76 research outputs found

    Issue of Non-Addressed Recommendations from the Auditor General in Kosovo

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    This project considered the problem of disregard of recommendations from the Auditor General. It included a lack of Parliamentary Oversight to deal with this issue. From interviews conducted with the former Auditor General, it was revealed that the institution he directed took several reforms which helped reduce the problem. These reforms included proposing realistic recommendations, and including a follow up step in the audit process. The latter informed public institutions how they were progressing with regards to his recommendations throughout the year. Nevertheless, a considerable number of recommendations are still being ignored rather than addressed


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    Children is the most delicate and important category of a family and its future and as well as for the society in general. Therefore, the state with its mechanisms are obliged to take care in creating conditions for their upbringing and welfare by looking after the best interest of the child. In Kosovo, children and young people account for 60 per cent of the population.1 Therefore, it is of crucial importance to invest in the protection and promotion of their rights, regardless of whether they are in conflict or only in contact with the law. Thus, the legislation needs to be reformed and harmonised with best international standards and practices, which is also currently happening in Kosovo.Djeca su najosjetljiviji dio obitelji, važni i za budućnost obitelji i za društvo u cjelini. Stoga država ima obvezu upotrijebiti sve raspoložive mehanizme i pobrinuti se za stvaranje uvjeta za njihov odgoj i dobrobit u najboljem interesu djeteta. Na Kosovu djeca i mladi čine 60% populacije. Važno je stoga ulagati u zaštitu i promicanje nji- hovih prava bez obzira na to jesu li u sukobu ili u kontaktu sa zakonom. U tom smislu, nužna je reforma i harmonizacija zakonodavstva u skladu s najboljim međunarodnim standardima, što se trenutačno i provodi na Kosovu

    Mediation as a Way of Alternative Resolution of Disputes in Kosovo

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    This work tackles mediation in Kosovo grounded on the special Law for Mediation, which entered into force in 2008. The paper is going to discuss other provisions in other legal codes and provisions which foresee mediation as a mechanism for resolution of conflicts and disagreements in extrajudicial form in the civil and criminal field etc. As for the level in which implementation of mediation has arrived in Kosovo, will be a subject of review. Therefore, firstly it discusses the notion of mediation, followed by definition, history, legal regulatory, types, statistics of application, advantages, weaknesses, difficulties, subjective impressions of responsible people of this extrajudicial instrument as well as of mediators’ practical experience, their recommendations for changes followed by its place and importance in the future

    Bleeding Ulcers: Effect of low dose Aspirin - Our experience

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    Aspirin is among the most commonly used pharmaceutical products used for the management of fever, to relieve mild to moderate pain, to reduce swelling in inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, while a low dose aspirin is used to prevent blood clots. The latter effect reduces the risk of stroke and heart attack. However, its use is associated with gastrointestinal and other complications. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of aspirin in bleeding ulcers. 122 patients were included in this prospective comparative study that were divided in two groups: the first group consisting of 60 patients that were treated with low dose Aspirin, and the second group consisting of 62 patients that were treated with low dose aspirin and pantoprazole (a proton pump inhibitor). All the patients had positive history for previous ulcer disease in whom bleeding ulcers were evaluated with endoscopic examinations during 12 months of treatment. The mean age of the patients with bleeding ulcers in the study was 60.4±14.3 years, of whom 68.8% were males and 31.2 % were females. In the aspirin only treated group, after 12 months of administration, bleeding ulcers were present in 11 patients (18.3 %) while in the group that were co-prescribed aspirin and pantoprazole were present only in 3 (4.8 %) patients. Findings from this study show that the prevalence of bleeding ulcers is significantly higher in the group treated with aspirin as monotherapy compared to the group that were co-prescribed aspirin and pantoprazole. Gastroprotection with proton pump inhibitors is essential in patients with positive history of gastrointestinal ulcers in the past that need long-term use of prophylactic low-dose aspirin

