40 research outputs found

    Vadovo įgalinančio elgesio ir struktūrinio įgalinimo reikšmė darbuotojų psichologiniam įgalinimui

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    Background. Employees will be highly motivated to fulfill new responsibilities, when they actually feel psychologically empowered, i.e. would positively evaluate their own professional competence, wish to solve job related problems independently and show initiative at work. In Lithuania, the phenomenon of psychological empowerment was virtually not examined yet; therefore it is highly relevant to analyze its expression, diversity of contributing factors and their characteristics in managers and specialists. The aim of the study was to examine the expression of psychological empowerment and its relation with empowering leader behavior and structural empowerment.Method. Three methodologies were used in this study: the questionnaire of psychological empowerment (Tvarijonavičius ir Bag- džiūnienė, 2013), the questionnaire of empowering leader behavior (Ahearne et al., 2005), and the questionnaire of structural empowerment (Laschinger et al., 2001). There were 280 participants in this study: specialists (N=205) and middle managers (N=75), working in 14 organizations in Lithuania.Results. The results of the study revealed that empowering leader behavior and structural empowerment predicted employee psychological empowerment; empowering leader behavior and structural empowerment predicted employee psychological empowerment directly; also there was an interaction between empowering leader behavior and structural empowerment and its’ dimensions when predicting psychological empowerment; the empowerment predictors for specialists and managers differed.Conclusions. The psychological empowerment of middle managers was higher than of the specialists. The role of empowering leader behavior on psychological empowerment was higher in the conditions of low structural empowerment; the psychological empowerment predictors for specialists were: opportunity to use current and acquire new skills, information about the status of the organization, trust demonstrated be a direct manager, and autonomy for the work provided; while the psychological empowerment of middle managers was only predicted by the opportunity to use current and acquire new skills.Problema. Darbuotojai, kuriems suteikiamos naujos atsakomybės, noriai jas įgyvendina tada, kai jaučiasi psichologiškai įgalinti – teigiamai vertina savo profesinę kompetenciją, savarankiškai sprendžia darbo klausimus, yra iniciatyvūs. Lietuvoje psichologinio įgalinimo reiškinys beveik nėra tyrinėtas, todėl aktualu analizuoti jo raišką, organizacinio ir vadovavimo lygmens prognostinius veiksnius, jų ypatumus skirtingo pareigybinio lygio darbuotojų grupėse. Tyrimo tikslas – ištirti darbuotojų psichologinio įgalinimo raišką ir sąsajas su vadovo įgalinančiu elgesiu bei struktūriniu įgalinimu. Metodika. Tyrimo instrumentai: lietuviškas psichologinio įgalinimo klausimynas (Tvarijonavičius ir Bagdžiūnienė, 2013), vadovo įgalinančio elgesio klausimynas (Ahearne ir kt., 2005), struktūrinio įgalinimo klausimynas (Laschinger ir kt., 2001). Tyrime dalyvavo 280 keturiolikoje organizacijų dirbančių specialistų (N = 205) ir vidurinės grandies vadovų (N = 75). Rezultatai. Tyrimas parodė, kad vadovo įgalinantis elgesys ir struktūrinis įgalinimas prognozuoja psichologinį įgalinimą; vadovo įgalinantis elgesys ir struktūrinis įgalinimas su darbuotojų psichologiniu įgalinimu siejasi tiesiogiai, taip pat egzistuoja sąveika tarp vadovo įgalinančio elgesio ir struktūrinio įgalinimo bei jo dimensijų, prognozuojant darbuotojų psichologinį įgalinimą; egzistuoja specialistų ir vadovų psichologinio įgalinimo prielaidų skirtumai. Išvados. Vidurinės grandies vadovai jaučia didesnį psichologinį įgalinimą nei specialistai. Tiesioginio vadovo įgalinančio elgesio vaidmuo darbuotojų psichologiniam įgalinimui yra didesnis esant žemo struktūrinio įgalinimo sąlygoms; specialistų grupėje psichologinį įgalinimą prognozuoja galimybės panaudoti gebėjimus ir įgyti naujų, informacijos prieinamumas, tiesioginio vadovo pasitikėjimas ir autonomijos suteikimas, o vadovų grupėje – tik iššūkius keliantis darbas, galimybės panaudoti gebėjimus

