19 research outputs found

    Slovenians, Caranthania and the Venetic theory

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    Crimmigration in Slovenia

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    Avtorici v članku obravnavata »krimigracijo« (tj. kriminalizacijo migracij) v Sloveniji. Raziskujeta elemente kriminalizacije migracij v pravnem okviru, institucijah in politikah. Uokvirjanje tematike na normativni ravni institucij analizirata skupaj s pregledom izvajanja konkretnih postopkov v praksi, analizo političnih in strokovnih mnenj pa združujeta z analizo učinkov, ki jih imajo krimigracije na migrant(k)e. Ugotavljata, da izkušnje oseb, ki migrirajo, s krimigracijskimi ukrepi potrjujejo, da migracijska politika v Sloveniji, tudi kot posledica izvajanja smernic EU, postaja strožja in vedno bolj usmerjena v povečevanje kriminalizacije migracij.The article discusses “crimmigration” (i.e. the criminalization of migration) in Slovenia. It evaluates elements of crimmigration in the legal framework, institutions and policies. The analysis of the framing of the topic at the normative level of institutions is accompanied by an examination of the implementation of specific procedures in practice. An exploration of policies and expert opinions is combined with an analysis of the effects that crimmigration has on migrants. Corroborated with the migrants’ experience with crimmigration measures, the article concludes that migration policy in Slovenia is becoming stricter and progressively headed in the direction of increased criminalization of migration

    Brezdržavljanskost v Sloveniji

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    The official data show that the number of stateless persons (i.e. persons without nationality) in Sloveniais extremely low. The issue of statelessness is not sufficiently attended to in a research, conceptual, and practical sense. The low level of awareness of the problem of statelessness among state officials as well as the a priori presumption of nationality for persons from other republics of the former Yugoslavia are particularly problematic. This article presents the results of the first in-depth study on statelessness in Slovenia and concludes that due to the lack of data, further research is needed, in particular among the Roma population and the erased persons – groups that have been disproportionally exposed to statelessness.Uradni podatki kažejo, da je v Sloveniji število apatridnih oseb (tj. oseb brez državljanstva) izredno majhno. Tematiki brezdržavljanskosti se ne posveča dovolj pozornosti ne v raziskovalnem ne v konceptualnem kot tudi ne v praktičnem smislu. Še zlasti težavno je slabo poznavanje problema apatridnosti med nekaterimi javnimi uslužbenci oziroma a priori predpostavljanje državljanstva za osebe, ki se jih povezujez nekdanjimi jugoslovanskimi republikami. Članek prinaša rezultate prve poglobljene raziskave o brezdržavljanskosti v Sloveniji in ugotavlja, da je zaradi pomanjkanja podatkov raziskovanje treba nadaljevati še zlasti med romsko populacijo in izbrisanimi, ki so (bili) tveganju apatridnosti najbolj izpostavljeni

    Muslimani u Sloveniji: između tolerancije i diskriminacije

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    The article examines the position of Muslims in Slovenia, with a particular focus on the articulation of the needs of an Islamic way of life as conveyed by the Muslims themselves. Using new empirical material, I draw on interviews with representatives of the Muslim community. The Slovenian Muslims find themselves in a peculiar situation of, on the one hand, being tolerated, particularly on account of sharing historical South Slavic bonds with the majority Catholic population; yet, they are at the same time faced with discrimination and prejudice. The research shows that – as Islam remains for the most part secluded from public discourse and thus prone to stereotypical representations pregnant with misconceptions and prejudice – the Muslims in Slovenia experience prejudice, and are exposed to particular discrimination in terms of practicing their religion.Članak razmatra položaj muslimana u Sloveniji, posebno se osvrčući na njihove potrebe pri prakticiranju islamskoga načina života: Iznoseći nove empirijske podatke, članak se oslanja na intervjue s predstavnicima muslimanske zajednice. Slovenski muslimani nalaze se u specifičnoj situaciji: s jedne strane, oni su tolerirani, dugujući to naročito zajedničkim južnoslavenskim povijesnim vezama s većinskim katoličkim stanovništvom, dok se, s druge strane, suočavaju s diskriminacijom i predrasudama. Istraživanje pokazuje da – kao što i islam uglavnom ostaje izvan javnoga diskursa i tako izložen stereotipima, bremenitim krivim predodžbama i predrasudama – muslimani u Sloveniji ostaju ispostavljeni predrasudama i izloženi diskriminaciji u vezi s prakticiranjem svoje religije

