5 research outputs found

    Current issues of security management during martial law

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    The authors of the book have come to the conclusion that toensuring the country’s security in the conditions of military aggression, it is necessary to use the mechanisms of protection of territories and population, support of economic entities, international legal levers of influence on the aggressor country. Basic research focuses on assessment the resource potential of enterprises during martial law, the analysis of migration flows in the middle of the country and abroad, the volume of food exports, marketing and logistics system. The research results have been implemented in the different decision-making models during martial law, information and economic security management, formation of personnel potential and assets of enterprises, food, energy and environmental security management, use of budgetary levers and financial instruments. The results of the study can be used in the developing of directions, programs and strategies for the post-war recovery of Ukraine’s economy and the attraction of foreign investments in the regions, decision-making at the level of ministries and agencies that regulate security management processes. The results can also be used by students and young scientists in the educational process and conducting scientific research on the problems of ensuring the country’s security

    Formation of the ecological-economical management of ecologization of agrarian production

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    Purpose. The aim of research is to study the main elements of ecological and economic management in the process of ecologization of agrarian production implementing economic and ecological instruments, methods of management, strategy of development. Methodology / approach. The base for the methodological approaches while developing the innovative model of ecologization of agrarian production was methods of structural analysis (component analysis) and synthesis, due to them diagnostics, and estimation of ecological and economic potential of the industry were made; potential opportunities connected with strategic tasks were determined. Results. The model of the components of the ecological-economic mechanism of management of ecologization of agrarian production was proposed. The measures to ensure the environmentally friendly management of agrarian business were presented. The main directions of organizational and economic management of ecologization of agrarian production were presented. In the system of ecological-economical mechanism of achieving a high level of competitiveness on the innovative basis was carried out through application of the corresponding methods: organizational, economic, technical-technological, administrative. Originality / scientific novelty. Novelty is determined by the implementation of the process of ecologization the agricultural production in the context of applying alternative management systems, in which agrarian enterprises are considered as the economic-ecological system, which is based on rational and ecologically grounded methods of production, by providing the quality of the produce and raw material. Practical value / implications. The results from the analysis include the formed methods of ecological-economical management and mechanisms of their implementation towards: provision of the safe development in agribusiness of the region based on the innovative scheme by developing and supporting the organic production; provision of population with high-quality local ecologically safe produce

    Complex procedure for implementation of the strategy of competitiveness ensuring of Ukraine’s agrarian sector

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    The article defines the sequence of assessing the competitiveness factors of the agricultural sector (economic, international, political and legal, technological, social and natural climatic). The scientific approaches to the formation of the mechanism of the strategy realization of ensuring the competitiveness of the agrarian sector of Ukraine are substantiated. In the internal environment of such a mechanism is an interconnected complex of basic components and subordinate elements that reflect the specifics of modern market concepts in agricultural production aimed at ensuring the effective development of the agricultural sector and ensuring food security of the country. An integrated system for managing the competitiveness of the agricultural sector contributes to economic activities, improving product quality and ensuring food security. The article investigates that the agro sphere needs the state support in the reorganization of industrial and economic ties, in particular in the development of various forms of cooperation (including credit), organization of wholesale agro-food markets and the development of the agricultural market infrastructure. In such circumstances, it is essential to significantly expand the state regulatory functions, especially in terms of price regulation, in particular the support of prices for agricultural products, as well as in the strategic programming of the agricultural sector development. The purpose of the article is to investigate and analyze the complex mechanism of implementation of the strategy of ensuring the competitiveness of the agrarian sector of Ukraine as the main task of state policy

    Management of motivation of managers’ work at the enterprises of Ukraine: innovative aspects

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    The purpose of the paper is to develop a model for managing the motivation of managers and ensure its effectiveness. The principles of formation of management model of managers’ work motivation which correspond to the universal system approach to management model of managers’ work motivation and define its basic functions are outlined: a) goal setting, b) assessment and forecasting of the state and efficiency, c) development and decision making, d) planning, e) organizational, f) communication and subordination, g) regulation of the management model of motivation of managers, h) control. The management model of managers’ work motivation of (MMMWM) is formalized in the form of a structural-logical scheme based on a systematic approach and decomposition, which reflects the interaction of subject and object in the process of forming and implementing a system of motivation of managers at the enterprise. The factors for achieving the set goals have been formed, which are divided into internal and external motivators for managing managers’ work motivation. The management model of managers’ work motivation which is presented by the following subsystems is offered: "X" – target subsystem (the management process of managers’ work motivation), "Y" – providing subsystem (factors of rational achievement of the goals), "XY" – providing subsystem (regulatory legal acts, resources), "Z" – management subsystem (reflects the implementation of the general functions of management work motivation on the basis of experience), which are characterized by parameters, indicators, criteria for managing the motivation of managers. According to the method of linear multiple regression, a system of equations was constructed to describe the economic-mathematical model of management motivation at oil and gas enterprises, which after the repeated experiments provided diagnostics of indicators before, during and after the implementation of management motivation model

    Competitiveness and Advantages of Camelina sativa on the Market of Oil Crops

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    The article presents the question of the effect of the effectiveness of various elements of cultivation technologies on the competitiveness of Camelina sativa and the profitability of its cultivation on acidic, low–fertility sod-podzolic soils. Fertilizers are one of the fast-acting and effective factors in increasing the yield of Camelina sativa. It was established that introduction of mineral fertilizers had a significant impact on competitiveness of Camelina sativa seeds. Dependence of productivity elements and yielding capacity on crops has been determined. It was established that spring cruciferous crops had different seed productivity. According to the results of conducted research, it was found that the highest seed yielding capacity among spring cruciferous crops had spring Brassica napus L., but the oil content in Camelina sativa seeds was 46.53%, which is 4.08% more than in Brassica napus L. Therefore, oil outcome from the yield of Brassica napus L. and Camelina sativa was almost the same