8 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Dukungan Sosial Terhadap Minat Belajar Siswa di Desa Neglasari

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    Education is an effort to humans develop knowledge and potential, superior human resources (HR) is affected of external and internal factor, external factor is environment, culture and teacher whereas internal factor is family. The family has a function for as good place in carrying private and social education. Indonesia’s education index still in the low position, meaning that it need a support not only from the government but also the role of the family. This report aim to analyze the effect of social support on student in Neglasari village. The methods used in this research are interview, observation and literature study. Communities in Neglasari still lack of understanding related to education, on the one hand the community hopes that children can continue their study to the higher level but have are limited by family economic problem. Child friendship environmental factor can affect education, negative environmental factors have a risk not continue grade and graduating from school. Lack of parent motivation as a child ages have an affect decrease children motivation

    Analisis Pola Perilaku Peternak Domba Rakyat di Desa Sukawening, Dramaga, Bogor

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    Sukawening Village is a village with excellent natural potential. The number of sheep farmers in Sukawening Village was originally 15 breeders, but currently there are only 4 breeders left, namely Mr. Ujang, Mr. Haerudin, Mr. Ranta, and Mr. Manim. Analysis of the behavior patterns of the peoples sheep Sukawening Village was carried out to observe the behavior patterns of the peoples farmers in implementing sheep maintenance management, such as the application of good farming practice (GFP) properly. The analysis of peoples sheep behavior patterns in Sukawening Village was carried out through direct interviews by interviewers and interviewees by asking questions related to sheep rearing management. Good sheep raising by following the standards in the GFP, such as pens and equipment, breeds and reproduction, feed and drinking water, management, and animal health. Pak Haerudin is a sheep breeder of Sukawening Village who has implemented several GFPs properly, such as applications in cages and equipment, feed and drinking water, and their management. Peoples sheep breeders in Sukawening Village carry out traditional maintenance management and have not been touched by knowledge either in terms of maintenance or marketing. Keywords: Good Farming practice (GFP), smallholder sheep breede

    Peran Posdaya dalam Pengembangan Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini di Kelurahan Bubulak

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    Posdaya is one element of a section within a community. One of the fields contained in it i.e. the education. Early childhood education is one of the methods or the way done by the Posdaya to develop their community. Therefore the purpose of this activity is to find out the role of Posdaya in the development of early childhood education in Kampung Batu Hulung, Bubulak Vi, district of Bogor Coal through SUIJI-SLP (Six University Initiative Japan Indonesia – Service Learning Program). Methods used i.e. by means of observation and in-depth interviews to the community. Keywords: community development, early childhood education, posday

    Pemanfaatan Tanaman Sela pada Lahan Budidaya Jambu Kristal (Psidium guajava L.) di Desa Neglasari

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    West Java is the second-largest producer of guava (Psidium guajava L.) in Indonesia. One of the cultivars that are quite popular with the community is the guava crystal. Farmers in Neglasari Village have begun to cultivate guava crystals with alley croping cultivation techniques. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the use of alley croping in the cultivation of guava (Psidium guajava L.) in Neglasari Village. The method used in this activity is interviews, field observations, and literature review. Interviews were conducted directly with farmers while observing on cultivated land. Information from interviews is strengthened by conducting a literature review of sources relevant to the topic. Utilization of intercrops has the advantage of providing additional income for farmers, especially during the immature period, reducing the level of land erosion, increasing the availability of nutrients in the soil, and helping control pests and diseases in plants. Keywords: Alley cropping, crystal guava, cultivation technique

    Pengaruh Perbandingan Nilai Total Suspended Solid Jambu Biji Kristal (Psidium guajava L.) dengan Jambu Biji Merah (P. pomiferum L.) Terhadap Peningkatan Produksi di Desa Neglasari

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    Mekarsari village as a village located in Neglasari Village which has various potential natural resources in the agricultural sector that was developed. At present the horticultural commodity intensification activity in the form of fruit plants in Neglasari Village has been carried out, namely guava planting. The purpose of this activity is to study the differences in the level of sweetness in the growth of guava crystals and red guava as well as the sweetness level factors in guava in Kampung Mekarsari, Neglasari Village, Dramaga District, Bogor Regency, West Java Province through the Six Universities Initiative Japan- Indonesia Service and Learning Program (SUIJI-SLP) 2020. The type of data used in this activity is primary data obtained through direct interviews with guava farmers, village officials, and the people of Kampars Mekarsari, Neglasari Village and secondary data obtained from those from from several agencies. Testing the sweetness of the fruit is done using a refractometer. Based on the results of tests that have been done, the TSS (Total Suspended Solid) test on red guava was 7.22% brik, while the TSS (Total Suspended Solid) test on crystal guava was 8.35% brik. The difference in the level of sweetness is caused by several factors, such as the use of KCL fertilizer which can increase the level of sweetness and vitamin C content in fruit maturation and fruit control from pests by wrapping using white HDPE plastic on crystal guava affects the quality of the guava. Keywords: Crystal guava, red guava, Mekarsari village farmers, Total Suspended Solid level.&nbsp

