4 research outputs found

    Kontraseptif yöntem kullanan kadınlarda cinsel problemler ve çözümünde PLISSIT modeli doğrultusunda verilen eğitim-danışmanlığın etkisi

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    ÖZET Amaç: Çalışma kontraseptif yöntem kullanan kadınların cinsel fonksiyonlarının değerlendirilmesi ve cinsel problem yaşayanlara PLISSIT modeli doğrultusunda verilen eğitim-danışmanlığın cinsel fonksiyon bozukluklarında etkisini belirlemek amacıyla geçekleştirildi. Gereç ve Yöntem: Bu araştırma, prospektif olarak dizayn edilmiş olup, randomize ve çalışma-kontrol gruplu tasarımı olan deneysel bir çalışmadır. Diyarbakır ilindeki bir kamu hastanesinin AP Polikliniğinden hizmet alan ve kontraseptif yöntem kullanan kadınlarda, 2 aşamalı olarak yürütülen çalışmanın ilk aşamasında 352 kadın örnekleme alındı. Alınan her kadına Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) uygulandı ve ardından FSFI cut-off değerine (≤26.55) göre cinsel disfonksiyonu olan ve olmayanlar belirlendi. Çalışmanın 2. aşamasında; cinsel disfonksiyonu olan kadınlar (N=100) randomize edilerek çalışma grubu (ÇG) n= 49 ve kontrol grubu (KG) n= 51 olmak üzere iki gruba ayrıldı. Öncesinde, gruplara alınacak sayı için G-Power analizi kullanıldı. ÇG kadınlara PLISSIT modeli doğrultusunda eğitimin-danışmanlık verildi. Veriler anket formu ve FSFI ile toplandı. ÇG kadınlar FSFI ile 4 kez değerlendirildi. Verilerin analizinde Statistical Package for Social Sciences -SPSS kullanıldı. Bulgular: Çalışmanın ilk aşamasında alınan 352 kadının çoğunluğu 25-35 yaş grubundaydı (%60,8), %80,2’nin eğitimi ilkokul düzeyindeydi, %78,4’ü RİA kullanıyordu ve cinsel disfonksiyon yaşayanların oranı %28,4 (100) dü. ÇG alınan kadınlara PLISSIT göre verilen eğitimlerde 1.eğitimden sonraki 3. ve 6. aylarda cinsel fonksiyonlarında iyileşme olduğu saptandı (p<0.001). 6 ay sonra yapılan son değerlendirmede ilk değerlendirmede %100 olan cinsel disfonksiyon oranının %59,8 indiği görüldü. KG kadınlarda cinsel disfonksiyon oranı aynı düzeyde devam ediyordu ve iki grup arasındaki fark ileri düzeyde anlamlıydı (p<0.001). Sonuç; kontrasepsiyon kullanımında cinsel disfonksiyonu olan kadınlara PLISSIT modeline göre verilen eğitimin cinsel fonksiyonların iyileşmesinde, cinsel disfonksiyonun azalmasında etkili olduğu görüşüne varıldı. -------------------- SUMMARY Objective: The study was conducted to evaluate the sexual functions of women using contraceptive methods and to determine the effect of education-counseling on sexual dysfunction in the context of PLISSIT model. In the first stage of the study, 352 women were sampled from the women using contraceptive methods from the family planning polyclinic of a public hospital in Diyarbakır. Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) was applied to all women who were taken and then those with and without sexual dysfunction were determined according to the FSFI cut-off value (≤26.55). In the second stage of the study; Women with sexual dysfunction (N = 100) were randomly divided into two groups as study group (SG) n = 49 and control group (CG) n = 51. Before, G-Power analysis was used for the number of groups. SG women were given training-counseling in line with the PLISSIT model. Data were collected by questionnaire and FSFI. SG women were evaluated 4 times with FSFI. Statistical Package for Social Sciences-SPSS was used in the analysis of the data. Materials and Methods: Most of the 352 women taken in the first stage of the study were in the 25-35 age group (60.8%), 80.2% had primary education, 78.4% were using IUD, and 28.4% (100) had sexual dysfunction. It was determined that sexual functions improved in the 3rd and 6th months after the 1st education in the trainings given according to PLISSIT to the women who received SG (p <0.001). In the last evaluation 6 months later, the rate of sexual dysfunction decreased from 59% to 100% in the first evaluation.The rate of sexual dysfunction in CG women remained at the same level and the difference between the two groups was highly significant (p <0.001). Results: According to the PLISSIT model, it is concluded that education given to women with sexual dysfunction in contraception use is effective in improving sexual functions and decreasing sexual dysfunction