    Skirtingą darbo patirtį turinčių asmenų socializacijos organizacijoje ypatumai

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    The aim of this study was to discover if there are any differences among organizational socialization of newcomers who already have work experience and employees who are new in labour market. And if the differences were found, to establish what organizational factors have the biggest impact on them. 71 participants took part in the study: 33 participants were working in the first jobs, 38 were working in the second or later jobs. Participants fill out the questionnaires at the end of the 3rd month within the organization. They were asked to evaluate their knowledge about the organization, the amount of experienced of work related anxiety, their attitudes towards the organization they work and towards their job, and the position in newcomer – seniority continuum (feeling of being real member of organization). Additionally they were asked to evaluate leadership style of their executives, quality of leader-subordinate relationship, organizational culture and work group climate. Work group size and mentorship system in organization were the variables which also were taken into analysis. As distinct from other surveys, the results showed no correlation between the work related anxiety and other parameters of organizational socialization. Should the longitudinal studies fail to prove the lack of correlations to be the result of unlinear dependability between time spent in organization and lessen job related anxiety, other emotional adjustment measures are to be considered. Despite the fact that newcomers with and without work experience equally rate themselves in newcomer – seniority continuum, this evaluation is the result of different issues. Those who start their work career have much more information about organization (Mann Whitney z = –1.98, p = 0.047) but still they feel stronger anxiety (Mann Whitney z = –2.29, p = 0,022) than those who already have work experience. The analysis of the organizational factors which affect new employee socialization suggests that the size of newcomer’s work group is negatively related to the results of organizational socialization – the bigger the work group, the worse the organizational socialization (regression analysis R = 0.492, R2 = 0.242, p = 0.000). The better leader – member Exchange evaluations, the more favourable group climate, the help of the official mentor during the first months working in organization, the mild exposure of innovative organizational culture, on the other hand, leads to better results of the organizational socialization (stepwise regression analysis R = 0.734, R2 = 0.539, p = 0.000). Yet again different factors contribute differently to the quality of new employee socialization when newcomers with and without previous work experience were analyzed separately. The results add more arguments for the individualized organizational socialization theory vs. collective one.Tyrimo tikslas – išanalizuoti organizacijos aplinkos veiksnių sąsajas su naujų darbuotojų socializacijos rodikliais, atsižvelgiant į šių darbuotojų darbo patirtį. Tyrime dalyvavo 33 asmenys, dirbantys pirmoje darbovietėje, ir 38, dirbantys ne pirmame darbe. Tyrimo rezultatai rodo, kad pirmoje ir ne pirmoje darbovietėje dirbančių asmenų socializacijos lygis, pasibaigus bandomajam laikotarpiui, yra vienodas, tačiau šios grupės tarpusavyje skiriasi kitų socializacijos rodiklių įverčiais: nors dirbantieji pirmoje darbovietėje gauna daugiau informacijos apie organizaciją, patiria didesnį nerimą dėl darbo. Taip pat nustatyta, kad skirtingą darbo patirtį turinčių asmenų socializacija susijusi su darbo grupės dydžiu – kuo grupė mažesnė, tuo socializacija spartesnė. Tačiau kitų veiksnių sąsajos su pirmoje ir ne pirmoje darbovietėje dirbančių darbuotojų socializacija yra skirtingos. Pirmoje darbovietėje dirbančių asmenų socializacijos rodiklius geriausiai prognozuoja darbuotojų ir jų vadovų santykių kokybė ir nedidelė inovacinės kultūros raiška. Ne pirmoje darbovietėje dirbančiųjų socializacijos sėkmingumą geriausiai prognozuoja dalyvaujantis vadovavimo stilius. Tai rodytų, kad būtina individualizuoti darbuotojų socializacijos procesą

    Darbuotojų socializacijos, darbinio ir pilietiško elgesio bei tapatumo organizacijai sąsajos

