334 research outputs found

    The Cannulated Pig: A Model for Monitoring the Dynamics of Foodborne Pathogens In Vivo

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    We have developed a pig caecal cannulation model that allows us to evaluate the effects in vivo of feed withdrawal on (1) the caecal environment, including pH and volatile fatty acid (VFA) concentration, and (2) the growth of foodborne pathogens in the caecum. In vitro studies evaluated growth of Yersinia enterocolitica and Salmonella typhimurium at five concentrations of VFA at four pH levels. Minimal growth occurred in VFA and pH levels that simulated the caecum of a well-fed pig. Maximal occurs in the absence of VFA (0 mM/ml) at pH 7.0. When cultured in the caecal contents of a fasted pig, Yersinia and Salmonella replicate and survive. In contrast, caecal contents of a well-fed pig inhibit their growth in vitro. When instilled directly into the pig caecum, Y. enterocolitica and S. typhimurium were detected in fecal and cecal samples for up to 1 month. Infected pigs were subjected to four cycles of interrupted feeding. No predictable change occurs in the number of Yersinia or Salmonella in the caecum or in feces of pigs subjected to interrupted feedings compared with controls on a normal feeding regimen. In contrast, a fasting cycle predictably reduced VFA concentrations and increased the pH of the caecum. Thus, the pig caecal cannulation model is a practical way of monitoring the long-term dynamics of growth and survival of foodborne pathogens in the live animal

    Biphasic Culture of Arcobacter spp.

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    Arcobacter spp. have recently been genetically differentiated as a genus distinct from Campylobacter. Physiologically, Arcobacter spp. are aerotolerant bacteria, while Campylobacter spp. are microaerophilic. However, since Arcobacter spp. have been difficult to grow to high population densities in broth media, alternative culture techniques were investigated. A biphasic culture system was developed in 25 cm2 tissue culture flasks. Biphasic culture, consisting of a solid phase of 10% bovine blood agar and a liquid phase of Brain Heart Infusion broth, was found to increase bacterial population densities by more than 2 log10 cycles for strains of A. butzleri and A. skirrowii. A strain of A. cryaerophilus, which was non-culturable in broth culture, attained population densities of 109 cells ml-1 in biphasic culture. Neither the addition of fetal bovine serum to the liquid nor an increase in the surface area from 25 to 75 cm2 resulted in increased cell densities

    Defining the budding yeast chromatin-associated interactome

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    We report here the first large-scale affinity purification and mass spectrometry (AP-MS) study of chromatin-associated protein, in which over 100 different baits involved in chromatin biology were studied by modified chromatin immunopurification (mChIP)-MS. In particular, focus was placed on poorly studied chromatin binding proteins, such as transcription factors, which have been underrepresented in previous AP-MS studies.mChIP-MS analysis of transcription factors identified dense networks of protein associated with chromatin that were composed of specific transcriptional co-activators, information not accessible through the use of classical AP-MS methods.Finally, we demonstrate that novel protein–protein interactions identified in study by mChIP have functional implications exemplified by the detailed study of both the ubiquitination of the proline isomerase Cpr1 and of histone chaperones involved in the regulation of the HTA1-HTB1 promoter.Our work demonstrates the value of targeted interactome studies, in which affinity purification methods are adapted to the needs of specific baits, as is the case for chromatin binding proteins

    Salvage chemotherapy and autologous stem cell transplantation for transformed indolent lymphoma: A subset analysis of NCIC CTG LY12

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    The treatment of transformed indolent lymphoma (TRIL) often includes salvage chemotherapy (SC) and autologous stem cell transplant (ASCT). NCIC CTG LY12 is a randomized phase 3 trial comparing gemcitabine, dexamethasone, and cisplatin (GDP) with dexamethasone, cytarabine, and cisplatin (DHAP) before ASCT. This analysis compares the results of SC and ASCT for TRIL with de novo diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL). Six-hundred nineteen patients with relapsed/refractory aggressive non-Hodgkin lymphoma were randomized to GDP or DHAP; 87 patients (14%) had TRIL and 429 (69%) had DLBCL. The response rate to SC was 47% in TRIL and 45% in DL (P = .81). Transplantation rates were similar: TRIL 53% and DL 52% (P = 1.0). With a median follow-up of 53 months, 4 year overall survival was 39% for TRIL and 41% for DL (P = .78); 4 year event-free survival (EFS) was 27% for TRIL and 27% for DL (P = .83). Post-ASCT, 4-year EFS was 45% for TRIL and 46% for DL. Histology (TRIL or DL) was not a predictor of any outcome in multivariate models. Patients with relapsed or refractory TRIL and DLBCL have similar outcomes with SC and ASCT; this therapy should be considered the standard of care for patients with TRIL who have received prior systemic chemotherapy. NCIC CTG LY12 is registered at ClinicalTrials.gov as #NCT00078949.

