52,153 research outputs found

    Readout system for radiation detector

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    Improved electrical circuit determines the amount of light detected by a photomultiplier tube when its output signal is in the dark-current range of the tube. The low-intensity light to which the tube responds arises from a thermo-luminescent ionized dosimeter

    Putting it All Together: Agreement, Incorporation, Coordination and External Possession in Wubuy (Australia)

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    In this paper we examine the interaction of a number of grammatical phenomena in Wubuy, a polysynthetic language from northern Australia, and show how they can be given a comprehensive analysis within the framework of LFG. While each of these phenomena ? noun incorporation, verbal agreement, coordination and external possession ? has received various treatments within the LFG literature, no one study has addressed the compatibility of these analyses under interaction, despite the fact that they frequently co-occur in the world?s languages. We use data from Wubuy to showcase the effects of this interaction, and investigate the implications for LFG and for LFG analyses of polysynthetic languages more generally

    Macroscopic limits of individual-based models for motile cell populations with volume exclusion

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    Partial differential equation models are ubiquitous in studies of motile cell populations, giving a phenomenological description of events which can be analyzed and simulated using a wide range of existing tools. However, these models are seldom derived from individual cell behaviors and so it is difficult to accurately include biological hypotheses on this spatial scale. Moreover, studies which do attempt to link individual- and population-level behavior generally employ lattice-based frameworks in which the artifacts of lattice choice at the population level are unclear. In this work we derive limiting population-level descriptions of a motile cell population from an off-lattice, individual-based model (IBM) and investigate the effects of volume exclusion on the population-level dynamics. While motility with excluded volume in on-lattice IBMs can be accurately described by Fickian diffusion, we demonstrate that this is not the case off lattice. We show that the balance between two key parameters in the IBM (the distance moved in one step and the radius of an individual) determines whether volume exclusion results in enhanced or slowed diffusion. The magnitude of this effect is shown to increase with the number of cells and the rate of their movement. The method we describe is extendable to higher-dimensional and more complex systems and thereby provides a framework for deriving biologically realistic, continuum descriptions of motile populations

    Ship and satellite bio-optical research in the California Bight

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    Mesoscale biological patterns and processes in productive coastal waters were studied. The physical and biological processes leading to chlorophyll variability were investigated. The ecological and evolutionary significance of this variability, and its relation to the prediction of fish recruitment and marine mammal distributions was studied. Seasonal primary productivity (using chlorophyll as an indication of phytoplankton biomass) for the entire Southern California Bight region was assessed. Complementary and contemporaneous ship and satellite (Nimbus 7-CZCS) bio-optical data from the Southern California Bight and surrounding waters were obtained and analyzed. These data were also utilized for the development of multi-platform sampling strategies and the optimization of algorithms for the estimation of phytoplankton biomass and primary production from satellite imagery

    Distinguishing graded & ultrasensitive signalling cascade kinetics by the shape of morphogen gradients in Drosophila

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    Recently, signalling gradients in cascades of two-state reaction–diffusion systems were described as a model for understanding key biochemical mechanisms that underlie development and differentiation processes in the Drosophila embryo. Diffusion-trapping at the exterior of the cell membrane triggers the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascade to relay an appropriate signal from the membrane to the inner part of the cytosol, whereupon another diffusion-trapping mechanism involving the nucleus reads out this signal to trigger appropriate changes in gene expression. Proposed mathematical models exhibit equilibrium distributions consistent with experimental measurements of key spatial gradients in these processes. A significant property of the formulation is that the signal is assumed to be relayed from one system to the next in a linear fashion. However, the MAPK cascade often exhibits nonlinear dose–response properties and the final remark of Berezhkovskii et al. (2009) is that this assumption remains an important property to be tested experimentally, perhaps via a new quantitative assay across multiple genetic backgrounds. In anticipation of the need to be able to sensibly interpret data from such experiments, here we provide a complementary analysis that recovers existing formulae as a special case but is also capable of handling nonlinear functional forms. Predictions of linear and nonlinear signal relays and, in particular, graded and ultrasensitive MAPK kinetics, are compared

    Going from microscopic to macroscopic on nonuniform growing domains

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    Throughout development, chemical cues are employed to guide the functional specification of underlying tissues while the spatiotemporal distributions of such chemicals can be influenced by the growth of the tissue itself. These chemicals, termed morphogens, are often modeled using partial differential equations (PDEs). The connection between discrete stochastic and deterministic continuum models of particle migration on growing domains was elucidated by Baker, Yates, and Erban [ Bull. Math. Biol. 72 719 (2010)] in which the migration of individual particles was modeled as an on-lattice position-jump process. We build on this work by incorporating a more physically reasonable description of domain growth. Instead of allowing underlying lattice elements to instantaneously double in size and divide, we allow incremental element growth and splitting upon reaching a predefined threshold size. Such a description of domain growth necessitates a nonuniform partition of the domain. We first demonstrate that an individual-based stochastic model for particle diffusion on such a nonuniform domain partition is equivalent to a PDE model of the same phenomenon on a nongrowing domain, providing the transition rates (which we derive) are chosen correctly and we partition the domain in the correct manner. We extend this analysis to the case where the domain is allowed to change in size, altering the transition rates as necessary. Through application of the master equation formalism we derive a PDE for particle density on this growing domain and corroborate our findings with numerical simulations

    Modelling delta-notch perturbations during zebrafish somitogenesis

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    The discovery over the last 15 years of molecular clocks and gradients in the pre-somitic mesoderm of numerous vertebrate species has added significant weight to Cooke and Zeeman's ‘clock and wavefront’ model of somitogenesis, in which a travelling wavefront determines the spatial position of somite formation and the somitogenesis clock controls periodicity (Cooke and Zeeman, 1976). However, recent high-throughput measurements of spatiotemporal patterns of gene expression in different zebrafish mutant backgrounds allow further quantitative evaluation of the clock and wavefront hypothesis. In this study we describe how our recently proposed model, in which oscillator coupling drives the propagation of an emergent wavefront, can be used to provide mechanistic and testable explanations for the following observed phenomena in zebrafish embryos: (a) the variation in somite measurements across a number of zebrafish mutants; (b) the delayed formation of somites and the formation of ‘salt and pepper’ patterns of gene expression upon disruption of oscillator coupling; and (c) spatial correlations in the ‘salt and pepper’ patterns in Delta-Notch mutants. In light of our results, we propose a number of plausible experiments that could be used to further test the model

    Laser anemometer measurements of trailing vortices in water

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    A series of measurements of trailing vortices behind lifting hydrofoils is described. These measurements were made in the Caltech Free-Surface Water Tunnel, using a laser-Doppler velocimeter to measure two components of velocity in the vortex wake. Two different model planforms were tested, and measurements were made at several free-stream velocities and angles of attack for each. Velocity profiles were measured at distances downstream of the model of from five to sixty chord lengths. These measurements are the first results of a continuing experimental programme. In § 3 of this paper, the theory of trailing vortices is discussed. The effects of ‘vortex wandering’ upon the measurements are computed, and the corrected results are seen to be in reasonable agreement with the theory
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