4 research outputs found


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    The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of aqueous extracts of different plant species on the grain and protein yield of soybean. The testing was conducted at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad on the seeds of the NS Apolo variety. The aqueous extracts of the above-ground part of nettle, the above-ground part of nettle and comfrey, whole banana fruit, banana peel, onion bulbs leaves, the top parts of willow twigs and the top parts of soybean plants were foliarly applied. In addition to the untreated control variant, the experiment also included a distilled water control. Control with distilled water was to show whether the effect of aqueous plant extracts was due to plant material or just water. The results of the experiment showed that the use of aqueous extracts contributed to the increase in grain and protein yield. The increase in grain yield ranged from 9.48% to 15.34%, and the increase in protein yield from 9.31% to 16.16%. The best effect was achieved by applying the aqueous extract of the whole banana fruit and the aqueous extract of the mix of nettle and comfrey. By applying them each year, a significantly higher yield was achieved in relation to the control with distilled water

    Uticaj primene vodenih ekstrakata različitih biljaka na prinos zrna i proteina u proizvodnji soje

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of aqueous extracts of different plant species on the grain and protein yield of soybean. The testing was conducted at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad on the seeds of the NS Apolo variety. The aqueous extracts of the above-ground part of nettle, the above-ground part of nettle and comfrey, whole banana fruit, banana peel, onion bulbs leaves, the top parts of willow twigs and the top parts of soybean plants were foliarly applied. In addition to the untreated control variant, the experiment also included a distilled water control. Control with distilled water was to show whether the effect of aqueous plant extracts was due to plant material or just water. The results of the experiment showed that the use of aqueous extracts contributed to the increase in grain and protein yield. The increase in grain yield ranged from 9.48% to 15.34%, and the increase in protein yield from 9.31% to 16.16%. The best effect was achieved by applying the aqueous extract of the whole banana fruit and the aqueous extract of the mix of nettle and comfrey. By applying them each year, a significantly higher yield was achieved in relation to the control with distilled water.Cilj ovog rada je bio da se ispita uticaj vodenih biljnih ekstrakata na prinos zrna i proteina kod soje. Ispitivanje je obavljeno u Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo u Novom Sadu na sorti NS Apolo. Za folijarnu primenu korišćeni su vodeni ekstrakti: nadzemnog dela koprive, nadzemnog dela koprive i gaveza, ceo plod banane, kora banane, listovi lukovice crnog luka, vršni delovi grančica vrbe i vršni delovi biljaka soje. Pored kontrolne varijante, eksperiment je uključivao i kontrolu – destilovanu vodu. Kontrola destilovanom vodom će pokazati da li je efekat vodenih biljnih ekstrakata posledica biljnog materijala ili vode. Rezultati analize su pokazali da je upotreba vodenih ekstrakata doprinela povećanju prinosa zrna i prinosa proteina. Povećanje prinosa kretalo se od 9,48% do 15,34%, a povećanje prinosa proteina od 9,31% do 16,16%. Najbolji efekat je postignut primenom vodenog ekstrakta celog ploda banane i vodenog ekstrakta koprive i gaveza. Njihovom primenom svake godine postignut je znatno veći prinos u odnosu na kontrolu vodom

    UL36 Rescues Apoptosis Inhibition and In vivo Replication of a Chimeric MCMV Lacking the M36 Gene

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    Apoptosis is an important defensemechanismmounted by the immune systemto control virus replication. Hence, cytomegaloviruses (CMV) evolved and acquired numerous anti-apoptotic genes. The product of the human CMV (HCMV) UL36 gene, pUL36 (also known as vICA), binds to pro-caspase-8, thus inhibiting death-receptor apoptosis and enabling viral replication in differentiated THP-1 cells. In vivo studies of the function of HCMV genes are severely limited due to the strict host specificity of cytomegaloviruses, but CMV orthologues that co-evolved with other species allow the experimental study of CMV biology in vivo. The mouse CMV (MCMV) homolog of the UL36 gene is called M36, and its protein product (pM36) is a functional homolog of vICA that binds to murine caspase-8 and inhibits its activation. M36-deficient MCMV is severely growth impaired in macrophages and in vivo. Here we show that pUL36 binds to the murine pro-caspase-8, and that UL36 expression inhibits death-receptor apoptosis in murine cells and can replace M36 to allow MCMV growth in vitro and in vivo. We generated a chimeric MCMV expressing the UL36 ORF sequence instead of the M36 one. The newly generatedMCMVUL36 inhibited apoptosis inmacrophage lines RAW264.7, J774A.1, and IC-21 and its growth was rescued to wild type levels. Similarly, growth was rescued in vivo in the liver and spleen, but only partially in the salivary glands of BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice. In conclusion, we determined that an immune-evasive HCMV gene is conserved enough to functionally replace its MCMV counterpart and thus allow its study in an in vivo setting. As UL36 and M36 proteins engage the same molecular host target, our newly developed model can facilitate studies of anti-viral compounds targeting pUL36 in vivo


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    The development of science and technology introduces new approaches in plant breeding and various methods to increase plant productivity. One of the latest methods is the implementation of an environmentally friendly technique of using a pulsed low-frequency electromagnetic field (PEMP). The paper presents the results of the influence of the electromagnetic stimulation of soybean seeds on grain weight per plant, weight of 1,000 grains and grain yield in different agroecological conditions. In the three-year research, in the period from 2013 to 2015, the soybean variety Valjevka was used, grown with different amounts of fertilizers (control – without fertilization, 750 kg/ha and 1300 kg/ha). Before sowing, the seed was subjected to PEMP stimulation in variants: control – without stimulation and alternating magnetic field stimulation (PEMP) with induction of 30 mT and exposure time of 15 minutes. The average grain weight per plant during seed stimulation was 11.53% (12.09) higher than without PEMP (10.84). The weight of 1,000 grains with PEMP was 155.99 g, which was 2.06% higher than the weight of 1,000 grains of the variant without PEMP (152.83 g). The average soybean grain yield for all three years of research with seed stimulation was 4.85% higher (3,481.25 kg/ha) than without PEMP (3,320.14 kg/ha). Stimulation of seeds with PEMP has economic justification given the growth of soybean prices on the world stock market. The results show that the PEMP treatment of soybean seeds can significantly affect soybean grain yield and counteract side effects such as drought and lack of fertilizers