406 research outputs found

    Merger, Akusisi dan Konsolidasi dalam Perspektif Hukum Persaingan Usaha

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    Mergers, acquisitions and consolidation is a business strategy that is commonly used in the business world to be able to build competitive advantage company, which in time can enhance shareholder value while maximizing the prosperity of the company owners or shareholders. To achieve the above objective normative, policy-makers need a plan and steps of strategic and accurate information to avoid the risk of failure. However, the strategy of merger, acquisition and consolidation of certain potentially inhibit fair competition conditions, thus becoming one of the objects that need to be regulated in Law no. 5 Year 1999 concerning Prohibition of Monopolistic Practices and Unfair Business Competition. Market impact of mergers, acquisitions and consolidation is important for analysis because it can have significant legal consequences for businesses, so that the research method used is the juridical normative and empirical approaches. In practice of mergers, acquisitions and consolidation intersect with regulation in other sectors, especially banking and capital markets. That is, there should be equality of perception and interpretation among the institutions that issued the policy

    Structural basis of suppression of host translation termination by Moloney Murine Leukemia Virus

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    Retroviral reverse transcriptase (RT) of Moloney murine leukemia virus (MoMLV) is expressed in the form of a large Gag–Pol precursor protein by suppression of translational termination in which the maximal efficiency of stop codon read-through depends on the interaction between MoMLV RT and peptidyl release factor 1 (eRF1). Here, we report the crystal structure of MoMLV RT in complex with eRF1. The MoMLV RT interacts with the C-terminal domain of eRF1 via its RNase H domain to sterically occlude the binding of peptidyl release factor 3 (eRF3) to eRF1. Promotion of read-through by MoMLV RNase H prevents nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) of mRNAs. Comparison of our structure with that of HIV RT explains why HIV RT cannot interact with eRF1. Our results provide a mechanistic view of how MoMLV manipulates the host translation termination machinery for the synthesis of its own proteins

    The Galaxies Missed by Hubble and ALMA: The Contribution of Extremely Red Galaxies to the Cosmic Census at 3 < z < 8

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    Using deep JWST imaging from JADES, JEMS, and SMILES, we characterize optically faint and extremely red galaxies at z > 3 that were previously missing from galaxy census estimates. The data indicate the existence of abundant, dusty, and poststarburst-like galaxies down to 108 M ⊙, below the sensitivity limit of Spitzer and the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA). Modeling the NIRCam and Hubble Space Telescope (HST) photometry of these red sources can result in extremely high values for both stellar mass and star formation rate (SFR); however, including seven MIRI filters out to 21 μm results in decreased masses (median 0.6 dex for log10(M∗/M⊙) > 10) and SFRs (median 10× for SFR > 100 M ⊙ yr−1). At z > 6, our sample includes a high fraction of “little red dots” (LRDs; NIRCam-selected dust-reddened active galactic nucleus (AGN) candidates). We significantly measure older stellar populations in the LRDs out to rest-frame 3 μm (the stellar bump) and rule out a dominant contribution from hot dust emission, a signature of AGN contamination to stellar population measurements. This allows us to measure their contribution to the cosmic census at z > 3, below the typical detection limits of ALMA (L IR < 1012 L ⊙). We find that these sources, which are overwhelmingly missed by HST and ALMA, could effectively double the obscured fraction of the star formation rate density at 4 < z < 6 compared to some estimates, showing that prior to JWST, the obscured contribution from fainter sources could be underestimated. Finally, we identify five sources with evidence for Balmer breaks and high stellar masses at 5.5 < z < 7.7. While spectroscopy is required to determine their nature, we discuss possible measurement systematics to explore with future data

    Spectroscopic confirmation of two luminous galaxies at a redshift of 14

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    The first observations of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) have revolutionized our understanding of the Universe by identifying galaxies at redshift z ≈ 13 (refs. 1–3). In addition, the discovery of many luminous galaxies at Cosmic Dawn (z > 10) has suggested that galaxies developed rapidly, in apparent tension with many standard models4–8. However, most of these galaxies lack spectroscopic confirmation, so their distances and properties are uncertain. Here we present JWST Advanced Deep Extragalactic Survey–Near-Infrared Spectrograph spectroscopic confirmation of two luminous galaxies at z=14.32−0.20+0.08 and z = 13.90 ± 0.17. The spectra reveal ultraviolet continua with prominent Lyman-α breaks but no detected emission lines. This discovery proves that luminous galaxies were already in place 300 million years after the Big Bang and are more common than what was expected before JWST. The most distant of the two galaxies is unexpectedly luminous and is spatially resolved with a radius of 260 parsecs. Considering also the very steep ultraviolet slope of the second galaxy, we conclude that both are dominated by stellar continuum emission, showing that the excess of luminous galaxies in the early Universe cannot be entirely explained by accretion onto black holes. Galaxy formation models will need to address the existence of such large and luminous galaxies so early in cosmic history

