122 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT: Social systems, and ecosystems, its sustentative limits, singular pauses, logical attributes, real relations, expressional proposition, heterogeneous complications,- has been developed at the forefront of science. Key concepts of this new way of understanding complex systems –are theories of chaos, attractors, fractals, dissipative structures, self-organization, and autopoietic networks. The intellectual tradition of systems thinking, and the models of living systems developed during the early decades of the century, forms the conceptual and historical roots of the new scientific framework, current models and theories may be seen as an outline of an emerging theory of living systems. What is now emerging at the forefront of science is a coherent scientific theory that offers, for the first time, a unified view of mind, matter, and life. In the following we give a general theory for three pairs: (a) Terrestrial Organism (b)Oxygen Consumption (c)Dead Organic Matter (d)Decomposer Organisms (e) Green Plants (f) Nutrients. Expediency and contingency of such studies are of imminent nature, in consideration to the fact that ozone layer depletions by aerosols have been at the centre stage and the incorporation of green house effects in the cycle is of utmost importance

    A study on hypersurface of complex space form

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    We show that quasi-umbilical, generalized quasi-umbilical, super quasi-umbilical hypersurfaces of a complex space form are quasi-Einstein, mixed generalized quasi-Einstein and mixed super quasi-Einstein manifolds, respectively. We also prove that a Bochner at space of generalized complex space form is an Einstein manifold


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    ABSTRACT: We study a consolidated system of event; cause and n Qubit register which makes computation with n Qubits. Model extensively dilates upon systemic properties and analyses the systemic behaviour of the equations together with other concomitant properties. Inclusion of event and cause ,we feel enhances the “Quantum ness” of the system holistically and brings out a relevance in the Quantum Computation on par with the classical system, in so far as the analysis is concerned. Additional VARIABLES OF Space Time provide bastion for the quantum space time studies

    The Theory of Zero Point Energy Of Vacuum, Cosmological Constant Variability, Dark Matter Super Symmetry, Dark Energy, Expanding Universe, Microwave Sky ,Motion Of Orientation Of The Solar System, Mass Of Quantum Vacuum, Deceleration Of Acceleration Of E

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    Laws bears ample testimony ,infallible observatory, and impeccable demonstration to the fact that the essential predications, character constitutions, ontological consonances remain unchanged with evolution, despite  the system’s astute truculence, serenading whimsicality,assymetric dispensation or on the other hand  anachronistic dispensation ,eponymous radicality,entropic entrepotishness or the subdued behaviour ,relationally contributive, diverse parametrisizational,conducive reciprocity to environment, unconventional behavior, enuretic nonlinear freneticness ,ensorcelled frenzy, abnormal ebulliations,surcharged fulminations or the inner roil. And that holds well with the evolution with time. We present a model of the generalizational conservation of the theories. A theory of all the theories. That all conservation laws hold and there is no relationship between them is bĂȘte noir. We shall on this premise build a 36 storey model that deliberates on various issues, structural, dependent, thematic and discursive, discursive. Paper throws light on at least six unsolved problems in physics, if not completely solve them, for which we are putting all concerted efforts and protracted endeavors. Key words Zero point energy of vacuum, Dark matter, Dark energ

    The General Theory of Space Time, Mass, Energy, Quantum Gravity, Perception, Four Fundamental Forces, Vacuum Energy, Quantum Field

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    Essentially GUT and Vacuum Field are related to Quantum field where Quantum entanglement takes place. Mass energy equivalence and its relationship with Quantum Computing are discussed in various papers by the author. Here we finalize a paper on the relationship of GUT on one hand and space-time, mass-energy, Quantum Gravity and Vacuum field with Quantum Field. In fact, noise, discordant notes also are all related to subjective theory of Quantum Mechanics which is related to Quantum Entanglement and Quantum computing. Key words: Quantum Mechanics, Quantum computing, Quantum entanglement, vacuum energ

    Uncertainty of Position of a Photon and Concomitant and Consummating Manifestation of Wave Effects

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    A system of uncertainty of the position of the particle (photon, electron etc.,) is investigated. Very observation affects the quantum mechanical reality, and the nature like a coy bride hides herself. Measurement always disturbs the true nature of ‘nature’ We discuss stability,solutional behaviour, and asymptotic behaviors of the system Keywords: Uncertainty of the position of the photon, Wave pattern, Duality Theory, Double Slit experiment, Superposition, Dark Photon, Annihilating particles

    Einstein Field Equations And Heisenberg’s Principle Of Uncertainly The Consummation Of GTR And Uncertainty Principle