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    Employee socialization is closely related to the wide range of positive attitudinal outcomes (Cooper-Thomas & Anderson, 2006; Saks & Gruman, 2011); however, less attention in the empirical studies is paid to the behavioral consequences. This study aims to analyze the relationships between employee socialization aspects, organizational identification, in-role and organizational citizenship behaviors, and to analyze the results in relation with the employee tenure. In particular, this study posits that, first, socialization aspects predict the in-role, citizenship behaviors and organizational identification and, second, identification moderates the relationships between employee socialization dimensions and in-role, and citizenship behaviors. The sample was composed of 129 non-managerial employees from private sector Lithuanian organizations. The following measures were included in the questionnaire: socialization scales (Chao’ O’Leary-Kelly, Wolf, Klein, & Gardner, 1994), prospects for the future scale (Taormina, 1994), the organizational identification scale (Mael & Ashforth, 1992), in-role (Williams & Anderson, 1991) and citizenship behavior (Bagdžiūnienė, Lazauskaitė-Zabielskė, & Urbanavičiūtė, 2013) scales. The hierarchical regression analysis revealed the following predictors for the socialization outcomes: for employees who work less than one year, citizenship behavior is predicted by history, language and politics, and organizational identification is predicted by goals and values; for employees working more than one year, citizenship behavior is predicted by goals and values, and organizational identification by future prospects. Performance proficiency predicts the in-role behavior in both subsamples. Organizational identification moderates the relationships between socialization dimensions and in-role, and citizenship behaviors: organizational goals and values, politics and future prospects predict the in-role behavior, and performance proficiency predicts citizenship behaviors when the level of organizational identification is high. The results prove the necessity to develop and systematically apply in organizations human resource management practices enhancing employee socialization and to analyze in-role, citizenship behaviors and organizational identification as the socialization success outcome indicators.Straipsnyje analizuojami darbuotojų socializacijos organizacijoje reiškinys, sąsajos su darbiniu ir pilietišku elgesiu bei tapatumu organizacijai ir tapatumo vaidmuo socializacijos ir elgesio darbe ryšiams. Šios srities tyrimų nėra daug, o kaip teigia Cooper-Thomas ir Anderson (2006), darbinis ir pilietiškas elgesys bei socialinis sutelktumas yra socializacijos indikatoriai, padedantys įvertinti socializacijos veiksmingumą ir rengti pagrįstas socializacijos priemonių sistemas. Tyrime dalyvavo 129 nevadovaujamas pareigas einantys privačių organizacijų darbuotojai (54,3 % dirba iki vienerių metų, 45,7 % – ilgiau nei metus). Tyrimo metodas – anketinė apklausa. Rezultatai: darbinį elgesį prognozuoja veiklos dimensija, pilietišką – profesinės kalbos išmokimas, politikos bei organizacijos tikslų ir vertybių perėmimas, tapatumą organizacijai – tikslų ir vertybių bei ateities ir karjeros perspektyvų rodikliai. Kai tapatumas organizacijai aukštas, ilgiau nei metus dirbančių darbuotojų darbinį elgesį stiprina tikslų ir vertybių, politikos bei ateities perpektyvų, o pilietišką elgesį – veiklos rodiklis

    The Effect of Employee Agility and Self-Efficacy on Innovative Behavior at Work

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    In order for organizations to remain competitive and successful in the contemporary business environment, one of the fundamental prerequisites is innovative behavior of employes. Therefore, research analyzing the organizational and personal factors of this behavior is relevant, in which increasing attention is paid to the agility of employees. In general, agility can be described as a person’s ability to adapt quickly and efficiently to normal or new work situations, accept changes and respond appropriately to them. The study aimed to determine the relationship between employees agility, self-efficacy, and innovative behavior in the organization and to evaluate the mediating role of self-efficacy for the relations between agility and innovative behavior. The cross-sectional survey was conducted in the sample of 172 employees. 78% of them were women, the average age of the participants was 33.8 years. Scales measuring employee agility, innovative behavior and self-efficacy were applied in the study. For this study, a Lithuanian employee agility scale consisting of twenty items was prepared. The results were processed using correlational, regression, and mediation analysis. Main results: firstly, more expressed employee agility and self-efficacy predicts their higher involvement in innovative behavior, and secondly, self-efficacy acts as a mediator for the relationship between agility and innovative behavior. The importance of the employee’s personal characteristics – agility and self-efficacy – in predicting innovative behavior was confirmed, and the role of self-efficacy as a mediator for the relationship between agility and innovative behavior was revealed. Theoretical and practical implications of the study results are discussed

    Darbo reikalavimai, ištekliai ir proaktyvus elgesys darbe: įsitraukimo į darbą ir streso vaidmuo

