5 research outputs found

    Use of Borrowings in Travel Blogs

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    Å ajā bakalaura darbā tiek pētÄ«ts aizguvumu lietojums ceļojumu emuāros. Aizguvumi ir pētÄ«ti iepriekÅ”, taču to lietojums ceļojumu emuāros nav pētÄ«ts tik plaÅ”i. Å Ä« pētÄ«juma mērÄ·is ir izpētÄ«t aizguvumu izcelsmi un lietoÅ”anas biežumu ceļojumu emuāros, un noteikt visplaŔāk izmantotos semantiskos laukus pie kuriem Å”ie vārdi pieder. PētÄ«jumu metodes ietver gan kvalitatÄ«vos, gan kvantitatÄ«vos. Analizētajā materiālā ietilpst trÄ«ssimt seÅ”padsmit aizguvumu no pieciem ceļojumu emuāriem, kuri tika analizēti pēc to izcelsmes un lietoÅ”anas biežuma. PētÄ«juma rezultāti rāda, ka starp visām divdesmit četrām izcelsmes valodām, aizguvumi no latīņu valodas angļu valodā dominē. Kā arÄ« divi dominējoÅ”ie semantiskie lauki, kas sastopami analizētajā materiālā, ir saistÄ«ti ar ēdienu un dabu. Atslēgvārdi: etimoloÄ£ija, aizguvumi, ceļojumu emuāri, vārdnÄ«cas, semantiskie laukiThe present Bachelor Thesis investigates the use of borrowings in travel blogs. Borrowings have been investigated before, however, their use in travel blogs has not been researched so widely. The aim of the research is to investigate the origin and frequency of borrowings in travel blogs and to discover the most dominant semantic fields these words belong to. The research methods include a combination of qualitative and quantitative research. The material analysed comprises three hundred sixteen borrowings which were analysed according to their origin and frequency from five selected travel blogs. The research findings suggest that borrowings from Latin dominates among the twenty-four languages from which words have been borrowed and entered the English language. Moreover, the research suggests that the two major semantic fields that appeared in the corpus of borrowings are related to food and nature. Key words: etymology, borrowings, travel blogs, dictionaries, semantic field

    Comparison of the Portrayal of Women in E. A. Poeā€™s and S. Kingā€™s Works

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    SievieÅ”u tēli Å”ausmu žanra darbos mēdz bÅ«t ļoti atŔķirÄ«gi, Ä«paÅ”i, ja Å”ie darbi ir tapuÅ”i dažādos laikmetos. Å Ä« maÄ£istra darba mērÄ·is ir analizēt un salÄ«dzināt sievieÅ”u tēlu atainojumu Edgara Alana Po un StÄ«vena Kinga darbos. Teorētiskā literatÅ«ra liecina, ka sievietes tēls gotiskajā žanrā ir negatÄ«vs, sievietes tiek attēlotas kā ļaunas un briesmÄ«gas. Tomēr mÅ«sdienu literatÅ«ra ļauj radÄ«t dažādus sievieÅ”u tēlus. Turklāt E. A. Po sievieÅ”u tēls ir saistÄ«ts ar viņa dzÄ«ves sievieÅ”u tēliem. Savukārt Kinga sievietes bieži tiek attēlotas, pamatojoties uz viņu Ä·ermeņa fiziskajām iespējām. Četras galvenās tēmas, kas tika analizētas izvēlētajos darbos, ir sievietes izskats, Å”ausmu elementi, gotisko elementu izmantoÅ”ana, un sievietes kā ļaunās bÅ«tnes vai dievietes. IegÅ«tie rezultāti liecina, ka analizētie sievieÅ”u tēli tiek lielākoties aprakstÄ«ti kā ļaunas un pārdabiskas bÅ«tnes; viņu izskats ir atŔķirÄ«gs, bet lÄ«dzÄ«gi Å”ausmu un gotikas elementi ir sastopami katrā stāstā.The portrayal of women in works of the horror genre greatly varies, primarily if these works have been written in different periods. The aim of the present Master thesis is to analyse and compare selected short stories by Edgar Allan Poe and novels by Stephen King and investigate the portrayal of women in those. The research methods include literature review, text analysis, close reading, comparison, and interpretation. The theoretical material suggests that the portrayal of women in the Gothic genre is negative; women are portrayed as evil and monstrous. However, contemporary literature allows for the creation of various female characters. In addition, E. A. Poeā€™s portrayal of women is connected to his life female figures. Furthermore, Kingā€™s women are often portrayed based on their bodies' physical potential. Four significant themes analysed in the selected works were: womenā€™s appearance, the use of Gothic and horror elements and women as evil creatures or goddesses. The research reveals that the analysed women characters are often described as evil and supernatural creatures, while their appearance is different. The elements of horror and Gothic are present in every story

    Classification and Analysis of Maintenance Data of Power Transformers

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    Large amount of information on maintenance history is accumulated during transformerā€™s service life including analysis of design, results of measurements and diagnostic tests, technical reports etc. A topical issue is to provide organized system for the viewing, archiving, and storage of above mentioned data to ensure more accurate survey on equipment's technical condition. In order to evaluate possible ways of obtaining additional information from accumulated statistical data, five classification methods of faults developed by various organizations are summarized in this paper, as well as verified on statistical data of power transformers in power transmission network in Latvia. Calculations, performed by Weibull cumulative distribution function, for determining service life of particular part of 2 power transformers are presented as a case study

    Methods for Predicting Remaining Service Life of Power Transformers and Their Components

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    This paper presents the overview of methods for prediction of remaining service life of power transformers and the analysis of possibility to apply these methods to transformers in power system in Latvia. Particular attention is paid to the methodology for the analysis of transformer components since due to statistical data of faults this issue is topical for transformers in Latvia. Calculations, performed for 4 power transformers, are presented as a case study