    Kontraseptif yöntem kullanan kadınlarda cinsel problemler ve çözümünde PLISSIT modeli doğrultusunda verilen eğitim-danışmanlığın etkisi

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    ÖZET Amaç: Çalışma kontraseptif yöntem kullanan kadınların cinsel fonksiyonlarının değerlendirilmesi ve cinsel problem yaşayanlara PLISSIT modeli doğrultusunda verilen eğitim-danışmanlığın cinsel fonksiyon bozukluklarında etkisini belirlemek amacıyla geçekleştirildi.Gereç ve Yöntem: Bu araştırma, prospektif olarak dizayn edilmiş olup, randomize ve çalışma-kontrol gruplu tasarımı olan deneysel bir çalışmadır. Diyarbakır ilindeki bir kamu hastanesinin AP Polikliniğinden hizmet alan ve kontraseptif yöntem kullanan kadınlarda, 2 aşamalı olarak yürütülen çalışmanın ilk aşamasında 352 kadın örnekleme alındı. Alınan her kadına Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) uygulandı ve ardından FSFI cut-off değerine (≤26.55) göre cinsel disfonksiyonu olan ve olmayanlar belirlendi. Çalışmanın 2. aşamasında; cinsel disfonksiyonu olan kadınlar (N=100) randomize edilerek çalışma grubu (ÇG) n= 49 ve kontrol grubu (KG) n= 51 olmak üzere iki gruba ayrıldı. Öncesinde, gruplara alınacak sayı için G-Power analizi kullanıldı. ÇG kadınlara PLISSIT modeli doğrultusunda eğitimin-danışmanlık verildi. Veriler anket formu ve FSFI ile toplandı. ÇG kadınlar FSFI ile 4 kez değerlendirildi. Verilerin analizinde Statistical Package for Social Sciences -SPSS kullanıldı.Bulgular: Çalışmanın ilk aşamasında alınan 352 kadının çoğunluğu 25-35 yaş grubundaydı (%60,8), %80,2’nin eğitimi ilkokul düzeyindeydi, %78,4’ü RİA kullanıyordu ve cinsel disfonksiyon yaşayanların oranı %28,4 (100) dü. ÇG alınan kadınlara PLISSIT göre verilen eğitimlerde 1.eğitimden sonraki 3. ve 6. aylarda cinsel fonksiyonlarında iyileşme olduğu saptandı (p<0.001). 6 ay sonra yapılan son değerlendirmede ilk değerlendirmede %100 olan cinsel disfonksiyon oranının %59,8 indiği görüldü. KG kadınlarda cinsel disfonksiyon oranı aynı düzeyde devam ediyordu ve iki grup arasındaki fark ileri düzeyde anlamlıydı (p<0.001).Sonuç; kontrasepsiyon kullanımında cinsel disfonksiyonu olan kadınlara PLISSIT modeline göre verilen eğitimin cinsel fonksiyonların iyileşmesinde, cinsel disfonksiyonun azalmasında etkili olduğu görüşüne varıldı.--------------------SUMMARYObjective: The study was conducted to evaluate the sexual functions of women using contraceptive methods and to determine the effect of education-counseling on sexual dysfunction in the context of PLISSIT model. In the first stage of the study, 352 women were sampled from the women using contraceptive methods from the family planning polyclinic of a public hospital in Diyarbakır. Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) was applied to all women who were taken and then those with and without sexual dysfunction were determined according to the FSFI cut-off value (≤26.55). In the second stage of the study; Women with sexual dysfunction (N = 100) were randomly divided into two groups as study group (SG) n = 49 and control group (CG) n = 51. Before, G-Power analysis was used for the number of groups. SG women were given training-counseling in line with the PLISSIT model. Data were collected by questionnaire and FSFI. SG women were evaluated 4 times with FSFI. Statistical Package for Social Sciences-SPSS was used in the analysis of the data.Materials and Methods: Most of the 352 women taken in the first stage of the study were in the 25-35 age group (60.8%), 80.2% had primary education, 78.4% were using IUD, and 28.4% (100) had sexual dysfunction. It was determined that sexual functions improved in the 3rd and 6th months after the 1st education in the trainings given according to PLISSIT to the women who received SG (p <0.001). In the last evaluation 6 months later, the rate of sexual dysfunction decreased from 59% to 100% in the first evaluation.The rate of sexual dysfunction in CG women remained at the same level and the difference between the two groups was highly significant (p <0.001).Results: According to the PLISSIT model, it is concluded that education given to women with sexual dysfunction in contraception use is effective in improving sexual functions and decreasing sexual dysfunction