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    Proactive employees are an important part of social capital in modern organizations that operate in a competitive and ever-changing business environment. Proactive behavior (PB) is defined as self-directed and future-oriented actions that are aimed to change the situation, work environment, or oneself (Bindl & Parker, 2010). Proactive workers initiate individual and organizational changes, and they not only respond to work requirements or adapt to environmental conditions (Fritz & Sonnentag, 2009). Therefore, it is important to analyze the work and personal characteristics that may be significant in order to enhance the employees’ PB. The paper presents an empirical study that integrates the theoretical approaches of Proactive Behavior (Parker & Collins, 2010) and Job Demands – Resources (Schaufeli & Bakker, 2004). It is aimed, first, to examine the links between job demands (pace and amount of work, emotional and mental workload), resources (autonomy and feedback), and work engagement and stress with employee strategic proactive behaviors as well as work and person-environment fit proactive behaviors. Second, to determine the role that work engagement and stress have in the relationships between job characteristics and PB types. A total of 386 employees from various Lithuanian organizations were surveyed online. Sixty one percent of the respondents were female; the average age of the respondents was 34.8 (SD = 11.32) years, with an average of 7.3 (SD = 8.22) years of working experience in their organizations. Twenty one percent of the respondents were first-level managers. Most of the respondents (93.6%) had acquired higher education. Structural equation modeling analyses revealed that strategic PB, through engagement as a mediator, was predicted by autonomy, mental workload, and feedback; proactive work behavior was predicted by emotional workload, while mental workload, autonomy, and feedback were related to proactive work behavior through work engagement as a mediator; proactive person-environment fit behavior was predicted only by feedback via work engagement as a mediator. The study has shown that employee PB can be reinforced not only with job resources (autonomy and feedback) but job demands as well (the mental and emotional workload) via the mediative effect of work engagement. Work stress was not related with PB. The practical applications of research findings are discussed.Proaktyvūs darbuotojai – svarbi šiuolaikinėse organizacijose, kurios funkcionuoja konkurencingomis ir nuolat kintančiomis verslo sąlygomis, socialinio kapitalo dalis. Todėl aktualu nagrinėti darbo ir asmenines charakteristikas, kurios stiprina darbuotojų proaktyvų elgesį (PE). Straipsnyje pristatomas tyrimas apima proaktyvaus elgesio (Parker & Collins, 2010) ir darbo reikalavimų bei išteklių (Schaufeli & Bakker, 2004) teorines koncepcijas. Tikslas – išnagrinėti darbo reikalavimų (darbo tempo, emocinio ir protinio krūvio) ir išteklių (autonomijos ir grįžtamojo ryšio), įsitraukimo į darbą ir streso sąsajas su darbuotojų PE tipais bei įsitraukimo į darbą ir streso vaidmenį kuriant darbo charakteristikų ir PE tipų sąsajas. Anketinėje apklausoje internetu dalyvavo 386 darbuotojai (148 vyrai ir 238 moterys, amžiaus vidurkis 34,8 metų). Rezultatai: strateginį PE teigiamai prognozuoja autonomija ir grįžtamasis ryšys, užduočių atlikimo – autonomija ir emocinis krūvis, o asmens ir aplinkos dermės elgesį numato grįžtamasis ryšys. Įsitraukimas į darbą yra tarpinis kintamasis (mediatorius) atskiroms darbo charakteristikoms numatant PE tipus, o darbe patiriamas stresas su PE nėra susijęs. Nustatyta tiesioginė arba per įsitraukimą į darbą autonomijos ir grįžtamojo ryšio reikšmė darbuotojų PE išryškina praktinio rezultatų pritaikymo galimybes žmogiškųjų išteklių valdymo ir vadovavimo srityse

    Pilietiško elgesio organizacijoje patikslinto klausimyno psichometriniai rodikliai

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    Organizational citizenship behaviour is defined as “individual behaviour that is discretionary and not directly or explicitly recognized by the formal reward system and in the aggregate promotes the efficient and effective functioning of the organization” (Organ, Podsakoff, & MacKenzie, 2006). Nowadays it is one of the most widely studied phenomena in the field of organizational science (Podsakoff, Podsakoff, MacKenzie, Maynes, & Spoelma, 2014). Employee citizenship behaviour generates additional value for the organization by creating a positive social environment, improving the use of resources, coordinating activities within and between working groups, enhancingthe organization’s ability to attract and retain the best employees, maintaining organizational stability and adaptabilityto environmental changes. Meanwhile, citizenship behaviour is not widely studied in Lithuania and one ofthe reasons may be a lack of reliable and valid instruments that would correspond to the country’s cultural context.The first version of the Lithuanian twenty-nine items Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) questionnaireincluded dimensions of altruism, courtesy, civic virtue, conscientiousness, and was developed in 2013 (Bagdžiūnienė,Lazauskaitė-Zabielskė ir Urbanavičiūtė, 2013). Later, in 2014–2016, two studies were carried out with the aim torevise and confirm the structure of the OCB questionnaire and to re-evaluate its psychometric properties.In the first study, a total of 1985 employees from one Lithuanian public sector organization were surveyed online. Ninety-two percent of the respondents were female, the average age of respondents was 45.13 (SD = 10.3) years, with an average of 12.34 (SD = 7.74) years of working experience in the organization. Thirteen percent of the respondents were first-level managers. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) confirmed the five factor structure of the questionnaire; however, nine items with the lowest loadings were removed. The shortened version of the OCB questionnaire consists of five dimensions with four items in each scale. Cronbach’s alphas confirmed the reliability of each scale, the discriminant validity was confirmed by positive correlations between OCB dimensions and inrole behaviour, affective organizational commitment, job satisfaction and negative correlations with the intention to quit. In the second study, 647 employees from different organizations were surveyed online. Seventy-four percent of them were female, the average age of respondents was 30.64 (SD = 10.08) years, with an average of 4.45 (SD = 6.19) years of working experience in the organization. Sixteen percent of the respondents were first-level managers. Thirty-two percent of the respondents were from public and sixty-eight percent from private sector organizations. The five-factor structure was additionally approved by applying CFA in this sample, the invariance of the structure regarding gender, age, and status was also confirmed. Conclusion: The revised OCB questionnaire is a reliable and valid twenty-items multidimensional instrument and is congruent with the classical concept of OCB. It includes five dimensions of employee citizenship behaviour, namely altruism, courtesy, civic virtue, conscientiousness, and initiative. Limitations and practical applications are discussed.Pilietiškas elgesys organizacijoje – savanoriškas, neprivalomas darbuotojų elgesys, kuriuo stiprinami socialiniai ryšiai ir kuriamos palankios veiklai organizacinės aplinkos socialinio konteksto sąlygos. Atsižvelgiant į šio elgesio tyrimų plėtrą užsienio šalyse, kultūrinių skirtumų reikšmę pilietiško elgesio vertinimui ir remiantis Organ (1988) teorine koncepcija, 2013 metais buvo parengtas lietuviškasis pilietiško elgesio organizacijoje vertinimo klausimynas. Jį sudarė pilietinio įsitraukimo, pagarbos, pagalbos, iniciatyvos ir sąžiningumo dimensijos, patikrinta metodo struktūra, atlikta preliminari psichometrinių rodiklių analizė (Bagdžiūnienė, Lazauskaitė-Zabielskė ir Urbanavičiūtė, 2013). Šiame straipsnyje pristatomi du nauji tyrimai, kurių tikslas – patikrinti darbuotojų pilietiško elgesio organizacijoje lietuviško klausimyno struktūrą ir įvertinti patikslinto metodo psichometrinius rodiklius. Pirmajame tyrime dalyvavo 1 985, antrajame – 647 darbuotojai. Rezultatai: patvirtinamoji faktorių analizė patvirtino penkių dimensijų metodo struktūrą, galutinę klausimyno versiją sudaro dvidešimt teiginių, patvirtinti skalių suderintumo, išorinio validumo ir kiti psichometriniai rodikliai. Lietuviškasis pilietiško elgesio organizacijoje klausimynas pasižymi geromis psichometrinėmis savybėmis, gali būti taikomas, vykdant tyrimus organizacijose

