98 research outputs found

    Valley-selective energy transfer between quantum dots in atomically thin semiconductors

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    In monolayers of transition metal dichalcogenides the nonlocal nature of the effective dielectric screening leads to large binding energies of excitons. Additional lateral confinement gives rise to exciton localization in quantum dots. By assuming parabolic confinement for both the electron and the hole, we derive model wave functions for the relative and the center-of-mass motions of electronhole pairs, and investigate theoretically resonant energy transfer among excitons localized in two neighboring quantum dots. We quantify the probability of energy transfer for a direct- gap transition by assuming that the interaction between two quantum dots is described by a Coulomb potential, which allows us to include all relevant multipole terms of the interaction. We demonstrate the structural control of the valley-selective energy transfer between quantum dots

    SciKGTeX -- A LaTeX Package to Semantically Annotate Contributions in Scientific Publications

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    Scientific knowledge graphs have been proposed as a solution to structure the content of research publications in a machine-actionable way and enable more efficient, computer-assisted workflows for many research activities. Crowd-sourcing approaches are used frequently to build and maintain such scientific knowledge graphs. To contribute to scientific knowledge graphs, researchers need simple and easy-to-use solutions to generate new knowledge graph elements and establish the practice of semantic representations in scientific communication. In this paper, we present a workflow for authors of scientific documents to specify their contributions with a LaTeX package, called SciKGTeX, and upload them to a scientific knowledge graph. The SciKGTeX package allows authors of scientific publications to mark the main contributions of their work directly in LaTeX source files. The package embeds marked contributions as metadata into the generated PDF document, from where they can be extracted automatically and imported into a scientific knowledge graph, such as the ORKG. This workflow is simpler and faster than current approaches, which make use of external web interfaces for data entry. Our user evaluation shows that SciKGTeX is easy to use, with a score of 79 out of 100 on the System Usability Scale, as participants of the study needed only 7 minutes on average to annotate the main contributions on a sample abstract of a published paper. Further testing shows that the embedded contributions can be successfully uploaded to ORKG within ten seconds. SciKGTeX simplifies the process of manual semantic annotation of research contributions in scientific articles. Our workflow demonstrates how a scientific knowledge graph can automatically ingest research contributions from document metadata.Comment: Accepted for publication at the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries 2023 (JCDL2023

    SciKGTeX - A LATEX Package to Semantically Annotate Contributions in Scientific Publications

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    Scientific knowledge graphs have been proposed as a solution to structure the content of research publications in a machine-actionable way and enable more efficient, computer-assisted work-flows for many research activities. Crowd-sourcing approaches are used frequently to build and maintain such scientific knowledge graphs. To contribute to scientific knowledge graphs, researchers need simple and easy-to-use solutions to generate new knowledge graph elements and establish the practice of semantic representations in scientific communication. In this paper, we present a workflow for authors of scientific documents to specify their contributions with a LATEX package, called SciKGTeX, and upload them to a scientific knowledge graph. The SciKGTeX package allows authors of scientific publications to mark the main contributions of their work directly in LATEX source files. The package embeds marked contributions as metadata into the generated PDF document, from where they can be extracted automatically and imported into a scientific knowledge graph, such as the ORKG. This workflow is simpler and faster than current approaches, which make use of external web interfaces for data entry. Our user evaluation shows that SciKGTeX is easy to use, with a score of 79 out of 100 on the System Usability Scale, as participants of the study needed only 7 minutes on average to annotate the main contributions on a sample abstract of a published paper. Further testing shows that the embedded contributions can be successfully uploaded to ORKG within ten seconds. SciKGTeX simplifies the process of manual semantic annotation of research contributions in scientific articles. Our workflow demonstrates how a scientific knowledge graph can automatically ingest research contributions from document metadata.© 2023 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works


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    The paper discusses the importance of information resources requiring reliable methods of unauthorized access protection in the modern information-oriented society. The article describes the structure and basic principles of the quantum cryptography technology based on properties of quantum systems. Quantum information is a physical quantity characterizing changes occurring in the system during interaction between the information flow and the external environment. It offers a method for improving data security and confidential information protection using quantum teleportation within infrared laser communication channels. The theoretical development was implemented experimentally by the authors using the unit for laser communications


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    This article discusses the task of the quality milk control when it is processed by a magnetic field on the principle of nuclear magnetic resonance, which improves some quality indicators of milk. Was proposed and developed three-level automated milk quality control system, the structure and principle of its operation. Experimental assessments of qualitative indicators of dairy products obtained in the article made it possible to determine the tuning optimum parameters of the system for stabilizing the magnetic field strength on the principle of nuclear magnetic resonance

    Analysis of successful cases of anti-corruption reforms and their implementation in Ukraine after the war

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    Military aggression by Russia against Ukraine continues to destroy Ukraine's economy, social, transportation, and energy infrastructure, and the lives of its people, demolishing entire cities and villages and causing irreparable losses to the Ukrainian people and ecosystem.Ukraine needs to implement a massive recovery program, including effective anti-corruption reform, to rebuild the country after the warand integrate its economy into the European space.The article aims to study successful experiences of anti-corruption reforms and outline specifics of their application in Ukraine after the war's end.Methodology. The study uses an analytical-bibliographic method to examine scientific literature on anti-corruption reforms, as well as induction, deduction, analysis, synthesis of information, systemic-structural, comparative, logical-linguistic methods, abstraction, idealization for studying and processing data, and an online survey conducted by the authors of the study to practically clarify the most critical issues related to anti-corruption policy in Ukraine and the world.Results. The study has identified the main theoretical aspects of the anti-corruption experience and examined the views of scholars and department heads of local self-government bodies on the key features of this issue

    Exciton g-factors in monolayer and bilayer WSe2 from experiment and theory

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    The optical properties of monolayer and bilayer transition metal dichalcogenide semiconductors are governed by excitons in different spin and valley configurations, providing versatile aspects for van der Waals heterostructures and devices. Here, we present experimental and theoretical studies of exciton energy splittings in external magnetic field in neutral and charged WSe2 monolayer and bilayer crystals embedded in a field effect device for active doping control. We develop theoretical methods to calculate the exciton g-factors from first principles for all possible spin-valley configurations of excitons in monolayer and bilayer WSe2 including valley-indirect excitons. Our theoretical and experimental findings shed light on some of the characteristic photoluminescence peaks observed for monolayer and bilayer WSe2. In more general terms, the theoretical aspects of our work provide additional means for the characterization of single and few-layer transition metal dichalcogenides, as well as their heterostructures, in the presence of external magnetic fields