3,913 research outputs found

    A review of the processes and effects of droughts and summer floods in rivers and threats due to climate change on current adaptive strategies

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    Europe is expected to experience a greater frequency of floods and droughts as precipitation and evapotranspiration patterns are modified by climate change in future. Several large scale drought and flooding events have occurred in Europe since 2000. Studies of drought are rare but indicate important impacts on freshwater habitats, water quality, plants and animals, which may have wider consequences for ecosystem functioning. The main factors determining the impacts of droughts and floods are event duration and seasonality of the event. A diverse habitat distribution and the presence of refugia at the reach scale confer the most resilience against droughts and floods. Management measures will also be impacted particularly with regard to riparian zones, channel morphology, flow and floodplain connectivity. However there is a conflict between management actions that target the effects of drought, and those that target floods. This report reviews information on droughts and aseasonal floods (summer floods) published since 2000 with a principal focus on small lowland rivers. Using several recent (post 2000) reviews on these topics, we describe abiotic and biotic effects of droughts and floods, providing recent European examples where possible. We explain the current status of droughts and summer floods in Europe, and where the main sources of data can be found. We highlight the threats posed by these phenomena to some of the most common current adaptive management strategies in place in the EU. To this end we use measures already described within REFRESH under Deliverables 1.1 and 1.2, and we focused solely on adaptive measures relating to riparian zones, channel morphology, flow and floodplain connectivity

    On-ice measures of external load in relation to match outcome in elite female ice hockey

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    The aim of this study is to investigate the differences between select on-ice measures using inertial movement sensors based on match outcome, and to determine changes in player movements across three periods of play. Data were collected during one season of competition in elite female ice hockey players (N = 20). Two-factor mixed effects ANOVAs for each skating position were performed to investigate the differences in match outcome, as well as differences in external load measures during the course of a match. For match outcome, there was a small difference for forwards in explosive ratio (p = 0.02, ES = 0.26) and percentage high force strides (p = 0.04, ES = 0.50). When viewed across three periods of a match, moderate differences were found in skating load (p = 0.01, ES = 0.75), explosive efforts (p = 0.04, ES = 0.63), and explosive ratio (p = 0.002, ES = 0.87) for forwards, and in PlayerLoad (p = 0.01, ES = 0.70), explosive efforts (p = 0.04, ES = 0.63), and explosive ratio (p = 0.01, ES = 0.70) for defense. When examining the relevance to match outcome, external load measures associated with intensity appear to be an important factor among forwards. These results may be helpful for coaches and sport scientists when making decisions pertaining to training and competition strategies.York University Librarie

    A two-step approach to achieve secondary amide transamidation enabled by nickel catalysis.

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    A long-standing challenge in synthetic chemistry is the development of the transamidation reaction. This process, which involves the conversion of one amide to another, is typically plagued by unfavourable kinetic and thermodynamic factors. Although some advances have been made with regard to the transamidation of primary amide substrates, secondary amide transamidation has remained elusive. Here we present a simple two-step approach that allows for the elusive overall transformation to take place using non-precious metal catalysis. The methodology proceeds under exceptionally mild reaction conditions and is tolerant of amino-acid-derived nucleophiles. In addition to overcoming the classic problem of secondary amide transamidation, our studies expand the growing repertoire of new transformations mediated by base metal catalysis

    An Evaluation Of The Effectiveness Of Turnitin.Com As A Tool For Reducing Plagiarism In Graduate Student Term Papers

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    Plagiarism is a continual problem in academia. Plagiarism-detection tools like Turnitin have been used for nearly ten years to help university faculty and administration combat this form of cheating (turnitin.com). This paper evaluates the difference in plagiarism levels in graduate-student term papers when students are not provided access to Turnitin to evaluate their own work versus the level of plagiarism in student term papers when students have access to Turnitin to check their work as they are generating their papers. Descriptive statistics and a T-test comparison of the two groups are provided along with a brief literature review of plagiarism and academic integrity violations

    Limitations for change detection in multiple Gabor targets

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    We investigate the limitations on the ability to detect when a target has changed, using Gabor targets as simple quantifiable stimuli. Using a partial report technique to equalise response variables, we show that the log of the Weber fraction for detecting a spatial frequency change is proportional to the log of the number of targets, with a set-size effect that is greater than that reported for visual search. This is not a simple perceptual limitation, because pre-cueing a single target out of four restores performance to the level found when only one target is present. It is argued that the primary limitation on performance is the division of attention across multiple targets, rather than decay within visual memory. However in a simplified change detection experiment without cueing, where only one target of the set changed, not only was the set size effect still larger, but it was greater at 2000 msec ISI than at 250 msec ISI, indicating a possible memory component. The steepness of the set size effects obtained suggests that even moderate complexity of a stimulus in terms of number of component objects can overload attentional processes, suggesting a possible low-level mechanism for change blindness