    Randomized comparison of gemcitabine, dexamethasone, and cisplatin versus dexamethasone, cytarabine, and cisplatin chemotherapy before autologous stem-cell transplantation for relapsed and refractory aggressive lymphomas: NCIC-CTG LY.12

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    PURPOSE: For patients with relapsed or refractory aggressive lymphoma, we hypothesized that gemcitabine-based therapy before autologous stem-cell transplantation (ASCT) is as effective as and less toxic than standard treatment. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We randomly assigned 619 patients with relapsed/refractory aggressive lymphoma to treatment with gemcitabine, dexamethasone, and cisplatin (GDP) or to dexamethasone, cytarabine, and cisplatin (DHAP). Patients with B-cell lymphoma also received rituximab. Responding patients proceeded to stem-cell collection and ASCT. Coprimary end points were response rate after two treatment cycles and transplantation rate. The noninferiority margin for the response rate to GDP relative to DHAP was set at 10%. Secondary end points included event-free and overall survival, treatment toxicity, and quality of life. RESULTS: For the intention-to-treat population, the response rate with GDP was 45.2%; with DHAP the response rate was 44.0% (95% CI for difference, -9.0% to 6.7%), meeting protocol-defined criteria for noninferiority of GDP (P = .005). Similar results were obtained in a per-protocol analysis. The transplantation rates were 52.1% with GDP and 49.3% with DHAP (P = .44). At a median follow-up of 53 months, no differences were detected in event-free survival (HR, 0.99; stratified log-rank P = .95) or overall survival (HR, 1.03; P = .78) between GDP and DHAP. Treatment with GDP was associated with less toxicity (P < .001) and need for hospitalization (P < .001), and preserved quality of life (P = .04). CONCLUSION: For patients with relapsed or refractory aggressive lymphoma, in comparison with DHAP, treatment with GDP is associated with a noninferior response rate, similar transplantation rate, event-free survival, and overall survival, less toxicity and hospitalization, and superior quality of life

    What Is a Decision Problem? Designing Alternatives

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    International audienceThis paper presents a general framework for the design of alternatives in decision problems. The paper addresses both the issue of how to design alternatives within "known decision spaces" and on how to perform the same action within "partially known or unknown decision spaces". The paper aims at providing archetypes for the design of algorithms supporting the generation of alternatives

    The Two Different Isoforms of the RSC Chromatin Remodeling Complex Play Distinct Roles in DNA Damage Responses

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    The RSC chromatin remodeling complex has been implicated in contributing to DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair in a number of studies. Both survival and levels of H2A phosphorylation in response to damage are reduced in the absence of RSC. Importantly, there is evidence for two isoforms of this complex, defined by the presence of either Rsc1 or Rsc2. Here, we investigated whether the two isoforms of RSC provide distinct contributions to DNA damage responses. First, we established that the two isoforms of RSC differ in the presence of Rsc1 or Rsc2 but otherwise have the same subunit composition. We found that both rsc1 and rsc2 mutant strains have intact DNA damage-induced checkpoint activity and transcriptional induction. In addition, both strains show reduced non-homologous end joining activity and have a similar spectrum of DSB repair junctions, suggesting perhaps that the two complexes provide the same functions. However, the hypersensitivity of a rsc1 strain cannot be complemented with an extra copy of RSC2, and likewise, the hypersensitivity of the rsc2 strain remains unchanged when an additional copy of RSC1 is present, indicating that the two proteins are unable to functionally compensate for one another in DNA damage responses. Rsc1, but not Rsc2, is required for nucleosome sliding flanking a DNA DSB. Interestingly, while swapping the domains from Rsc1 into the Rsc2 protein does not compromise hypersensitivity to DNA damage suggesting they are functionally interchangeable, the BAH domain from Rsc1 confers upon Rsc2 the ability to remodel chromatin at a DNA break. These data demonstrate that, despite the similarity between Rsc1 and Rsc2, the two different isoforms of RSC provide distinct functions in DNA damage responses, and that at least part of the functional specificity is dictated by the BAH domains

    NF-kappaB Mediated Transcriptional Repression of Acid Modifying Hormone Gastrin

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    Helicobacter pylori is a major pathogen associated with the development of gastroduodenal diseases. It has been reported that H. pylori induced pro-inflammatory cytokine IL1B is one of the various modulators of acid secretion in the gut. Earlier we reported that IL1B-activated NFkB down-regulates gastrin, the major hormonal regulator of acid secretion. In this study, the probable pathway by which IL1B induces NFkB and affects gastrin expression has been elucidated. IL1B-treated AGS cells showed nine-fold activation of MyD88 followed by phosphorylation of TAK1 within 15 min of IL1B treatment. Furthermore, it was observed that activated TAK1 significantly up-regulates the NFkB subunits p50 and p65. Ectopic expression of NFkB p65 in AGS cells resulted in about nine-fold transcriptional repression of gastrin both in the presence and absence of IL1B. The S536A mutant of NFkB p65 is significantly less effective in repressing gastrin. These observations show that a functional NFkB p65 is important for IL1B-mediated repression of gastrin. ChIP assays revealed the presence of HDAC1 and NFkB p65 along with NCoR on the gastrin promoter. Thus, the study provides mechanistic insight into the IL1B-mediated gastrin repression via NFk