    Membrane vesicles from Pseudomonas aeruginosa activate the non-canonical inflammasome through caspase-5 in human monocytes

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    Outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) are constitutively produced by Gram-negative bacteria both in vivo and in vitro. These lipid-bound structures carry a range of immunogenic components derived from the parent cell, which are transported into host target cells and activate the innate immune system. Recent advances in the field have shed light on some of the multifaceted roles of OMVs in host-pathogen interactions. In this study, we investigated the ability of OMVs from two clinically important pathogens, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Helicobacter pylori, to activate canonical and non-canonical inflammasomes. P.\ua0aeruginosa OMVs induced inflammasome activation in mouse macrophages, as evidenced by "speck" formation, as well as the cleavage and secretion of interleukin-1β and caspase-1. These responses were independent of AIM2 and NLRC4 canonical inflammasomes, but dependent on the non-canonical caspase-11 pathway. Moreover, P.\ua0aeruginosa OMVs alone were able to activate the inflammasome in a TLR-dependent manner, without requiring an exogenous priming signal. In contrast, H.\ua0pylori OMVs were not able to induce inflammasome activation in macrophages. Using CRISPR/Cas9 knockout THP-1 cells lacking the human caspase-11 homologs, caspase-4 and -5, we demonstrated that caspase-5 but not caspase-4 is required for inflammasome activation by P. aeruginosa OMVs in human monocytes. In contrast, free P.\ua0aeruginosa LPS transfected into cells induced inflammasome responses via caspase-4. This suggests that caspase-4 and caspase-5 differentially recognize LPS depending on its physical form or route of delivery into the cell. These findings have relevance to Gram-negative infections in humans and the use of OMVs as novel vaccines. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    To high redshift and low mass: exploring the emergence of quenched galaxies and their environments at 3<z<63<z<6 in the ultra-deep JADES MIRI F770W parallel

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    We present the robust selection of quiescent (QG) and post-starburst (PSB) galaxies using ultra-deep NIRCam and MIRI imaging from the JWST Advanced Deep Extragalactic Survey (JADES). Key to this is MIRI 7.7μ\mum imaging which breaks the degeneracy between old stellar populations and dust attenuation at 3<z<63<z<6 by providing rest-frame JJ-band. Using this, we identify 23 passively evolving galaxies in UVJ color space in a mass-limited (log M/M8.5M_{\star}/M_{\odot}\geq8.5) sample over 8.8 arcmin2^2. Evaluation of this selection with and without 7.7μ\,\mum shows that dense wavelength coverage with NIRCam (8118-11 bands including 141-4 medium-bands) can compensate for lacking the JJ-band anchor, meaning that robust selection of high-redshift QGs is possible with NIRCam alone. Our sample is characterized by rapid quenching timescales (100600\sim100-600 Myr) with formation redshifts zf8.5z_{\rm f}\lesssim8.5 and includes a potential record-holding massive QG at zphot=5.330.17+0.16z_{\rm phot}=5.33_{-0.17}^{+0.16} and two QGs with evidence for significant residual dust content (AV12A_{\rm V}\sim1-2). In addition, we present a large sample of 12 log M/M=8.59.5M_{\star}/M_{\odot}=8.5-9.5 PSBs, demonstrating that UVJ selection can be extended to low mass. Analysis of the environment of our sample reveals that the group known as the Cosmic Rose contains a massive QG and a dust-obscured star-forming galaxy (a so-called Jekyll and Hyde pair) plus three additional QGs within 20\sim20 kpc. Moreover, the Cosmic Rose is part of a larger overdensity at z3.7z\sim3.7 which contains 7/12 of our low-mass PSBs. Another 4 low-mass PSBs are members of an overdensity at z3.4z\sim3.4; this result strongly indicates low-mass PSBs are preferentially associated with overdense environments at z>3z>3.Comment: 27 pages, 10 figures, 2 tables (not including appendices or references). Submitted to ApJ. Comments welcome