    Inhibitionsmekanismens roll i Retrieval-Induced Forgetting Påverkan av kognitiv utmattning

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    Retrieval-induced forgetting (RIF) refers to a memory phenomena where retrieval of a memory in some cases can deteriorate and affect the accessibility of related memories. A prominent explanation is presented in the inhibitory theory where active inhibition is considered to cause RIF by facilitating retrieval of a target memory among competing memories in selective memory retrieval. If exertion of inhibition leads to reduce RIF due to reduction of the facilitating function of the inhibitory mechanism, it would be a strong support to the idea that inhibition conduces RIF. Forty university students carried out either a demanding or a non-demanding version of an experiment prior to a final RIF test. Comparisons were made between control and fatigue versions of the experiment. The most relevant findings provided partial support for the hypothesis. The experiment managed to induce a reliable RIF effect that was significant in the baseline version, but did show a tendency consistent with the hypothesis in the fatigue version.Retrieval-induced forgetting (RIF) beskriver ett minnesfenomen där framplockningen av ett visst minne i vissa fall försämrar och påverkar tillgängligheten till andra, relaterade minnen. En framträdande förklaring har presenterats inom inhibitionsteori där aktiv inhibering anses orsaka RIF, genom facilitering i framplockningen av målminnet bland konkurrerande minnen i selektiv minnesframplockning. I studien undersöktes hur RIF påverkas av att inhibition belastas med kognitivt krävande uppgifter. Om en belastning av inhibition leder till minskad RIF på grund av nedsättning av mekanismens faciliterande funktion, skulle det vara ett starkt stöd för att inhibition bidrar till RIF. Fyrtio universitetsstudenter genomförde en antingen belastande eller icke belastande uppmärksamhetsuppgift före framkallning av RIF effekt. De huvudsakliga fynden i studien gav delvis stöd för hypotesen. Experimentet lyckades inducera en reliabel RIF effekt som var signifikant i kontrollbetingelse men minskning endast som tendens i riktning med hypotesen i belastningsbetingelse


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    Access control for the internet of things controlli i qasjes ne koncept është siguria që minimizon rrezikun për biznes apo organizata të ndryshme të qasjes së paautorizuar në sistemet fizike dhe logjike. Ndryshe mundemi të themi se është një teknik që rregullon cilët persona çfarë munden te shikojnë dhe çfarë munden të perdorin në një mjedis informatikë. Interneti i gjerave mundëson shërbime që do ta përmisojnë jetën e përditshme të njerzëve, do të krijojnë biznese të reja dhe do të bëjnë ndërtesa, qytete dhe transportin më te zgjuar. Internet of things ka ardhur për të përshkruar një numer të teknologjive dhe diciplinave kërkimore që mundësojnë internet për të arritu jashtë botës reale të objekteve fizike. “Things” ka identitet që vepron në hapsira të zgjuara duke përdorur ndërfaqe intelegjente për të lidhur dhe komunikuar brenda sociales, mjedisit rrethues dhe kontekstit të përdoruesve. Ndërsa po lëvizim nga Things në rrjet në Internetin e Gjërat (IoT), lindin kërkesa të reja të sigurisë. Kontrolli i qasjes ne kete mjedis është një problem i vështir dhe sfidues, një sistem i kontrollit të qasjes duhet të jete i mjaftueshem për të mbuluar kerkesat e aplikacioneve që perhapen përmes IOT. Nga ana tjetër ky sistem duhet të jetë i lehtë i qas’shëm dhe i zbatueshem. Në këtë dokument do të shpejgohet mënyra e përdorimit të internet of things në access control, mënyra e përdorimit dhe zbatitmi në aplikacionet që neve na nevoitet. Do të spjegojme mënyrën si të punojme pa çelësa publikë dhe të krijojm një çelës simetrik të përbashkët të enkriptimit që mund të përdoret për të siguruar komunikimin midis përdoruesve të autorizuar dhe Things . Kjo formë mundëson privatësine e përdoruesit dhe lehtëson krijimin e aplikacionëve të reja

