1,014 research outputs found

    The Biopolitical Critique of the Notion of Being Human and an Affirmation of Lives

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    This major research paper (MRP) interrogates the discourse of ableism and disableism and its impact on disabled and fat bodies. The general theme of this MRP is the division of life through the dichotomy of human and non-human, and nondisabled and disabled. Humanism, overall is the benchmark from which other life forms, the animate and non-animate, are disaffirmed and looked at as being a deficit. With the use of DisCrit and Fat studies, in particular, an autoethnographic methodology will be used to situate how the writer embodies racism, ableism and sizeism and the ways theory is carried through the body. It will conclude with discussing the affirmation of the body and its materiality as outlined by James Overboe in his work on affirming impairments

    Turkey’s ‘New Role’ Creation under AKP Leadership : Relationship between decision-maker’s perceptions and state’s international performance

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    This thesis, in its general framework, explores the recent transformation of Turkey’s role in international sphere under the ruling AKP government. Upon the rise of rise of AKP to power in 2002, the tradition of Turkey’s foreign policy orientations underwent significant transformations and challenges which signified the country’s ambition to adopt a ‘new role’ in the regional and international contexts. The states’ drive to create or recreate a role has been widely discussed among theorists of IR studies, especially the role theorists. According to national role conceptions—a fundamental conceptual framework of role theory—a state’s role is produced within a process of its decision-makers’ self-defined goals, beliefs which shape the state’s performance and role identity at the international level. Using this theoretical framework as an analytical tool, this thesis particularly aims to explore and understand the process Turkey’s ‘new role’ creation. In this regard, since Ahmet Davutoglu is commonly known as the architect of the AKP’s foreign policy decision-makings, this thesis looks at Davutoglu’s speeches and Turkey’s official development assistance as examples of both decision-makers’ perceptions and state’s international performance. This study concludes that Turkey’s aid performance is orientated toward Davutoglu’s perceptions and conceptions, which appear to have been underpinned by the ideology of neo-Ottomanism

    Addressing Time Shortage with Microteaching

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    This study presents and evaluates the methodology used in the ninety minutes microteaching lesson, which was carried out on a group of my fourth-year students who are studying English in the university and are training to become English teachers. It aims to assess the role of the teacher, students, materials, and activities used in the classroom and also to address the time shortage with microteaching. It deals with a brief overview of the topic and the class that the lesson is aimed at. Then, the methodology includes details about the method that has been used here, which is based on communicative language teaching (CLT) with the justifications of using it. This is followed by analysing the key features of the lesson plan critically and justifies each activity. Finally, the evaluation of the lesson is presented and microteaching as the best solution and strategy for developing teaching skill has been suggested

    Smart city: an advanced framework for analyzing public sentiment orientation toward recycled water

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    The coronavirus pandemic of the past several years has had a profound impact on all aspects of life, including resource utilization. One notable example is the increased demand for freshwater, a lifeblood of our planet, on the other hand, the smart city vision aims to attain a smart water management goal by investing in innovative solutions such as recycled water systems. However, the problem lies in the public’s sentiment and willingness to use this new resource which discourages investors and hinders the development of this field. Therefore, in our work, we applied sentiment analysis using an extended version of the fuzzy logic and neural network model from our previous work, to find out the general public opinion regarding recycled water and to assess the effects of sentiments on the public’s readiness to use this resource. Our analysis was based on a dataset of over 1 million text content from 2013 to 2022. The results show, from spatio-temporal perspectives, that sentiment orientation and acceptance-behavior towards using recycled water have increased positively. Additionally, the public is more concerned in areas driven by the smart city vision than in areas of medium and low economic development, where investment in sensibilization campaigns is needed

    Analisa Terhadap Pemahaman Akhlaq Terhadap Diri Sendiri, Serta Bagaimana Implementasinya Dalam Realitas Kehidupan

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    Dewasa ini akhlaq masyarakat dan bangsa ini semakin hancur dan hilang. Hal ini terbuktidengan adanya perilaku-perilaku maksiat yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat Indonesiaterutama kaum muda. Perilaku maksiat yang sekarang semakin merajalela di kehidupanmasyarakat, sehingga sudah dianggap biasa dan wajar dalam kehidupan keseharian.Perilaku maksiat tersebut juga diawali dengan semakin banyaknya wanita yang banggamempertontonkan auratnya seakan dirinya adalah miliknya semata. Hal ini tidak terlepasdari kesalahan manusia terutama umat Islam dalam memahami agama mereka yang dijadikanpedoman hidup dalam mengarungi kehidupanya di dunia ini. Salah satu kunci utama dalammembenahi akhlaq masyarakat dan bangsa ini adalah dengan menitik beratkan padalingkungan keluarga. Perlu penyadaran terhadap setiap individu dan keluarga, bahwasanyamemahami dan berperilaku sesuai akhlaq Islam sangat penting. Pada proses penanaman nilaiakhlaq ini yang pertama kali harus ditanamkan adalah nilai-nilai akhlak terhadap dirisendiri, karena semua hal akan dimulai dari diri kita sendiri, setelah diri kita benar-benarberperilaku sesuai dengan akhlaq Islam, maka secara otomatis dapat menjalar dalam aspek-aspekkehidupan yang lain

    Development Of Undoped, Doped And Codoped Boron Silicate Composite As Thermoluminescent Dosimeters For Medium And High Dose Levels

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    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menilaikesan terdop dan koterdop keatas sifat sifat termoluminisens bagi sampel kaca zink borat silika (ZBS) The aim of this study is to evaluate the impacts of doping and co-doping on the thermoluminescence properties of zinc borate silica (ZBS) glass sample

    HCV-Recurrence After Liver Transplantation

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    The Significance of Literary Texts in the Pedagogy of English Language in EFL and ESL Classrooms

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    Nowadays, one of the major concerns of teachers is usually about the material they intend to present to the students. The challenge that faces English classes is literature. The benefits of using literary texts in English language classes outweigh its shortcomings that specified by some literary critics, for instance, Chnara Khdhir and Mariwan Hasan pointed out this truth in their paper entitled, “The Importance of Literary Texts in Teaching Language in EFL Classes: The Waste Land as an Example”, which we strongly agree that one can easily learn a language through the literature of the target language. To learn a language one needs to study reading, writing, listening, and speaking; the four skills of the English language, which will all be available in the literature. Materials are provided, which are sufficient for these skills, but literary texts have ascertained a worthy source that accomplishes these abilities. Moreover, culture information is inferred via language learning, and yet with comprehension of the society. This is a characteristic of language that requires materials associating with culture. Culture is a basis for literature; namely; it does not merely imply that literature deals with culture, but literature about the culture of any specific user of that language. Furthermore, one can say the use of literary texts in language classes inspires more attentive and determined language learning. Thus, the students are not merely uncovered to the actual usage of language, but also they become critical scholars. As such, this study argues the causes behind focusing on the use of literary texts as a significant source in teaching the English language