3 research outputs found

    Evaluation de l’efficacité d’un bio-fongicide à base de Lecanicillium lecanii (Zimmerm) sur les cercosporioses de l’arachide (Arachis hypogaea L.) en milieu réel

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    La lutte biologique est une méthode alternative à la lutte chimique ayant des effets néfastes sur la santé des producteurs, des consommateurs et de l’environnement. Les maladies foliaires, en l’occurrence les cercosporioses causées par Cercospora arachidicola et Phaeoisariopsis personata handicapent la production arachidière dans le monde en général, et particulièrement au Burkina Faso. Cette étude a consisté à utiliser une souche A de Lecanicillium lecanii, à des traitements différents contre le développement des cercosporioses. Pour ce faire, quatre traitements, T1, T2, T3 et T4, ont été appliqués sur deux variétés, la TS32-1 et la PC79-79 respectivement chaque deux jour, chaque semaine, chaque dix jour et chaque deux semaine. Le dispositif expérimental est un bloc de Fisher complètement randomisé à trois répétitions, constituée chacune de 5 blocs dont 4 blocs correspondant chacun à un traitement et un bloc constituant le témoin. L’étude, conduite à Gampèla, au Burkina Faso a permis de mesurer les paramètres tels que la levée au 21ème JAS, la densité de peuplement au 32ème JAS, l’incidence des cercosporioses et l’envahissement foliaire, le taux de survie, le pourcentage de défoliation et les composantes de rendement. L’étude a permis de montrer que les traitements ont eu un effet réductif sur le développement des cercosporioses au niveau des deux variétés, surtout sur la variété sensible TS32-1. Le traitement effectué chaque deux jour a donné le meilleur contrôle des cercosporioses avec une note moyenne de 3,5 sur TS32- 1 et de 2,75 sur PC79-79. Sur les composantes du rendement, les traitements ont également permis d’obtenir de bons résultats comparés aux résultats du témoin pour les deux variétés. En effet, le témoin a enregistré de 318,7 et 402,3 kg/ha respectivement pour les variétés TS32-1 et PC79-79 et les autres traitements ont obtenu des rendements compris entre 507,7 et 1656,7 kg/ha. Biological control is an alternative method to chemical control, which has adverse effects on the health of producers, consumers and the environment. Foliar diseases, in this case cercosporioses caused by Cercospora arachidicola and Phaeoisariopsis personata, handicap peanut production in the world in general, and particularly in Burkina Faso. This study consisted in using a Lecanicillium lecanii strain A, with different treatments against the development of cercosporioses. To do this, four treatments, T1, T2, T3 and T4, were applied to two varieties, TS32-1 and PC79-79 respectively every two days, every week, every ten days and every two weeks. The experimental set-up was a completely randomised Fisher block with three replicates, each consisting of five blocks, four of which corresponded to a treatment and one to a control. The study, conducted in Gampèla, Burkina Faso, measured parameters such as emergence at 21 days after planting, stand density at 32 days after planting, incidence of cercosporiosis and leaf invasion, survival rate, defoliation percentage and yield components. The study showed that the treatments had a reducing effect on cercosporium development in both varieties, especially in the susceptible variety TS32-1. The treatment applied every second day gave the best cercospora control with an average score of 3.5 on TS32-1 and 2.75 on PC79- 79. On the output components, the treatments also performed well compared to the control for both varieties. Indeed, the control recorded 318.7 and 402.3 kg/ha for TS32-1 and PC79-79 respectively and the other treatments obtained yields between 507.7 and 1656.7 kg/ha

    A decade of follow-up and therapeutic drug monitoring in HIV-2 immunocompromised patients at St Camille and General Lamizana Military Medical Centers, Burkina Faso, West Africa.

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    Although, HIV-2 is generally less pathogenic than HIV-1 and its progression towards AIDS occurs less frequently. HIV-2 remains an important cause of disease in West Africa. This study aimed to evaluate HIV-1 and HIV-2 prevalence among pregnant women and to describe the demographic and clinical profile of patients with HIV-2 infection from 2003-2013 at St Camille and General Lamizana Military Medical Centers. A retrospective investigation was conducted using 12,287 medical records from patients screened for HIV. To respond to the lack of data available regarding HIV-2 treatment and also to address the approach to clinical, biological as well as therapeutic monitoring, 62 HIV-2 infected patients' medical records were studied. Seroprevalence of 10.6 and 0.14% were obtained, respectively for HIV-1 and HIV-2 among 12,287 women screened during the study period. From the sixty two (62) HIV-2 patients, the average age was 49.2 years (sex ratio was 0.65). The weight loss and diarrhea were the major clinical manifestations observed, respectively 54.8 and 25.8%. Fungi and herpes zoster (shingles) infections were reported as major opportunistic infections. Also, nearly half of the patients had more than 60 kg, less than 2% were in WHO stage IV and about 2/3 had a CD4 count bellow 250 cells mm(-3). AZT-3TC-IDV/LPV/R was the most prescribed combination. The gain in weight gain the Body Mass Index (BMI) improvement and the non-significant increase of the rate of CD4 between 1st (M1) and 24th month (M24) were observed after treatment with antiviral