64 research outputs found

    Les choix résidentiels des couples : motivations, arbitrages et logiques de genre parmi les classes moyennes supérieures urbaines

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    AprĂšs s'ĂȘtre longtemps focalisĂ©e sur l'individu, la littĂ©rature consacrĂ©e Ă  la mobilitĂ© rĂ©sidentielle a mis en exergue l'importance de prendre en compte les mĂ©nages comme unitĂ© d'analyse. En s'intĂ©ressant Ă  des couples appartenant aux classes moyennes supĂ©rieures et s'Ă©tant installĂ©s en zone urbaine centrale, cet article aborde la construction du choix rĂ©sidentiel entre conjoints et leurs motivations. DiffĂ©rents arbitrages relatifs Ă  la localisation sont identifiĂ©s selon qu'ils portent sur des problĂšmes de mobilitĂ© (rĂ©els ou anticipĂ©s), la conciliation entre carriĂšre professionnelle et vie familiale, l'attachement territorial, l'appartenance linguistique (la ville Ă©tudiĂ©e Ă©tant bilingue) et la bi-rĂ©sidentialitĂ© (ou non-cohabitation). Des logiques de genre sont identifiĂ©es. Bien que plus marquĂ©es parmi les couples ĂągĂ©s, elles reprĂ©sentent une variable importante pour expliquer l'organisation conjugale et se rĂ©percute sur le choix rĂ©sidentiel de diffĂ©rentes maniĂšres

    Random insertion of GFP into the cAMP-dependent protein kinase regulatory subunit from Dictyostelium discoideum

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    The green fluorescent protein (GFP) is currently being used for diverse cellular biology approaches, mainly as a protein tag or to monitor gene expression. Recently it has been shown that GFP can also be used to monitor the activation of second messenger pathways by the use of fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) between two different GFP mutants fused to a Ca2+ sensor. We show here that GFP fusions can also be used to obtain information on regions essential for protein function. As FRET requires the two GFPs to be very close, N- or C-terminal fusion proteins will not generally produce FRET between two interacting proteins. In order to increase the probability of FRET, we decided to study the effect of random insertion of two GFP mutants into a protein of interest. We describe here a methodology for random insertion of GFP into the cAMP-dependent protein kinase regulatory subunit using a bacterial expression vector. The selection and analysis of 120 green fluorescent colonies revealed that the insertions were distributed throughout the R coding region. 14 R/GFP fusion proteins were partially purified and characterized for cAMP binding, fluorescence and ability to inhibit PKA catalytic activity. This study reveals that GFP insertion only moderately disturbed the overall folding of the protein or the proper folding of another domain of the protein, as tested by cAMP binding capacity. Furthermore, three R subunits out of 14, which harbour a GFP inserted in the cAMP binding site B, inhibit PKA catalytic subunit in a cAMP-dependent manner. Random insertion of GFP within the R subunit sets the path to develop two-component FRET with the C subuni

    Les comptages vélos dans les villes suisses

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    Depuis 2000, une augmentation des dĂ©placements Ă  vĂ©lo est observĂ©e dans les villes suisses. Les comptages vĂ©los reprĂ©sentent une source intĂ©ressante, mais jusqu’ici inexploitĂ©e, pour analyser cette Ă©volution. Nous avons d’abord Ă©tabli une vision d’ensemble des comptages dans les villes suisses rĂ©alisĂ©s depuis 2010. Notre Ă©tude dĂ©nombre pour l’annĂ©e 2017 un total de 18 villes suisses qui comptent rĂ©guliĂšrement les vĂ©los. Pour comparer l’évolution du nombre de vĂ©los aux diffĂ©rents postes, le taux cumulĂ© annuel moyen (TCAM) est calculĂ©. Il en rĂ©sulte une augmentation importante : dans les huit plus grandes villes suisses, 26 postes sur les 55 retenus affichent un TCAM de 5% ou plus. Cependant, les comptages systĂ©matiques restent peu nombreux et l’absence d’une mĂ©thode unifiĂ©e ainsi que la localisation et les pĂ©riodes prises en compte rendent les donnĂ©es difficilement comparables

    Le choix de vivre en ville-centre : interactions entre mobilité quotidienne et mobilité résidentielle

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    Cet article s'insĂšre dans un double dĂ©bat : celui de l'influence des formes urbaines sur les pratiques modales et celui relatif au regain d'attractivitĂ© des villes pour les classes moyennes supĂ©rieures. Il aborde les interactions entre mobilitĂ© quotidienne et mobilitĂ© rĂ©sidentielle dans un nouveau quartier d'une ville de taille moyenne. Les choix rĂ©sidentiels Ă©tudiĂ©s se basent en grande partie sur la valorisation de la proximitĂ©. Toutefois, plusieurs styles de mobilitĂ© coexistent au sein de ce mĂȘme contexte territorial en fonction notamment des parts modales des transports publics et de l'automobile

    La baisse du permis de conduire chez les jeunes adultes: simple report ou désamour de la voiture?

