106 research outputs found

    Racial and Ethnic Differences in Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors in U.S. Older Women: Findings from Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey, 2003 & 2004

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    The purpose of this study was to examine racial and ethnic variations in the modifiable CVD risk factors in older women (65 years and older). The study data was drawn from the merged 2003 and 2004 national Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey (BRFSS). Multinomial regression analyses for indicator outcome and multiple logistic regression analyses for binary outcomes were performed to determine the relationship between each of the six dependent variable and the independent variables. Compared to older white women, older black women had significantly higher odds of hypertension, diabetes and obesity. No significant association was found between Hispanics and hypertension. However Hispanics were found to be more likely to have diabetes and no leisure-time physical activity compared to whites. Hispanics were also found to have lower odds of smoking compared to whites. American Indian and Alaskan Native (AIAN) s were found to have significantly higher odds of diabetes and obesity compared to whites. No significant association between AIANs and smoking was found. Overall, there are striking racial and ethnic differences in the CVD risk factors among older U.S women after controlling for socio-economic status. It is evident from these findings that in designing interventions to reduce cardiovascular risks for elderly women, clearly “one size does not fit all.” These findings highlight the need for development and implementation of appropriate public health programs aimed at these various target communities

    Random Regression Models Based On The Elliptically Contoured Distribution Assumptions With Applications To Longitudinal Data

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    We generalize Lyles et al.’s (2000) random regression models for longitudinal data, accounting for both undetectable values and informative drop-outs in the distribution assumptions. Our models are constructed on the generalized multivariate theory which is based on the Elliptically Contoured Distribution (ECD). The estimation of the fixed parameters in the random regression models are invariant under the normal or the ECD assumptions. For the Human Immunodeficiency Virus Epidemiology Research Study data, ECD models fit the data better than classical normal models according to the Akaike (1974) Information Criterion. We also note that both univariate distributions of the random intercept and random slope and their joint distribution are non-normal short-tailed ECDs, and that the error term is distributed as a non-normal long-tailed ECD if we don’t use the low undetectable limit or half of it to replace the undetectable values. Instead, we use the ECD cumulative distribution function to calculate the contribution to the likelihood due to the undetectable values

    Disparities in self-reported activities of daily living and instrumental activities of daily living disability among Asian American subgroups in the United States: Results from the National Health Interview Survey 2001-2003

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    Background The purpose of this study was to compare disability and functional limitations among elderly Asian American subgroups using datasets from the National Health Interview Survey 2001−2003. Methods This retrospective cross-sectional study analyzed whether activities of daily living (ADL) and instrumental ADL (IADL) disabilities were different among Asian American subgroups in the United States using data retrieved from the 2001−2003 National Health Interview Survey. For comparing all Asian American subgroups, χ2 analysis was applied for the bivariate comparisons. Results Rates of 7.1% and 12.2% for ADL and IADL disability, respectively, within Asian American group were found. The elder Chinese subgroup accounted for the highest ADL and IADL disability (11.6% and 17.3%, respectively, p \u3c .05). Being female, not married, and older was associated with higher ADL and IADL disability (p \u3c .05). Conclusions The findings of the study highlight the intergroup variability among the elder Asian American subpopulations

    Disparities in ADL and IADL Disabilities among Elders of Hispanic Subgroups in the United States: Results from the National Health Interview Survey 2001-2003

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    The authors compared disability and functional limitation among elder Hispanic subgroups by using data from the 2001-2003 National Health Interview Survey (National Center for Health Statistics 2008a). The authors applied chi-square analysis for bivariate comparisons and used multiple logistic regression analyses for making comparisons, estimating odds ratios, and predicting disabilities. Results revealed a 21.4% rate of disability of any type in Hispanics. Puerto Ricans reported the highest rates of Activity of Daily Living (ADL) and Instrumental Activity of Daily Living (IADL) disabilities compared with other Hispanic subgroups (Mexicans, Cubans, Central and South Americans) and reported a higher rate than did Blacks. Cubans showed the lowest rate of IADL and any disability among Hispanics and a lower rate than did Whites. These findings highlight the high rates of intragroup variability among the U. S. Hispanic population. Among seniors, ADLs and IADLs were significant predictors of admission to nursing homes and use of paid home care, physician services, and palliative care

    Eco-friendly Technologies for Physical and Chemical Recycling of PVC-Related Wasteful Resources

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    The aim of this study is to enhance the recycled PVC related material property by formulation technology and develop the recycling product processing technology furthermore develop the chemical recycling technology for last stage of PVC wastes. The formulation technology is composed of pre-treatment (crushing, separation etc.) and post-treatment (material ratio, additives, stabilizer etc.) to enhance the recyclate property. The formulation for recycled PVC by application basis and processing technology is applied to produce the structural product for civil and construction application such as pipe fittings and water drainage cap for environmental waterway. Also chemical recycling technology for end life PVC scrap which causes environmental pollution by incineration or landfill is studied for producing hydrocarbon and hydrogen chloride for VCM

