1,514 research outputs found

    An efficient randomised sphere cover classifier

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    This paper describes an efficient randomised sphere cover classifier(aRSC), that reduces the training data set size without loss of accuracy when compared to nearest neighbour classifiers. The motivation for developing this algorithm is the desire to have a non-deterministic, fast, instance-based classifier that performs well in isolation but is also ideal for use with ensembles. We use 24 benchmark datasets from UCI repository and six gene expression datasets for evaluation. The first set of experiments demonstrate the basic benefits of sphere covering. The second set of experiments demonstrate that when we set the a parameter through cross validation, the resulting aRSC algorithm outperforms several well known classifiers when compared using the Friedman rank sum test. Thirdly, we test the usefulness of aRSC when used with three feature filtering filters on six gene expression datasets. Finally, we highlight the benefits of pruning with a bias/variance decompositio

    Systematic review of transition models for young people with long-term conditions: A report for NHS Diabetes.

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    Aims For many young people with Type 1 diabetes, transition from paediatric to adult care can result in a marked deterioration in glycaemic control. A systematic review assessed the effectiveness of transition models, or components of models, for managing the transition process in young people with long-term conditions, including Type 1 diabetes. This involved identifying (i) the main barriers and facilitators in implementing a successful transition programme, and (ii) the key issues for young people with long-term conditions and professionals involved in the transition process. Methods The following databases were searched from inception to August 2012: MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsychINFO, CINAHL, ASSIA, Social Services Abstracts, Academic Search Complete, Social Science Citation Index, Cochrane and Campbell Libraries. Selected studies included young people aged 11 to 25 diagnosed with long-term conditions who were in transition from paediatric to adult secondary health care services. Results 16 systematic reviews and 13 primary studies were included from 9992 records retrieved. No single transition model was uniquely effective. The most successful transitions centred around: young person-focused; age and developmentally appropriate content and delivery; self-management education; family participation; paediatric and adult collaboration; designated transition clinics; transition co-ordinator; young person’s portfolio; specific professionals training; multidisciplinary approach; structured process embedded in service delivery. There were no distinctive characteristics of condition-specific Type 1 diabetes services. Conclusion This important and timely review summarises the key factors that need to be considered for the development of transition programmes for young people with long-term conditions, including those with Type 1 diabetes

    Low-level support for socially isolated older people: An evaluation of telephone befriending

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    In May 2005 Help the Aged and Zurich Community Trust launched a two year national programme ‘A Call in Time’. The purpose of the programme was to provide low level support and befriending services via the telephone to older people who are lonely, isolated or vulnerable. Eight projects were funded across the country. Following the launch of the programme, Help the Aged commissioned the Centre for Health Promotion Research at Leeds Metropolitan University to undertake an evaluation of the programme and to investigate the direct impact of low level support on older people who are vulnerable, isolated or lonely using the telephone as a specific tool of befriending. The main objectives of the evaluation were to: * Measure and identify the effectiveness of telephone befriending services for older people with regards to their mental and physical well-being and their quality of life and the extent to which services were of preventive value. * Examine the components parts of each model of telephone befriending and identify ‘models of good practice’. All eight telephone befriending schemes functioning within a variety of different parameters were included in the evaluation. The participants in this research included project co-ordinators, project volunteers and older people who were in receipt of the services

    Health Trainers End of Year Review 1st April 2013 – 31st March 2014

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    A critical assessment of health trainer activity, with particular reference to the most deprived social groups, and a focus on mental health and wellbeing

    Giant optical activity in dielectric planar metamaterials with 2D chirality

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    For the first time, all-dielectric planar chiral metamaterials consisting of arrays of silicon nitride gammadions on fused silica substrates have been fabricated, and shown to be capable of inducing large changes to the polarization states of transmitted light in a manner that is dependent on the two-dimensional chirality of the microstructured silicon nitride film. The polarization response is found to reverse for opposite enantiomers, and also for the same enantiomer when it is illuminated from opposite sides of the structure. In addition, the polarization states of the various diffracted beams are found to be non-reversible. These structures therefore appear to display elements of non-reciprocal behaviour. The polarization responses of complementary designs, different chiral geometries and various silicon nitride film thicknesses have also been studied. As a result we conclude that multiple reflections within the patterned silicon nitride layer play an important role in defining the mechanism by which these structures are able to modify the polarization states of diffracted light

    The use of telephone befriending in low level support for socially isolated older people--an evaluation.

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    There is increasing policy recognition that the alleviation of social isolation and loneliness in older people should be prioritised. Recently, technology, such as telephone networks and the Internet, has received attention in supporting isolated and lonely older people. Despite lack of evidence, telephone befriending has been considered an effective low-level method to decrease loneliness among older people. This study evaluated the impact of a national befriending scheme for isolated and/or lonely older people, involving eight project sites across the UK 2007-2008. The purpose was to assess the impact of different models of telephone-based befriending services on older people's health and well-being. A mixed methods approach was used. This paper reports on the findings from 40 in-depth interviews with older service recipients. The most important finding was that the service helped older people to gain confidence, re-engage with the community and become socially active again. Three topics were identified: why older people valued the service, what impact it had made on their health and well-being and what they wanted from the service. In addition, nine subthemes emerged: life is worth living, gaining a sense of belonging, knowing they had a friend, a healthy mind is a healthy body, the alleviation of loneliness and anxiety, increased self-confidence, ordinary conversation, a trusted and reliable service, the future--giving something back. In conclusion, the findings present in-depth qualitative evidence of the impact of telephone befriending on older people's well-being. Befriending schemes provide low-cost means for socially isolated older people to become more confident and independent and develop a sense of self-respect potentially leading to increased participation and meaningful relationships

    Transformation Based Ensembles for Time Series Classification

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    Until recently, the vast majority of data mining time series classification (TSC) research has focused on alternative distance measures for 1-Nearest Neighbour (1-NN) classifiers based on either the raw data, or on compressions or smoothing of the raw data. Despite the extensive evidence in favour of 1-NN classifiers with Euclidean or Dynamic Time Warping distance, there has also been a flurry of recent research publications proposing classification algorithms for TSC. Generally, these classifiers describe different ways of incorporating summary measures in the time domain into more complex classifiers. Our hypothesis is that the easiest way to gain improvement on TSC problems is simply to transform into an alternative data space where the discriminatory features are more easily detected. To test our hypothesis, we perform a range of benchmarking experiments in the time domain, before evaluating nearest neighbour classifiers on data transformed into the power spectrum, the autocorrelation function, and the principal component space. We demonstrate that on some problems there is dramatic improvement in the accuracy of classifiers built on the transformed data over classifiers built in the time domain, but that there is also a wide variance in accuracy for a particular classifier built on different data transforms. To overcome this variability, we propose a simple transformation based ensemble, then demonstrate that it improves performance and reduces the variability of classifiers built in the time domain only. Our advice to a practitioner with a real world TSC problem is to try transforms before developing a complex classifier; it is the easiest way to get a potentially large increase in accuracy, and may provide further insights into the underlying relationships that characterise the problem