1,903 research outputs found

    Geometric flows and (some of) their physical applications

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    The geometric evolution equations provide new ways to address a variety of non-linear problems in Riemannian geometry, and, at the same time, they enjoy numerous physical applications, most notably within the renormalization group analysis of non-linear sigma models and in general relativity. They are divided into classes of intrinsic and extrinsic curvature flows. Here, we review the main aspects of intrinsic geometric flows driven by the Ricci curvature, in various forms, and explain the intimate relation between Ricci and Calabi flows on Kahler manifolds using the notion of super-evolution. The integration of these flows on two-dimensional surfaces relies on the introduction of a novel class of infinite dimensional algebras with infinite growth. It is also explained in this context how Kac's K_2 simple Lie algebra can be used to construct metrics on S^2 with prescribed scalar curvature equal to the sum of any holomorphic function and its complex conjugate; applications of this special problem to general relativity and to a model of interfaces in statistical mechanics are also briefly discussed.Comment: 18 pages, contribution to AvH conference Advances in Physics and Astrophysics of the 21st Century, 6-11 September 2005, Varna, Bulgari

    Conservation Laws and Geometry of Perturbed Coset Models

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    We present a Lagrangian description of the SU(2)/U(1)SU(2)/U(1) coset model perturbed by its first thermal operator. This is the simplest perturbation that changes sign under Krammers--Wannier duality. The resulting theory, which is a 2--component generalization of the sine--Gordon model, is then taken in Minkowski space. For negative values of the coupling constant gg, it is classically equivalent to the O(4)O(4) non--linear \s--model reduced in a certain frame. For g>0g > 0, it describes the relativistic motion of vortices in a constant external field. Viewing the classical equations of motion as a zero curvature condition, we obtain recursive relations for the infinitely many conservation laws by the abelianization method of gauge connections. The higher spin currents are constructed entirely using an off--critical generalization of the W∞W_{\infty} generators. We give a geometric interpretation to the corresponding charges in terms of embeddings. Applications to the chirally invariant U(2)U(2) Gross--Neveu model are also discussed.Comment: Latex, 31p, CERN-TH.7047/9

    O(2,2) Transformations and the String Geroch Group

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    The 1--loop string background equations with axion and dilaton fields are shown to be integrable in four dimensions in the presence of two commuting Killing symmetries and ÎŽc=0\delta c = 0. Then, in analogy with reduced gravity, there is an infinite group that acts on the space of solutions and generates non--trivial string backgrounds from flat space. The usual O(2,2)O(2,2) and SS--duality transformations are just special cases of the string Geroch group, which is infinitesimally identified with the O(2,2)O(2,2) current algebra. We also find an additional Z2Z_{2} symmetry interchanging the field content of the dimensionally reduced string equations. The method for constructing multi--soliton solutions on a given string background is briefly discussed.Comment: Latex, 26p., CERN-TH.7144/9

    Solitons of axion-dilaton gravity

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    We use soliton techniques of the two-dimensional reduced beta-function equations to obtain non-trivial string backgrounds from flat space. These solutions are characterized by two integers (n, m) referring to the soliton numbers of the metric and axion-dilaton sectors respectively. We show that the Nappi-Witten universe associated with the SL(2) x SU(2) / SO(1, 1) x U(1) CFT coset arises as an (1, 1) soliton in this fashion for certain values of the moduli parameters, while for other values of the soliton moduli we arrive at the SL(2)/SO(1, 1) x SO(1, 1)^2 background. Ordinary 4-dim black-holes arise as 2-dim (2, 0) solitons, while the Euclidean worm-hole background is described as a (0, 2) soliton on flat space. The soliton transformations correspond to specific elements of the string Geroch group. These could be used as starting point for exploring the role of U-dualities in string compactifications to two dimensions.Comment: Latex, 21 page

    The algebraic structure of geometric flows in two dimensions

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    There is a common description of different intrinsic geometric flows in two dimensions using Toda field equations associated to continual Lie algebras that incorporate the deformation variable t into their system. The Ricci flow admits zero curvature formulation in terms of an infinite dimensional algebra with Cartan operator d/dt. Likewise, the Calabi flow arises as Toda field equation associated to a supercontinual algebra with odd Cartan operator d/d \theta - \theta d/dt. Thus, taking the square root of the Cartan operator allows to connect the two distinct classes of geometric deformations of second and fourth order, respectively. The algebra is also used to construct formal solutions of the Calabi flow in terms of free fields by Backlund transformations, as for the Ricci flow. Some applications of the present framework to the general class of Robinson-Trautman metrics that describe spherical gravitational radiation in vacuum in four space-time dimensions are also discussed. Further iteration of the algorithm allows to construct an infinite hierarchy of higher order geometric flows, which are integrable in two dimensions and they admit immediate generalization to Kahler manifolds in all dimensions. These flows provide examples of more general deformations introduced by Calabi that preserve the Kahler class and minimize the quadratic curvature functional for extremal metrics.Comment: 54 page

    PP-waves and logarithmic conformal field theories

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    We provide a world-sheet interpretation to the plane wave limit of a large class of exact supergravity backgrounds in terms of logarithmic conformal field theories. As an illustrative example, we consider the two-dimensional conformal field theory of the coset model SU(2)_N/U(1) times a free time-like boson U(1)_{-N}, which admits a space-time interpretation as a three-dimensional plane wave solution by taking a correlated limit \`a la Penrose. We show that upon a contraction of Saletan type, in which the parafermions of the compact coset model are combined with the free time-like boson, one obtains a novel logarithmic conformal field theory with central charge c=3. Our results are motivated at the classical level using Poisson brackets of the fields, but they are also explicitly demonstrated at the quantum level using exact operator product expansions. We perform several computations in this theory including the evaluation of the four-point functions involving primary fields and their logarithmic partners, which are identified. We also employ the extended conformal symmetries of the model to construct an infinite number of logarithmic operators. This analysis can be easily generalized to other exact conformal field theory backgrounds with a plane wave limit in the target space.Comment: 22 pages, Latex.v2: typos corrected and section 5 expanded to include the free field realization.v3: a few refs. added, NPB versio

    Toda fields of SO(3) hyper-Kahler metrics and free field realizations

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    The Eguchi-Hanson, Taub-NUT and Atiyah-Hitchin metrics are the only complete non-singular SO(3)-invariant hyper-Kahler metrics in four dimensions. The presence of a rotational SO(2) isometry allows for their unified treatment based on solutions of the 3-dim continual Toda equation. We determine the Toda potential in each case and examine the free field realization of the corresponding solutions, using infinite power series expansions. The Atiyah-Hitchin metric exhibits some unusual features attributed to topological properties of the group of area preserving diffeomorphisms. The construction of a descending series of SO(2)-invariant 4-dim regular hyper-Kahler metrics remains an interesting question.Comment: A few typos have been corrected; final versio

    String effects and field theory puzzles with supersymmetry

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    We investigate field theory puzzles occuring in the interplay between supersymmetry and duality in the presense of rotational isometries (also known as non-triholomorphic in hyper-Kahler geometry). We show that T-duality is always compatible with supersymmetry, provided that non-local world-sheet effects are properly taken into account. The underlying superconformal algebra remains the same, and T-duality simply relates local with non-local realizations of it. The non-local realizations have a natural description using parafermion variables of the corresponding conformal field theory. We also comment on the relevance of these ideas to a possible resolution of long standing problems in the quantum theory of black holes.Comment: 16 pages, Latex; contribution to the proceedings of the 5th Hellenic school and workshops on elementary particle physics, Corfu, 3-24 September 199