    Wpływ lęku przed Covid-19 na zachowania związane ze zdrowym stylem życia u kobiet w okresie menopauzy: przypadek południowo-wschodniej Anatolii

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    Background. The study was conducted to evaluate the effect of Covid-19 fear on healthy lifestyle behaviors in menopausal women living in the Southeastern Anatolia region. Material and methods. As of April and June 2021, a descriptive, cross-sectional and relationship-seeking design study was completed with 203 participants who were in the menopausal period and who were between the ages of 40 and 65 and were living in the provinces of Gaziantep, Diyarbakir, Şanliurfa, Batman, Adiyaman, Siirt, Mardin, Kilis, Şirnak in the Southeastern Anatolia region of Turkey. The data were collected using the descriptive information form prepared by the researchers, the Fear of Covid-19 Scale, the Menopause Symptoms Evaluation Scale and the Healthy Lifestyle Behaviors Scale-II. Descriptive statistical analyses, Mann Whitney U test, Kruskall Wallis H test and Spearman Correlation Analysis were used to analyze the data. Results. The mean age of the participants was 55.7±5.6 years (min: 40, max: 69), the highest scores in the Healthy Lifestyle Behaviors Scale-II were found in the sub-dimensions of “spiritual development” (23.4±3.2) and “interpersonal relations” (23.1±3.3). In the Menopause Symptoms Evaluation Scale total and sub-dimension scores, it was determined that the “somatic complaints” (10.4±2.6) and “psychological complaints” subdimensions (10.7±3.1) had the highest scores. Conclusions. A statistically significant positive correlation was found between the participants’ Fear of Covid-19 Scale scores and Menopause Symptoms Evaluation Scale total and sub-dimension scores. There was a statistically significant positive correlation between the Menopause Symptoms Evaluation Scale and the Healthy Lifestyle Behaviors Scale-II and certain sub-dimensions.Wprowadzenie. Badanie przeprowadzono w celu oceny wpływu lęku przed Covid-19 na zachowania związane ze zdrowym stylem życia u kobiet w okresie menopauzalnym mieszkających w regionie południowo-wschodniej Anatolii. Materiał i metody. W kwietniu i czerwcu 2021 r. przeprowadzono opisowe badanie przekrojowe, w którym poszukiwano związku przyczynowo-skutkowego, z udziałem 203 uczestniczek w okresie menopauzalnym, które były w wieku od 40 do 65 lat i mieszkały w prowincjach Gaziantep, Diyarbakir, Şanliurfa, Batman, Adiyaman, Siirt, Mardin, Kilis i Şirnak w południowo-wschodnim regionie Anatolii w Turcji. Dane zbierano za pomocą przygotowanego przez badaczy formularza informacji opisowej, Skali Lęku przed COVID-19, Skali Oceny Objawów Menopauzy oraz Skali Zachowań Związanych ze Zdrowym Stylem Życia. Do analizy danych wykorzystano opisowe analizy statystyczne, test U Manna Whitneya, test H Kruskalla Wallisa oraz analizę korelacji Spearmana. Wyniki. Średni wiek uczestniczek wynosił 55,7±5,6 lat (min.: 40, maks.: 69), najwyższe wyniki w Skali Zachowań Związanych ze Zdrowym Stylem Życia stwierdzono w wymiarze cząstkowym „rozwój duchowy” (23,4±3,2) i „relacje interpersonalne” (23,1±3,3). W punktacji Skali Oceny Objawów Menopauzy ogółem i w wymiarach cząstkowych określono, że najwyższe wyniki uzyskały wymiary cząstkowe „dolegliwości somatyczne” (10,4±2,6) i „dolegliwości psychologiczne” (10,7±3,1). Wnioski. Stwierdzono istotną statystycznie dodatnią korelację między wynikami uczestniczek w Skali Lęku przed Covid-19 a wynikami Skali Oceny Objawów Menopauzy w wymiarze całkowitym i cząstkowym. Stwierdzono istotną statystycznie dodatnią korelację między Skalą Oceny Objawów Menopauzy a Skalą Zachowań Związanych ze Zdrowym Stylem Życia i niektórymi wymiarami cząstkowymi

