28 research outputs found

    Managing Interval Resources in Automated Planning

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    In this paper RDPPLan, a model for planning with quantitative resources specified as numerical intervals, is presented. Nearly all existing models of planning with resources require to specify exact values for updating resources modified by actions execution. In other words these models cannot deal with more realistic situations in which the resources quantities are not completely known but are bounded by intervals. The RDPPlan model allow to manage domains more tailored to real world, where preconditions and effects over quantitative resources can be specified by intervals of values, in addition mixed logical/quantitative and pure numerical goals can be posed. RDPPlan is based on non directional search over a planning graph, like DPPlan, from which it derives, it uses propagation rules which have been appropriately extended to the management of resource intervals. The propagation rules extended with resources must verify invariant properties over the planning graph which have been proven by the authors and guarantee the correctness of the approach. An implementation of the RDPPlan model is described with search strategies specifically developed for interval resources

    Using optimisation meta-heuristics for the roughness estimation problem in river flow analysis

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    open access articleClimate change threats make it difficult to perform reliable and quick predictions on floods forecasting. This gives rise to the need of having advanced methods, e.g., computational intelligence tools, to improve upon the results from flooding events simulations and, in turn, design best practices for riverbed maintenance. In this context, being able to accurately estimate the roughness coefficient, also known as Manning’s n coefficient, plays an important role when computational models are employed. In this piece of research, we propose an optimal approach for the estimation of ‘n’. First, an objective function is designed for measuring the quality of ‘candidate’ Manning’s coefficients relative to specif cross-sections of a river. Second, such function is optimised to return coefficients having the highest quality as possible. Five well-known meta-heuristic algorithms are employed to achieve this goal, these being a classic Evolution Strategy, a Differential Evolution algorithm, the popular Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy, a classic Particle Swarm Optimisation and a Bayesian Optimisation framework. We report results on two real-world case studies based on the Italian rivers ‘Paglia’ and ‘Aniene’. A comparative analysis between the employed optimisation algorithms is performed and discussed both empirically and statistically. From the hydrodynamic point of view, the experimental results are satisfactory and produced within significantly less computational time in comparison to classic methods. This shows the suitability of the proposed approach for optimal estimation of the roughness coefficient and, in turn, for designing optimised hydrological models

    Metodi computazionali per l'inferenza bayesiana con dati incompleti

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    Dottorato di ricerca in metodi matematici e statistici per la ricerca economica e sociale. 8. ciclo. A.a. 1994-95. Relatore G. Galmacci. Coordinatore A. ForcinaConsiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Biblioteca Centrale - P.le Aldo Moro, 7, Rome; Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale - P.za Cavalleggeri, 1, Florence / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal

    A performance analysis of Basin hopping compared to established metaheuristics for global optimization

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    During the last decades many metaheuristics for global numerical optimization have been proposed. Among them, Basin Hopping is very simple and straightforward to implement, although rarely used outside its original Physical Chemistry community. In this work, our aim is to compare Basin Hopping, and two population variants of it, with readily available implementations of the well known metaheuristics Differential Evolution, Particle Swarm Optimization, and Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy. We perform numerical experiments using the IOH profiler environment with the BBOB test function set and two difficult real-world problems. The experiments were carried out in two different but comple- mentary ways: by measuring the performance under a fixed budget of function evaluations and by considering a fixed target value. The general conclusion is that Basin Hopping and its newly introduced population variant are almost as good as Covariance Matrix Adaptation on the synthetic benchmark functions and better than it on the two hard cluster energy minimiza- tion problems. Thus, the proposed analyses show that Basin Hopping can be considered a good candidate for global numerical optimization problems along with the more established metaheuristics, especially if one wants to obtain quick and reliable results on an unknown problem

    Acyclic directed graphs to represent conditional independence models

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    In this paper we consider conditional independence models closed under graphoid properties. We investigate their representation by means of acyclic directed graphs (DAG). A new algorithm to build a DAG, given an ordering among random variables, is described and peculiarities and advantages of this approach are discussed. Finally, some properties ensuring the existence of perfect maps are provided. These conditions can be used to define a procedure able to find a perfect map for some classes of independence models. © 2009 Springer Berlin Heidelberg

    Conditional independence structure and its closure: Inferential rules and algorithms

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    In this paper, we deal with conditional independence models closed with respect to graphoid properties. Such models come from different uncertainty measures, in particular in a probabilistic setting. We study some inferential rules and describe methods and algorithms to compute efficiently the closure of a set of conditional independence statements. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved