22 research outputs found

    Ultrasonographic features of prenatal testicular torsion: Case report

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    Although prenatal testicular torsion (PNTT) is rarely observed,it is an important condition that can cause bilateralvanishing testis. Generally, PNTT cases observed asextravaginal torsion and treatment is emergency surgicalop-eration. In this article, 39 week presented a case diagnosedin the prenatal testicular torsion. PNTT diagnosiswas confirmed by Doppler ultrasonography and emergencysurgery was performed. Extravaginal left testiculartorsion gangrene and necrosis of the testis was observedin the operation. Left orchiectomy was performed andintrauter-ine ultrasonographic diagnosis was found to becorrect.Key words: Testicular torsion, prenatal diagnosis, features,ultrasonograph

    Diskli Gübre Dağıtma Makinaları İçin Değişken Oranlı Gübre Kontrol Sistemi

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    Aim of this research is to develop a variable rate controller system includes mechanical part, electronic circuit,application map software and laboratory test system apply variable rate fertilizer application due to requirement of cropinstead of constant rate of application used by farmers generally. Centrifugal fertilizer spreader with two discs, steppermotors, variable rate controller, GPS and variable rate application software were used as materials in this research.Developed variable rate controller and application software were improved. In addition, a laboratory test software wasdeveloped. Laboratory tests of the new control system were realised. 15-15-15 (N-P-K), %46 Urea, 20-20-0 (N-P-K)and %33 Ammonium Nitrate chemical fertilisers widely used by farmers for field crops were used in the laboratory tests.Developed system was worked without any problem.Bu araştırmanın amacı; çiftçinin uyguladığı alışılagelmiş homojen gübre uygulama yerine bitkinin ihtiyacına uygun belirlenmiş miktarları konuma göre dağıtan gübreleme yapan daha önce geliştirilmiş bir makine ile değişken düzeyli gübreleme yapmaktır. Araştırmada materyal olarak santrifüjlü gübre dağıtma makinesi, step motor, değişken düzeyli kontrol sistemi, GPS ve uygulama haritası programı kullanılmıştır. Araştırmada daha önce geliştirilen kontrol sistemi ve değişken düzeyli uygulama programı iyileştirilmiştir. Ayrıca laboratuar testleri için bilgisayar programı geliştirilmiştir. Yeni sistemin laboratuar denemeleri yapılmıştır. Testlerde çiftçiler tarafından ülkemizde tarla tarımında yaygın olarak kullanılan 15-15-15 (N-P-K), %46 Üre, 20-20-0 (N-P-K) ve %33 Amonyum Nitrat gübreleri için testler yapılmıştır. Sistem testler sırasında sorunsuz olarak çalışmıştır

    Protective effects of cordycepin on the histopathological changes and oxidative stress induced by hepatic ischemia/reperfusion in rats

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    Aim: To investigate the effects of cordycepin on the histopathological changes and oxidative stress induced by hepatic ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) in rats. Method: Forty male Wistar rats were randomly divided into 4 groups as group I (sham, n=10), group II (control, n=10), group III (I/R-untreated, n=10) and group IV (I/R-cordycepin, n=10). Liver ischemia was induced for 30 min then reperfusion was allowed for 1 h. At the end of the experiment, liver specimens and blood samples were taken for histopathological and antioxidant evaluations, and biochemical analysis. Results: The levels of IL6, IL-1β, and TNFα in the serum and liver tissues were higher in the I/R-untreated group compared to the I/R-cordycepin treated group. In the I/R-cordycepin group, serum MDA levels were decreased compared with the I/R-untreated group. The I/R-cordycepin treated group showed an increase in TAS levels, and a decrease in TOS levels compared with I/R-untreated group. The histopathological injury score were significantly lower in the I/R-cordycepin treated group compared to the I/R-untreated group.  In the I/R-untreated group, the integrity of the hepatocyte cell lines deteriorated. Mononuclear inflammatory cells infiltrated the parenchyma regions, the sinuses dilated and there was diffuse congestion Preoperative treatment with cordycepine reduced histopathological abnormalities. Conclusion: Cordycepin has demonstrated significant hepatoprotective effects against I/R injury induced in rats through TAS elevation and reduction of TOS, MDA and proinflammatory cytokines

    Investigation of the protective effect of oral immunoglobulin(IG) a on rat intestinumu in experimental necrotizing enterocolitis model.

