285 research outputs found

    Systemic sclerosis in a patient with pityriasis rubra pilaris

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    Pityriasis rubra pilaris (PRP) is a rare, chronic erythematous squamous disorder of unknown etiology. It has been found in association with several autoimmune diseases, including thyroiditis, myositis, myasthenia gravis and vitiligo. Herein we report a case of systemic sclerosis in a patient with classic adult pityriasis rubra pilaris. A 38 year old woman with classic adult type 1 pityriasis rubra pilaris (PRP) developed progressive skin thickening of the trunk, face, upper and lower extremities after 2 years of PRP treatment with topical emollients and steroids. Clinical examination and immunological findings were consistent with SSc. Co-existence of these two rare conditions is documented for the first time

    Nonlinear Seismic Analysis of Building - Foundation Soil Systems

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    This paper deals with the problem of nonlinear seismic analysis of building - foundation soil systems. The building considered is modeled as a shear - type building supported on the surface of homogeneous isotropic elastic half-space. The governing nonlinear equations of motion for the structure - soil system are solved in the time domain using the step-by-step linear acceleration method of analysis with Wilson-e modification. Different nonlinear models to simulate the behaviour of reinforced concrete under cyclic loading are used. A parametric study has been performed on a single story shear-type building with different natural frequencies supported on the surface of different soils to show the effect of different parameters on the behaviour of such structures under seismic excitation. These parameters include the type of soil, the soil conditions, the structure flexibility, and the type of analysis (elastic or inelastic). The results show that the soil rigidity, the soil layer depth, and the structure period have great influence on the response of such structures

    Chondrocalcinose articulaire révélatrice d’une hypercalcémie hypocalciurique familiale: à propos d’une observation

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    L'hypercalcémie hypocalciurique familiale (HHF) est une maladie bénigne à transmission autosomique dominante, caractérisée par une hypercalcémie persistante béhigne, une hypocalciurie, et des concentrations de  parathormone (PTH) normales ou modérément élevées, sans complication secondaire à l'hypercalcémie. Nous rapportons l'observation d'un patient ayant présenté une chondrocalcinose articulaire révélatrice d'une HHF. A travers cette observation nous essayons de décrire les aspects épidémiologiques, les caractéristiques cliniques, et paracliniques de cette association

    Lupus érythémateux systémique à début pédiatrique: à propos d’un cas

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    Le lupus érythémateux systémique (LES) est une maladie systémique auto-immune d'étiologie inconnue qui touche essentiellement les femmes àl'âge adulte. Le lupus pédiatrique est une entité rare. Nous rapportons une nouvelle observation. Il s'agissait d'un nourrisson âgé de 7 mois quiprésentait des lésions cutanées purpuriques, une polyarthrite fébrile. Le bilan immunologique était positif (AAN et anti-ADN). Une améliorationclinique et biologique a été notée sous corticothérapie générale avec une récidive lors de la dégression du traitement

    L-Band Harmonic Mode Locking of Single-, Two-, and Three-Soliton Bunches from C-Band Amplifier in a Figure-of-Eight Fiber Laser

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    We report the experimental emission above 1.6 ÎĽm of harmonic mode locking of single-, two-, and three-soliton bunches in a C-band Er:Yb codoped silica fiber laser. The laser cavity consists of two connected fiber loops in the figure-of-eight configuration. In such a system the mode-locking regime arises spontaneously due to the nonlinear optical loop mirror, which acts as a saturable absorber. The 1.6 ÎĽm oscillation is enhanced by minimizing the linear intra-cavity losses. Depending on the pump power and the polarization controllers, the laser generates harmonic mode locking above 1.6 ÎĽm containing patterns with one, two or three pulses. These two last regimes have not been achieved so far at a long-wavelength range