    A thermodynamically consistent physics-informed deep learning material model for short fiber/polymer nanocomposites

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    This work proposes a physics-informed deep learning (PIDL)-based constitutive model for investigating the viscoelastic-viscoplastic behavior of short fiber-reinforced nanoparticle-filled epoxies under various ambient conditions. The deep-learning model is trained to enforce thermodynamic principles, leading to a thermodynamically consistent constitutive model. To accomplish this, a long short-term memory network is combined with a feed-forward neural network to predict internal variables required for characterizing the internal dissipation of the nanocomposite materials. In addition, another feed-forward neural network is used to indicate the free-energy function, which enables defining the thermodynamic state of the entire system. The PIDL model is initially developed for the three-dimensional case by generating synthetic data from a classical constitutive model. The model is then trained by extracting the data directly from cyclic loading-unloading experimental tests. Numerical examples show that the PIDL model can accurately predict the mechanical behavior of epoxy-based nanocomposites for different volume fractions of fibers and nanoparticles under various hygrothermal conditions.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2305.0810


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    Nach einer wechselvollen Geschichte konnte der Kosovo nach Erlangung der Unabhängigkeit erstmals ein eigenes Straf- und Strafprozessrecht erlassen. Der folgende Beitrag beschreibt das geltende kosovarische Recht und untersucht es u.a. darauf hin, ob es den Vorgaben der Verfassung und der einschlägigen völkerrechtlichen Verträge entspricht. Beim Erlass des neuen Strafrechts scheint ein gravierendes Versäumnis des Gesetzgebers das „Vergessen“ eines Delikts der fahrlässigen schweren Körperverletzung zu sein, obwohl ein solcher Tatbestand in dem vorangehenden StGB noch enthalten war. Das neue Strafprozessrecht wurde durch einige angelsächsische Elemente angereichert und entspricht im Wesentlichen den menschenrechtlichen Vorgaben der Verfassung und der EMRK. Für jugendliche Straftäter gilt ein besonderes Strafbemessungs- und Verfahrensrecht, das in einem eigenen Jugendgerichtsgesetzbuch niedergelegt ist. Die Regeln über die strafrechtliche Mediation können sich auf alte gewohnheitsrechtliche Traditionen der Streiterledigung stützen.Nakon svoje promjenjive povijesti Kosovo je moglo donijeti svoje vlastito kazneno i kazneno postupovno pravo tek nakon što je steklo neovisnost. Ovaj rad opisuje važeće kosovsko pravo te između ostalog istražuje je li ono u skladu sa smjernicama Ustava i odgovarajućim međunarodnim ugovorima. Čini se da je zakonodavac pri donošenju novog kaznenog prava propustio uključiti delikt nanošenja teške tjelesne ozljede nehajem, iako je takvo činjenično stanje postojalo u prijašnjem KZ. Novo kazneno postupovno pravo obogaćeno je nekolicinom elemenata iz anglosaksonskog prava i ono je uglavnom u skladu sa smjernicama Ustava glede ljudskih prava kao i s EKZLJP. Na mlade počinitelje kaznenih djela primjenjuje se posebno postupovno pravo kao i odmjeravanje kazni, a ono je sadržano u Zakonu o sudovima za mladež. Pravila o mirenju u kaznenim postupcima poduprta su starim običajnim tradicijama rješavanja sporova.After independence Kosovo could, for the first time in its history, enact its own criminal and criminal procedure law. This essay describes the present Kosovar law and analyses i.a. whether it is in harmony with the requirements of the Constitution and of pertinent international instruments. When the Kosovar parliament enacted the new Criminal Code it seems to have “forgotten” to include the crime of a negligent infliction of serious bodily harm although the previous code had contained such a clause. The new Criminal Procedure Code now contains some Anglo-Saxon elements and meets more or less the human rights requirements of the Constitution and the ECHR. Juvenile criminals fall under a special regime laid down in a separate Juvenile Justice Code. The rules on mediation in criminal matters are based on very old customary traditions of dispute resolution.In seguito alla sua mutevole storia il Kosovo poté introdurre il proprio diritto penale sostanziale e processuale appena dopo l’indipendenza. Il presente lavoro descrive il diritto kosovaro vigente e, tra l’altro, indaga se esso sia conforme agli orientamenti della Costituzione e dei relativi Trattati internazionali. Pare che il legislatore in occasione dell’introduzione della nuova disciplina del diritto penale abbia omesso di includervi il delitto di lesioni gravi colpose, benché tale stato di fatto esistesse nella precedente legislazione penale. Il nuovo diritto processuale penale è arricchito da un certo numero di elementi di derivazione anglosassone ed esso è perlopiù conforme agli orientamenti della Costituzione per quanto riguarda i diritti fondamentali, come pure alla CEDU. Nei confronti dei giovani autori di reati si applica un diritto processuale penale speciale, come anche per la comminazione della pena, che si trova nella Legge sui tribunali per la gioventù. Le regole sulla conciliazione nei procedimenti penali sono supportate da vecchie tradizioni consuetudinarie relative alla risoluzione delle controversie

