239 research outputs found

    Interferometric control of the photon-number distribution

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    We demonstrate deterministic control over the photon-number distribution by interfering two coherent beams within a disordered photonic lattice. By sweeping a relative phase between two equal-amplitude coherent fields with Poissonian statistics that excite adjacent sites in a lattice endowed with disorder-immune chiral symmetry, we measure an output photon-number distribution that changes periodically between super-thermal and sub-thermal photon statistics upon ensemble averaging. Thus, the photon-bunching level is controlled interferometrically at a fixed mean photon-number by gradually activating the excitation symmetry of the chiral-mode pairs with structured coherent illumination and without modifying the disorder level of the random system itself

    Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Some New 1,2,3-Triazole Derivatives As Anti-microbial Agents

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    A series of 1,2,3-triazole derivatives bearing different chemical entities were prepared starting from 2-(4-phenyl-1H-1,2,3-triazol-1-yl)acetohydrazide, compound 2. The purity of all new compounds was checked by TLC and elucidation of their structures was confirmed by IR, 1H and 13C NMR along with High Resolution Mass Spectrometry (HRMS). All the target compounds were evaluated for their possible antimicrobial activity. Most of the tested compounds showed moderate to good antibacterial activity against most of the bacterial strains used in comparison with ciprofloxacin as a reference drug. The most active compounds were 4a, 9a, 9b, and 9f. Results of antifungal activity revealed that most of the tested compounds showed a good antifungal activity in comparison to fluconazole as a reference drug. Compounds 4a, 9c, 9d and 9f were the most active ones

    Investigation of Optical Properties for (PVA-PEG-Ag) Polymer Nanocomposites Films

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    This paper investigates the effects of addition of Ag nanoparticles on optical properties of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and Polyethylene glycol(PEG-4000) blend. The samples of nanocomposites were prepared by adding Ag nanoparticles percentages of 0, 3, 6, 9 wt. % to the (PVA-PEG)blend. The films were prepared by casting method with different thicknesses. The absorption has been recorded in the wavelength range (200 - 1100) nm. The optical constants(absorption coefficient, extinction coefficient) energy gap of the indirect allowed and forbidden transition, real and imaginary dielectric constants have been determined. The optical constants are increase with increasing of silver nanoparticles concentration. The energy gap decreased with increasing theweight percentages of silver nanoparticle. Keywords: nanocomposites films, PVA-PEG-Ag, optical properties

    Effect of Potassium Chloride on Physical and Optical Properties of Polystyrene

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    Composite materials are used in many industries such: solar cells, optoelectronic device elements, light emitting diodes, aircraft, military and car industry. In this paper, effect of potassium chloride on physical and optical properties of polystyrene has been studied to use the new material in many applications. The physical properties showed that the absorption of composite to water increases with increase time of the submerging in the water. Also, diffusion coefficient increases with increase the potassium chloride concentrations. The optical properties was measured in wavelength range from 200nm to 800nm. The experimental results showed that absorbance of polystyrene increases with increaseĀ  the potassium chloride concentrations. The optical constants (absorption coefficient, energy band gap, extinction coefficient, refractive index and real and imaginary parts of dielectric constants) are increasing with increase the potassium chloride concentrations. Keywords: optical properties, composites, physical properties, potassium chloride

    Mapping Dispersion of Urban Air Particulate Matter Over Kirkuk City Using Geographic Information System

