45 research outputs found

    Implementasi Pendidikan Karakter Dalam Mengatasi Krisis Moral Di Sekolah

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    Character education is the deliberate effort (conscious) to help people understand, care about, and implement the core ethical values. It is expected that character and personality are formed by the learners themselves who long for the success of character education. Learners are expected to understand the values imparted to him, entirely without any misunderstanding at all. Integration of character education is vital in overcoming the problem of moral crisis. Thus, in the implementation of character education in schools is three methods are employed involving learning, extracurricular activities, and school culture

    Algoritma Random Pada Computer Based Test Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru Stta YOGYAKARTA

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    The Admissions in the College of Technology Adisutjipto Yogyakarta, the committee has had PMB Computer Based Test (CBT) to test new students since 2010. However, CBT is owned by STTA not support randomization and answer questions about each exam so issued, the order of questions and answers will remain the same. Of the many random algorithm, algorithm Congruential Linear Generators (LCG) is an algorithm suitable for use in scrambling about in CBT because of the rapid process of generating random numbers and the algorithm is easy to learn and implement. By giving feedback LCG a current value of the length of time it will produce a different value in each random from the first randomization. With randomness about the cheating in the exam PMB can be resolved

    Comparison of Expression of God in Poems Written by Amir Hamzah, Chairil Anwar and Sutardji Calzoum Bachri

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    God becomes the search for religious people. This search is expressed in the form of books, songs, movies, or even in the form of literary works. The individual poets express God in poetry. There is a difference between one poet and the other. In this study, therefore, we examine several issues: the expression of God in Amir Hamzah\u27s poem entitled Drop Back, the expression of God in Chairil Anwar\u27s poem entitled Prayer, the expression of God in the Sutardji Calzoum Bachri poem entitled Amuk, and the comparison of expression on God in the poems of the poets. This research is qualitative with descriptive nature. In this case, data collection is done by library method and documentation technique. Further data analysis is done with the application of Roland Barthes semiotics theory, namely the principle of signifier (sign), signified (signified), and meaning (signification). This analysis begins by splitting the data in the form of fragments that are arbitrarily defined. Thereafter, the first or denotative meanings are determined by looking at the lexical meaning, and the meaning of the second or connotative level is determined by the search for a relation between marker and second level marker. By looking at the significance of the second level, the expression of God in the poetry of the poets in can be determined. Thus, the results of data analysis show things as follows. (1) Amir Hamzah expresses God with the fragment of your servant tongue, different, develops, spreads me up the ladder of captivity, and descends again. (2) Chairil Anwar expresses God with the fragments of prayer and at your door I knock. (3) Sutarjdi Calzoum Bachri expresses God with the fragments of my cat and se There is mmmmMu! (4) Amir Hamzah expressing God as a supreme substance and he resisted such ideas as manunggaling kusula gusti, Chairil Anwar expressed God as the only place to get the feeling of "coming home or returning" to be a person who surrendered to the greatness of God\u27s grace, while Sutarjdi Calzoum Bachri expressed God as a substance that can only be found with submission to Him

    Pendugaan Parameter Genetik Beberapakarakter Agronomi pada Populasi Tanaman Tomat (Lycopersicum Esculentum Mill.)

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    The objective of this research was to estimate genetic parameters such as variability, heritability, various agronomic characters in tomato population through crossbreeding FI. Research was arranged experimentally using Randomized Block Design (RBD) consists of 13 tomato genotypes from crosses with 3 replications were placed haphazardly. Seedlings were transplanted to a plot with a size of 1 m x 5 m with a spacing of 50 cm x 50 centimeter. Each plot treatment plant sample taken as many as 10 plants of 20 tomato plants for plant height, stalk diameter, weight per fruit, fruit length, thick fruit pulp, fruit diameter, total fruit number per plant and total fruit weight per plant. Analysis of variation was later translated into genetic parameters with Griffing method IV models. The outcomes indicated that the genotype of Champions can be chosen as one of the hybrid parents because it delivers a sound value to improve the character of days to flowering, stem diameter, harvesting, thick fruit pulp, fruit diameter, weight per fruit, and total fruit weight per plant. Genotype T78x1, T13x1, T3x13 and T1x13 has a value corresponding to improve the role of stem diameter, days to flowering, and weight per fruit. Characters that have a high heritability with criteria that plant height, flower age, harvesting, planting fruit weight, number of fruits per plant, weight per fruit, fruit number and length of the cavity are positively correlated with total fruit weight per plant

    Isolasi dan Karakterisasi Bakteri Asam Laktat dari Limbah Cair Rendaman Kacang Kedelai

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    Tempe is an Indonesia traditional food, which in the manufacturers have a liquid waste that no use again namely soybean soaking water. Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) has been known at every stage of tempeh production, included at soaking soybeans. This study aimed to isolate and characterize LAB contained in soybean soaking water liquid waste. After serial dilution to 10-7, soybean soaking water liquid waste was inoculated on the MRSA contained 1% CaCO3. After incubation, there are 8 isolates which produce clear zone around their colonies with different colony morphology suspected as LAB. Morphological, physiological and biochemical characteristics were employed to identify LAB. All isolates were non-spore forming, non-motile, catalase negative, grow well at 37° and 45°C, could be able to grow in the presence of 4% and 6.5% sodium chloride. The results of safety test showed all isolates negative for hemolytic activity. Seven of eight isolates are Gram-positive, while one is a Gram-negative. But only Gram-positive were chosen as they represent the LAB characteristic. Seven isolates were identified as Lactobacillus with heterofermentative as the type fermentation. In this study, Lactobacillus casei ATCC 393 used as reference strai