    Biografski narativni intervju: Aplikacija na študije migracij

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    Life stories are relevant for the analysis of social phenomena because they represent the complexity of social action and enable us to re-define concepts on new presuppositions. Life stories therefore need to be analysed, not merely collected and reproduced. This article analyses and critically evaluates the biographical narrative method and the narrative interview. It focuses on practical experiences with the biographical narrative method and reflects upon the working alliance between the researcher and the interviewee, highlighting certain practical dilemmas of this type of research based on actual fieldwork experiences. The article introduces into the Slovene context certain new theoretical and practical reflections on the use of the biographical approach and the method of the biographical narrative interview.Osebne pripovedi oziroma življenjske zgodbe so relevantne za analizo družbenih pojavov, ker predstavljajo večplastnost družbenega delovanja in omogočajo redefinicijo pojmov na nekaterih novih predpostavkah. Življenjske zgodbe je zato treba analizirati, ne le zbrati in reproducirati. Članek se posveča analitični in kritični obravnavi biografske narativne metode in narativnega intervjuja. Osmišlja izkušnjo z biografsko narativno metodo in refleksijo t. i. delujočega zavezništva med raziskovalcem in intervjuvancem, obenem pa na podlagi izkušenj poudarja nekatere praktične dileme tovrstnega raziskovanja. Članek v slovenski prostor prinaša nekatere nove teoretske in praktične refleksije o uporabi biografskega pristopa in metodi biografskega narativnega intervjuja

    Television news, narrative conventions and national imagination

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    By and large, contemporary news stories are stories about a particular nation, told to an audience that is seen and addressed in national terms. However, the understanding of the exact ways in which national imagination becomes engrained in the narrative conventions of news reporting is still rather limited, in particular when it comes to audiovisual genres. This article aims to fill a part of this blank by examining the links between national imagination and the narrative conventions of television news. Building on existing debates about different modes of news reporting, the article distinguishes two distinct sets of narrative conventions at work in television news: one typically found in routine reporting, the other characteristic of crisis and celebratory reporting. It is argued that each of these two sets of conventions is tied to a different form of nationalism, and normally arises in a different political climate. Links between national imagination and narrative conventions vary accordingly. To demonstrate this, the article provides a comparative analysis of narrative structures in selected samples of television news bulletins broadcast in the early 1990s in the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. The concluding section reflects on the external validity of the chosen case study and surveys supportive evidence from four other relevant cases, drawn from the UK and Israel

    Nationalism, gender and the multivocality of war discourse in television news

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    War discourse is typically characterized by a confluence of nationalist and sexist discourses, and tends to reduce the multiple identities and affiliations of human beings to a black-and-white contrast of ‘us’ and ‘them’. Yet, as argued in this article, we should be wary of over-emphasizing the homogeneity and monovocality of war discourse. While the onset of conflict certainly narrows the range of collective identities and narratives on offer in the public domain, it does not impose a total closure on the negotiation and contestation of meanings. Rather, mediated war discourse retains a measure of ambiguity and multivocality, which can be of vital importance to its appeal. We demonstrate this by examining a sample of war-time news bulletins broadcast in Yugoslavia in 1991, focusing on representations of women

    Migranti na trgu dela v Sloveniji

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    Based on the analysis of policies that regulate employment and work of migrants, and assessing anti-crisis measures and social policies, the paper critically evaluates the position of migrants from “third countries” in Slovenia’s labour market. We argue that current policies, which aim to protect the national labour market (from migrants), exacerbate the poor work and life conditions of migrants, who are faced with weak or no social protection, deskilling, language barriers and discrimination. The article offers recommendations for policy change in view of adaptability to actual needs of migrant men and women.Na podlagi analize zakonodaje s področja zaposlovanja in dela migrantov, evalvacije protikriznih ukrepov in socialnih politik avtorice v članku kritično obravnavajo položaj migrantov iz »tretjih držav« na trgu dela v Sloveniji. Ugotavljajo, da aktualne politike, usmerjene v domnevno zaščito domačega trga dela (pred migranti) poglabljajo slabe delovne in življenjske razmere migrantov, ki se soočajo z nizko ali nikakršno stopnjo socialne varnosti, devalvacijo znanja in izobrazbe, jezikovnimi ovirami in diskriminacijo. Članek tudi prispeva predloge za oblikovanje prilagojenih politik, ki bi upoštevale potrebe migrantk in migrantov

    From nation to statehood : the emergence of Slovenia

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