7 research outputs found

    Impact of the bioeconomy on food security in Ukraine

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    The movement toward bio-economy means the complex system changes, it concerns such wide and important aspects as food security, resource efficiency, biodiversity, job creation, GDP production. Purpose of the article – generalizing of the basic parameters of food security and outlining of the impact directions of the bio-economy. There are analyzed the meaning of food security in the article, described the links between food security and the bioeconomy, determined that the bioeconomy has the potential to improve food security through the development of more efficient systems of agricultural production which can significantly increase the production of food by increasing the sustainability of the agricultural sector, which is essential in the long term. We consider that there is some scope for the development of the bioeconomy in Ukraine, including the sector of biofuels production and «green» sector without endangering food security. Dilemmas «food or fuel» for Ukraine is not acute at this stage, however, the benefits from the bioeconomy transition are quite significant

    Management mechanism of agrarian economic system: composition, functions and factors of development in Ukraine

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    The current state of development of Ukraine’s national economy involves strengthening the processes of transition to social market economy, aimed at accelerating the rates of economic growth of the country. The presence of peculiarities of activity of agrarian producers and increase of the socioeconomic importance of the agrarian sector of the economy contribute to the need to develop and substantiate the methodological conditions aimed at solving multidimensional and diverse problems of ensuring the development of agrarian economic systems. In the work, the directions of the formation of the mechanism of management of agrarian economic systems, which consist in the transition to a new quality level of the use of information and intellectual resources of the management system on the basis of modern information technologies and modeling, which allowed to develop a structural scheme of the mechanism of management of the agrarian sector of the economy. The understanding of the mechanism of management of agrarian economic systems, factors and functions of this mechanism are determined. The mechanism of management of agrarian economic systems should be considered as a system of principles, rules, norms and procedures, within the framework of which the goals and objectives of the agrarian economy are developed in accordance with the current economic laws. This mechanism should be in line with the ownership of the subjects of state domination of the region, organizational structures of management, market social and economic relations, natural conditions of economic activity and state economic policy concerning the development of agrarian production, etc., and also take into account the main economic relationships that exist between the individual structural components of the agrarian economic system

    Assessing the level of organic farming development in the European countries

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    Organic farming is an essential approach to agriculture that seeks to reduce the negative impact of human activities on the environment and ensure the sustainability of food production. The study aims to determine the integral index of the development of organic farming and to create a clustering model of organic farming in European countries. As a research methodology, additive-multiplicative convolution was used to determine the integral index of organic farming development. Cluster analysis (the Ward method and the k-means clustering method) identified respective clusters. The integrated index is based on eight indicators of organic farming from the Eurostat database, 2012–2020, and ranges from zero to one. The following countries have the highest value of the integral index: Italy (0.57), France (0.54), Spain (0.54), Germany (0.45), and Turkey (0.47). Three clusters were identified according to eight indicators of organic agriculture. The first cluster includes countries-leaders in agricultural territories (about 2.1 million hectare) with the highest state financial support for agricultural research and development (1.1 billion euros). The second cluster includes countries with the most minor organic farming operators (50-100 operators). The third cluster includes countries with the highest index of annual income from the sale of farm products (200-220 points) but with the highest level of usage of dangerous pesticides (250 points). The heterogeneity of clusters allows one to determine the strengths and weaknesses of organic farming in European countries


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    The paper is devoted to bioeconomic security on the European continent in the context of international innovation system creation. The aim of the paper is to study a new direction of bioeconomics - the formation of conditions for strengthening economic security the contextin to define the elements of national innovation system. We define the category "bioeconomic security" and main elements of the national innovation system: synergistic knowledge and innovation creating; shift to innovative advanced technologies; implementation of effective organizational and administrative solutions for creation of agro-biotechnology clusters; promotion of complex resource preservation and transition to renewable energy; implementation of large-scale research. To strengthen economic security of the European countries, it is necessary to organize a comprehensive monitoring of all necessary indicators (using the integrated index) and begin to form bioenergetic clusters. The calculated index bioeconomic security clearly shows that four different countries (Poland, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and the Netherlands) that have individual advantages will be able to create a positive synergetic effect if they join a single bioenergetic cluster. Thus, it can be argued that bioeconomic security on the European continent is possible only if all European innovation systems are integrated into one complex system, which will ensure a high probability of energy independence

