5 research outputs found

    Apport de la biologie dans la greffe rénale d’un donneur vivant

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    La greffe rénale est avant tout un projet de société, basé sur un don de générosité et de solidarité. L’activité spécifique de la transplantation rénale à partir d’un donneur vivant nécessite une étroite collaboration entre les cliniciens et les biologistes. Plus que jamais, la collaboration clinico-biologique est primordiale dans ce champ médical vue la multitude des progrès actuelles de plus en plus performants en terme de diagnostic et de suivi d’un projet de greffe

    Copper, zinc and selenium imbalance in Moroccan haemodialysis patients and its correlation to lipid peroxidation

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    Background: Haemodialysis patients are at risk of developing trace elements imbalance and lipid peroxidation. The present study was aimed to assess plasma levels of copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), selenium (Se) and malondialdehyde (MDA) of haemodialysis patients and to investigate the possible effect of haemodialysis on these trace elements and MDA imbalance.Methods: Blood samples of fifty hemodialysis patients and forty healthy controls subjects were analyzed for determination of hemoglobin, albumin, creatinine, urea and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP). Cu, Zn and Se were determined in plasma (before and after hemodialysis) and erythrocytes and MDA in plasma before and after hemodialysis.Results: The study showed that, plasma Zn and Se concentrations were lower in haemodialysis patients compared to that of healthy controls, while plasma Cu, MDA and Cu/Zn ratio were higher.  Plasma Cu/Zn ratios were positively correlated to MDA and weakly correlated to hs-CRP levels whereas plasma Se concentrations were inversely correlated to MDA. In addition, MDA levels increased after haemodialysis session.Conclusions: Based on the results of the present study regarding the imbalance of trace elements in haemodialysis patients, it seems reasonable to periodically assess the trace elements status and consider possible correctional therapy in case of deficiency.

    Thromboses des artères rénales révélant un syndrome des anticorps anti phospholipides

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    Le syndrome des anticorps antiphospholipides est une thrombophilie définie par l'association d'un événement clinique thrombotique artériel et/ou veineux, ou obstétrical à la présence durable d'anticorps antiphospholipides. Nous rapportons le cas d'une jeune patiente admise pour une insuffisance rénale aigue sur thrombose bilatérale des artères rénales et chez qui le bilan immunologique a révélé la présence d'anticoagulant circulant de type lupique faisant retenir le diagnostic d'anticorps antiphospholipides. La prise en charge rapide de la thrombose des artères rénales par angioplastie a permis la récupération d'une fonction rénale normale

    Kidney biopsy in the military hospital of morocco: Complications and histopathological findings

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    Epidemiological studies on renal biopsies are necessary to establish the pattern and trends of renal diseases in a particular geographic area. In this retrospective study, we reviewed the medical records, histopathology findings and complications of renal biopsy in a region of Morocco. We studied a total of 130 native kidney biopsies taken between January 2008 and January 2012. All biopsies were examined by light microscopy and immunofluorescence microscopy. There were 86 males (66.2%) and 44 females (33.8%), with a mean patient age of 44.82 ± 17.86 (range 8-86) years. The most common indications of renal biopsy was nephritic syndrome (61.5%), followed by renal failure of unknown etiology (30.8%) and asymptomatic urinary abnormalities (5.4%). Primary glomerulonephritis (PGN) was found in 60 (46.2%) of the patients. Among the PGN cases, the most common one was membranous nephropathy (MN) (12.3%). Secondary glomerular disease (SGN) accounted for 48 (36.9%) of the cases. The most common SGN was lupus nephritis (LN) (10%). Tubulointerstitial disease [13 (10%)] and vascular disease [9 (6.9%)] were less common. The most common complications of the procedure were pain at the biopsy site in 12.3%, gross hematuria in 12.3%, perirenal hematoma in 7.7% and hematuria requiring nephrectomy in 0.8% of the patients. The most common indication for renal biopsy was nephrotic syndrome, MN was the most frequent PGN and LN was the most frequent SGN in our report

    Infective endocarditis in chronic hemodialysis patients: Experience from Morocco

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    Since the 1960s, regular hemodialysis (HD) was recognized as a risk factor for the development of infective endocarditis (IE), particularly at vascular access sites. The present report describes our experience at the Etat Major General Agadir, Morocco, of taking care of IE in patients on regular dialysis. A retrospective analysis was made of five cases of IE in patients receiving re-gular HD having arteriovenous fistula as vascular access. They were sent from four private centers and admitted in our formation between January 2004 and March 2009. Infective endocarditis was detected after 34.5 months following initiation of dialysis. The causative organisms included Sta-phylococcus and Enterococcus in two cases each and negative blood culture in one case. A recent history of infection (<3 months) of the vascular access was found in three cases. Peripheric embolic phenomena were noted in two cases. A pre-existing heart disease was common and contributed to heart failure. Mortality was frequent due to valvular perforations and congestive heart failure, making the medical treatment alone unsatisfactory. Two patients survived and three of our patients received a prosthetic valve replacement, with a median survival after surgery of 10.3 months/person. The clinical diagnosis of infective endocarditis in regularly dialyzed patients remains difficult, with the presence of vascular calcification as a common risk factor. The vascular catheter infections are the cardinal gateway of pathogenic organisms, which are mainly Staphlococcus. The prognosis is bad and the mortality is significant, whereas medical and surgical treatments are often established in these patients who have many factors of comorbidity