    Darbuotojų profesinio saviveiksmingumo, struktūrinio įgalinimo ir įsitraukimo į darbą sąsajos

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    Nowadays the competitive advantage of any organization mainly relies not only on technologies or material resources but also on competitive, energetic, engaged employees, who are willing to share their knowledge, skills, and experience. Organizations must not only recruit talents but also inspire them and create the conditions in which they reveal themselves and have the prospect for professional growth. According to Bandura (1982), the personal belief of how well one can execute courses of action required to deal with prospective situations may become crucial for work success. The present study integrates Bandura’s (1982; 1989) Social Cognitive, Kanter’s (1977; 1979) Structural Empowerment, and Schaufeli and Bakker’s(2004) Work Engagement theories and is aimed (1) to analyze the relationships between employee occupational self-efficacy, structural empowerment, and work engagement and (2) to determine the role of occupational self-efficacy in the relationships between the elements of structural empowerment and work engagement. A total of 1636 specialist level employees from one Lithuanian public sector organization were surveyed online. Ninety four percent of the respondents were female, six percent were male. The average age of the respondents was 45.71 (SD = 10.34) years, with the average of 8.29 (SD = 7.23) years of working experience. All respondents had higher education. Occupational self-efficacy was measured using the Schyns & von Collani (2002) OCCSEEF scale (short version), structural empowerment elements (access to opportunity, information, support, and resources, informal power and formal power) were measured using the Conditions of Work Effectiveness Questionnaire – II (CWEQ – II) (Laschinger, Finegan, Shamian, & Wilk, 2001), and the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES-9) (Schaufeli, Bakker, & Salanova, 2006) was used to measure work engagement. Structural equation modelling (SEM) was applied to determine the mediating role of occupational self-efficacy in the relationships between elements of structural empowerment and work engagement. The analysis revealed that all dimensions of structural empowerment positively predicted occupational self-efficacy, and that occupational self-efficacy positively predicted work engagement. Formal power directly positively predicted work engagement, occupational self-efficacy fully mediated the relationship between informal power and work engagement and partially mediated the relationships between certain predictors (access to opportinity, information, and resources) and work engagement. Despite some limitations (e.g., this being a cross-sectional study, and that specialist level employees were surveyed from one organization), the results of the study highlighted, first, that employee occupational self-efficacy and work engagement might be strengthened by empowering organizational structures, and, second, that occupational self-efficacy is an important personal characteristic explaining the relationships between empowering organizational structures and employee work engagement. Perspectives for future research and practical implications are discussed.Šiuolaikinių organizacijų konkurencinis pranašumas labiau priklauso ne nuo technologijų ar materialinių išteklių, o nuo darbuotojų, kurie yra kompetentingi, energingi, įsitraukę į darbą ir pasirengę į jį investuoti žinias, įgūdžius, patirtį. Organizacijos turi ne tik įdarbinti talentus, bet ir juos įkvėpti bei sukurti sąlygas, kuriomis jie atsiskleidžia ir turi profesinio augimo perspektyvų. Straipsnyje nagrinėjamas darbuotojų profesinio saviveiksmingumo reiškinys, integruojant Bandura (1982; 1989) socialinę kognityvinę, Kanter (1979) įgalinimo teorijas ir Schaufeli ir Bakker (2004) įsitraukimo į darbą koncepciją. Tyrimo tikslas – išnagrinėti darbuotojų profesinio saviveiksmingumo, struktūrinio įgalinimo ir įsitraukimo į darbą sąsajas. Tyrime dalyvavo 1 636 vienos viešojo sektoriaus organizacijos darbuotojai, tyrimo metodas – anketinė apklausa. Naudotos profesinio saviveiksmingumo, struktūrinio įgalinimo ir įsitraukimo į darbą vertinimo priemonės. Rezultatai: visi struktūrinio įgalinimo dėmenys tiesiogiai prognozuoja profesinį saviveiksmingumą, didesnis saviveiksmingumas numato didesnį įsitraukimą į darbą. Formali galia numato įsitraukimą į darbą tiesiogiai, neformali galia veikia tik per tarpinį kintamąjį – profesinį saviveiksmingumą, o prieigos prie informacijos, galimybių, išteklių ryšį su įsitraukimu į darbą profesinis saviveiksmingumas veikia kaip dalinis tarpinis kintamasis. Šie įgalinimo būdai numato įsitraukimą į darbą iš dalies tiesiogiai ir iš dalies – per profesinį saviveiksmingumą. Tyrime patvirtinta profesinio saviveiksmingumo reikšmė organizacinės makroaplinkos veiksnių ryšiams su darbuotojų įsitraukimu į darbą. Straipsnyje aptariamos ir praktinio pritaikymo galimybės

