70 research outputs found

    Polymer acrylic hydrogels with protein filler: Synthesis and characterization

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    ArticleThe water-retention hydrogel composites were synthesized by the free-radical polymerization depending on the order of addition filler of the protein hydrolysate. As the filler was used protein hydrolysate, ‘Biostim’, obtained by processing cattle hides. The influence of gelation time on the synthesis parameters of hydrogel compositions was investigated. It is found that the gelation time of the sample without filler is 2–2.5 times longer than filled of hydrogel compositions. The structural characteristics of polymer composition by TGA, DSC and atomic force microscopy were determined. FTIR spectra found decrease in the intensity of vibrations of (-COO-) groups, indicating about additional ionic interactions. Decrease the beginning evaporation temperature of polymer composites with increase concentration of protein filler, indicating the destruction of the ordered structure of the polymer material revealed by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The influence of various media, such as distilled water, saline solution, and buffer solutions at differents pH on the swelling behavior of hydrogels was also assessed. Maximum swelling capacity showed sample prepared with order of addition filler at the end of synthesis (Scheme I). The kinetics of the release protein hydrolysate from the polymer matrix was measurement by spectrophotometric method. The synthesized hydrogel composites with protein hydrolysate and improved physicochemical properties are of practical interest as water-retaining materials for increasing of crop the yield in agricultural

    A New Algorithm for Analysis of Experimental Mössbauer Spectra

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    A new approach to analyze the nuclear gamma resonance (NGR) spectra is presented and justified in the paper. The algorithm successively spots the Lorentz lines in the experimental spectrum by a certain optimization procedures. In Mössbauer spectroscopy, the primary analysis is based on the representation of the transmission integral of an experimental spectrum by the sum of Lorentzians. In the general case, a number of lines and values of parameters in Lorentzians are unknown. The problem is to find them. In practice, before the experimental data processing, one elaborates a model of the Mössbauer spectrum. Such a model is usually based on some additional information. Taking into account physical restrictions, one forms the shape of the lines which are close to the normalized experimental Mössbauer spectrum. This is done by choosing the remaining free parameters of the model. However, this approach does not guarantee a proper model. A reasonable way to construct a structural NGR spectrum decomposition should be based on its model-free analysis. Some model-free methods of the NGR spectra analysis have been implemented in a number of known algorithms. Each of these methods is useful but has a limited range of application. In fact, the previously known algorithms did not react to hardly noticeable primary features of the experimental spectrum, but identify the dominant components only. In the proposed approach, the difference between the experimental spectrum and the known already determined part of the spectral structure defines the next Lorentzian. This method is effective for isolation of fine details of the spectrum, although it requires a well-elaborated algorithmic procedure presented in this paper


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    A new approach to analyze the nuclear gamma resonance (NGR) spectra is presented and justified in the paper. The algorithm successively spots the Lorentz lines in the experimental spectrum by a certain optimization procedures. In Mössbauer spectroscopy, the primary analysis is based on the representation of the transmission integral of an experimental spectrum by the sum of Lorentzians. In the general case, a number of lines and values of parameters in Lorentzians are unknown. The problem is to find them. In practice, before the experimental data processing, one elaborates a model of the Mössbauer spectrum. Such a model is usually based on some additional information. Taking into account physical restrictions, one forms the shape of the lines which are close to the normalized experimental Mössbauer spectrum. This is done by choosing the remaining free parameters of the model. However, this approach does not guarantee a proper model. A reasonable way to construct a structural NGR spectrum decomposition should be based on its model-free analysis. Some model-free methods of the NGR spectra analysis have been implemented in a number of known algorithms. Each of these methods is useful but has a limited range of application. In fact, the previously known algorithms did not react to hardly noticeable primary features of the experimental spectrum, but identify the dominant components only.  In the proposed approach, the difference between the experimental spectrum and the known already determined part of the spectral structure defines the next Lorentzian. This method is effective for isolation of fine details of the spectrum, although it requires a well-elaborated algorithmic procedure presented in this paper