    Two-gap superconductivity with line nodes in CsCa2_2Fe4_4As4_4F2_2

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    We report the results of a muon-spin rotation (μ\muSR) experiment to determine the superconducting ground state of the iron-based superconductor CsCa2_2Fe4_4As4_4F2_2 with Tc28.3T_{\rm c} \approx 28.3\,K. This compound is related to the fully-gapped superconductor CaCsFe4_4As4_4, but here the Ca-containing spacer layer is replaced with one containing Ca2_2F2_2. The temperature evolution of the penetration depth strongly suggests the presence of line nodes and is best modelled by a system consisting of both an ss- and a dd-wave gap. We also find a potentially magnetic phase which appears below 10\approx 10\,K but does not appear to compete with the superconductivity. This compound contains the largest alkali atom in this family of superconductors and our results yield a value for the in-plane penetration depth of λab(T=0)=423(5)\lambda_{ab}(T=0)=423(5)\,nm.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Late Time Barium Cloud Striations and Their Possible Relationship to Equatorial Spread F

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    An active experiment has been conducted in space that allows a test for the theory of nonlinear development of striations in large barium clouds. The results are in excellent agreement with a computer simulation of the ExB instability reported by Scannapiecoe t al. (1976). The power law irregularity spectrum predicted by the theory and verified by the experiment is shown here to be due to wave steepeninga nd not_top lasmat urbulence.T he barium cloud resultsa re remarkably similar to bottomside equatorial spread F. A possible role of the E x B instability in bottomside equatorial spread F is discussed as a supplement to the Rayleigh-Taylor instability during the postsunset rise of the F layer and during anomalousp lasma uplifts which occur during geomagneticallya ctive period

    The Temperature and Pressure Dependence of Nickel Partitioning between Olivine and Silicate Melt

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    We measured Ni partitioning between olivine and melt, D^(ol/liq)_(Ni), in experiments on mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) encapsulated in olivine at pressures from 1 atm to 3·0 GPa and temperatures from 1400 to 1550°C. We present a series of experiments where the temperature (T) at each pressure (P) was selected so that the liquid composition remained approximately constant over the entire P–T range. This approach allowed us to investigate the effects of T and P on D^(ol/liq)_(Ni), independent of substantial changes in liquid composition. Our experiments show that for a liquid with ∼18 wt% MgO, D^(ol/liq)_(Ni) decreases from 5·0 to 3·8 as the temperature increases from 1400 to 1550°C. Fitting our experimental results and literature data to thermodynamic expressions for D^(ol/liq)_(Ni) as a function of both temperature and liquid composition shows that the small variations in liquid composition in our experiments account for little of the observed variation of D^(ol/liq)_(Ni). Because the changes in volume and heat capacity of the exchange reaction MgSi_(0-5)O^(ol)_2 + D^(ol/liq)_(Ni) ↔ NiSi_(0-5)O^(ol)_2 + MgO^(liq) are small, D^(molar)_(Ni), the Ni partition coefficient on a molar basis, is well described by In(D^(molar)_(Ni))=-^(Δ_rHo_(T_(ref)),P_(ref)/_(RT) + ^Δ_rSo_(T_(ref),P_(ref))/_R - In (X^(liq)_(MgO)/X^(ol)_(MgSi)_(0-5)O_2) with Δ_rH^o_T_(ref),_P_(ref)/_R = 4375 K and Δ_rSo_T_(ref),_P_(ref)/_R = –2·023 for our data (Δ_rH^o_T_(ref),_P_(ref)/_R = 4338 K and Δ_rSo_T_(ref),_P_(ref)/_R = –1·956 for our experiments combined with a compilation of literature data). This expression is easy to use and applicable to a wide range of pressures, temperatures, and phase compositions. Based on our results and data from the literature, the temperature dependence of D^(ol/liq)_(Ni) leads to the prediction that when a deep partial melt from a peridotitic mantle source is brought to low pressure and cooled, the first Mg-rich olivines to crystallize can have significantly higher NiO contents than those in the residual source from which the melt was extracted. This enrichment in Ni is driven by the difference between the temperature of low-pressure crystallization and the temperature of melt extraction from the residue. The average observed enrichment of Ni in forsteritic olivine phenocrysts from Hawaii—relative to the typical olivines from mantle peridotites—is consistent with a simple scenario of high-temperature partial melting of an olivine-bearing source at the base of the lithosphere followed by low-temperature crystallization of olivine. The most extreme enrichments of Ni in Hawaiian olivine phenocrysts and the lower Ni contents of some olivines can also be explained by the known variability of Ni contents of olivines from mantle peridotites via the same simple scenario. Although we cannot rule out alternative hypotheses for producing the high-Ni olivines observed in Hawaii and elsewhere, these processes or materials are unnecessary to account for NiO enrichments in olivine. The absolute temperature, in addition to the difference between the temperature of melt segregation from the residue and the temperature of low-pressure crystallization, is a significant factor in determining the degree of Ni enrichment in olivine phenocrysts relative to the olivines in the mantle source. The moderate Ni enrichment observed in most komatiitic olivines compared with those of Hawaii may result from the higher absolute temperatures required to generate MgO-rich komatiitic melts. Observed NiO enrichments in early crystallizing komatiitic olivine are consistent with their high temperatures of crystallization and with a deep origin for the komatiite parental melts

