17 research outputs found

    The role of ultrasound in the diagnosis of temporal arteritis

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    Temporal arteritis (TA), also known as giant cell arteritis, is a chronic vasculitis of medium and large-sized blood vessels, in particular the main cervical branches of the aorta, with particular affinity to the temporal arteries and eye-supplying arteries. Temporal artery biopsy is still a gold standard for diagnosis, however in recent years colour duplex ultrasound examination has been proposed as a useful diagnostic screening tool in cases of TA suspicion. We report three cases of TA in which the ultrasonographical examination of the temporal arteries had a decisive role in the diagnosis

    Myocardialis Infarctus Regiszter – 2010 : Tapasztalatok – első eredmények = Myocardial Infarction Registry – 2010. Feasibility and first results

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    A szerzők ismertetik a 2010. január 1-jén megkezdett Infarctus Regiszter Pilóta Vizsgálatot. A nemzetközileg elfogadott diagnosztikus kritériumokat alkalmazó és előre meghatározott adatokra kiterjedő, prospektív, epidemiológiai adatgyűjtés hosszas és széles körű szakmai egyeztetése után indult el Budapest öt kerületében és Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg megyében. Budapesten öt szívkatéteres centrumban és három – ilyen lehetőséggel nem rendelkező – kardiológiai osztályon, Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg megyében egy szívkatéteres centrumban és három belgyógyászati osztályon kezdődött el a vizsgálat. A lakosok száma a szóban forgó területen 997 324 fő. A vizsgálat megkezdését követően – a program fontosságát felismerve – további 16 centrum csatlakozott a vizsgálathoz. A program indulásától 2011. május 1-jéig 4293 beteg adatait rögzítették. A regisztrált betegek 52,1%-ánál ST-elevációval járó (STEMI), 42,1%-ánál nem ST-elevációval járó myocardialis infarctust (NSTEMI), 3%-ánál instabil angina pectorist, 2,8%-ban egyéb diagnózist állapítottak meg a kórházi elbocsátás idején. A szerzők vizsgálják a programba tartozó STEMI miatt kezelt betegek ellátásának jellemzőit Budapesten és Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg megyében. A 301 budapesti beteg ellátásában öt, a 402 vidéki beteg ellátásában egy szívkatéteres centrum vett részt. A STEMI miatt kórházba került budapesti betegek 79,7%-a szívkatéteres centrumba került, és ezen betegek 84,6%-ánál intervenció történt. Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg megyében a STEMI miatt kezelt betegek 62,9%-a került szívkatéteres centrumba, és a betegek 77%-ánál történt katéterterápiás beavatkozás. A 301 budapesti beteg esetén 8%-os, a 402 vidéki beteg esetén 10%-os kórházi halálozást észleltek. A kórházból eltávozott betegek esetén a szekunder prevenció szempontjából fontos gyógyszereket a Budapesten ellátott beteg esetén javasolták gyakrabban. A szerzők megállapítják, hogy az egységes diagnosztikus kritériumokat alkalmazó, prospektív adatgyűjtésen alapuló Infarctus Regiszter Pilóta Vizsgálat kivihető, az adatok népegészségügyi szempontból fontosak. A program országos bevezetése a finanszírozás során nyert adatoknál pontosabb képet adhatna az infarktusos betegek ellátásának helyzetéről. Orv. Hetil., 2011, 152, 1278–1283. | Authors present the methodology and first data of Hungarian Myocardial Infarction Register Pilot Study started 1st of January, 2010. The aim of the study is to collect epidemiological data on myocardial infarction, to examine the natural history of the disease and to investigate the main characteristics on patient care in the pilot area. The program is using standardized diagnostic criteria and predefined electronic data record forms (eCRF). The pilot area consists of 5 districts in the capital, and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county. The area has 997 324 inhabitants. Eight cardiology departments, 5 with heart catheterization facility (C) in Budapest, four hospitals with one C in Szabolcs-Szatmar-Bereg county have been responsible of the patients’ care. After starting the program 16 other hospitals joined the program from different parts of Hungary. Between 1st of January 2010 and 1st of May 2011 4293 patients were registered, among them 52.1% with ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI), 42.1% with non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI), while 3% of the patients had unstable angina, and 2.8% of the cases had other diagnosis or the hospital diagnosis was missing in the eCRF. Authors compare the patients care with STEMI in five districts of Budapest and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county. In Budapest 79.7% of the 301 STEMI patients were treated in C and 84.6% of them were treated with primary percutaneous intervention (pPCI). In Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 402 patients were registered with STEMI, 62.9% of them were treated in C, where 77% of them were treated with pPCI. The drugs (beta blockers, ACE inhibitors, statins) important for secondary prevention were given more often to patients treated in the capital, however no difference was found in the platelet aggregation inhibitors therapy. Hospital mortality of STEMI patients was 8% in the capital, and 10% in Szabolcs- Szatmár-Bereg county. Authors conclude that the web based myocardial infarction register is feasible and important to have reliable data on patient care and a necessary quality control tool. Authors propose to broaden this pilot program and to start a nationwide myocardial infarction register. Orv. Hetil., 2011, 152, 1278–1283

