44 research outputs found

    Value Chain Analysis of the Cotton Market in Tanzania: Application of Structure-Connduct-Performance (SCP) Model

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    Using field data from the western cotton growing areas, this discussion paper applies Structure-Conduct-Performance Model to assess the value chain of the crop with a view to identifying competition issues along the entire cotton value chain in Tanzania. Several actors in the cotton subsector were identified along each of the main five nodes of the value chain addition vis input supply, production, buying, processing/ginning and export marketing. The structure, conduct and performance of the cotton market are strongly regulated, and only partially liberalized. However, the assessment on the other hand analyzed a number of opportunities from the economies of scale that have shown that cotton production has a significant profit-margin to the market actors. There is equally ample room for improvement by capitalizing on the advantages pegged on the contract farming, organic cotton production and new low cotton producing areas. Keywords: Tanzania cotton market, value chain analysis, S-C-P mode

    Violation-Free Inter-Sampling Safety: from Control Barrier Functions to Tunable Controllers with Input-to-State Safety Guarantees

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    A common assumption on the deployment of safeguarding controllers on the digital platform is that high sampling frequency translates to a small violation of safety. This paper investigates and formalizes this assumption through the lens of Input-to-State Safety. From this perspective, we propose an alternative solution for maintaining safety of sample-and-hold controlled systems without any violation to the original safe set. Our approach centers around modulating the sampled control input in order to guarantee a more robust safety condition. We analyze both the time-triggered and the event-triggered sample-and-hold implementations, including the characterization of sampling frequency requirements and trigger conditions. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in the context of adaptive cruise control through simulations.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 202

    Characterizing Smooth Safety Filters via the Implicit Function Theorem

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    Optimization-based safety filters, such as control barrier function (CBF) based quadratic programs (QPs), have demonstrated success in controlling autonomous systems to achieve complex goals. These CBF-QPs can be shown to be continuous, but are generally not smooth, let alone continuously differentiable. In this paper, we present a general characterization of smooth safety filters -- smooth controllers that guarantee safety in a minimally invasive fashion -- based on the Implicit Function Theorem. This characterization leads to families of smooth universal formulas for safety-critical controllers that quantify the conservatism of the resulting safety filter, the utility of which is demonstrated through illustrative examples

    Universal screening of Tanzanian HIV-infected adult inpatients with the serum cryptococcal antigen to improve diagnosis and reduce mortality: an operational study

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    Cryptococcal meningitis is a leading cause of death among HIV-infected individuals in sub-Saharan Africa. Recent developments include the availability of intravenous fluconazole, cryptococcal antigen assays and new data to support fluconazole pre-emptive treatment. In this study, we describe the impact of screening HIV-positive adult inpatients with serum cryptococcal antigen (CRAG) at a Tanzanian referral hospital. All adults admitted to the medical ward of Bugando Medical Centre are counseled and tested for HIV. In this prospective cohort study, we consecutively enrolled HIV-positive patients admitted between September 2009 and January 2010. All patients were interviewed, examined and screened with serum CRAG. Patients with positive serum CRAG or signs of meningitis underwent lumbar puncture. Patients were managed according to standard World Health Organization treatment guidelines. Discharge diagnoses and in-hospital mortality were recorded.\ud Of 333 HIV-infected adults enrolled in our study, 15 (4.4%) had confirmed cryptococcal meningitis and 10 of these 15 (66%) died. All patients with cryptococcal meningitis had at least two of four classic symptoms and signs of meningitis: fever, headache, neck stiffness and altered mental status. Cryptococcal meningitis accounted for a quarter of all in-hospital deaths. Despite screening of all HIV-positive adult inpatients with the serum CRAG at the time of admission and prompt treatment with high-dose intravenous fluconazole in those with confirmed cryptococcal meningitis, the in-hospital mortality rate remained unacceptably high. Improved strategies for earlier diagnosis and treatment of HIV, implementation of fluconazole pre-emptive treatment for high-risk patients and acquisition of better resources for treatment of cryptococcal meningitis are needed

    The Effect of Bonding on the Fragmentation of Small Systems

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    Recent dissociative recombination (DR) experiments have reported that the observed reaction products depend on the structure, bonding, and charge centre of the molecular ion. For examples, the dominant product channel observed in the DR of D5(+)(2), N2O2(+)(1), and D5O2(+)(3) suggests that the former two ions have the form D3(+) D2, and NO(+) NO(1), respectively, whilst the latter is known to have the form D2O D(+) D2O (3). Here we compare and contrast these observations by investigating the DR of one of the simplest such systems, Li(+) H2. This system, a weakly bound cluster with the charge centre located on the lithium atom, will provide us with an excellent opportunity for investigating the role played by the type of bonds and charge centre in the DR process

    Sputum Smear Microscopy: Evaluation of Impact of Training, Microscope Distribution, and Use of External Quality Assessment Guidelines for Resource-Poor Settings

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    Sputum smear microscopy is the main and often only laboratory technique used for the diagnosis of tuberculosis in resource-poor countries, making quality assurance (QA) of smear microscopy an important activity. We evaluated the effects of a 5-day refresher training course for laboratory technicians and the distribution of new microscopes on the quality of smear microscopy in 13 primary health care laboratories in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo. The 2002 external QA guidelines for acid-fast bacillus smear microscopy were implemented, and blinded rechecking of the slides was performed before and 9 months after the training course and microscope distribution. We observed that the on-site checklist was highly time-consuming but could be tailored to capture frequent problems. Random blinded rechecking by the lot QA system method decreased the number of slides to be reviewed. Most laboratories needed further investigation for possible unacceptable performance, even according to the least-stringent interpretation. We conclude that the 2002 external QA guidelines are feasible for implementation in resource-poor settings, that the efficiency of external QA can be increased by selecting sample size parameters and interpretation criteria that take into account the local working conditions, and that greater attention should be paid to the provision of timely feedback and correction of the causes of substandard performance at poorly performing laboratories

    Pro-vitamin A carotenoid content of 48 plantain (Musa AAB genome) cultivars sourced from eastern Democratic Republic of Congo

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    Vitamin A deficiency (VAD) is widespread in sub‐Saharan Africa (SSA). Unlike in developed countries, where the main source of vitamin A comes from meat, the diet of poor populations in SSA is largely plant based. It is thus important to identify local / popular plants with higher vitamin A content for combating VAD. Banana (including plantains) is an important staple food crop in this region. The identification and promotion of vitamin A‐rich banana cultivars could contribute significantly to the alleviation of VAD in areas heavily dependent on the crop. We assessed pro‐vitamin A carotenoid (pVACs) content in the fruit pulp of 48 local plantains from eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, to identify cultivars that could help reduce VAD, especially among young children and women of reproductive age