    The UV continuum slopes of early star-forming galaxies in JADES

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    © 2024 The Author(s). Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Royal Astronomical Society. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY), https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/The power-law slope of the rest-ultraviolet (UV) continuum (fλ ∝ λβ) is a key metric of early star-forming galaxies, providing one of our only windows into the stellar populations and physical conditions of z ≳ 10 galaxies. Expanding upon previous studies with limited sample sizes, we leverage deep imaging from the JWST Advanced Deep Extragalactic Survey (JADES) to investigate the UV slopes of 179 z ≳ 9 galaxies with apparent magnitudes of mF200W ≃ 26–31, which display a median UV slope of β = −2.4. We compare to a statistical sample of z ≃ 5–9 galaxies, finding a shift towards bluer rest-UV colours at all MUVM_{\rm UV}. The most UV-luminous z ≳ 9 galaxies are significantly bluer than their lower redshift counterparts, representing a dearth of moderately red galaxies within the first 500 Myr. At yet earlier times, the z ≳ 11 galaxy population exhibits very blue UV slopes, implying very low impact from dust attenuation. We identify a robust sample of 44 galaxies with β ≲ −2.8, which have spectral energy distributions requiring models of density-bounded H ii regions and median ionizing photon escape fractions of 0.51 to reproduce. Their rest-optical colours imply that this sample has weaker emission lines (median mF356W − mF444W = 0.19 mag) than typical galaxies (median mF356W − mF444W = 0.39 mag), consistent with the inferred escape fractions. This sample consists of relatively low stellar masses (median log(M/M)=7.5±0.2\log (M/{\rm M}_{\odot })=7.5\pm 0.2), and specific star formation rates (sSFRs; median =79Gyr1=79 \, \rm Gyr^{-1}) nearly twice that of our full galaxy sample (median sSFRs =44Gyr1=44 \, \rm Gyr^{-1}), suggesting these objects are more common among systems experiencing a recent upturn in star formation. We demonstrate that the shutoff of star formation provides an alternative solution for modelling of extremely blue UV colours, making distinct predictions for the rest-optical emission of these galaxies. Future spectroscopy will be required to distinguish between these physical pictures.Peer reviewe

    The UV Continuum Slopes of Early Star-Forming Galaxies in JADES

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    The power-law slope of the rest-UV continuum (fλλβf_{\lambda}\propto\lambda^{\beta}) is a key metric of early star forming galaxies, providing one of our only windows into the stellar populations and physical conditions of z>10z>10 galaxies. Expanding upon previous studies with limited sample sizes, we leverage deep imaging from JADES to investigate the UV slopes of 179 z>9z>9 galaxies with apparent magnitudes of mF200W=2631m_{\rm F200W}=26-31, which display a median UV slope of β=2.4\beta=-2.4. We compare to a statistical sample of z=59z=5-9 galaxies, finding a shift toward bluer rest-UV colors at all  MUV\rm~M_{UV}. The most UV-luminous z>9z>9 galaxies are significantly bluer than their lower-redshift counterparts, representing a dearth of moderately-red galaxies in the first 500 500~Myr. At yet earlier times, the z>11z>11 galaxy population exhibits very blue UV slopes, implying very low attenuation from dust. We identify a robust sample of 44 galaxies with β<2.8\beta<-2.8, which have SEDs requiring models of density-bounded HII regions and median ionizing photon escape fractions of 0.510.51 to reproduce. Their rest-optical colors imply that this sample has weaker emission lines (median mF356WmF444W=0.19m_{\rm F356W}-m_{\rm F444W}=0.19 mag) than typical galaxies (median mF356WmF444W=0.39m_{\rm F356W}-m_{\rm F444W}=0.39 mag), consistent with the inferred escape fractions. This sample has relatively low stellar masses (median log(M/M)=7.5\log(M/M_{\odot})=7.5), and specific star-formation rates (median=79/Gyr=79\rm/Gyr) nearly twice that of our full sample (median=44/Gyr=44\rm/Gyr), suggesting they are more common among systems experiencing a recent upturn in star formation. We demonstrate that the shutoff of star formation provides an alternative solution for modelling of extremely blue UV colors, making distinct predictions for the rest-optical emission of these galaxies. Future spectroscopy will be required to distinguish between these physical pictures.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figures; submitted to MNRA