4 research outputs found

    The prevalence of suicide ideation and factors associated among students of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, 2013-2014

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    زمینه و هدف: خودکشی جوانان، یکی از تأسف برانگیزترین رخدادها است. افکار خودکشی به عنوان افکار خود گزارش­دهی درباره­ی خودکشی، در دامنه­ای از یک میل مبهم با نفوذ برای مردن تا نقشه­ی کامل خودکشی تعریف می­شود. یکی از مهمترین روش های پیشگیری از خودکشی، شناسایی افرادی است که دارای افکار خودکشی هستند. هدف این مطالعه تعیین شیوع افکار خودکشی و عوامل مرتبط با آن در دانشجویان دانشگاه علوم پزشکی اصفهان در سال 94-93 می باشد. روش بررسی: در این مطالعه مقطعی، 1000 دانشجوی رشته های مختلف دانشگاه علوم پزشکی اصفهان به روش تصادفی– طبقه بندی در سال تحصیلی94-93 انتخاب شدند. با استفاده از پرسشنامه Inter-cultural وSF36 شیوع افکار خودکشی و عوامل مرتبط با آن تعیین و داده‌ها با استفاده از آزمون های آماری کای دو، t مستقل و رگرسیون لجستیک تحلیل شد. یافته‌ها: در دانشجویان شیوع مادام العمر، یک ساله و لحظه ای افکار خودکشی به ترتیب 7/29 ، 15 و 2/6 بود. بین سن، جنس، وضعیت تأهل، محل سکونت، میزان اعتقادات مذهبی، سلامت عمومی، گرایش نسبت به پدیده خودکشی، توجیه پذیری افکار خودکشی و داشتن افکار خودکشی، ارتباط معنی داری مشاهده گردید (05/0>P). افکار خودکشی در مردان بیش از زنان و در دانشجویان متأهل بیشتر از دانشجویان مجرد بود و با افزایش اعتقادات مذهبی کاهش می یافت. نتیجه گیری: این مطالعه نشان داد افکار خودکشی در بین دانشجویان از شیوع بالایی برخوردار است. باتوجه به این که فکر خودکشی می تواند زمینه ساز اقدام به خودکشی باشد، بنابراین می توان با ارائه خدمات بهینه بهداشت روانی و غربالگری منظم و دوره ای دانشجویان از نظر افکار خودکشی و اختلالات روانی گام های مؤثری را در راستای پیشگیری از این معضل اجتماعی در بین دانشجویان برداشت

    Effects of epidemiology learning software on nursing and midwifery students

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    Background: Being informed of new methods of teaching and comparing their outcome help teachers use more effective and efficient methods in developing and implementing new training courses. The aim of this study was to examine the efficacy of epidemiology learning software on learning epidemiology courses. Methods: This quasi-experimental study included 101 nursing and midwifery students taking epidemiology course in two separate classes. One of the classes was selected as intervention group (taught via software) and another one as the control group. At the end of the semester, scores of the courses were analyzed using covariance analysis. Results: After adjusting the effect of grade point average, covariance analysis indicated a significant difference in epidemiology scores between the two groups (p<0.001). The students taught through the software obtained significantly higher scores compared to the students in traditional group. Conclusion: By means of this training software, teachers can use several strategies for presenting lessons and increasing training efficacy, leading to active learning in students

    Epidemiological Survey on Traffic Accident Mortality Referred to the Forensic Medical Center of Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province During 2005-2016

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    Background and aims: The World Health Organization has listed Iran as the country with the highest number of driving accidents worldwide. Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari is among the top ten provinces in Iran. The aim of this study was to carry out an epidemiological survey on driving accidents resulting in deaths that were referred to the Forensic Medical Center. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, the data were obtained from the Forensic Medical Center in Shahrekord, the provincial capital, during 2005-2016. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and the chi-square test by SPSS. Results: The number of registered accidents causing death was 3001. The highest number of accidents (13.5%) occurred from August 23rd to September 22nd, which equates to the last months of the summer according to the solar calendar. Location wise, the highest number of accidents happened in Shahrekord (58.2%). In addition, men and married people were more involved in accidents compared to women and singles. The age group of 21-25 had the most number of accidents. Further, the main road had the highest percentage of accidents (86.7%) compared to freeways, by-ways, and rural roads. Finally, head trauma 1634 (60.7%) was the most important cause of death in people who were in car accidents. Conclusion: Based on these results, policymakers and planners have to carry out necessary positive interferences and plans in order to reduce the number of factors which increase car accidents. Eventually, accidents are usually caused by multiple elements and this makes it necessary to review and optimize the operational output of responsible organizations and offices and the cooperation between them. Keywords:Traffic accident Mortality Injury Death records Forensic medicin

    The Role of Religion on Suicidal Behavior, Attitudes and Psychological Distress in University Students: A Multinational Study

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the association of religion to suicidal behavior, attitudes and psychological distress in 5572 students from 12 countries by means of a selfreport questionnaire. Our results showed that an affiliation with Islam was associated with reduced risk for suicide ideation, however affiliating with Orthodox Christianity and no religion was related to increased risk for suicide ideation. While affiliating with Buddhism, Catholic religion and no religion associated with lowered risk for attempting suicide, affiliation with Islam was related to heightened risk for attempting suicide. Affiliation with Hinduism, Orthodox Christianity, Protestantism, Catholicism, other religions and with no religion was associated with decreased risk for psychological distress but those reported affiliating with Islam evinced greater risk for psychological distress. The associations of the strength of religious belief to suicidal ideation and attempts were in the expected direction for most but it had a positive relation in respondents affiliating with Catholicism and other religions. Students reporting affiliation with Islam, Orthodox religion and Buddhism were the least accepting of suicide but they displayed a more confronting interpersonal style to an imagined peer with a suicidal decision. It was concluded that the protective function of religion in educated segments of populations (university students) and in university students residing in Muslim countries where freedom from religion is restricted or religion is normative and/or compulsory is likely to be limited. Our findings suggest that public policies supporting religious freedom may augment the protective function of religion against suicide and psychological distress