mammary tumors. Sandostatin treatment by daily injections did not suppress levels of growth hormone, prolactin, or epidermal growth factor-like activities. Estrogen (ER) and progest

    Smooth-muscle-derived WNT5A augments allergen-induced airway remodelling and Th2 type inflammation

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    Asthma is a heterogeneous disease characterized by chronic inflammation and structural changes in the airways. The airway smooth muscle (ASM) is responsible for airway narrowing and an important source of inflammatory mediators. We and others have previously shown that WNT5A mRNA and protein expression is higher in the ASM of asthmatics compared to healthy controls. Here, we aimed to characterize the functional role of (smooth muscle-derived) WNT5A in asthma. We generated a tet-ON smooth-muscle-specific WNT5A transgenic mouse model, enabling in vivo characterization of smooth-muscle-derived WNT5A in response to ovalbumin. Smooth muscle specific WNT5A overexpression showed a clear trend towards enhanced actin (α-SMA) expression in the ASM in ovalbumin challenged animals, but had no effect on collagen content. WNT5A overexpression in ASM also significantly enhanced the production of the Th2-cytokines IL4 and IL5 in lung tissue after ovalbumin exposure. In line with this, WNT5A increased mucus production, and enhanced eosinophilic infiltration and serum IgE production in ovalbumin-treated animals. In addition, CD4+ T cells of asthma patients and healthy controls were stimulated with WNT5A and changes in gene transcription assessed by RNA-seq. WNT5A promoted expression of 234 genes in human CD4+ T cells, among which the Th2 cytokine IL31 was among the top 5 upregulated genes. IL31 was also upregulated in response to smooth muscle-specific WNT5A overexpression in the mouse. In conclusion, smooth-muscle derived WNT5A augments Th2 type inflammation and remodelling. Our findings imply a pro-inflammatory role for smooth muscle-derived WNT5A in asthma, resulting in increased airway wall inflammation and remodelling

    Rectal Organoids Enable Personalized Treatment of Cystic Fibrosis

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    In vitro drug tests using patient-derived stem cell cultures offer opportunities to individually select efficacious treatments. Here, we provide a study that demonstrates that in vitro drug responses in rectal organoids from individual patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) correlate with changes in two in vivo therapeutic endpoints. We measured individual in vitro efficaciousness using a functional assay in rectum-derived organoids based on forskolininduced swelling and studied the correlation with in vivo effects. The in vitro organoid responses correlated with both change in pulmonary response and change in sweat chloride concentration. Receiver operating characteristic curves indicated good-toexcellent accuracy of the organoid-based test for defining clinical responses. This study indicates that an in vitro assay using stem cell cultures can prospectively select efficacious treatments for patients and suggests that biobanked stem cell resources can be used to tailor individual treatments in a cost-effective and patient-friendly manner

    ATLAS: technical proposal for a general-purpose p p experiment at the large hadron collider at CERN

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    ATLAS calorimeter performance

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    ATLAS computing technical proposal

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    ATLAS computing technical proposal

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