11,287 research outputs found

    Multi-Task Domain Adaptation for Deep Learning of Instance Grasping from Simulation

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    Learning-based approaches to robotic manipulation are limited by the scalability of data collection and accessibility of labels. In this paper, we present a multi-task domain adaptation framework for instance grasping in cluttered scenes by utilizing simulated robot experiments. Our neural network takes monocular RGB images and the instance segmentation mask of a specified target object as inputs, and predicts the probability of successfully grasping the specified object for each candidate motor command. The proposed transfer learning framework trains a model for instance grasping in simulation and uses a domain-adversarial loss to transfer the trained model to real robots using indiscriminate grasping data, which is available both in simulation and the real world. We evaluate our model in real-world robot experiments, comparing it with alternative model architectures as well as an indiscriminate grasping baseline.Comment: ICRA 201

    Oligodendrocyte precursor cells: the multitaskers in the brain

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    In the central nervous system, oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPCs) are recognized as the progenitors responsible for the generation of oligodendrocytes, which play a critical role in myelination. Extensive research has shed light on the mechanisms underlying OPC proliferation and diferentiation into mature myelin-forming oligodendrocytes. However, recent advances in the feld have revealed that OPCs have multiple functions beyond their role as progenitors, exerting control over neural circuits and brain function through distinct pathways. This review aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of OPCs by frst introducing their well-established features. Subsequently, we delve into the emerging roles of OPCs in modulating brain function in both healthy and diseased states. Unraveling the cellular and molecular mechanisms by which OPCs infuence brain function holds great promise for identifying novel therapeutic targets for central nervous system diseases

    Global dynamics of a parabolic type equation arising from the curvature flow

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    This paper studies a type of degenerate parabolic problem with nonlocal term \begin{equation*} \begin{cases} u_t=u^p(u_{xx}+u-\bar{u}) & 0<t<T_{{\max}},\ 0<x<a, u_x(0,t)=u_x(a,t)=0 & 0<t<T_{{\max}}, u(x,0)=u_0(x) & 0<x<a, \end{cases} \end{equation*} where p>1p>1, a>0a>0. In this paper, the classification of the finite-time blowup/global existence phenomena based on the associated energy functional and explicit expression of all nonnegative steady states are demonstrated. Moreover, we combine the applications of Lojasiewicz-Simon inequality and energy estimates to derive that any bounded solution with positive initial data converges to some steady state as t→+∞t\rightarrow +\infty

    Simple Image-level Classification Improves Open-vocabulary Object Detection

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    Open-Vocabulary Object Detection (OVOD) aims to detect novel objects beyond a given set of base categories on which the detection model is trained. Recent OVOD methods focus on adapting the image-level pre-trained vision-language models (VLMs), such as CLIP, to a region-level object detection task via, eg., region-level knowledge distillation, regional prompt learning, or region-text pre-training, to expand the detection vocabulary. These methods have demonstrated remarkable performance in recognizing regional visual concepts, but they are weak in exploiting the VLMs' powerful global scene understanding ability learned from the billion-scale image-level text descriptions. This limits their capability in detecting hard objects of small, blurred, or occluded appearance from novel/base categories, whose detection heavily relies on contextual information. To address this, we propose a novel approach, namely Simple Image-level Classification for Context-Aware Detection Scoring (SIC-CADS), to leverage the superior global knowledge yielded from CLIP for complementing the current OVOD models from a global perspective. The core of SIC-CADS is a multi-modal multi-label recognition (MLR) module that learns the object co-occurrence-based contextual information from CLIP to recognize all possible object categories in the scene. These image-level MLR scores can then be utilized to refine the instance-level detection scores of the current OVOD models in detecting those hard objects. This is verified by extensive empirical results on two popular benchmarks, OV-LVIS and OV-COCO, which show that SIC-CADS achieves significant and consistent improvement when combined with different types of OVOD models. Further, SIC-CADS also improves the cross-dataset generalization ability on Objects365 and OpenImages. The code is available at https://github.com/mala-lab/SIC-CADS.Comment: Accepted at AAAI 202

    KernelGPA: A Globally Optimal Solution to Deformable SLAM in Closed-form

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    We study the generalized Procrustes analysis (GPA), as a minimal formulation to the simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) problem. We propose KernelGPA, a novel global registration technique to solve SLAM in the deformable environment. We propose the concept of deformable transformation which encodes the entangled pose and deformation. We define deformable transformations using a kernel method, and show that both the deformable transformations and the environment map can be solved globally in closed-form, up to global scale ambiguities. We solve the scale ambiguities by an optimization formulation that maximizes rigidity. We demonstrate KernelGPA using the Gaussian kernel, and validate the superiority of KernelGPA with various datasets. Code and data are available at \url{https://bitbucket.org/FangBai/deformableprocrustes}.Comment: This paper has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Robotics Research, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1177/0278364923119538

    Shelter: Smartphone Bridged Socialized Body Networks for Epidemic Control

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    We propose using information, computing and networking innovations to tackle epidemic control challenges
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