578 research outputs found

    Prion-chaperone interaction: parsimony and conceptual limitations

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    This study discusses the hypothesis of the appearance of prion diseases as an interaction of PRNP gene and chaperon gene, called X chap. It is believed that the hypothesis of the x protein of the connection of the chaperones with prionopathies has been neglected because scholars still do not know that there are a number of inheritance systems, a number of code types and a number of modules. These conceptual limitations are also accompanied by a violation of the parsimony principle. Key words: prion, PRNP, xchap, parsimony, conceptual limitation

    A Model on Four Family Functions and Their Relations In Time

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    This study takes in consideration ratings about marriage and family and their relation to well-being, children, family harmony and erotical pleasure. We analyzed 212 individuals (students), their parents (241 individuals) and one of their grandfather (179 individuals).  The collected data  has made possible the construction of a simple mathematical model which analyze the four ratings mentioned above and their relation in time. This mathemathical model is expressed as it follows : E/F = M/ 0,5-H. It shows that during the evolution of  human populations, the high ratings of sexual pleasure is in inverse proportion with the desire of having children. For example, grandfathers value the desire of having children 44% while students value this parameter only 25.8%. On the contrary,  students value erotical pleasure 28.4% and their parents value this parameter only for15.3%. Keywords: family, well-being, having children, family harmony, erotical pleasure.

    Impact of Employment and Consumer Reliability in Buying Products Online in Kosovo

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    Informative technology and especially the internet has created great opportunities in the business field. Even the United States economy as a world superpower is based on the use and exploitation of the potential benefits of the internet (online access). One of these is electronic business (E-Commerce) or online and which relates to sales and purchases from home. Seeing that international trade is now focused in buying and selling online, this paper first analyzes the theory of purchasing online and confidence in online shopping, then analyzes the data on the income and credibility of the consumers for buying products.The methodology used in this paper is through the analysis of quantitative and qualitative methods. Through simple linear regression (OLS) measurements were made for the income and online purchases whereas the correlation shows the connection between these two variables. To find results in Kosovo, a structured questionnaire with nominal and ordinary data was used.Expected results of this paper serve a certain clientele and have to do with the awareness of people that using internet services is very profitable. Keywords: Internet, e-commerce, online purchases, services, etc. DOI: 10.7176/IKM/10-6-04 Publication date:September 30th 2020

    Aplikimi i analizës së bashkuar në marketing Rasti: “Kolegji AAB”

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    Në këtë punim është bërë diskutimi rreth aplikimit të analizës së bashkuar në Marketing. Analiza e bashkuar përdoret për të studiuar faktorët që ndikojnë në vendimet që marrin konsumatorët për të bërë blerje. Analiza e bashkuar është një teknikë statistikore e cila përdoret në hulumtimin e tregut, për të përcaktuar se si njerëzit i vlerësojnë karakteristikat e ndryshme të cilat e bëjnë një produkt apo shërbim më të mirë sesa një produkt apo një shërbim tjetër. Nga ana tjetër, Marketingu merret me identifikimin e nevojave të konsumatorëve dhe plotësimin e dëshirave dhe kërkesave të tyre, gjithashtu edhe me gjetjen e formave më të mira për dërgimin e produktit apo shërbimit nga kompania deri te konsumatori. Me anë të këtij punimi është sqaruar se si i identifikojmë këto kërkesa,si i klasifikojmë disa prej tyre me anë të analizës së bashkuar, a është analiza e bashkuar matës i këtyre karakteristikave apo atributeve të produkteve dhe shërbimeve, si dhe sa jep rezultate të sakta analiza e bashkuar rreth hulumtimit të të dhënave. Për analizimin e atributeve që kanë produktet dhe shërbimet, dhe për ta ditur se cilat nga këto janë më të rëndësishme e që i shtyjnë konsumatorët të marrin vendim për t’i blerë, në këtë punim është marrë për analizë rasti konkret “Kolegji AAB” i cili ofron shërbime, më konkretisht është analizuar pse studentët zgjedhin të studiojnë në AAB. Arsyeja e marrjes në konsideratë të kësaj pyetjeje është se “Kolegji AAB” që nga themelimi i tij e deri më tani ka pasur në vazhdimësi rritje të numrit të studentëve. Me anë të analizës së bashkuar është bërë matja e opinionit të studentëve për arsyet e zgjedhjes së studimeve të tyre