    Socialinės paramos ir vadovo proaktyvaus elgesio reikšmė darbuotojų proaktyviam elgesiui

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    The proactive behavior of employees is becoming more and more important in contemporary organizations, but less attention is paid to the impact that the proactive behavior of supervisors has on promoting proactivity in the behavior of employees. Meanwhile, there is a growing amount of research on the role of social support in encouraging proactive behavior, but research data are contradictory and there is no clear understanding of the role of different forms of social support (organizational, coworker and supervisor) on employee proactive behavior and its types (work, person-environment fit and strategic). The study aims to analyze the relations between supervisor proactive behavior, support on the levels of organizational, coworker and supervisor and employee proactive behavior as well as its types (work, person-environment fit and strategic). The study method consists an online survey and a sample of 206 employees (79 males and 127 females, aged 19 to 64 years) working in various Lithuanian organizations, who had participated in online survey. The results have shown that organizational, coworker and supervisor support are positively related with the proactive behavior of employees, but only organizational support is a predictor for two types of proactive behavior – strategic and work. Meanwhile, there is no direct effect between the proactive behavior of supervisors and employees. This connection occurs only if employees receive support on the organizational level as well as from their coworkers and supervisors; however, this relation is not the same for all types of proactive behavior. Support on the organizational level and from coworkers reinforces the relation between supervisor proactive behavior and employee proactive strategic behavior; supervisor support reinforces the relation between supervisor proactive behavior and employee proactive person-environment fit behavior.Organizacijoms, siekiančioms konkurencingumo dinamiško verslo sąlygomis, neabejotina darbuotojų proaktyvaus elgesio reikšmė. Proaktyvaus elgesio prielaidų tyrimuose vis dažniau atkreipiamas dėmesys į socialinės aplinkos svarbą. Šiame straipsnyje aprašomo tyrimo tikslas siejamas su iki šiol mažai tirtų potencialių proaktyvaus darbuotojų elgesio prielaidų analize: ieškoma sąsajų su vadovo, kolegų ir organizacijos parama bei vadovo proaktyviu elgesiu. Tyrime dalyvavo 206 darbuotojai (79 vyrai ir 127 moterys, amžiaus vidurkis 30 metų). Rezultatai: organizacijos, vadovo ir kolegų parama yra teigiamai susijusi su darbuotojų proaktyviu elgesiu, stipriausias prediktorius yra organizacijos parama. Vadovo proaktyvus elgesys tiesiogiai nėra susijęs su proaktyviu darbuotojų elgesiu, tačiau padeda numatyti bendrą proaktyvaus elgesio rodiklį, užduoties atlikimo, asmens ir aplinkos dermės bei strateginį tipus, kai išreikšta vadovo, kolegų ir organizacijos parama: vadovo proaktyvaus elgesio ir darbuotojų strateginio elgesio ryšį sustiprina kolegų ir organizacijos parama, o vadovo proaktyvaus elgesio ir darbuotojo asmens ir aplinkos dermės elgesio ryšį – vadovo parama

