13 research outputs found

    Behavioral phenotypes revealed during reversal learning are linked with novel genetic loci in diversity outbred mice.

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    Impulsive behavior and impulsivity are heritable phenotypes that are strongly associated with risk for substance use disorders. Identifying the neurogenetic mechanisms that influence impulsivity may also reveal novel biological insights into addiction vulnerability. Our past studies using the BXD and Collaborative Cross (CC) recombinant inbred mouse panels have revealed that behavioral indicators of impulsivity measured in a reversal-learning task are heritable and are genetically correlated with aspects of intravenous cocaine self-administration. Genome-wide linkage studies in the BXD panel revealed a quantitative trait locus (QTL) on chromosome 10, but we expect to identify additional QTL by testing in a population with more genetic diversity. To this end, we turned to Diversity Outbred (DO) mice; 392 DO mice (156 males, 236 females) were phenotyped using the same reversal learning test utilized previously. Our primary indicator of impulsive responding, a measure that isolates the relative difficulty mice have with reaching performance criteria under reversal conditions, revealed a genome-wide significant QTL on chromosome 7 (max LOD score = 8.73, genome-wide corrected

    Heritability of ethanol consumption and pharmacokinetics in a genetically diverse panel of collaborative cross mouse strains and their inbred founders.

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    BACKGROUND: Interindividual variation in voluntary ethanol consumption and ethanol response is partially influenced by genetic variation. Discovery of the genes and allelic variants that affect these phenotypes may clarify the etiology and pathophysiology of problematic alcohol use, including alcohol use disorder. Genetically diverse mouse populations, which demonstrate heritable variation in ethanol consumption, can be utilized to discover the genes and gene networks that influence this trait. The Collaborative Cross (CC) recombinant inbred strains, Diversity Outbred (DO) population and their 8 founder strains are complementary mouse resources that capture substantial genetic diversity and can demonstrate expansive phenotypic variation in heritable traits. These populations may be utilized to discover candidate genes and gene networks that moderate ethanol consumption and other ethanol-related traits. METHODS: We characterized ethanol consumption, preference, and pharmacokinetics in the 8 founder strains and 10 CC strains in 12-hour drinking sessions during the dark phase of the circadian cycle. RESULTS: Ethanol consumption was substantially heritable, both early in ethanol access and over a chronic intermittent access schedule. Ethanol pharmacokinetics were also heritable; however, no association between strain-level ethanol consumption and pharmacokinetics was detected. The PWK/PhJ strain was the highest drinking strain, with consumption substantially exceeding that of the C57BL/6J strain, which is commonly used as a model of high or binge drinking. Notably, we found strong evidence that sex moderated genetic effects on voluntary ethanol drinking. CONCLUSIONS: Collectively, this research serves as a foundation for expanded genetic study of ethanol consumption in the CC/DO and related populations. Moreover, we identified reference strains with extreme consumption phenotypes that effectively represent polygenic models of excessive ethanol use

    Effects of Intermittent Neck Cooling During Repeated Bouts of High-Intensity Exercise

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    The purpose of this investigation was to determine the influence of intermittent neck cooling during exercise bouts designed to mimic combat sport competitions. Participants (n = 13, age = 25.3 ± 5.0 year height = 176.9 ± 7.5 cm, mass = 79.3 ± 9.0 kg, body fat = 11.8% ± 3.1%) performed three trials on a cycle ergometer. Each trial consisted of two, 5-min high-intensity exercise (HEX) intervals (HEX1 and HEX2—20 s at 50% peak power, followed by 15 s of rest), and a time to exhaustion (TTE) test. One-minute rest intervals were given between each round (RI1 and RI2), during which researchers treated the participant’s posterior neck with either (1) wet-ice (ICE); (2) menthol spray (SPRAY); or (3) no treatment (CON). Neck (TNECK) and chest (TCHEST) skin temperatures were significantly lower following RI1 with ICE (vs. SPRAY). Thermal sensation decreased with ICE compared to CON following RI1, RI2, TTE, and a 2-min recovery. Rating of perceived exertion was also lower with ICE following HEX2 (vs. CON) and after RI2 (vs. SPRAY). Treatment did not influence TTE (68.9 ± 18.9s). The ability of intermittent ICE to attenuate neck and chest skin temperature rises during the initial HEX stages likely explains why participants felt cooler and less exerted during equivalent HEX bouts. These data suggest intermittent ICE improves perceptual stress during short, repeated bouts of vigorous exercise

    Repeated dosing with cocaine produces strain-dependent effects on responding for conditioned reinforcement in Collaborative Cross mice.

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    RATIONALE: Cocaine use disorder (CUD) is a highly heritable form of substance use disorder, with genetic variation accounting for a substantial proportion of the risk for transitioning from recreational use to a clinically impairing addiction. With repeated exposures to cocaine, psychomotor and incentive sensitization are observed in rodents. These phenomena are thought to model behavioral changes elicited by the drug that contribute to the progression into addiction, but little is known about how genetic variation may moderate these consequences. OBJECTIVES: Here, we describe the use of two Collaborative Cross (CC) recombinant inbred mouse strains that either exhibit high (CC018/UncJ) or no (CC027/GeniUncJ) psychomotor sensitization in response to cocaine to measure phenotypes related to incentive sensitization after repeated cocaine exposures; given the relationship of incentive motivation to nucleus accumbens core (NAc) dopamine release and reuptake, we also assessed these neurochemical mechanisms. METHODS: Adult male and female CC018/UncJ and CC027/GeniUncJ mice underwent Pavlovian conditioning to associate a visual cue with presentation of a palatable food reward, then received five, every-other-day injections of cocaine or vehicle. Following Pavlovian re-training, they underwent testing acquisition of a new operant response for the visual cue, now serving as a conditioned reinforcer. Subsequently, electrically evoked dopamine release was assessed using fast-scan cyclic voltammetry from acute brain slices containing the NAc. RESULTS: While both strains acquired the Pavlovian association, only CC018/UncJ mice showed conditioned reinforcement and incentive sensitization in response to cocaine, while CC027/GeniUncJ mice did not. Voltammetry data revealed that CC018/UncJ, compared to CC027/GeniUnc, mice exhibited higher baseline dopamine release and uptake. Moreover, chronic cocaine exposure blunted tonic and phasic dopamine release in CC018/UncJ, but not CC027/GeniUncJ, mice. CONCLUSIONS: Genetic background is a moderator of cocaine-induced neuroadaptations in mesolimbic dopamine signaling, which may contribute to both psychomotor and incentive sensitization and indicate a shared biological mechanism of variation

    Genetic pathways regulating the longitudinal acquisition of cocaine self-administration in a panel of inbred and recombinant inbred mice

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    Summary: To identify addiction genes, we evaluate intravenous self-administration of cocaine or saline in 84 inbred and recombinant inbred mouse strains over 10 days. We integrate the behavior data with brain RNA-seq data from 41 strains. The self-administration of cocaine and that of saline are genetically distinct. We maximize power to map loci for cocaine intake by using a linear mixed model to account for this longitudinal phenotype while correcting for population structure. A total of 15 unique significant loci are identified in the genome-wide association study. A transcriptome-wide association study highlights the Trpv2 ion channel as a key locus for cocaine self-administration as well as identifying 17 additional genes, including Arhgef26, Slc18b1, and Slco5a1. We find numerous instances where alternate splice site selection or RNA editing altered transcript abundance. Our work emphasizes the importance of Trpv2, an ionotropic cannabinoid receptor, for the response to cocaine