    Pulmonary impairment after tuberculosis and its contribution to TB burden

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The health impacts of pulmonary impairment after tuberculosis (TB) treatment have not been included in assessments of TB burden. Therefore, previous global and national TB burden estimates do not reflect the full consequences of surviving TB. We assessed the burden of TB including pulmonary impairment after tuberculosis in Tarrant County, Texas using Disability-adjusted Life Years (DALYs).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>TB burden was calculated for all culture-confirmed TB patients treated at Tarrant County Public Health between January 2005 and December 2006 using identical methods and life tables as the Global Burden of Disease Study. Years of life-lost were calculated as the difference between life expectancy using standardized life tables and age-at-death from TB. Years lived-with-disability were calculated from age and gender-specific TB disease incidence using published disability weights. Non-fatal health impacts of TB were divided into years lived-with-disability-acute and years lived-with-disability-chronic. Years lived-with-disability-acute was defined as TB burden resulting from illness prior to completion of treatment including the burden from treatment-related side effects. Years lived-with-disability-chronic was defined as TB burden from disability resulting from pulmonary impairment after tuberculosis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There were 224 TB cases in the time period, of these 177 were culture confirmed. These 177 subjects lost a total of 1189 DALYs. Of these 1189 DALYs 23% were from years of life-lost, 2% were from years lived-with-disability-acute and 75% were from years lived-with-disability-chronic.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our findings demonstrate that the disease burden from TB is greater than previously estimated. Pulmonary impairment after tuberculosis was responsible for the majority of the burden. These data demonstrate that successful TB control efforts may reduce the health burden more than previously recognized.</p

    Disparities in cervical cancer mortality rates as determined by the longitudinal hyperbolastic mixed-effects type II model.

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    We analyze the dynamics of cervical cancer mortality rates for African American and White women residing in 13 states located in the eastern half of the United States of America from 1975 through 2010. Despite decreasing trends in cervical cancer mortality rates for both races, racial disparities in mortality rates still exist. In all 13 states, Black women had higher mortality rates at all times. The degree of disparities and pace of decline in mortality rates over time differed among these states. In all 13 states, cervical cancer mortality rates for both racial groups have fallen. Disparities in the pace of decline in mortality rates in these states may be due to differences in the rates of screening for cervical cancers. Of note, the gap in cervical cancer mortality rates between Black women and White women is narrowing

    A phase I clinical trial of Ad5/3-Δ24, a novel serotype-chimeric, infectivity-enhanced, conditionally-replicative adenovirus (CRAd), in patients with recurrent ovarian cancer

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    The conditionally replicative adenovirus Ad5/3-Δ24 has a type-3 knob incorporated into the type-5 fiber that facilitates enhanced ovarian cancer infectivity. Preclinical studies have shown that Ad5/3-Δ24 achieves significant oncolysis and antitumor activity in ovarian cancer models. The purpose of this study was to evaluate in a Phase I trial the feasibility and safety of intraperitoneal (IP) Ad5/3-Δ24 in recurrent ovarian cancer patients

    Differences in risk factors for children with special health care needs (CSHCN) receiving needed specialty care by socioeconomic status

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The purpose of this study is to identify factors affecting CSHCN's receiving needed specialty care among different socioeconomic levels. Previous literature has shown that Socioeconomic Status (SES) is a significant factor in CHSHCN receiving access to healthcare. Other literature has shown that factors of insurance, family size, race/ethnicity and sex also have effects on these children's receipt of care. However, this literature does not address whether other factors such as maternal education, geographic location, age, insurance type, severity of condition, or race/ethnicity have different effects on receiving needed specialty care for children in each SES level.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Data were obtained from the National Survey of Children with Special Health Care Needs, 2000–2002. The study analyzed the survey which studies whether CHSCN who needed specialty care received it. The analysis included demographic characteristics, geographical location of household, severity of condition, and social factors. Multiple logistic regression models were constructed for SES levels defined by federal poverty level: < 199%; 200–299%; ≥ 300%.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>For the poorest children (,199% FPL) being uninsured had a strong negative effect on receiving all needed specialty care. Being Hispanic was a protective factor. Having more than one adult in the household had a positive impact on receipt of needed specialty care but a larger number of children in the family had a negative impact. For the middle income group of children (200–299% of FPL severity of condition had a strong negative association with receipt of needed specialty care.</p> <p>Children in highest income group (> 300% FPL) were positively impacted by living in the Midwest and were negatively impacted by the mother having only some college compared to a four-year degree.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Factors affecting CSHCN receiving all needed specialty care differed among socioeconomic groups. These differences should be addressed in policy and practice. Future research should explore the CSHCN population by income groups to better serve this population</p