938 research outputs found

    S-duality in SU(3) Yang-Mills Theory with Non-abelian Unbroken Gauge Group

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    It is observed that the magnetic charges of classical monopole solutions in Yang-Mills-Higgs theory with non-abelian unbroken gauge group HH are in one-to-one correspondence with coherent states of a dual or magnetic group H~\tilde H. In the spirit of the Goddard-Nuyts-Olive conjecture this observation is interpreted as evidence for a hidden magnetic symmetry of Yang-Mills theory. SU(3) Yang-Mills-Higgs theory with unbroken gauge group U(2) is studied in detail. The action of the magnetic group on semi-classical states is given explicitly. Investigations of dyonic excitations show that electric and magnetic symmetry are never manifest at the same time: Non-abelian magnetic charge obstructs the realisation of electric symmetry and vice-versa. On the basis of this fact the charge sectors in the theory are classified and their fusion rules are discussed. Non-abelian electric-magnetic duality is formulated as a map between charge sectors. Coherent states obey particularly simple fusion rules, and in the set of coherent states S-duality can be formulated as an SL(2,Z)-mapping between sectors which leaves the fusion rules invariant.Comment: 27 pages, harvmac, amssym, one eps figure; minor misprints corrected and title amende

    Demam Berdarah Dengue Derajat II Pada Bayi Usia 9 Bulan

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    Latar Belakang. Demam berdarah dengue (DBD) adalah penyakit demam akut yang disebabkan oleh virus dengue serta memenuhi kriteria World Health Organization (WHO) untuk DBD. Saat ini, di Kawasan Asia Tenggara jumlah kasus masih tetap tinggi, rerata 10- 25 kasus per 100.000 penduduk, yang terbanyak terjadi antara umur 4 - 10 tahun. Akan tetapi angka kematian akibat DBD masih < 2%. Faktor – faktor yang mempengaruhi peningkatan dan penyebaran kasus DBD sangat kompleks, yaitu pertumbuhan penduduk yang tinggi, urbanisasi yang tidak terencana dan tidak terkendali, tidak adanya kontrol vector nyamuk yang efektif di daerah endemis, dan peningkatan sarana transportasi. Terapi utama pada DBD yaitu suportif berupa rehidrasi cairan. Kasus. Bayi A usia 9 bulan mengeluh demam 5 hari sebelum masuk Ruma Sakit (RS), buang air besar (BAB) hitam dan muncul bintik kemerahan pada 1 hari sebelum masuk RS. Nadi 112 x/menit, respirasi 38 x/menit, suhu 36,8 oC, dan status gizi baik. Dari hasil pemeriksaan fisik didapatkan petechiae pada kulit. Hemoglobin 11,5 g/dl, hematokrit 34%, trombosit 66.000 /ul. Terapi rehidrasi cairan dengan Ringer Lactat Intravena 6 ml /kg Simpulan. Berdasarkan kriteria WHO tahun 1997, pada bayi ini dapat ditegakkan diagnosis DBD derajat II dan sudah mendapatkan penatalaksanaan yang sesuai. [Medula Unila.2013;1(4):35-44

    Depression during Pregnancy : light, seasons and sleep

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    This thesis focuses on depression during pregnancy, with a special focus on the effects of light, seasons and sleep

    Inequivalent classes of interference experiments with non-abelian anyons

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    We present a theoretical analysis of inequivalent classes of interference experiments with non-abelian anyons using an idealized Mach-Zender type interferometer. Because of the non-abelian nature of the braid group action one has to distinguish the different possibilities in which the experiment can be repeated, which lead to different interference patterns. We show that each setup will, after repeated measurement, lead to a situation where the two-particle (or multi-particle) state gets locked into an eigenstate of some well defined operator. Also the probability to end up in such an eigenstate is calculated. Some representative examples are worked out in detail

    An Intelligent Analysis of Crime through Newspaper Articles - Clustering and Classification