    Bioethics of childbirth for another (surrogate motherhood) in the Civil Code of Kosovo

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    Transformations in the biological, medical and legal processes of infertility, substantial modifications in family structure and the advancement of methods and techniques of reproductive technology will affect the next step in both legal and medical terms to address the regulation of bioethics and law in Kosovo. There is a need to establish perspectives in both ethical and professional terms, since the Republic of Kosovo is in the process of drafting a Civil Code. Many of these issues have been raised and addressed during the review and evaluation of family law in the context of harmonisation and inclusion of this law in the Civil Code of the Republic of Kosovo. During the several meetings of official members with different interest groups regarding family law, the need has been raised to regulate family law to be included in the Civil Code for motherhood and fatherhood in the case of reproduction with biomedical assistance, as well as for the birth contract as a donation for another person (so-called surrogate motherhood). These bioethical and legal issues indicate the urgent need for legal harmonisation of a multidimensional platform specifically based on the principles of public health and universal human rights Conclusion. These bio-ethical and legal interferences indicate the urgent need for legal harmonization of a multidimensional platform specifically designed based on the principles of public health and universal human rights

    Proton Pump Inhibitors Diminish Barrett's Esophagus Length: Our Experience

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    AIM: Our main objectives were to evaluate the influence of two-year proton pump inhibitors (PPI) therapy in patients with Barrett's oesophagus on its length, in both types, short and long segment.METHODS: In this single-centre, prospective interventional controlled study were analysed data collected prospectively over two years from patients with Barrett's oesophagus diagnosed by endoscopy. Patients who received continuous proton pump inhibitors (PPI) for 2 years. At each patient visit symptoms were recorded, and at each endoscopy, the length of Barrett's oesophagus (BE) was measured. Biopsies were taken along the length of the oesophagus at intervals of 1 cm. In total, 50 patients with Barrett's oesophagus were included in the study: 10 of whom had long-segment Barrett's oesophagus, and 40 patients had short-segment Barrett's oesophagus. The mean number of endoscopies performed was 3 per patient.RESULTS: The length of Barrett's esophagus (BE) was influenced by PPI therapy: Circumferential extension in BE patients short-segment Barrett's esophagus (SSBE) (before treatment was 1.5 cm and after treatment was 0.8 cm Maximum proximal extension in SSBE group before treatment was 2.3 cm (SD ± 1.1 cm), and 1.1 cm (SD ± 0.9 cm), respectively. Squamous islands were detected in 25% of patients examined after 2 years on PPIs.CONCLUSIONS: PPIs achieve a reduction to the length of Barrett's oesophagus, in both types, and the development of squamous islands is commonly associated with their use