6 research outputs found

    Integrative Oncology: An International Perspective from Six Countries.

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    In June 2019, a meeting was held in Paris in which experts from different countries (Israel, Spain, Belgium, Italy, USA, and France) met to discuss a selection of topics in integrative oncology (IO). The objectives were to draw on the delegates’ experience and expertise to begin an international collaboration, sharing details of differing existing models and discussing future perspectives to help define and guide practice in IO and define unmet needs. This report presents a summary of the meeting’s main presentations, and also reports on the experts’ responses to a questionnaire examining different aspects of IO service delivery, infrastructure, and utilization.post-print203 K

    Response of the International Homeopathic Society of Supportive Care in Oncology (SHISSO) to the contribution request by the High Authority for Health (HAS) for the evaluation of homeopathic medicines

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    Introduction : Dans le cadre de sa mission d’évaluation du mĂ©dicament homĂ©opathique, la Haute AutoritĂ© de SantĂ© a lancĂ© un appel Ă  contribution. La SociĂ©tĂ© HomĂ©opathique Internationale de Soins de Support en Oncologie (SHISSO) a Ă©tĂ© retenue en tant que sociĂ©tĂ© savante. MĂ©thode : Un groupe de travail de 8 membres de la SHISSO, composĂ© de mĂ©decins, pharmaciens et oncologues homĂ©opathes a rĂ©pondu Ă  chacune des 5 questions posĂ©es par la HAS. Nous nous sommes appuyĂ©s sur la littĂ©rature scientifique existante et sur notre expĂ©rience de cliniciens. RĂ©sultats : PremiĂšre thĂ©rapeutique complĂ©mentaire en cancĂ©rologie, l’homĂ©opathie est utilisĂ©e par 30 % des patients atteints de cancer dans une dĂ©marche uniquement intĂ©grative. Le degrĂ© de satisfaction global des patients est trĂšs Ă©levĂ©, une amĂ©lioration est signalĂ©e dans plus de 66 % des cas pour les 10 principaux symptĂŽmes rencontrĂ©s en soins de support. Les meilleures indications sont celles pour lesquelles les rĂ©ponses conventionnelles sont manquantes. L’absence de toxicitĂ© et d’interaction mĂ©dicamenteuse (effets secondaires rares et spontanĂ©ment rĂ©versibles), l’absence de perte de chance, de dĂ©pendance et d’accoutumance conduisent Ă  une balance bĂ©nĂ©fice/risque trĂšs favorable pour le mĂ©dicament homĂ©opathique. Conclusion : L’homĂ©opathie est un Ă©largissement de la thĂ©rapeutique mĂ©dicale conventionnelle. Elle s’inscrit parfaitement dans l’interdisciplinaritĂ© d’une oncologie intĂ©grative mettant le patient au coeur du systĂšme de soin. L’amĂ©lioration de la qualitĂ© de vie et la diminution des effets secondaires permet une meilleure tolĂ©rance et observance des traitements du cancer. Des Ă©tudes devraient ĂȘtre menĂ©es pour comparer la qualitĂ© de vie mais aussi le taux de survie global avec ou sans traitement complĂ©mentaire homĂ©opathique.Introduction: As part of its mission to evaluate homeopathic medicine, the High Authority for Health has launched a request for contributions. The International Homeopathic Society for Supportive Care in Oncology (SHISSO) has been selected as a learned society. Method: An 8-member working group of SHISSO, made up of homeopathic doctors, pharmacists and oncologists specialising in homeopathy, answered each of the 5 questions asked by the HAS. We relied on existing scientific literature and our experience as clinicians. Results: As the foremost complementary therapy in oncology, homeopathy is used by 30% of cancer patients in a wholly integrative approach. The overall degree of satisfaction of the patients is very high; an improvement is reported in more than 66% of cases for the 10 main symptoms encountered in supportive care. The best indications are those for which there exist no conventional responses. The absence of toxicity and drug interaction (rare and spontaneously reversible side effects), the absence of loss of opportunity, of dependence and addiction lead to a very favourable risk/benefit balance for homeopathic medicines. Conclusion: Homeopathy is an extension of conventional medical therapy. It fits perfectly within the interdisciplinary nature of integrative oncology, putting the patient at the heart of the care system. The improved quality of life and the decrease in side effects allow a better tolerance and observance of cancer treatments. Studies should be carried out to compare the overall survival rate with or without homeopathic complementary therapy

    Indications of Okoubaka aubrevillei in oncological supportive care

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