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    À l’instar de plusieurs pays occidentaux, la proportion de jeunes adultes titulaires d’un permis de conduire a diminuĂ© en Suisse (de plus de 70 % en 2000 Ă  moins de 60 % en 2010). Cet article aborde ce phĂ©nomĂšne en conceptualisant tout d’abord le permis de conduire comme un ensemble de rĂšgles, un droit de participer au systĂšme automobile et un rite de passage. La propension Ă  obtenir le permis de conduire et son Ă©volution sont ensuite analysĂ©es sur la base des Microrecensements mobilitĂ© et transports 2000 et 2010. Les rĂ©sultats montrent que cette baisse s’explique en majeure partie par un report de l’ñge d’obtention du permis et non par un renoncement dĂ©finitif. Ce report semble moins dĂ» Ă  une complexification des rĂšgles ou Ă  une augmentation des coĂ»ts mais davantage Ă  un rapport plus fonctionnel et utilitaire Ă  la voiture

    Ctp1 and the MRN-Complex Are Required for Endonucleolytic Rec12 Removal with Release of a Single Class of Oligonucleotides in Fission Yeast

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    DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) are formed during meiosis by the action of the topoisomerase-like Spo11/Rec12 protein, which remains covalently bound to the 5â€Č ends of the broken DNA. Spo11/Rec12 removal is required for resection and initiation of strand invasion for DSB repair. It was previously shown that budding yeast Spo11, the homolog of fission yeast Rec12, is removed from DNA by endonucleolytic cleavage. The release of two Spo11 bound oligonucleotide classes, heterogeneous in length, led to the conjecture of asymmetric cleavage. In fission yeast, we found only one class of oligonucleotides bound to Rec12 ranging in length from 17 to 27 nucleotides. Ctp1, Rad50, and the nuclease activity of Rad32, the fission yeast homolog of Mre11, are required for endonucleolytic Rec12 removal. Further, we detected no Rec12 removal in a rad50S mutant. However, strains with additional loss of components localizing to the linear elements, Hop1 or Mek1, showed some Rec12 removal, a restoration depending on Ctp1 and Rad32 nuclease activity. But, deletion of hop1 or mek1 did not suppress the phenotypes of ctp1Δ and the nuclease dead mutant (rad32-D65N). We discuss what consequences for subsequent repair a single class of Rec12-oligonucleotides may have during meiotic recombination in fission yeast in comparison to two classes of Spo11-oligonucleotides in budding yeast. Furthermore, we hypothesize on the participation of Hop1 and Mek1 in Rec12 removal

    Secondary Metabolites of Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0 Drive Complex Non-Trophic Interactions with Bacterivorous Nematodes

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    Non-trophic interactions are increasingly recognised as a key parameter of predator–prey interactions. In soil, predation by bacterivorous nematodes is a major selective pressure shaping soil bacterial communities, and many bacteria have evolved defence mechanisms such as toxicity. In this study, we show that extracellular secondary metabolites produced by the model soil bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0 function as a complex defence strategy against bacterivorous nematodes. Using a collection of functional mutants lacking genes for the biosynthesis of one or several extracellular metabolites, we evaluated the impact of bacterial secondary metabolites on the survival and chemotactic behaviour of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Additionally, we followed up the stress status of the nematodes by measuring the activation of the abnormal DAuer Formation (DAF) stress cascade. All studied secondary metabolites contributed to the toxicity of the bacteria, with hydrogen cyanide efficiently repelling the nematodes, and both hydrogen cyanide and 2,4-DAPG functioning as nematicides. Moreover, these metabolites elicited the DAF stress response cascade of C. elegans, showing that they affect nematode physiology already at sublethal concentrations. The results suggest that bacterial secondary metabolites responsible for the suppression of plant pathogens strongly inhibit bacterivorous nematodes and thus likely contribute to the resistance of bacteria against predators in soil