    Określenie poziomu lęku przed Covid-19 i stresu u kobiet ciężarnych przyjmowanych na położnicze oddziały ratunkowe

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    Background. The aim of this study was to determine the fear of Covid-19 and pregnancy distress levels experienced by pregnant women who were admitted to the obstetrics emergency service during the pandemic. Material and methods. This descriptive study was conducted using the face-to-face interview technique with 194 pregnant women who met the inclusion criteria of the study and were admitted to the Obstetrics Emergency Service of the University of Health Sciences Zeynep Kamil Gynecology and Pediatrics Training and Research Hospital in Türkiye between December 2020 and February 2021. Results. The mean age of the pregnant women included in the study was 28.37, and 51.1% of them were found to be multiparous. The mean Fear of Covid-19 Scale (FCV-19S) of the pregnant women was 19.50±6.64 and the mean Tilburg Pregnancy Distress Scale (TPDS) was 34.79±6.82. It was determined that the educational status of the pregnant women differed statistically significantly (p<0.05) according to the FCV-19S. It was found that there is a positive and strong relationship between the FCV-19S and the TPDS (r=0.216; p=0.002) and “Negative Affect” (r=0.211; p=0.003). Conclusions. During the Covid-19 pandemic period, the Covid-19 fear and distress levels of the pregnant women who were admitted to the Obstetrics Emergency Service were determined as moderate. Since the fear of Covid-19 has an effect on pregnancy distress levels, it is recommended that nurses should be aware of the distress experienced by pregnant women and be their pregnancy support.Wprowadzenie. Celem niniejszego badania było określenie lęku przed Covid-19 oraz poziomu stresu ciążowego u ciężarnych kobiet, które zostały przyjęte na położnicze oddziały ratunkowe w trakcie pandemii. Materiał i metody. Niniejsze opisowe badanie zostało przeprowadzone techniką wywiadu bezpośredniego z 194 kobietami ciężarnymi, które spełniły kryteria włączenia do badania i zostały przyjęte na położniczy oddział ratunkowy szpitala Zeynep Kamil Gynecology and Pediatrics Training and Research Hospital Uniwersytetu Nauk o Zdrowiu w Turcji w okresie od grudnia 2020 do lutego 2021 r. Wyniki. Średni wiek kobiet ciężarnych objętych badaniem wynosił 28,37 lat, z czego 51,1% okazało się być wieloródkami. Średni wynik w skali lęku przed Covid-19 (SLCV-19) u kobiet w ciąży wyniósł 19,50±6,64, a średni wynik w skali poziomu stresu u kobiet ciężarnych Tilburga (SPSKCT) wyniósł 34,79±6,82. Stwierdzono, że status edukacyjny ciężarnych różnił się w sposób istotny statystycznie (p<0,05) według SLCV-19. Zaobserwowano, że istnieje pozytywny i silny związek między wynikiem w SLCV-19 oraz w SPSKCT (r=0,216; p=0,002) a „Afektem Negatywnym” (r=0,211; p=0,003). Wnioski. W okresie pandemii Covid-19, poziom lęku przed Covid-19 i stresu u kobiet ciężarnych przyjętych na położniczy oddział ratunkowy określono jako umiarkowany. Ponieważ lęk przed Covid-19 ma wpływ na poziom stresu związanego z ciążą, zaleca się, aby pielęgniarki były świadome stresu doświadczanego przez kobiety w ciąży i stanowiły dla nich wsparcie