    Carcinome basocellulaire métatypique : a propos de deux cas

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    Introduction : : Le carcinome métatypique est une entité rare. Il touche essentiellement la région cervico-faciale chez un sujet de sexe masculin. Les auteurs étudieront, à travers deux observations, les caractéristiques cliniques et évolutives du cancer métatypique ainsi que les difficultés thérapeutiques. Observation 1 : Un homme âgé de 41 ans, a présenté un carcinome métatypique temporo-pariétal droit traité initialement par chirurgie. Cinq ans plus tard, il a été réopéré pour une récidive locale et ganglionnaire et a bénéficié ensuite d’une cobaltothérapie, stabilisant ainsi la maladie pendant 4 ans au bout desquels on a noté la survenue d’une deuxième récidive locale avec des métastases pulmonaires. Le malade est décédé, à 10 ans de recul, dans un tableau de pneumopathie diffuse avec septicémie sévère. Observation 2 : Un homme de 71 ans, a présenté un carcinome métatypique de la région rétro- auriculaire. Il a eu une exérèse tumorale avec des limites chirurgicales envahies. Il a présenté plusieurs récidives locales traitées par des exérèses larges jusqu’à une pétrectomie totale. Les limites chirurgicales étaient toujours tumorales. Une radiothérapie postopératoire a été réalisée pour chaque récidive. A 7 ans de recul, il a présenté une récidive locale envahissant l’angleponto-cérébelleux et le cerveau, jugée en dehors de toutes ressources thérapeutiques. Discussion : Le carcinome métatypique est caractérisé par son agressivité et sa tendance à la récidive. Son traitementest essentiellement chirurgical. Une large marge de sécurité lors de l’exérèse est indispensable. La radiothérapie est un traitement adjuvant, devenu incontournable vu le haut risque de récidive. Le rôle de la chimiothérapie n’est pas encore prouvé.

    Sexual behaviour of pregnant women attending antenatal care clinic at Assiut Women's Health Hospital, Egypt

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    Background: The aim of the current study was to describe the knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and behavior of pregnant women regarding sexuality during pregnancy. Study was carried out at Women’s Health Hospital, Assiut University, Egypt.Methods: A cross-sectional study included pregnant women at different gestational ages between December 2016 and Jun 2017 recruited consecutively at the antenatal outpatient clinic of women’s Health Hospital at Assiut University. We used the Arabic version of the Female Sexual Function Index (Ar-FSFI) in the interview to evaluate the sexual functions or problems during the last month. The cut-off score used to indicate sexual dysfunction was 28.1. The obtained data were analyzed by means of SPSS software (version 22.0) and p<0.05 was taken as the significant level.Results: The study included 140 pregnant women at different ages and trimesters and also at different socio-economic states. Concerning the level of knowledge, the classification in recorded a mean score =11.91±4.05 which revealed a level of knowledge below average. Regarding the extent of beliefs in relation to sexuality during pregnancy, the mean score=2.72 of the respondents’ beliefs means that the impact of the beliefs regarding sexuality during pregnancy was weak among respondents. On assessing their perceptions about sexual intercourse during pregnancy, majority of them [130 (93.1%)] felt that sex have no negative impacts on pregnancy while 10 (6.9%) opined that sex during pregnancy had negative effects. Perceived negative effects of sex during pregnancy included vaginal bleeding and miscarriage.Conclusions: The low rate of sexual activity in our study, regardless question about the taboo of sexual intercourse during pregnancy, could be related to a cultural background in which women avoid speaking about their desires and sexual needs

    On spin-rotation contribution to nuclear spin conversion in C_{3v}-symmetry molecules. Application to CH_3F

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    The symmetrized contribution of E-type spin-rotation interaction to conversion between spin modifications of E- and A_1-types in molecules with C_{3v}-symmetry is considered. Using the high-J descending of collisional broadening for accidental rotational resonances between these spin modifications, it was possible to co-ordinate the theoretical description of the conversion with (updated) experimental data for two carbon-substituted isotopes of fluoromethane. As a result, both E-type spin-rotation constants are obtained. They are roughly one and a half times more than the corresponding constants for (deutero)methane.Comment: 13 pages with single-spacing, REVTeX, no figures, accepted for publication in <J. Phys. B

    Primary Plasmacytoma of The Testis with no Evidence of Multiple Myeloma: a New Case Report and Literature Review

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    Plasmacytomas of the testis are extremely rare tumours, especially when occurring in the absence of a previous or concurrent diagnosis of multiple myeloma. We report a new case of solitary testicular plasmacytoma, with immunohistochemical studies showing monoclonal cytoplasmic production of IgG lambda light chains, in a 51-year-old man who had no evidence of multiple myeloma 3 years after the orchiectomy.Key Words: Testis, plasmacytoma, multiple myelom
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