4 research outputs found

    Studi Populasi Vektor Murine Typhus (Xenopsyella Cheopis) Di Daerah Endemis Leptospirosis, Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah

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    Murine typhus dan leptospirosis memiliki kecenderungan berbagi rute dalam penularan terutama di daerahdengan populasi tikus yang tinggi. Infeksi ganda penyakit ini pernah dilaporkan di Asia Tenggara danmempersulit pengobatan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk melihat populasi vektor murine typhus, X. cheopis didaerah endemis leptospirosis di Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah. Penelitian dilakukan di lima kelurahandengan kasus leptospirosis tertinggi pada tahun 2011 (Kelurahan Sambiroto, Sendangguwo, Tandang,Bulustalan, dan Randusari). Metode penelitian adalah survei dengan melakukan penangkapan tikus,pengumpulan dan identifikasi ektoparasit tikus serta menghitung indeks khusus X. cheopis. Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan keberhasilan pengangkapan tikus sebesar 8,5%, tikus terinfestasi X. cheopis 28%, dan indekX. cheopis sebesar 0,68%. Disimpulkan Kota Semarang berpotensi terhadap penularan murine typhus

    Analisis Pengukuran Penampang Memanjang Dan Penampang Melintang Dengan Gnss Metode Rtk-ntrip

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    Measurements of longsection and cross sections are needed in every engineering survey work. It can be implemented with a variety of measuring tools such as Waterpass, Total station.In this research was perform measurements using GNSS system, by analyzing the long section and crosss ection measurement using RTK-NTRIP method.These measurements are then compared with Total station and Waterpas measurement. By using two methods, the first method assumes that the value of Undulation (N) in the measurement area are considered equal. A second method use heigh conversion of the geoid model EGM2008-1\u27. These measurements take place on the campus area UNDIPThe results obtained from GNSS RTK NTRIP measurement where the value of undulation (N) in the measurement area is considered equal so the accuracy value is 0.146 m so can produce map with the scale of 1: 50

    Fence Bender " Mesin Pembentukan Logam dengan Teknologi Bending" sebagai Solusi Peningkatan K3 dan Efisiensi Produktivitas Home Industri Tralis di Kawasan Ngingas - Sidoarjo

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    In small industry, trellis craftsmen have variety of stages in production process of trellis. They had only manually equipment to create a profile of fence. By using this manual process, it tends to increase operation cost and variety of quality of trellis fence. UD Jaya Makmur is a representative of trellis craftsmen who use manual equipment to produce trellis fences and other bar fences. Based on the background and the needs of this small fences industry, the fence bender machine has been built through Student Creativity Programme (PKM-T) which held by DIKTI. The process starting with exploring the machine design, then the proposed design had been analysed. After final calculation, the construction of fence bender machine was started, including profiling technology and automation. As the result, Fence Bender Machine has specification: Electric Motor 2 HP (Horse Power), Gearbox 1:60, Steel as material holder and can bend plate with 5 mm thickness. The machine was equipped by Holder/Bend Tool for bending or profiling. By comparing with manual production process, the fence bender can produce higher quality of trellis fence and better efficiency, because the machine can produce more fences and lower production cost. The production capacity of the machine was 240 products/hour for elbow profiles and 120 products/hour for circular profiles