Disparities in cervical cancer mortality rates as determined by the longitudinal hyperbolastic mixed-effects type II model.


We analyze the dynamics of cervical cancer mortality rates for African American and White women residing in 13 states located in the eastern half of the United States of America from 1975 through 2010. Despite decreasing trends in cervical cancer mortality rates for both races, racial disparities in mortality rates still exist. In all 13 states, Black women had higher mortality rates at all times. The degree of disparities and pace of decline in mortality rates over time differed among these states. In all 13 states, cervical cancer mortality rates for both racial groups have fallen. Disparities in the pace of decline in mortality rates in these states may be due to differences in the rates of screening for cervical cancers. Of note, the gap in cervical cancer mortality rates between Black women and White women is narrowing

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