    Dysfunction of the Neurovascular Unit in Ischemic Stroke: Highlights on microRNAs and Exosomes as Potential Biomarkers and Therapy

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    Ischemic stroke is a damaging cerebral vascular disease associated with high disability and mortality rates worldwide. In spite of the continuous development of new diagnostic and prognostic methods, early detection and outcome prediction are often very difficult. The neurovascular unit (NVU) is a complex multicellular entity linking the interactions between neurons, glial cells, and brain vessels. Novel research has revealed that exosome-mediated transfer of microRNAs plays an important role in cell-to-cell communication and, thus, is integral in the multicellular crosstalk within the NVU. After a stroke, NVU homeostasis is altered, which induces the release of several potential biomarkers into the blood vessels. The addition of biological data representing all constituents of the NVU to clinical and neuroradiological findings can significantly advance stroke evaluation and prognosis. In this review, we present the current literature regarding the possible beneficial roles of exosomes derived from the components of the NVU and multipotent mesenchymal stem cells in preclinical studies of ischemic stroke. We also discuss the most relevant clinical trials on the diagnostic and prognostic roles of exosomes in stroke patients

    Acute ischaemic stroke secondary to a mobile thrombus in the common carotid artery - case report

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    A mobile thrombus in the carotid arteries is a very rare ultrasonographic finding and is usually diagnosed after a neurological emergency, such as a transient ischemic attack or cerebral infarction. We present the case of a 54-year-old man with vascular risk factors (a heavy smoker, untreated hypertension) who was admitted to the emergency unit with right sided hemiparesis and aphasia. A cerebral CT scan showed a left middle cerebral artery territory infarction. The duplex ultrasound examination revealed mild atherosclerotic changes in the right common and internal carotid arteries, right-sided complete subclavian steal phenomenon and a complicated hypoechoic atherosclerotic plaque in the left common carotid artery with a large mobile thrombus. Due to the high embolization risk, the patient was hospitalised and prescribed Aspirin together with low molecular weight Heparin. We recorded an improvement in the patient’s neurological status and the control duplex scan revealed disappearance of the thrombus. The presence of floating thrombus in a patient with clinical and imagistic evidence of stroke is a major therapheutic challenge for the neurologist. The treatment strategies are not standardized and must be individualized, however in our case parenteral anticoagulation proved to be successful

    Cardiovascular Autonomic Neuropathy in Context of Other Complications of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between cardiac autonomic neuropathy (CAN) and other micro- and macrovascular complications and risk factors for type 2 diabetes. We included, in this study, 149 patients with type 2 diabetes. We evaluated their cardiovascular risk factors, demographic data, and any major micro- and macrovascular complications of their diabetes. Assessments of CAN were based upon Ewing’s battery. Results. CAN was present in 38.9% of patients. In the CAN group, the duration of diabetes, BMI, systolic blood pressure, lipid levels, and HBA1c were all significantly higher than those in the other group. A significant association was found between CAN and retinopathy, peripheral neuropathy, ABI, and IMT. Multivariate logistic regression demonstrated that, in type 2 diabetes, the odds of CAN (OR (95% confidence intervals)) increase with the age of the patients (1.68 (1,4129–2.0025)), the average diabetes duration (0.57 (0.47–0.67)), cholesterol (1.009 (1.00-1.01)), HbA1c levels (1.88 (1.31–2.72)), peripheral neuropathy (15.47 (5.16–46.38)), BMI (1.12 (1.05–1.21)), and smoking (2.21 (1.08–4.53)). Conclusions. This study shows that CAN in type 2 diabetes is significantly associated with other macro- and microvascular complications and that there are important modifiable risk factors for its development

    Severe Fatal Systemic Embolism Due to Non-Bacterial Thrombotic Endocarditis as the Initial Manifestation of Gastric Adenocarcinoma: Case Report

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    Introduction Nonbacterial thrombotic endocarditis (NBTE), also known as marantic endocarditis, is a rare, underdiagnosed complication of cancer, in the context of a hypercoagulable state. NBTE represents a serious complication due to the high risk of embolisation from the sterile cardiac vegetations. If these are not properly diagnosed and treated, infarctions in multiple arterial territories may occur. Case presentation The case of a 47-year-old male is described. The patient was diagnosed with a gastric adenocarcinoma, in which the first clinical manifestation was NBTE. Subsequently, a hypercoagulability syndrome was associated with multi-organ infarctions, including stroke and eventually resulted in a fatal outcome. Conclusions NBTE must be considered in patients with multiple arterial infarcts with no cardiovascular risk factors, in the absence of an infectious syndrome and negative blood cultures. Cancer screening must be performed to detect the cause of the prothrombotic state

    Lethal Subarachnoid and Intracerebral Haemorrhage Associated with Temporal Arteritis. A Case Report

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    Giant cell arteritis is a systemic inflammatory vasculitis, typically involving the superficial temporal arteries, but with possible ischemic and hemorrhagic cerebrovascular complications