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    Urban air pollution problem is a major concern in many large cities and becomes increasingly critical around the world. The effects of urban air pollution on public health are being felt worldwide. Pollutants canĀ  destroy sensitive tissues (in people, animals and plants), impair respiratory functions, degrade building materials and deteriorate the aesthetic aspects of environment. Mapping of urban air pollution dispersion is very complex as it depends upon variousĀ  factors including weather conditions, urban structural features and their topographic. In this research , the relationship between in-suite urban air pollutants (particulates matters - PM and total suspend particulate-TSP) and some metrological factors (Temperature, Humidity and wind speed) has been investigated. Geographic Information System (GIS ) was utilized to map urban air pollution dispersion in Kirkuk city - Iraq. The rapid growth of Kirkuk city as the main petroleum city in IraqĀ  last yearsĀ  has resulted in significant increase in environmental pollution. A correlation analysis was performed to establish between air pollutants and metrological parameters. GIS technique was used to investigate the spatial distribution of the pollutants and identification of the city area of high concentration of pollutants. The results shows that there is a weak linear correlation between metrological factors and most of air pollutants. PM10 only shows a significant correlation with temperature. Generally we can conclude that the impact ofĀ  metrological factors can be almost ignored. From GISĀ  distribution maps forĀ  PM and TSP pollutants, the highest concentration pollutants located around oil industrial area and in the center of the city. Keywords Urban Air Pollution, Particulates Matters, Total Suspend Particulate, Geographic Information System (GIS ) , Correlation Analysis

    Human and Animal Pentastomiasis in Malaysia : Review

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    Pentastomiasis is a zoonotic parasitic disease induced by the larval stages of pentasomes. The disease has been reported in Africa, the Middle East and Southeast Asia and caused by the nymphs of the two genera: Linguatula and Armillifer and the two species L. serrata and A. armillatus regard for more than 90% of human cases. The definitive hosts of Armillifer spp. are snakes, lizards and other reptiles. The parasites live in the upper respiratory tracts and lay eggs that are passed out through respiratory secretions, saliva or faeces. Intermediate hosts are humans, rodents and other mammals. Humans incidentally acquire the infestation by the consumption of uncooked infested snake meat or by drinking water contaminated with ova of the pentastomes. In the intestinal tract, the larvae hatch from the ova, penetrate the intestinal wall and migrate to organs in which the liver is the most common site. Human pentastomiasis was reported among aborigines in West and East Malaysia. Armillifer moniliformis was identified in wild animals and carnivores with infection rate 1.8% and 20.7% respectively. The adults of pentostomes (A. moniliformis) were recovered from two out of six snakes Python reticulates. Recently a case of human pentastomiasis was reported in Sabah, East Malaysia, caused by nymph of Armillifer moniliformis

    Preparation and Study of Optical Properties of (Polymer-Nickel Nitrate) Composite

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    Polymer composite of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), nickel nitrateĀ  have been prepared by solution cast method for different doping concentrations of nickel nitrate. The optical characterization has been done by analyzing the absorption spectra in the spectral region 200ā€“800 nm. It was found that the optical energy gap decreases with increasing NiNO3 content.Ā  The refractive index (n), extinction coefficient (k), static dielectric constant have been calculated for the investigated films. The optical constants are changing with increase the weight percentages of nickel nitrate. Key words: composite, polymer,Ā  optical constants, nickel nitrateĀ 

    Single-photon three-qubit quantum logic using spatial light modulators

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    The information-carrying capacity of a single photon can be vastly expanded by exploiting its multiple degrees of freedom: spatial, temporal, and polarization. Although multiple qubits can be encoded per photon, to date only two-qubit single-photon quantum operations have been realized. Here, we report an experimental demonstration of three-qubit single-photon, linear, deterministic quantum gates that exploit photon polarization and the two-dimensional spatial-parity-symmetry of the transverse single-photon field. These gates are implemented using a polarization-sensitive spatial light modulator that provides a robust, non-interferometric, versatile platform for implementing controlled unitary gates. Polarization here represents the control qubit for either separable or entangling unitary operations on the two spatial-parity target qubits. Such gates help generate maximally entangled three-qubit Greenbergerā€“Horneā€“Zeilinger and W states, which is confirmed by tomographical reconstruction of single-photon density matrices. This strategy provides access to a wide range of three-qubit states and operations for use in few-qubit quantum information processing protocols

    Design, Synthesis, and Antiproliferative Activity of New 5-Chloro-indole-2-carboxylate and Pyrrolo[3,4-b]indol-3-one Derivatives as Potent Inhibitors of EGFRT790M/BRAFV600E Pathways

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    Funding Information: This work was funded by Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University Researchers Supporting Project Number (PNURSP2023R3), Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.Peer reviewedPublisher PD
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