    Analisis Rantai Pemasaran Jambu Kristal (Studi Kasus Petani Jambu Kristal di Desa Neglasari)

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    Neglasari Village is one of the villages producing agricultural products where most of the community work as crystal guava farmers who plant it with a monoculture or intercropping system. Farmers produce crystal guava products to sell it to consumers in order to earn profits through marketing activities. This activity aims to analyze the marketing chain system of crystal guava and analyze the gross marketing margins on every marketing actors of crystal guava in Neglasari Village. The method used in this activity is the interview method and strengthened by literature review. Interview data were analyzed qualitatively descriptive. There are three marketing chains for guava crystal that farmers can choose from, that is selling directly to consumers, selling through Poktan or Gapoktan, and selling through collectors (middlemen). From that three channels, the marketing chain by selling directly to consumers has been proven to provide the highest gross marketing margin to farmers while the lowest margin is obtained if it is through middlemen. This report is expected to be a policy reference in improving the marketing system of guava crystals in Neglasari Village on effort to improve the welfare of marketing actors, especially farmers as producers. Key words: crystal guava, marketing chain, margi

    Pelatihan Pengembangan Keterampilan Praktis Masyarakat pada Bidang Pertanian dan Peternakan di Dusun Rawagede Desa Tugu Utara Kecamatan Cisarua

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    Kegiatan pertanian dan peternakan merupakan kegiatan utama yang dilakukan masyarakat pedesaan yang dijadikan sebagai mata pencaharian, sebagian lahan pemukiman di Dusun Rawagede telah dimanfaatkan untuk pertanian dan peternakan oleh masyarakat. Selain bekerja sebagai buruh lepas di sektor perkebunan teh, masyarakat Rawagede juga melakukan budidaya pada komoditas lain, seperti komoditas kopi, ternak sapi, dan ternak domba. Dusun Rawagede memiliki kelompok tani yang dinamakan Lestari Maju Bersama, kelompok tani ini memiliki anggota sebanyak 38 orang. Agar kegiatan pertanian dan peternakan dapat berkembang, maka diperlukan upaya dengan melakukan pelatihan praktis terkait bidang pertanian dan peternakan. Kegiatan ini perlu dilakukan mengingat minimnya pengetahuan masyarakat terkait keterampilan praktis di bidang pertanian dan peternakan. Program pelatihan yang diberikan adalah pelatihan pemangkasan kopi, pembuatan silase, dan teknik budidaya rumput pakchong. Kegiatan pelatihan ini dilakukan secara offline oleh Kelompok Rawagede Site dalam kegiatan Sixth University Initiative Japan Indonesia Service Learning Program Indonesia (SUIJI-SLP Indonesia) tahun 2023 pada 28 Februari – 8 Maret 2023. Pelatihan pemangkasan kopi, pembuatan silase, dan teknik budidaya rumput pakchong dilakukan dengan menggunakan peralatan dan bahan yang mudah ditemukan agar masyarakat dapat melakukan kegiatan pertanian dan peternakan dengan mandiri. Pelatihan yang diselenggarakan bagi para petani dan peternak di Dusun Rawagede menunjukkan hasil yang positif, seiring dengan peningkatan pemahaman mereka tentang teknik pemangkasan kopi, pembuatan silase, dan budidaya rumput pakchong. Kedepannya, diharapkan terdapat kegiatan serupa yang dapat meningkatkan kemampuan dan keterampilan petani dan peternak terkait keterampilan praktis lainnya di Dusun Rawagede, Desa Tugu Utara, Kecamatan Cisarua

    Pengaruh Status Sosial Ekonomi Orang Tua Terhadap Tingkat Pendidikan Anak

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    Education is not only a matter of things in school but also of things outside the school. Familyand parents are the place where the children can get their first education so that their role is very bigin their children's education going forward. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect ofparents' socio-economic status on children's education levels in Neglasari. This study uses aqualitative approach with in-depth interview techniques. The data collection technique was snowballand the data presented were in the form of primary data that results analyze from interviews withrespondents. The results showed that the socio-economic status of parents in Neglasari did not affectthe level of children's education but motivation from the children and parents' concern for children'seducation influenced the level of children's education