    Functionalization of Carbon Nanomaterial Surface by Doxorubicin and Antibodies to Tumor Markers

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    The actual task of oncology is effective treatment of cancer while causing a minimum harm to the patient. The appearance of polymer nanomaterials and technologies launched new applications and approaches of delivery and release of anticancer drugs. The goal of work was to test ultra dispersed diamonds (UDDs) and onion-like carbon (OLCs) as new vehicles for delivery of antitumor drug (doxorubicin (DOX)) and specific antibodies to tumor receptors. Stable compounds of UDDs and OLCs with DOX were obtained. As results of work, an effectiveness of functionalization was 2.94 % w/w for OLC-DOX and 2.98 % w/w for UDD-DOX. Also, there was demonstrated that UDD-DOX and OLC-DOX constructs had dose-dependent cytotoxic effect on tumor cells in the presence of trypsin. The survival of adenocarcinoma cells reduced from 52 to 28 % in case of incubation with the UDD-DOX in concentrations from 8.4–2.5 to 670–20 μg/ml and from 72 to 30 % after incubation with OLC-DOX. Simultaneously, antibodies to epidermal growth factor maintained 75 % of the functional activity and specificity after matrix-assisted pulsed laser evaporation deposition. Thus, the conclusion has been made about the prospects of selected new methods and approaches for creating an antitumor agent with capabilities targeted delivery of drugs

    Глутаровая ацидурия типа 1 у детей. Клиническое представление 46 случаев, диагностированных в России

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    Background. Glutaric aciduria type 1 is an autosomal recessive disease caused by mutations in the GCDH gene, which encodes the enzyme glutaryl‑CoA dehydrogenase. Metabolic crisis in type 1 glutaric aciduria is an acute life‑threatening condition that requires careful diagnosis with a number of other conditions and the immediate initiation of pathogenetic therapy.Materials and methods. Clinical manifestations, neuroimaging characteristics of the disease were studied in 46 patients with diagnosed glutaric aciduria type 1 confirmed by biochemical and molecular genetic methods. Methods: gas chromatography with mass spectrometry, tandem mass spectrometry, Sanger sequencing, chromosomal microarray analysis of the exon level.Results and discussion. A retrospective analysis of anamnestic and clinical data was carried out, and the nature and age of disease manifestation, provoking factors, a spectrum of clinical manifestations and neuroimaging data were assessed.Conclusion. How initiated treatment prevents progression of neurological symptom relief and patient adaptation. With the help of the goal, it is necessary to inform pediatricians, neurologists and neuroradiologists about this feature of the course of glutaric aciduria type 1 in order to increase the clinical alertness of this disease.Введение. Глутаровая ацидурия типа 1 – аутосомно‑рецессивное заболевание, обусловленное мутациями в гене GCDH, кодирующем фермент глутарил‑КоА дегидрогеназу. Метаболический криз при глутаровой ацидурии типа 1 – это острое жизнеугрожающее состояние, требующее тщательной дифференциальной диагностики с рядом других состояний и незамедлительного начала патогенетической терапии.Материалы и методы. Клинические проявления, нейровизуализационные характеристики болезни изучены у 46 пациентов с подтвержденным биохимическими и молекулярно‑генетическими методами диагнозом глутаровой ацидурии типа 1. Методы: газовая хроматография с масс‑спектрометрией, тандемная масс‑спектрометрия, секвенирование по Сэнгеру, хромосомный микроматричный анализ экзонного уровня.Результаты и обсуждение. Проведен ретроспективный анализ анамнестических данных, клинических, а также оценены характер и возраст манифестации болезни, провоцирующие факторы, спектр клинических проявлений и нейровизуализационные данные.Заключение. При отсутствии массового неонатального скрининга крайне важное значение имеет ранняя диагностика болезни, так как своевременно начатое лечение поможет предотвратить прогрессирование неврологической симптоматики и способствовать адаптации пациентов. С этой целью необходимо информировать врачей‑педиатров, неврологов и нейрорадиологов об особенностях протекания глутаровой ацидурии типа 1 для повышения клинической настороженности в отношении данного заболевания