    Inovatyvus elgesys darbe: kai kurie psichometriniai lietuviškojo klausimyno rodikliai

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    Employee behaviour which expresses developing, adopting, and implementing new ideas for products and work methods, or, in other words – creates innovations, is especially important for contemporary organisations. Due to innovations, they successfully compete in the market, solve problems inside the organisations, improve work methods, etc. In general, employee innovative work behaviour is crucial for organisational effectiveness and competitive advantage (Van de Ven, 1986; Janssen, Van de Vliert, & West, 2004; Yuan & Woodman, 2010). Innovative behaviour, according to Janssen (2000) is defined as “...the intentional creation, introduction and application of new ideas within a work role, group or organisation, in order to benefit role performance, the group, or the organisation” (p. 288). This type of behaviour is a widely internationally studied phenomenon, several theoretical models of its structure and empirical research instruments are presented in the scientific literature (e.g., Scott & Bruce, 1994; Janssen, 2000; Farr & Tran, 2008; De Jong & Den Hartog, 2010; Messmann & Mulder, 2012). However, studies in Lithuania are at the very preliminary stage and one of the reasons is that there is no adapted reliable and valid instrument. Therefore, the aims of this study were: (1) to develop the Lithuanian multidimensional instrument to measure employee innovative work behaviour and (2) to assess some psychometric characteristics of a new questionnaire. At the first stage of scale development, an integrated approach based on the comprehensive analysis of existing models and methods was used to establish the main forms (dimensions) of innovative work behaviour and items related to every form of innovative behaviour. The list consisting of 92 items was prepared for the further analysis. A part of the items was eliminated after the extensive analysis by experts (psychologists) and a questionnaire consisting of 29 items was finalized for this empirical study. To evaluate the validity of the questionnaire, the following scales were also included in the study: initiative (Frese, Kring, Soose, & Zempel, 1996), pro-change behaviours (Giangreco & Peccei, 2005), routine seeking and short-term thinking (Oreg, 2003), pessimism (Wanous, Reichers, & Austin, 2000) and also the widely used unidimensional Scott & Bruce (1994) innovative behaviour scale. A cross-sectional study was carried out in the sample of 283 employees from Lithuanian state and business organisations. The participants’ average age was 34 years, the majority (84 %) had university education, 75 % were women, the average tenure was 6 years, 77 % were working in the subordinate’s position and 56 % were from business organisations. The results of the study have revealed that the Lithuanian Innovative Work Behaviour Questionnaire (LIWBQ) has a high internal reliability (Cronbach α = 0.938) and consists of five factors that were extracted using the exploratory factor analysis: Interest in innovations, Idea exploration and generation, Idea testing and evaluation, Idea promotion, and Idea implementation. The scales’ Cronbach α varies from 0.744 to 0.892. The validity of the instrument was confirmed by positive inter-correlations (p < 0.01) between the LIWBQ and its dimensions and similar constructs (initiative and pro-change behaviours) and also negative correlations with constructs of the opposite meaning: routine seeking, short-term thinking and pessimism. Scores of all dimensions and the whole score also positively correlated with the Scott & Bruce (1994) innovative behaviour scale. Based on the results of exploratory factor analysis and correlations, the construct, convergent and discriminant validity of LIWBQ and its five dimensions were confirmed. In conclusion, it could be stated that Lithuanian Innovative Work Behaviour Questionnaire is a new research tool which meets the main requirements of validity and reliability for the use in research and practice and for further research. Study limitations, directions for the future research and practical implications are discussed.Inovatyvus elgesys darbe apibūdinamas kaip naujų idėjų kūrimas ir įgyvendinimas, siekiant išspręsti tam tikrą problemą ar pagerinti esamą padėtį kuriame nors organizacijos padalinių. Šiuolaikinėse organizacijose ne tik siekiama į šiuos procesus įtraukti darbuotojus, kai diegiamos atskiros inovacijos, bet ir skatinamas aktyvus jų dalyvavimas nuolat tobulinant darbo procesus ir inicijuojant naujoves. Straipsnyje pristatomas Lietuvos organizacijų darbuotojų inovatyvaus elgesio darbe tyrimas, kurio pagrindinis tikslas – parengti lietuvišką inovatyvaus elgesio darbe vertinimo klausimyną ir pagrįsti kai kuriuos jo psichometrinius rodiklius. Tyrime dalyvavo 283 įvairių organizacijų darbuotojai, metodas – anketinė apklausa, o į tyrimo anketą buvo įtrauktas lietuviškas inovatyvaus elgesio darbe klausimynas ir jo validumui tikrinti parinktos skalės. Remiantis gautais rezultatais galima nurodyti penkias pagrindines inovatyvaus elgesio darbe formas: domėjimasis naujovėmis, idėjų tyrimas ir kūrimas, idėjų išbandymas ir įvertinimas, paramos siekimas ir idėjų įgyvendinimas. Klausimynas atitinka psichometrinėms charakteristikoms keliamus reikalavimus, jo struktūra apima pagrindines užsienio autorių modeliuose aprašytas inovatyvaus elgesio darbe dimensijas (idėjų kūrimą, rėmimą ir įgyvendinimą), taip pat jas papildo domėjimosi naujovėmis ir idėjų išbandymo bei įvertinimo dimensijomis

