247 research outputs found

    Vortex density fluctuations in quantum turbulence

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    We compute the frequency spectrum of turbulent superfluid vortex density fluctuations and obtain the same Kolmogorov scaling which has been observed in a recent experiment in Helium-4. We show that the scaling can be interpreted in terms of the spectrum of reconnecting material lines. The calculation is performed using a vortex tree algorithm which considerably speeds up the evaluation of Biot-Savart integrals.Comment: 7 Pages, 7 figure

    Quantum vortex reconnections

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    We study reconnections of quantum vortices by numerically solving the governing Gross-Pitaevskii equation. We find that the minimum distance between vortices scales differently with time before and after the vortex reconnection. We also compute vortex reconnections using the Biot-Savart law for vortex filaments of infinitesimal thickness, and find that, in this model, reconnection are time-symmetric. We argue that the likely cause of the difference between the Gross-Pitaevskii model and the Biot-Savart model is the intense rarefaction wave which is radiated away from a Gross-Pitaeveskii reconnection. Finally we compare our results to experimental observations in superfluid helium, and discuss the different length scales probed by the two models and by experiments.Comment: 23 Pages, 12 Figure

    Quasiclassical and ultraquantum decay of superfluid turbulence

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    This letter addresses the question which, after a decade-long discussion, still remains open: what is the nature of the ultraquantum regime of decay of quantum turbulence? The model developed in this work reproduces both the ultraquantum and the quasiclassical decay regimes and explains their hydrodynamical natures. In the case where turbulence is generated by forcing at some intermediate lengthscale, e.g. by the beam of vortex rings in the experiment of Walmsley and Golov [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 100}, 245301 (2008)], we explained the mechanisms of generation of both ultraquantum and quasiclassical regimes. We also found that the anisotropy of the beam is important for generating the large scale motion associated with the quasiclassical regime

    The Kelvin-wave cascade in the vortex filament model

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    The energy transfer mechanism in zero temperature superfluid turbulence of helium-4 is still a widely debated topic. Currently, the main hypothesis is that weakly nonlinear interacting Kelvin waves transfer energy to sufficiently small scales such that energy is dissipated as heat via phonon excitations. Theoretically, there are at least two proposed theories for Kelvin-wave interactions. We perform the most comprehensive numerical simulation of weakly nonlinear interacting Kelvin-waves to date and show, using a specially designed numerical algorithm incorporating the full Biot-Savart equation, that our results are consistent with nonlocal six-wave Kelvin wave interactions as proposed by L'vov and Nazarenko.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Vortex Solutions in a Binary Immiscible Bose-Einstein Condensate

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    We consider the mean-field vortex solutions and their stability within a two-component Bose Einstein condensate in the immiscible limit. A variational approach is employed to study a system consisting of a majority component which contains a single quantised vortex and a minority component which fills the vortex core. We show that a super-Gaussian function is a good approximation to the two-component vortex solution for a range of atom numbers of the in-filling component, by comparing the variational solutions to the full numerical solutions of the coupled Gross-Pitaevskii equations. We subsequently examine the stability of the vortex solutions by perturbing the in-filling component away from the centre of the vortex core, thereby demonstrating their stability to small perturbations.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Coherent laminar and turbulent motion of toroidal vortex bundles

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    Motivated by experiments performed in superfluid helium, we study numerically the motion of toroidal bundles of vortex filaments in an inviscid fluid. We find that the evolution of these large-scale vortex structures involves the generalised leapfrogging of the constituent vortex rings. Despite three dimensional perturbations in the form of Kelvin waves and vortex reconnections, toroidal vortex bundles retain their coherence over a relatively large distance (compared to their size), in agreement with experimental observations.Comment: 22 pages, 12 figure