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    Crime analysis is one of the most important activities of the majority of the intelligent and law enforcement organizations all over the world. Thus, it seems necessary to study reasons, factors and relations between occurrence of different crimes and finding the most appropriate ways to control and avoid more crimes. A major challenge faced by most of the law enforcement and intelligence organizations is efficiently and accurately analyzing the growing volumes of crime related data. The vast geographical diversity and the complexity of crime patterns have made the analyzing and recording of crime data more difficult. This paper presents an intelligent crime analysis system which is designed to overcome the above mentioned problems. Data mining is used extensively in terms of analysis, investigation and discovery of patterns for occurrence of different crimes. The proposed system is a web-based system which performs crime analysis through news articles. In this paper we use a clustering/ classification based model to automatically group the retrieved documents into a list of meaningful categories. The data mining techniques are used to analyze the web data

    Hopf symmetry breaking and confinement in (2+1)-dimensional gauge theory

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    Gauge theories in 2+1 dimensions whose gauge symmetry is spontaneously broken to a finite group enjoy a quantum group symmetry which includes the residual gauge symmetry. This symmetry provides a framework in which fundamental excitations (electric charges) and topological excitations (magnetic fluxes) can be treated on equal footing. In order to study symmetry breaking by both electric and magnetic condensates we develop a theory of symmetry breaking which is applicable to models whose symmetry is described by a quantum group (quasitriangular Hopf algebra). Using this general framework we investigate the symmetry breaking and confinement phenomena which occur in (2+1)-dimensional gauge theories. Confinement of particles is linked to the formation of string-like defects. Symmetry breaking by an electric condensate leads to magnetic confinement and vice-versa. We illustrate the general formalism with examples where the symmetry is broken by electric, magnetic and dyonic condensates.Comment: 57 pages, 2 figures, LaTe

    Monopoles, Antimonopoles and Vortex Rings

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    We present a new class of static axially symmetric solutions of SU(2) Yang-Mills-Higgs theory, where the Higgs field vanishes on rings centered around the symmetry axis. Associating a magnetic dipole moment with each Higgs vortex ring, the dipole moments add for solutions in the trivial topological sector, whereas they cancel for magnetically charged solutions.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Towards a non-abelian electric-magnetic symmetry: the skeleton group

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    We propose a unified electric-magnetic symmetry group in Yang-Mills theory, which we call the skeleton group. We work in the context of non-abelian unbroken gauge symmetry, and provide evidence for our proposal by relating the representation theory of the skeleton group to the labelling and fusion rules of charge sectors, and by showing how the skeleton group arises naturally in a gauge-fixed description of the theory. In particular we show that the labels of electric, magnetic and dyonic sectors in non-abelian Yang-Mills theory can be interpreted in terms of irreducible representations of the skeleton group. Decomposing tensor products of these representations thus gives candidate fusion rules for these charge sectors. We demonstrate consistency of these fusion rules with the known fusion rules of the purely electric or magnetic sectors, and extract new predictions for the fusion rules of dyonic sectors in particular cases. We also implement S-duality and show that the fusion rules obtained from the skeleton group commute with S-duality. As further evidence for the relevance of the skeleton group we consider a generalisation of ’t Hooft’s abelian gauge fixing procedure. We show that the skeleton group plays the role of an effective symmetry in this gauge, and argue that this gauge is particularly useful for exploring phases of the theory which generalise Alice electrodynamics

    Numerical Study of the Lowest Energy Configurations for Global String-Antistring Pairs

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    We investigate the lowest energy configurations for string - antistring pairs at fixed separations by numerically minimizing the energy. We show that for separations smaller than a critical value, a region of false vacuum develops in the middle due to large gradient energy density. Consequently, well defined string - antistring pairs do not exist for such separations. We present an example of vortex - antivortex production by vacuum bubbles where this effect seems to play a dynamical role in the annihilation of the pair. We also study the dependence of the energy of an string-antistring pair on their separation and find deviations from a simple logarithmic dependence for small separations.Comment: 14 pages, in LATEX, 7 figures (not included