    Organizacinio teisingumo vaidmuo priimant sprendimus paaukštinti

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    Organizational justice perceptions are important for organizations, because they help to predict organizationally important outcomes. However, justice regarding promotions in particular is studied less than other types of organizational justice. Therefore the research was conducted to examine the role of organizational justice aspects, i. e. distributive, procedural and interactional justice, in promotion decisions. The purpose of this study was to determine how perceived distributive, procedural and interactional justice are related to favourability of promotion decision and various levels of outcomes. In particular, this study explored the relationship between perceived distributive, procedural and interactional justice and job satisfaction, satisfaction with promotion opportunities, organizational commitment, turnover intentions, trust in supervisor and trust in management. 132 employees from various organizations participated in the study. The results of the study revealed that favourability of promotion decision (i. e. promotion or non-promotion) is related to perceived distributive justice (Z = –5.867, p ≤ 0.001), but not related to perceived procedural and interactional justice. While perceived justice of decision is related to decision favourability, fair procedures and fair interpersonal treatment is valued irrespective of it. The study also showed that different aspects of organizational justice are related to different outcomes. Perceived distributive justice is related to job satisfaction (β = 0.602, p ≤ 0.01) and satisfaction with promotion opportunities (β = 0.721, p ≤ 0.01). The more decision regarding promotion is considered as fair the more employees are satisfied with their job and promotion opportunities. Perceived procedural justice is the best predictor of organizational outcomes such as organizational commitment (β = 0.676, p ≤ 0.01) and turnover intentions (β = 0.687, p ≤ 0.01). When employees perceive promotion procedures as fair they are more committed to organization and less likely to leave. Moreover, perceived interactional justice is positively related to satisfaction with promotion opportunities (β = 0.138, p ≤ 0.01). Finally, when promotion decisions are made by supervisor, perceived interactional justice is positively related to trust in supervisor (β = 0.716, p ≤ 0.01). On the other hand when promotion decisions are made by upper-level manager, perceived interactional justice is positively related to trust in management (β = 0.682, p ≤ 0.01). Limitations of the study and possibilities for future researches and practical applications are discussed.Nors organizacinis teisingumas turi svarbių padarinių organizacijoje, esama vos keleto tyrimų, nagrinėjančių organizacinio teisingumo vaidmenį priimant sprendimus dėl paaukštinimo. Todėl buvo atliktas tyrimas, kurio tikslas buvo nustatyti suvokto skirstymo, procedūros ir sąveikos teisingumo vaidmenį priimant sprendimus paaukštinti. Šiuo tyrimu siekiama išsiaiškinti, kaip suvoktas skirstymo, procedūros ir sąveikos teisingumas yra susijęs su sprendimo dėl pareigų paaukštinimo palankumu, pasitenkinimu darbu ir paaukštinimo galimybėmis, įsipareigojimu organizacijai, ketinimu išeiti, pasitikėjimu vadovu ir vadovybe. Tyrime dalyvavo 132 darbuotojai iš įvairių organizacijų. Tyrimo rezultatai atskleidžia, kad suvoktas skirstymo teisingumas yra teigiamai susijęs su sprendimo dėl pareigų paaukštinimo palankumu ir pasitenkinimu darbu. O suvoktas procedūros teisingumas yra teigiamai susijęs su įsipareigojimu organizacijai ir neigiamai susijęs su ketinimais išeiti. Be to, suvoktas skirstymo ir sąveikos teisingumas yra teigiamai susijęs su pasitenkinimu paaukštinimo galimybėmis. Galiausiai tais atvejais, kai sprendimą dėl pareigų paaukštinimo priima tiesioginis vadovas, suvoktas sąveikos teisingumas yra susijęs su pasitikėjimu vadovu. O kai sprendimą paaukštinti pareigas priima aukštesnio lygio (netiesioginis) vadovas, suvoktas sąveikos teisingumas yra susijęs su pasitikėjimu vadovybe. Maža to, nei suvoktas procedūros, nei suvoktas sąveikos teisingumas nėra susiję su sprendimo dėl pareigų paaukštinimo palankumu