164 research outputs found

    A general wavelet-based profile decomposition in the critical embedding of function spaces

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    We characterize the lack of compactness in the critical embedding of functions spaces X⊂YX\subset Y having similar scaling properties in the following terms : a sequence (un)n≄0(u_n)_{n\geq 0} bounded in XX has a subsequence that can be expressed as a finite sum of translations and dilations of functions (ϕl)l>0(\phi_l)_{l>0} such that the remainder converges to zero in YY as the number of functions in the sum and nn tend to +∞+\infty. Such a decomposition was established by G\'erard for the embedding of the homogeneous Sobolev space X=H˙sX=\dot H^s into the Y=LpY=L^p in dd dimensions with 0<s=d/2−d/p0<s=d/2-d/p, and then generalized by Jaffard to the case where XX is a Riesz potential space, using wavelet expansions. In this paper, we revisit the wavelet-based profile decomposition, in order to treat a larger range of examples of critical embedding in a hopefully simplified way. In particular we identify two generic properties on the spaces XX and YY that are of key use in building the profile decomposition. These properties may then easily be checked for typical choices of XX and YY satisfying critical embedding properties. These includes Sobolev, Besov, Triebel-Lizorkin, Lorentz, H\"older and BMO spaces.Comment: 24 page

    Concentration analysis and cocompactness

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    Loss of compactness that occurs in may significant PDE settings can be expressed in a well-structured form of profile decomposition for sequences. Profile decompositions are formulated in relation to a triplet (X,Y,D)(X,Y,D), where XX and YY are Banach spaces, Xâ†ȘYX\hookrightarrow Y, and DD is, typically, a set of surjective isometries on both XX and YY. A profile decomposition is a representation of a bounded sequence in XX as a sum of elementary concentrations of the form gkwg_kw, gk∈Dg_k\in D, w∈Xw\in X, and a remainder that vanishes in YY. A necessary requirement for YY is, therefore, that any sequence in XX that develops no DD-concentrations has a subsequence convergent in the norm of YY. An imbedding Xâ†ȘYX\hookrightarrow Y with this property is called DD-cocompact, a property weaker than, but related to, compactness. We survey known cocompact imbeddings and their role in profile decompositions

    Analyse fréquentielle du signal

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    International audienceLes signaux sont prĂ©sents partout autour de nous. L'analyse du signal est au coeur des mathĂ©matiques appliquĂ©es et permet de dĂ©coder l'information. Un des principaux outils est l'analyse des frĂ©quences. Nous prĂ©sentons ici l'analyse frĂ©quentielle d'abord dans le cas de signaux pĂ©riodiques avant d'ouvrir quelques perspectives sur des cas plus gĂ©nĂ©raux. L'article contient de nombreuses images et animations pour illustrer les concepts de la façon la plus concrĂšte possible. L'article est auto-contenu et devraitĂȘtre accessible aux lycĂ©ens. La version interactive permet de jouer directement avec les paramĂštres des animations. Sauf mention contraire, nous avons produit chaque video, spĂ©cialement pour cet article

    Scattering below critical energy for the radial 4D Yang-Mills equation and for the 2D corotational wave map system

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    We describe the asymptotic behavior as time goes to infinity of solutions of the 2 dimensional corotational wave map system and of solutions to the 4 dimensional, radially symmetric Yang-Mills equation, in the critical energy space, with data of energy smaller than or equal to a harmonic map of minimal energy. An alternative holds: either the data is the harmonic map and the soltuion is constant in time, or the solution scatters in infinite time

    WKB analysis for nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger equations with potential

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    We justify the WKB analysis for the semiclassical nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger equation with a subquadratic potential. This concerns subcritical, critical, and supercritical cases as far as the geometrical optics method is concerned. In the supercritical case, this extends a previous result by E. Grenier; we also have to restrict to nonlinearities which are defocusing and cubic at the origin, but besides subquadratic potentials, we consider initial phases which may be unbounded. For this, we construct solutions for some compressible Euler equations with unbounded source term and unbounded initial velocity.Comment: 25 pages, 11pt, a4. Appendix withdrawn, due to some inconsistencie

    Concerning the Wave equation on Asymptotically Euclidean Manifolds

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    We obtain KSS, Strichartz and certain weighted Strichartz estimate for the wave equation on (Rd,g)(\R^d, \mathfrak{g}), d≄3d \geq 3, when metric g\mathfrak{g} is non-trapping and approaches the Euclidean metric like x−ρ x ^{- \rho} with ρ>0\rho>0. Using the KSS estimate, we prove almost global existence for quadratically semilinear wave equations with small initial data for ρ>1\rho> 1 and d=3d=3. Also, we establish the Strauss conjecture when the metric is radial with ρ>0\rho>0 for d=3d= 3.Comment: Final version. To appear in Journal d'Analyse Mathematiqu

    Global well-posedness for a Smoluchowski equation coupled with Navier-Stokes equations in 2D

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    We prove global existence for a nonlinear Smoluchowski equation (a nonlinear Fokker-Planck equation) coupled with Navier-Stokes equations in two dimensions. The proof uses a deteriorating regularity estimate and the tensorial structure of the main nonlinear terms

    Generalised Gagliardo–Nirenberg inequalities using weak Lebesgue spaces and BMO

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    Using elementary arguments based on the Fourier transform we prove that for 1≀qn(1/2−1/p)1 \leq q n(1/2-1/p), if f∈Lq,∞(Rn)∩H˙s(Rn)f \in L^{q,\infty}(\R^n) \cap \dot{H}^s(\R^n) then f∈Lp(Rn)f \in L^p(\R^n) and there exists a constant cp,q,sc_{p,q,s} such that ∄f∄Lp≀cp,q,s∄f∄Lq,∞Ξ∄f∄H˙s1−ξ, \|f\|_{L^p} \leq c_{p,q,s} \|f\|_{L^{q,\infty}}^\theta \|f\|_{\dot H^s}^{1-\theta}, where 1/p=Ξ/q+(1−ξ)(1/2−s/n)1/p = \theta/q + (1-\theta)(1/2-s/n). In particular, in R2\R^2 we obtain the generalised Ladyzhenskaya inequality ∄f∄L4≀c∄f∄L2,∞1/2∄f∄H˙11/2\|f\|_{L^4}\le c\|f\|_{L^{2,\infty}}^{1/2}\|f\|_{\dot H^1}^{1/2}. We also show that for s=n/2s=n/2 the norm in ∄f∄H˙n/2\|f\|_{\dot H^{n/2}} can be replaced by the norm in BMO. As well as giving relatively simple proofs of these inequalities, this paper provides a brief primer of some basic concepts in harmonic analysis, including weak spaces, the Fourier transform, the Lebesgue Differentiation Theorem, and Calderon-Zygmund decompositions

    Existence of global strong solutions in critical spaces for barotropic viscous fluids

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    This paper is dedicated to the study of viscous compressible barotropic fluids in dimension N≄2N\geq2. We address the question of the global existence of strong solutions for initial data close from a constant state having critical Besov regularity. In a first time, this article show the recent results of \cite{CD} and \cite{CMZ} with a new proof. Our result relies on a new a priori estimate for the velocity, where we introduce a new structure to \textit{kill} the coupling between the density and the velocity as in \cite{H2}. We study so a new variable that we call effective velocity. In a second time we improve the results of \cite{CD} and \cite{CMZ} by adding some regularity on the initial data in particular ρ0\rho_{0} is in H1H^{1}. In this case we obtain global strong solutions for a class of large initial data on the density and the velocity which in particular improve the results of D. Hoff in \cite{5H4}. We conclude by generalizing these results for general viscosity coefficients
