141 research outputs found

    Achieving sustainable development by of consumer expenses

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    The article deals with the problem of finding the factors that in conditions of development of modern Russian economy at postindustrial stage, influence the structure of consumer spending. The maintenance of system of state regulation of consumer expenses which includes hierarchical structuring target priorities, replacement of hold down demand actions by the measures directed on increase in expenses with high multiplier effect, carrying out moderate protectionist policy, reorientation of financial sector to integration with real sector is defined

    The role of quality of goods in formation of consumer choice

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    The article presents theoretical-methodological approach to the content of consumer behavior taking into account quality of goods that allowed to formulate practical recommendations concerning methods of its regulation in conditions of modern Russian economy. It offers methodical approach to determination of quality as basic factor of consumer behavior, based on assessment of integrated criterion of quality as the radius vector of the n-dimensional space characterizing set of uniform characteristics of quality for various categories of a product consumers, work or service number of measurements of which is defined by the structure of consumer community for this product on the basis of which the vector of consumer usefulness of production by criterion of quality is formed

    Demand in the conditions of heterogeneity of goods and consumers

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    © 2015, Asian Social Science. All rights reserved. New results of research in the field of the theory of demand are presented in this article. Multidimensional additive and nonlinear models of interrelation of demand and its factors are introduced. The demand factors connected with qualitative and quantitative characteristics of economic category of demand are studied. An interconnection and functional dependences of demand on many factors, including amount of demand from quality and competitiveness of goods, and also from major factors of consumption are defined. The law of demand in space the price - quality-competitiveness is entered. Plenty of diagrams and examples are provided

    Demand and utility: New methodology

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    © 2014, Canadian Center of Science and Education. All rights reserved. In paper consider the impact of information and advertising on consumer behavior and the process of productive differentiation formation. Advertising, television, radio, magazines and direct mail as major constraints of mass media may act as sources of information. Economics modernization aimed at accelerated development of the knowledge intensive industries, which contribute to Russia’s entrance at the world economy; the reset of manufacturing base of Russian economics; development of import substitution industries and limited participation in international labor specialization


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    In process of work the problems are set and solved. There are problems of social welfare research inconditions of nonhomogeneity of objects and subjects of management, of revealing and substantiating insuperabledifficulties in rising of social welfare by approaches, worked out before. Also there developed a new directionin implementation of the most important aim of any socially-oriented econom

    Institutionalization of firm environment in conditions of growing turbulence

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    The article deals with theoretical-methodological approach to the content of process of an institutionalization of factors of sustainable development of firm in conditions of growing uncertainty, and also proves practical recommendations providing effective institutional design of environment of economic agents. Measures of institutional design of environment of firm with participation of expanded structure of economic agents (the state, firm and its contractors, households) who influence level of substitution and complementarity of factors, their number, speed of changes in structure of elements of environment, quality and reliability of information are developed

    Evaluation level of competition in the market for internet trading

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    © Medwell Journals, 2016.The main competitive advantage of online stores as well as traditional retail stores is the number of visitors and their confidence. Unlike traditional forms of trade online competitors are just a click away from each other. Internet shops can be divided into two categories: retail offlay-new business and purely virtual stores. More recently, the majority of off-line sellers are not interested in the benefits of e-Commerce, so, their sales through the Internet have been dwarfed by the actual turnover. Small and medium-sized off-line company started its business in order to SETIS diversify and expand markets. Recently, however, off-line players are actively entering the electronic market and tend to occupy a leading position on it which leads to increased competition in this market

    A Note on the "OIDASHI BEYA"

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    The article deals with theoretical-methodological approach to the content of process of an institutionalization of factors of sustainable development of firm in conditions of growing uncertainty, and also proves practical recommendations providing effective institutional design of environment of economic agents. Measures of institutional design of environment of firm with participation of expanded structure of economic agents (the state, firm and its contractors, households) who influence level of substitution and complementarity of factors, their number, speed of changes in structure of elements of environment, quality and reliability of information are developed

    Tourism development in the region based on historical heritage

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    The historical and cultural heritage plays huge role in development of internal tourism. For many Russian regions use of historical and cultural heritage becomes one of real opportunities of economic, social and cultural recovery. Objects of historical and cultural heritage, being an important asset of the cities, make profit and significantly influence their economic development. Leveling seasonal fluctuations and providing additional job openings - the historical and cultural heritage plays huge role in the social sphere. Reviving local cultural values, developing national creativity, traditions - the historical and cultural heritage promotes cultural lifting of local population. The article studies experiment of countries of Eastern Europe on use of historical heritage of cities for the purpose of social and economic development of region

    ABC - analysis, as an important tool for generating an optimal assortment plan commercial enterprises

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    © 2015, Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. All rights reserved. High rates of financial and economic state trading enterprise is largely dependent on its assortment policy. It is known that not all commodity groups food supermarket are equally profitable. Since the formation of a range of tactical problems of commercial enterprise, the analysis of its economic efficiency should be evaluated systematically. The most popular method of assessment of such acts ABC - analysis. The purpose of the ABC-analysis in our study - Identification of product groups, with the most high, medium and low share of sales
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