16 research outputs found

    Factors Associated with Ivermectin Non-Compliance and Its Potential Role in Sustaining Onchocerca volvulus Transmission in the West Region of Cameroon

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    Background Community Directed Treatment with ivermectin is the cornerstone of current efforts to eliminate onchocerciasis. However recent studies suggest there are foci where long-term annual distribution of the drug alone has failed to ensure elimination thresholds are reached. It is important to achieve high levels of compliance in order to obtain elimination targets. An epidemiological and entomological evaluation conducted in the western region of Cameroon in 2011 revealed that two health districts remained with a high prevalence of infection, despite long-term distribution of ivermectin since 1996. This paper explores potential factors that may have contributed to the non-interruption of transmission, focusing on ivermectin treatment compliance and the importance of systematic non-compliance within the population. Methodology/Principal findings A mixed methods approach was used, including a population-based survey to assess treatment compliance and factors associated and qualitative assessments including focus group discussions and in-depth interviews with key programme stakeholders and drug distributors. Compliance was reported at 71.2%(95%CI: 61.7–79.2%;n = 853/1198). The key factors related to compliance in the most recent round related to either programmatic and delivery issues, primarily absenteeism at the time of the campaign or alternatively individual determinants. An individual’s experience of side effects in the past was strongly associated with non-compliance to ivermectin. Other factors included ethnicity, how long lived in the village and age. There was a high percentage of reported systematic non-compliance at 7.4% (95% CI: 4.3–12.3%; n = 86/1165), higher amongst females. This group may be important in facilitating the sustainment of on-going transmission

    Serological and PCR-based markers of ocular Chlamydia trachomatis transmission in northern Ghana after elimination of trachoma as a public health problem

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    Background Validation of elimination of trachoma as a public health problem is based on clinical indicators, using the WHO simplified grading system. Chlamydia trachomatis (Ct) infection and anti-Ct antibody responses (anti-Pgp3) have both been evaluated as alternative indicators in settings with varying levels of trachoma. There is a need to evaluate the feasibility of using tests for Ct infection and anti-Pgp3 antibodies at scale in a trachoma-endemic country and to establish the added value of the data generated for understanding transmission dynamics in the peri-elimination setting. Methodology/Principal findings Dried blood spots for serological testing and ocular swabs for Ct infection testing (taken from children aged 1–9 years) were integrated into the pre-validation trachoma surveys conducted in the Northern and Upper West regions of Ghana in 2015 and 2016. Ct infection was detected using the GeneXpert PCR platform and the presence of anti-Pgp3 antibodies was detected using both the ELISA assay and multiplex bead array (MBA). The overall mean cluster-summarised TF prevalence (the clinical indicator) was 0.8% (95% CI: 0.6–1.0) and Ct infection prevalence was 0.04% (95%CI: 0.00–0.12). Anti-Pgp3 seroprevalence using the ELISA was 5.5% (95% CI: 4.8–6.3) compared to 4.3% (95%CI: 3.7–4.9) using the MBA. There was strong evidence from both assays that seropositivity increased with age (p<0.001), although the seroconversion rate was estimated to be very low (between 1.2 to 1.3 yearly events per 100 children). Conclusions/Significance Infection and serological data provide useful information to aid in understanding Ct transmission dynamics. Elimination of trachoma as a public health problem does not equate to the absence of ocular Ct infection nor cessation in acquisition of anti-Ct antibodies

    Acceptability of test and treat with doxycycline against Onchocerciasis in an area of persistent transmission in Massangam Health District, Cameroon

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    The main onchocerciasis elimination strategy is annual Community-Directed Treatment with ivermectin (CDTi). However, as a response to persistent high infection prevalence in Mas-sangam Health District in Cameroon, two rounds of alternative treatments including bian-nual CDTi, ground larviciding and test and treat with doxycycline (TTd) were implemented. This led to a significant prevalence reduction from 35.7% to 12.3% (p 8, not pregnant, not breastfeeding, not severely ill,) participating in the test in each round, increasing to 83% over the two rounds. Factors associated with non-participation included mistrust, being female; being younger than 26 years; short stay in the community; and belonging to semi-nomadic sub population due to their remote and disperse settlement, discrimination, their non selection as CDD, and language and cultural barriers. Treatment coverage was high-71% in round 1 and 83% in round 2. People moving away between testing and treatment impacted treatment coverage. Some participants noted mis-match between symptoms and test result; and that ivermectin is better than doxycycline, while others favoured doxycycline. CDD worried about work burden with unmatching com-pensation. Overall, TTd participation was satisfactory. But can be improved through rein-forcing sensitisation, reducing time between test and treatment; combining TTd and CDTi in one outing; augmenting CDDs compensation and/or weekly visit; exploring for frequently excluded populations and adapting strategies to reach them; and use of a sensitive less invasive test

    Identification of the onchocerciasis vector in the Kakoi-Koda focus of the Democratic Republic of Congo