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    Deneysel olarak oluşturulan NEK modelinde, oral yoldan verilen IgA' nın rat barsağını koruyucu etkilerinin araştırılması Gereç ve Yöntem: 40 yenidoğan rat 10'arlı gruplar halinde 4 gruba ayrıldı. Kontrol (K) grubu anne yanında bırakılırken, NEK (N), sham (S) ve tedavi (T) grubu anne sütü almadan, annesinden ayrı olarak 36 0C'de ve % 60'lık nemde beslenme ve bakım sağlanmak üzere özel inkübatöre yerleştirildi. K grubundaki ratlar emerek anne sütü ile beslendi. N grubundaki denekler doğar doğmaz, hiç anne sütü almadan annelerinin yanından ayrılarak formula mama ile beslendi. T grubundaki ratlara hiç anne sütü almadan formula mamaya ilaveten 600 mg/kg/gün 6 doz halinde saf oral IgA verildi. S grubundaki deneklere hiç anne sütü almadan mamaya ilaveten 0.1ml /kg/gün immünglobülin çözücüsü olan distile su verildi. Tüm gruplardaki ratlar 4.gün tartılarak, sakrifiye edildi. Laparatomi sonrası ileoçekal valvin 1 cm proksimalinden 2 cm'lik barsak segmenti histopatolojik inceleme için, geri kalan 10 cm'lik segment biyokimyasal inceleme için çıkartıldı. H&E boyama ile histopatolojik, ARC Ab?1 apopitozis kiti kullanılarak immunohistokimyasal, doku MPO, TNF-?, ve IL?6 değerlerine bakılarak biyokimyasal değerlendirme yapıldı. Bulgular: N ve S gruplarında mortalite oranı T ve K gruplarına göre anlamlı olarak yüksek bulundu (P0.05). Sonuç: Oral yolla verilen saf Ig A'nın deneysel NEK modelinde, intestinal hasarı azalttığı ve NEK'ı önlediği gösterildi. Anahtar Kelimeler: Nekrotizan Enterokolit, tedavi, immünglobülin A, yenidoğan.Investigation of the protective effect of oral immunoglobulin(Ig) A on rat intestinumu in experimental necrotizing enterocolitis model. Materials and methods: 40 newborn rats were devided into 4 groups each containing 10 rats. While control (C) group was fed by breast, the rats in necrotisan enterocolitis (N), sham (S), and treatment (T) groups were settled into incubators at 36ºC and 60 % humidity and fed, but not by breast. The rats in C group were fed by breast. The rats in N group were fed with Formula as soon as they were born. The rats in T group were fed with Formula and 600 mg/kg/day oral Ig A with 4-hour intervals. The rats in S group were fed with Formula and 0.1 ml/day distilled water which is solvent of Ig. The rats in all groups were weighed and sacrified on fourth day. 2 cm intestinal segment from proximal of ileocaecal valve was used for histopathologic examination, another 10 cm intestinal segment for biochemical examination. After laparotomy H&E was used for histopathologic examination and apoptosis repressor with card Ab-1 citt for immunohistochemical examination. Biochemical parameters such as myeloperoxidase (MPO), TNF-?, and IL-6 were evaluated. Results: The rate of mortality in N and S groups was significantly higher than T and C groups (P0.05). Conclusion: Pure Ig A given orally was identified to decrease intestinal damage and to prevent NEC in experimental NEC model. Keywords: Necrotizing Enterocolitis, treatment, lmmunoglobulin A, newbor

    Development of a variable rate controller for centrifugal fertiliser spreaders

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    4th International Symposium on Intelligent Information Technology in Agriculture -- OCT 26-29, 2007 -- Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINAObjective of this research is to develop a variable rate system for centrifugal fertiliser machines. This paper includes development stage and laboratory evaluation stage of this variable rate system. In this research, a centrifugal fertiliser machines with two discs were used to develop a variable rate controller. Step motors were used to apply variable rate application for these machines. A special system designed for connecting fertiliser rate plates and step motors