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    The Einstein field equations (EFE) or Einstein's equations are a set of 10 equations in Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity, which describe the fundamental interaction (e&eb) of gravitation as a result of spacetime being curved by matter and energy. First published by Einstein in 1915 as a tensor equation, the EFE equate spacetime curvature (expressed by the Einstein tensor) with (=) the energy and momentum tensor within that spacetime (expressed by the stress–energy tensor).Both space time curvature tensor and energy and momentum tensor is classified in to various groups based on which objects they are attributed to. It is to be noted that the total amount of energy and mass in the Universe is zero. But as is said in different context, it is like the Bank Credits and Debits, with the individual debits and Credits being conserved, holistically, the conservation and preservation of Debits and Credits occur, and manifest in the form of General Ledger. Transformations of energy also take place individually in the same form and if all such transformations are classified and written as a Transfer Scroll, it should tally with the total, universalistic transformation. This is a very important factor to be borne in mind. Like accounts are classifiable based on rate of interest, balance standing or the age, we can classify the factors and parameters in the Universe, be it age, interaction ability, mass, energy content. Even virtual particles could be classified based on the effects it produces. These aspects are of paramount importance in the study. When we write A+b+5, it means that we are adding A to B or B to A until we reach 5. Similarly, if we write A-B=0, it means we are taking away B from A and there may be time lag until we reach zero. There may also be cases in which instantaneous results are reached, which however do not affect the classification. By means of such a classification we obtain the values of Einstein Tensor and Momentum Energy Tensor, which are in fact the solutions to the Einstein’s Field Equation. Terms “e” and “eb” are used for better comprehension of the lay reader. It has no other attribution or ascription whatsoever in the context of the paper. For the sake of simplicity, we shall take the equality case of Heisenberg’s Principle Of Uncertainty for easy consolidation and consubstantiation process. The “greater than” case can be attended to in a similar manner, with the symbolof”greater than” incorporated in the paper series


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    ABSTRACT: We study a consolidated system of event; cause and n Qubit register which makes computation with n Qubits. Model extensively dilates upon systemic properties and analyses the systemic behaviour of the equations together with other concomitant properties. Inclusion of event and cause ,we feel enhances the “Quantum ness” of the system holistically and brings out a relevance in the Quantum Computation on par with the classical system, in so far as the analysis is concerned. Additional VARIABLES OF Space Time provide bastion for the quantum space time studies


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    A system of EMF (ELECTROMAGNETIC FOR FIELD) decelerating the dissipation coefficient of GF (GRAVITATIONAL FIELD) and parallel system of GF that contribute to the dissipation of the velocity of production of EMF in an accelerated sense is investigated. It is shown that the time independence of the contributions portrays another system by itself and constitutes the equilibrium solution of the original time independent system. With the methodology reinforced with the explanations, we write, parri passu the governing equations with the nomenclature for the systems in the foregoing, including those of SNF AND WNF system. Further papers extensively draw inferences upon such concatenation process, ipso facto fait accompli. A final Grand Unified Theory is proposed and the   equations are given in the annexure, Which can be solved by the same methodology of the present paper mutatis mutandis. Gravitation is considered the weakest, but at Planck’s length it becomes extremely powerful, so powerful as to punch the holes, We discuss all the aspects of Cosmology and Quantum Mechanics and arrive at a reconciliatory solution after a lengthy discussion which seemed inevitable and necessary to put the theory on terra firma.. The forces of gravity and electromagnetism are familiar in everyday life. Two new forces are introduced when discussing nuclear phenomena: the strong and weak interactions. When two protons encounter each other, they experience all four of the fundamental forces of nature simultaneously. The weak force governs beta decay and neutrino interactions with nuclei. The strong force, which we generally call the nuclear force, is actually the force that binds quarks together to form baryons (3 quarks) and mesons (a quark and an anti-quark). The nucleons of everyday matter, neutrons and protons, consist of the quark combinations uud and udd, respectively. The symbol u represents a single up quark, while the symbol d represents a single down quark. The force that holds nucleons together to form an atomic nucleus can be thought to be a residual interaction between quarks inside each individual nucleon. This is analogous to what happens in a molecule. The electrons in an atom are bound to its nucleus by electromagnetism: when two atoms are relatively near, there is a residual interaction between the electron clouds that can form a covalent bond. The nucleus can thus be thought of as a "strong force molecule.

    NP Complete Problems-A Minimalist Mutatis Mutandis Model- Testament Of The Panoply

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    A concatenation Model for the NP complete problems is given. Stability analysis, Solutional behavior are conducted. Due to space constraints, we do not go in to specification expatiations and enucleation of the diverse subjects and fields that the constituents belong to in the sense of widest commonalty term