    Evaluation of Agricultural Policy in the Dairy Sector in Kosovo and Efficiency Analysis at the Farm Level

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    This thesis consists of two studies on the dairy sector in Kosovo. The first study evaluates the effect of the Subsidy per Head Scheme (SPHS) on increasing production, land use, gross income and number of dairy cows on dairy farms in Kosovo. Results from the Propensity Score Matching (PSM) approach using four alternative matching algorithms revealed that SPHS has not had any impact on increasing land use, gross income or the number of dairy cows per farm. Furthermore, SPHS had a negative impact on decreasing land use and number of cows for the participating dairy farmers in the program. In terms of milk production, SPHS has not had any meaningful effect on increasing milk productivity when compared to farms that did not participate in the program. Improvement in milk production per cow was found to be a statistically significant effect for two matching algorithms. However, two other algorithms revealed insignificant effect of SPHS on improving milk productivity. The second study provides estimates of the technical efficiency level for a random sample of 243 dairy farms in Kosovo over the 2014 farming season. Statistically significant determinants of technical efficiency are identified. A stochastic frontier production function was estimated using a two stage procedure. Results revealed that feeding rates (specifically of concentrates and silage), land use per cow, and the number of days that cows had been kept on pastures have statistically significant impacts on milk productivity per cow. The mean technical efficiency of dairy farms was estimated at 0.72. The major determinants that help to improve the efficiency are breed improvement, intensification of corn production on the farm, improving feeding rates, and using free range production systems. Given the results from the SPHS impact assessment and technical efficiency analysis, it is crucial for the Government of Kosovo to redesign their dairy policy, specifically their direct payment schemes and target technical assistance and investment support based on regional potentials

    The Opportunities of the Foreigner Investments in Kosovo

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    This paper discuss about the investing opportunities in Kosovo. Kosovo as a new country in Europe possess many opportunities regarding the foreigner investments.  Foreign companies as well as business people see this country as a good market to invest and every year we get new foreigner investor raising interest toward this matter. Firstly, we will discuss the advantage of having the youngest generation in Europe as a good opportunity to invest.  Secondly, we will see the impact of the high unemployment rate as cheap labor force. Thirdly, we will talk about the geographic location that Kosovo possess as a good opportunity to invest because it is in the middle of the Europe. At the end, it will be presented the obstacles of investing in Kosovo as in the rule of law and its lack on political stability and its interference on the investments. Keywords: Foreigner investments, new generation, unemployment rate, cheap labors, geographic location, obstacles, rule of law, political stability. DOI: 10.7176/RJFA/10-4-0

    The Importance of Differentiation in Supporting Diverse Learners

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    Living in this changing world that requires frequent adaptations has affected most classrooms, which consist of students with different backgrounds, preferences, learning styles and different language proficiencies. Subsequently, teachers are faced with a challenge of meeting every individual student’s needs and being able to accomplish that task requires more than just delivering a lecture. The solution to answering learners’ needs is applying differentiation in mixed-ability classes where the teacher would be conscious of the diversity of learners and choose carefully the types of activities and materials that would be most engaging for them. As Tomlison (2001 cited in Hall, Strangman, & Meyer, 2003) states, differentiated instruction (DI) is a teaching theory based on the premise that instructional approaches should vary and be adapted in relation to individual and diverse learners in classrooms.  Although applying DI is crucial for every subject, the focus of this paper is on applying DI in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classes. The key findings from the literature review that make the application of differentiation essential in EFL classes will be provided. The findings will be targeting the reasons for applying DI, its huge importance for either more proficient or less proficient students, strategies used for DI, suitable activities that can be used in mixed ability classes and the main features of a differentiated lesson. Eventually, the aim of this paper is to provide research based responses to the issue of having diverse learners in the same class. Therefore, it is inevitable that lecturers apply differentiation, which regardless of its usefulness, is still considered an unknown field among local lecturers and researchers. Keywords: Differentiated instruction, Mixed-ability, EFL classes, Diverse learner
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