    Fe-Mg Partitioning between Olivine and High-magnesian Melts and the Nature of Hawaiian Parental Liquids

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    We conducted 1 atm experiments on a synthetic Hawaiian picrite at fO_2 values ranging from the quartz–fayalite–magnetite (QFM) buffer to air and temperatures ranging from 1302 to 1600°C. Along the QFM buffer, olivine is the liquidus phase at ~1540°C and small amounts of spinel (< 0·2 wt %) are present in experiments conducted at and below 1350°C. The olivine becomes progressively more ferrous with decreasing temperature [Fo_(92·3) to Fo_(87·3), where Fo = 100 × Mg/(Mg + Fe), atomic]; compositions of coexisting liquids reflect the mode and composition of the olivine with concentrations of SiO_2, TiO_2, Al_(2)O_3, and CaO increasing monotonically with decreasing temperature, those of NiO and MgO decreasing, and FeO^* (all Fe as FeO) remaining roughly constant. An empirical relationship based on our data, T(°C) = 19·2 × (MgO in liquid, wt %) + 1048, provides a semi-quantitative geothermometer applicable to a range of Hawaiian magma compositions. The olivine–liquid exchange coefficient, K_(D,Fe^(2+)-Mg) = (FeO/MgO)^(ol)/(FeO/MgO)^(liq), is 0·345 ± 0·009 (1σ ) for our 11 experiments. A literature database of 446 1 atm experiments conducted within 0·25 log units of the QFM buffer (QFM ± 0·25) yields a median K_(D,Fe^(2+)-Mg) of 0·34; K_(D,Fe^(2+)-Mg) values from single experiments range from 0·41 to 0·13 and are correlated with SiO_2 and alkalis in the liquid, as well as the forsterite (Fo) content of the olivine. For 78 experiments with broadly tholeiitic liquid compositions (46–52 wt % SiO_2 and ≤ 3 wt % Na_(2)O + K_(2)O) coexisting with Fo_(92–80) olivines, and run near QFM (QFM ± 0·25), K_(D,Fe^(2+)-Mg) is approximately independent of composition with a median value of 0·340 ± 0·012 (error is the mean absolute deviation of the 78 olivine–glass pairs from the database that meet these compositional criteria), a value close to the mean value of 0·343 ± 0·008 from our QFM experiments. Thus, over the composition range encompassed by Hawaiian tholeiitic lavas and their parental melts, K_(D,Fe^(2+)-Mg) ~ 0·34 and, given the redox conditions and a Fo content for the most magnesian olivine phenocrysts, a parental melt composition can be reconstructed. The calculated compositions of the parental melts are sensitive to the input parameters, decreasing by ~1 wt % MgO for every log unit increase in the selected fO_2, every 0·5 decrease in the Fo-number of the target olivine, and every 0·015 decrease in K_(D,Fe^(2+)-Mg). For plausible ranges in redox conditions and Fo-number of the most MgO-rich olivine phenocrysts, the parental liquids for Hawaiian tholeiites are highly magnesian, in the range of 19–21 wt % MgO for Kilauea, Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea

    Translating Research Into Practice: Speeding the Adoption of Innovative Health Care Programs

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    Looks at case studies of four innovative clinical programs to determine key factors influencing the diffusion and adoption of innovations in health care