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    Background: The objective of this study was to characterise the vector in a small hyper-endemic focus of onchocerciasis (the Kakoi-Koda focus) which has recently been discovered on the western slopes of the rift valley above Lake Albert. Methodology/Principal Findings: Aquatic stages of blackflies were collected by hand from streams and rivers, and anthropophilic adult females were collected by human landing catches. Using a combination of morphotaxonomy and DNA barcoding, the blackflies collected biting humans within the focus were identified as Simulium dentulosum and Simulium vorax, which were also found breeding in local streams and rivers. Simulium damnosum s.l., Simulium neavei and Simulium albivirgulatum were not found (except for a single site in 2009 where crabs were carrying S. neavei). Anthropophilic specimens from the focus were screened for Onchocerca DNA using discriminant qualitative real-time triplex PCR. One specimen of S. vorax was positive for Onchocerca volvulus in the body, and out of 155 S. dentulosum, 30% and 11% were infected and infective (respectively). Conclusions/Significance: Simulium dentulosum currently appears to be the main vector of human onchocerciasis within the Kakoi-Koda focus, and S. vorax may be a secondary vector. It remains possible that S. neavei was the main (or only) vector in the past having now become rare as a result of the removal of tree-cover and land-use changes. Simulium vorax has previously been shown to support the development of O. volvulus in the laboratory, but this is the first time that S. dentulosum has been implicated as a probable vector of onchocerciasis, and this raises the possibility that other blackfly species which are not generally considered to be anthropophilic vectors might become vectors under suitable conditions. Because S. dentulosum is not a vector in endemic areas surrounding the Kakoi-Koda focus, it is probable that the Kakoi-Koda focus is significantly isolated

    A multi-center field study of two point-of-care tests for circulating Wuchereria bancrofti antigenemia in Africa.

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    The Global Programme to Eliminate Lymphatic Filariasis uses point-of-care tests for circulating filarial antigenemia (CFA) to map endemic areas and for monitoring and evaluating the success of mass drug administration (MDA) programs. We compared the performance of the reference BinaxNOW Filariasis card test (ICT, introduced in 1997) with the Alere Filariasis Test Strip (FTS, introduced in 2013) in 5 endemic study sites in Africa.The tests were compared prior to MDA in two study sites (Congo and Côte d'Ivoire) and in three sites that had received MDA (DRC and 2 sites in Liberia). Data were analyzed with regard to % positivity, % agreement, and heterogeneity. Models evaluated potential effects of age, gender, and blood microfilaria (Mf) counts in individuals and effects of endemicity and history of MDA at the village level as potential factors linked to higher sensitivity of the FTS. Lastly, we assessed relationships between CFA scores and Mf in pre- and post-MDA settings.Paired test results were available for 3,682 individuals. Antigenemia rates were 8% and 22% higher by FTS than by ICT in pre-MDA and in post-MDA sites, respectively. FTS/ICT ratios were higher in areas with low infection rates. The probability of having microfilaremia was much higher in persons with CFA scores >1 in untreated areas. However, this was not true in post-MDA settings.This study has provided extensive new information on the performance of the FTS compared to ICT in Africa and it has confirmed the increased sensitivity of FTS reported in prior studies. Variability in FTS/ICT was related in part to endemicity level, history of MDA, and perhaps to the medications used for MDA. These results suggest that FTS should be superior to ICT for mapping, for transmission assessment surveys, and for post-MDA surveillance

    Supplementary Material from Can mass drug administration of moxidectin accelerate onchocerciasis elimination in Africa?

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    Epidemiological and modelling studies suggest that elimination of Onchocerca volvulus transmission (EoT) throughout Africa may not be achievable with annual mass drug administration (MDA) of ivermectin alone, particularly in areas of high endemicity and vector density. Single-dose Phase II and III clinical trials demonstrated moxidectin's superiority over ivermectin for prolonged clearance of O. volvulus microfilariae. We used the stochastic, individual-based EPIONCHO-IBM model to compare the probabilities of reaching EoT between ivermectin and moxidectin MDA for a range of endemicity levels (30% to 70% baseline microfilarial prevalence), treatment frequencies (annual and biannual) and therapeutic coverage/adherence values (65% and 80% of total population, with, respectively, 5% and 1% of systematic non-adherence). EPIONCHO-IBM's projections indicate that biannual (six-monthly) moxidectin MDA can reduce by half the number of years necessary to achieve EoT in mesoendemic areas and might be the only strategy that can achieve EoT in hyperendemic areas. Data needed to improve modelling projections include (i) the effect of repeated annual and biannual moxidectin treatment; (ii) inter- and intra-individual variation in response to successive treatments with moxidectin or ivermectin; (iii) the effect of moxidectin and ivermectin treatment on L3 development into adult worms and (iv) patterns of adherence to moxidectin and ivermectin MDA.This article is part of the theme issue ‘Challenges in the Fight Against Neglected Tropical Diseases’