    Optimization and diversification of natural gas supply in Ukraine

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    This article considers different variants of natural gas supply in Ukraine which are based on the main tendencies of natural gas regional markets and some important factors, such as: possibility to use natural gas storage system, different changes in government regulation and innovations in the energy generation and supply sphere. The purpose of this work is to substantiate the current gas supply strategy in Ukraine on the basis of quantitative methods. The main results of the article are: Numerical estimation of the positive effect, gained from the using of natural gas storage system; Numerical estimation of the positive effect from the diversification of the natural gas supply in Ukraine in terms of decreasing the potential role of Gazprom monopoly. The population response evaluation on the gas price rising. This article provides an effective tool for assessing the possible consequences of decisions of state bodies when moving away from the existing monopoly of gas supply system and the macroeconomic effect of different gas supply options. The quantitative assessment of the gradual convergence of regional markets and the creation of a global natural gas market is propose

    Ocena efektywności systemów podatkowych w Europie wobec skutków pandemii COVID-19

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    Ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic is not only health crisis but the economic challenge. The future of society depends on how successfully the authorities find a balance between imposition of stringent restrictions and economic development. Tax policies play a role in reducing losses caused by the COVID-19 lockdowns. All countries are taking tax measures to mitigate the impact of the effects of COVID-19 pandemic on society. While the COVID-19 pandemic has not yet been defeated, it is too early to draw conclusions about which tax measures against the effects of COVID-19 are efficient. On the other hand, correct trajectory of economic recovery can be missed if not to analyze the other countries experience. The object of this study is tax measures in the European countries against the effects of COVID-19. The subject of the study is the fuzzy set theory to assess the efficiency of tax measures in the European countries against the effects of COVID-19. The aim of the study is to find out which European countries have been more succeeded in tax measures implementing and type of their immediate crisis response. The analysis is carried out in 29 European countries. The result of the study allows to state that the number of tax measures against the effects of COVID-19 does not affect their efficiency and the most popular type of immediate crisis response has been the business cash-flow enhances.Trwająca globalna pandemia COVID-19 to nie tylko kryzys zdrowotny, ale także wyzwanie gospodarcze. Przyszłość społeczeństw zależy od tego, jak skutecznie władze osiągną równowagę między nakładaniem surowych ograniczeń a rozwojem gospodarczym. Polityka podatkowa odgrywa rolę w ograniczaniu strat spowodowanych przez ograniczenia związane z Covid-19. Wszystkie kraje podejmują inicjatywy podatkowe w celu złagodzenia wpływu pandemii Covid-19 na społeczeństwo. Chociaż pandemia COVID-19 nie została jeszcze pokonana, jest zbyt wcześnie, aby wyciągać wnioski na temat tego, które środki podatkowe przeciwko skutkom COVID-19 są skuteczne. Z drugiej strony można przeoczyć prawidłową trajektorię ożywienia gospodarczego. Przedmiotem tego badania są inicjatywy podatkowe podejmowane w krajach europejskich przeciwko skutkom COVID-19. Przedmiotem badania jest teoria zbiorów rozmytych wykorzystana do oceny skuteczności środków podatkowych w krajach europejskich wobec skutków COVID-19. Celem badania jest ustalenie, które kraje europejskie odniosły większe sukcesy we wdrażaniu środków podatkowych oraz rodzaju ich natychmiastowej reakcji na kryzys. Analiza prowadzona jest w 29 krajach europejskich. Wynik badania pozwala stwierdzić, że liczba inicjatyw podatkowych przeciwko skutkom COVID-19 nie wpływa na ich skuteczność, a najpopularniejszym rodzajem natychmiastowej reakcji na kryzys jest zwiększenie przepływów pieniężnych przedsiębiorstw