    Development a variable rate controller for centrifugal fertiliser spreaders

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    4th International Symposium on Intelligent Information Technology in Agriculture, ISIITA 2007 -- 26 October 2007 through 29 October 2007 -- -- 112834Objective of this research is to develop a variable rate system for centrifugal fertiliser machines. This paper includes development stage and laboratory evaluation stage of this variable rate system. In this research, a centrifugal fertiliser machines with two discs were used to develop a variable rate controller. Step motors were used to apply variable rate application for these machines. A special system designed for connecting fertiliser rate plates and step motors

    The first report of an intraperitoneal free floating mass an autoamputa ted ovary causing an acute abdomen in a child

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    A free-floating intraperitoneal mass is extremely rare, and almost all originate from an ovary. Here, we present the first case with an intraperitoneal free-floating autoamputated ovary that caused an acute abdomen in a child and also review the literature. A 4-year-old girl was admitted with signs and symptoms of acute abdomen. At surgery, the patient had no right ovary and the right tube ended in a thin band that pressed on the terminal ileum causing partial small intestine obstruction and acute abdomen. A calcified mass was found floating in the abdomen and was removed. The pathological examination showed necrotic tissue debris with calcifications. An autoamputated ovary is thought to result from ovarian torsion and is usually detected incidentally. However, it can cause an acute abdomen

    Değişken Miktarlı Mineral Gübre Dağıtma Ile Homojen Gübre Uygulamasının Buğday Tarımında Teknik Ve Ekonomik Yönden Karşılaştırılması

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    Bu araştırmanın amacı; çiftçinin uyguladığı alışılagelmiş homojen gübre uygulama yerine bitkinin ihtiyacına uygun belirlenmiş miktarları konuma göre dağıtan gübreleme yapan daha önce geliştirilmiş bir makine ile değişken düzeyli gübreleme yapmaktır. Araştırmada materyal olarak santrifüjlü gübre dağıtma makinesi, step motor, değişken düzeyli kontrol sistemi, GPS ve uygulama haritası programı kullanılmıştır. Araştırmada daha önce geliştirilen kontrol sistemi ve değişken düzeyli uygulama programı iyileştirilmiştir. Ayrıca laboratuar testleri için bilgisayar programı geliştirilmiştir. Yeni sistemin laboratuar denemeleri yapılmıştır. Testlerde çiftçiler tarafından ülkemizde tarla tarımında yaygın olarak kullanılan 15-15-15 (N-P-K), %46 Üre, 20-20-0 (N-P-K) ve %33 Amonyum Nitrat gübreleri için testler yapılmıştır. Araştırmada farklı skala değerleri için gübre normu (kg/da) olarak saptanmıştır. Sistem testler sırasında sorunsuz olarak çalışmıştır. Proje ile ilgili araştırmalar değişik senaryolar için sistemin çalışmasının kontrol edilmesi için devam ettirilecektir. Sistemin tarla testleri TAGEM tarafından yürütülen Ulusal Hassas Tarım Projesi çerçevesinde Kırklareli Atatürk Araştırma Enstitüsünde yürütülecektir.Aim of this research project is to apply variable rate fertiliser application due to requirement of crop instead of constant rate of application used by farmers. Centrifugal fertiliser spreader with two discs, stepper motors, variable rate controller, GPS and variable rate application software were used as materials in this research. Developed variable rate controller and application software were improved. In addition, a laboratory test software was developed. Laboratory tests of the new control system were realised. 15-15-15 (N-P-K), %46 Urea, 20-20-0 (N-P-K) and %33 Ammonium Nitrate chemical fertilisers widely used by farmers for field crops were used in the laboratory tests. Fertiliser rate as kg/da were determined. Developed system was worked without problem. Future work of this project will be carried out for determining system performance for different variable rate scenarios on the concrete surface. Field test of the system will be carried out in Ataturk Soil, Water and Meteorological Research Institute under National Precision Farming Project

    Total Esophageal Avulsion at the Esophagogastric Junction after Blunt Trauma

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    Total avulsion and transection of the esophagus at the esophagogastric junction are very rare after blunt trauma, and their management is challenging. Here, we present the case of a boy with this injury. To date, only two cases have been reported in children. One was treated successfully and the other died. The initial emergency operation should aim to save the life and native esophagus. Therefore, a primary or early thoracal end esophagostomy with gastrostomy should be performed, while primary repair should not be