    Otolith Biometry Analysis of Betong Fish, Selar Crumenophthalmus (Bloch, 1793) (Teleostei: Carangidae) in Manado Bay, North Sulawesi

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji apakah terdapat perbedaan ukuran dan bentuk otolit baik antar seks maupun antar waktu pengambilan sampel ikan selar betong Selar crumenophthalmus di Teluk Manado Sulawesi Utara. Sebagian besar ukuran serta indeks bentuk otolit tidak menunjukkan perbedaan yang nyata antara kiri dan kanan, beberapa di antaranya menunjukkan perbedaan yang nyata secara statistik misalnya ukuran panjang otolit serta indeks bentuk otolit ‘roundness', ‘ellipticity' dan ‘aspect ratio' pada ikan betina Agustus 2017 dan ukuran panjang otolit, luas otolit dan keliling otolit pada ikan jantan November 2017. Ukuran dan indeks bentuk otolit tidak berbeda antar jenis kelamin tetapi berbeda antar waktu sampling yakni Agustus 2017 dan November 2017. Ukuran otolit seperti panjang, lebar, luas dan keliling otolit serta indeks bentuk seperti ‘circularity' dan ‘rectangularity' dapat digunakan sebagai indikator penentu stok. Indeks bentuk otolit lainnya seperti ‘form factor', ‘roundness', ‘ellipticity' dan ‘aspect rasio' kurang baik digunakan sebagai variable penentu stok. Sebagian besar sampel menunjukkan pola pertumbuhan alometri negatif, kecuali pada sampel ikan betina yang disampling pada November 2017 yang memperlihatkan pola pertumbuhan isometrik untuk semua variabel ukuran otolit. Tidak terdapat perbedaan garis regresi ukuran otolit - panjang total antar seks, tetapi terdapat perbedaan yang sangat nyata garis regresi tersebut antar waktu sampling (bulan) di mana ukuran otolit lebih besar pada bulan November 2017 atau dengan kata lain pada panjang ikan yang sama, ukuran otolit lebih besar pada bulan November 2017 dibandingkan dengan pada bulan Agustus 2017. Ukuran otolit serta hubungan regresi dengan panjang total ikannya dapat digunakan untuk penentuan (pemisahan) stok ikan selar betong Selar crumenophthalmus. Ada kemungkinan sampel bulan Agustus 2017 merupakan stok yang berbeda dengan sampel bulan November 2017

    Mengapa Masyarakat Masih Enggan dengan Bank Syariah?

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    There was a number cause why people prefer not to deal with sharia banking. Several though discover that sharia unbankable caused on several reasons. Between them assumed that sharia banking system and operational no so different from a conventional concept. Another cause was realized that the people applied and accessed the conventional system and product from earlier. By literature study methodology, this study to try to point out a solving of this problem. Finally, sharia bank could perform out of the box system, such as well as charity or philanthropy to realize Islamic economic value. Infak or shadaqah on various types known could make a positive impact for sharia banking

    Implikasi Kebijakan Ekonomi Rasulullah Saw (Tinjauan Ukhtashar Shahih Al-Bukhari Imam Az-Zabidi)

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    Sebatas kajian ini, terdapat sembilan aspek dari beberapa hadits dalam Mukhtashar Shahih al-Bukhari yang secara langsung menyinggung masalah ekonomi.Hal itu juga bermakna bahwa sudah tentu terdapat implikasi ekonomi dari kebijakan Rasulullah saw.yang terkandung dalam hadits-hadits tersebut. Dengan menelusuri sebagian kecil hadits tentang ekonomi dalam kitab itu, kajian ini diharapkan memberi kontribusi konstruktif dalam bangunan ekonomi Islam

    Fenomenologi Ramadanomic di Negeri Junjungan Bengkalis

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    Allah SWT. tidak hanya memberi tugas kepada manusia sebagai khalifah di muka bumi melainkan juga melengkapi kebutuhan manusia itu sendiri dalam bentuk limpahan rezeki. Kesempurnaan nikmat itu telah Allah SWT. gariskan sebelum Rasulullah SAW. wafat, itu lah wahyu terakhir. Kesempurnaan nikmat itu begitu melimpah turun di bulan suci Ramadhan. Geliat ekonomi sangat jelas terlihat bahkan sebelum bulan suci itu tiba. Dialah Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim dan Khairur Raziqin yang mencurahkan rezeki-Nya kepada bumi pertiwi dan khususnya Negeri Junjungan Bengkalis. Fenomena ekonomi di bulan suci itu pada akhirnya dikenal dengan istilah Ramadanomic yang menjadi kajian kali ini. Dengan menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif, kajian sederhana ini diharapkan memberi pencerahan meskipun hanya seperti “setetes embun pagi”