69 research outputs found
Noninvasiv sebészet MR-vezérelt fókuszált ultrahanggal: állatkísérletes modellek és klinikai tapasztalatok = Noninvasive surgery using MR-guided focused ultrasound: animal models and clinical experience
Az MR vezérelt fókuszált ultrahang sebészet (MRgFUS) noninvasiv módon képes a szervezet belsejében daganatos sejteket elpusztítani. Kutatásainkban 1.) állatkísérletes modellen vizsgáltuk az ultrahang kontrasztanyag potencírozó szerepét, valamint 2.) humán méh mióma kezelés hatékonyságának korai és középtávú kiértékelése volt MR képalkotás utánktövetéses vizsgálatok alapján. A FUS kezelés mikrobuborékos UH-kontrasztanyaggal való potencírozása kísérletsorozatunkban sikeresnek tekinthető. A csúcshőmérséklet kontrollhoz képest mért 132%-os átlagos növekedése bizonyítja, hogy elvárásainknak megfelelően a mikrobuborékok felületén jelentős a hangenergia-elnyelődés. A patkányvese jól perfundált szervként nagy koncentrációban tartalmazott mikrobuborékokat. A környező szövetek az esetek túlnyomó többségében nem károsodtak, így a szelektivitást is megfelelőnek értékelhetjük. Negyvenhárom betegen 3 és 6 hónapos MRI utánkövetéses vizsgálatok során értékeltük a kezelt miómák teljes volumenének, valamint a nem perfundált térfogatok változását. Szignifikáns mióma volumen csökkenés volt megfigyelhető 3 és 6 hónappal a kezelést követően (10-19%, p=0.022 és 19-29%, p<0.001). Az 5,4 cm alatti átmérőjű miómáknál nagy hatékonyságúnak bizonyult az MRgFUS eljárás, minthogy ebben az alcsoportban a csökkenés mértéke 35-18% volt. Eredményeink arra engednek következtetni, hogy kisebb miómák esetében hatékonyabb kezelés várható, amely a nagyobb arányú kezelhető térfogattal magyarázható. | MR-guided Focused Ultrasound Surgery (MRgFUS) is an evolving thermoablative technique for treatment of different benign and malignant tumors. The aim of this research project was 1,) to assess the effect of ultrasound contrast media on MRgFUS using animal experiments and 2.) to evaluate early and mid term effectiveness of MRgFUS in human uterine leiomyoma (fibroid) treatment based on MR imaging follow-up exams. MRgFUS treatment is more effective if ultrasound contrast media (microbubbles) are also present in the perfused area. Peak temperature increased with 132%, proving that acoustic energy is increasingly absorbed on the surface of the microbubbles. The perfused rat kidney was a well perfused organ for these experiments. Neighboring tissues had no major damage, proving sufficient selectivity. In the human study, 43 patients with uterine fibroids were treated by MRgFUS. MRI follow-up exams were performed 3 and 6 months after the procedure. Fibroid total and nonperfused volumes were compared and evaluated over time. There was a significant fibroid volume reduction at 3- and 6-month follow-up (10?19%, p=0.022 and 19-29%, p<0.001, respectively). Fibroids smaller than 5.4 cm in diameter can be ablated with high efficacy, in this subgroup of patients 35-18% volume reduction was found after 6 months. This study suggests that MRgFUS can be an effective alternative in uterine fibroid treatment in selected patients
The experiment was carried out with 60 TETRA BLANCA laying hens chosen from 250 TETRA BLANCA pullets based on their body fat content, predicted at 16 weeks of age by means of computer tomography (CT). Pullets with the highest (n=20), lowest (n=20) and average (n=20) body fat content were chosen for the investigation. Changes in the body fat content of the experimental animals were followed by means of computer tomography in vivo, scanning the hens at every fourth week of the experiment, between 20 and 72 weeks of age. Eggs produced by these birds, were collected at 32, 52 and 72 weeks of age and, after breaking them, their yolk, albumen and egg shell ratio was determined and their dry matter, crude protein and crude fat content was chemically analyzed. Based on the results it was established that the body fat content of the hens started the egg production with high body fat content being higher than that of the hens started the egg production with average or low body fat content during the whole experimental period. The differences in the body fat content of the two extreme groups were statistically proven between 24 and 48 weeks of age (P0.05) by the starting body fat content of the hens
Oral administration of fumonisin B1 and T-2 individually and in combination affects hepatic total and mitochondrial membrane lipid profile of rabbits
Weaned rabbits were fed diets contaminated with 2 mg/kg diet T-2 toxin alone, or 10 mg/kg
diet fumonisin B1 (FB1) alone, and both toxins in combination (2+10 mg / kg, resp.), as
compared to a toxin free control diet. Samplings were performed after 4 weeks (blood and
liver). Bodyweight of T-2-fed group was lower after 4 weeks; the liver weight was increased
dramatically (3-fold of control). Liver total phospholipids (PL) provided slight alterations in
the fatty acid (FA) composition; all three toxin treated groups showed decrease in palmitoleic
acid (C16:1 n7) proportion. In the liver mitochondrial PL FA composition margaric acid
(C17:0) proportion decreased in the separated toxin treatments, compared to the combined
setting. Oleic acid (C18:1 n9) proportion was increased and arachidonic acid (C20:4 n6) was
decreased in the by FB1-treated group, while docosapentaenoic acid (C22:5 n3) was decreased
in the separated treatments. The total monounsaturation was significantly higher in the FB1
group’s mitochondrial PL FA profile. After 4 weeks, all toxin treatments decreased the blood
plasma reduced glutathione and glutathione peroxidase activity, and FB1 increased the plasma
sphinganine/sphingosine ratio. Both mycotoxins seem to cross the hepatocellular and the
hepatic mitochondrial membrane, without drastic membrane disruption, as assessed from the
PL FA composition, but inducing detectable lipid peroxidation
A PET/MR képalkotás magyarországi klinikai alkalmazásának lehetőségei, első tapasztalatai = Hungarian clinical application opportunities of PET/MR imaging and first experiences
Hazánkban az első és eddig egyetlen centrumként a Kaposvári Egyetem Egészségügyi
Központjában üzemel multimodalitású PET/MR képalkotó berendezés. Összefoglaló
közleményünk célja bemutatni a PET/MR képalkotás hazai klinikai alkalmazásának
lehetőségeit, a tumoros és nem malignus kórképek diagnosztikájában szerzett
kezdeti tapasztalatainkat, illetve az új hibrid képalkotó technológia további,
jövőbeli alkalmazási területeinek ismertetése. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(34):
Hungary’s first and still only multimodality PET/MR device is operating in the
Health Center of Kaposvár University. The aim of our review article is to
present the current Hungarian PET/MR imaging application opportunities, our
available initial experiences with this novel multimodality imaging technique in
malignant and non-malignant diseases and further potential targeted clinical
fields of use are also addressed. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(34): 1375–1384
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