75 research outputs found

    A Behavioral Study on the Bornean Orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) in a Semi-wild Environment at Bukit Merah Orang Utan Island, Perak

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    Although orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) is one of Malaysian iconic species, however when compared to other great apes this species is not well studied. Several good articles regarding this species in captivity are relatively limited. Due to this reason, a behavioral study of this orangutan (P. pygmaeus) was conducted at Orang Utan Island, Bukit Merah, Perak. The main objectives of this study were to understand the ethology of orangutan in a semi-wild condition and the space utilization of the orangutans that would help in giving picture of the animal’s arboreal and terrestrial nature. Preliminary observations were carried out for five days in January 2016 and intensive observations was carried out for a month in February 2016. The observation method used was focal sampling with continuous reading. The observations were done by focusing on one individual subject for every one hour from 09:00 a.m. to 13:00 p.m. and from 14:00 p.m. to 17:00 p.m. The behavioral profile of the orangutans in semi-wild environment showed that resting, feeding, and playing are the three major daily activities of the orangutans on the island. In accordance with the purpose of this study, the result of the behavioral activities of orangutan can be used for the management and well-being of the orangutan in the study site. It is much hoped with the provided information this will help to increase our understanding of orangutans’ behavior in a semi-wild condition

    Haplotype analyses of Orang Asli population in Taman Negara Pahang using Y-STR markers

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    There are many maternal line studies conducted for Orang Asli using mitochondrial DNA. This study focuses on the paternal line, specifically Y-STR and three markers were considered, namely DYS19, DYS390 and DYS391. These markers were used to compare 21 subjects comprising of 7 from Senoi tribes and 14 from Negrito tribes. The samples were collected from Kampung Kuala Atok, Kg. Sungai Tiang, Kg. Dedari, Kg. Krom, Kg. Teresek and Kg. Gam located in Taman Negara Pahang and villages nearby. From these, 14 haplotypes were gained with one of it shared by both tribes while the rest were unique to the tribe. The analyses conducted from the haplotype were gene diversity (GD), locus diversity (DL), haplotype diversity (HD) and discrimination capacity (DC). From the analysis, the GD values range from 0.2480 to 0.7108 whilst the DL values range from 0.2500 to 0.7446. The haplotype diversity and discrimination capacity values were 0.8875 and 0.6364, respectively. Since this work only studied the comparison between Senoi and Negrito, further analysis is going to include the other sub tribes of Orang Asli

    Phylogenetic position of Tarsius bancanus based on partial Cytochrome b DNA Sequences

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    This study was carried out to ascertain the molecular phylogenetic position of Tarsius bancanus among Malaysian primates based on the partial of Cytochrome b (cyt b) gene sequences. A total of five samples of Tarsius bancanus from Sabah, Malaysia, were used in this study. Several other Malaysian primates were also included in the analysis (Leaf monkeys (Presbytis and Trachypithecus), Macaques (Macaca), Siamang (Symphalangus) and Slow loris (Nycticebus). We also included DNA sequences of several prosimians (Galago, Cheirogaleus, Daubentonia, Indri, Avahi, Lemur and Lepilemur) from GenBank. In addition, one individual of orang utan (Pongo pygmaeus) and human (Homo sapiens) were used as outgroups to root the tree. All taxa were analysed using character method (Maximum Parsimony, MP) and distance method (Neighbor-Joining, NJ). From the 375 examined characters, 43.2% were constant characters while 4.8% characters were parsimony uninformative whereas 52.0% characters were parsimony informative. Tree topologies discriminated three major clades in which primitive primates, Old World Monkeys and Anthropoids belongs to their own monophyletic clades. Both MP and NJ trees showed that T. bancanus was placed in primitive primates group

    Phylogenetic relationships of leaf monkeys (Presbytis; Colobinae) based on cytochrome b and 12S rRNA genes

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    Little is known about the classification and phylogenetic relationships of the leaf monkeys (Presbytis). We analyzed mitochondrial DNA sequences of cytochrome b (Cyt b) and 12S rRNA to determine the phylogenetic relationships of the genus Presbytis. Gene fragments of 388 and 371 bp of Cyt b and 12S rRNA, respectively, were sequenced from samples of Presbytis melalophos (subspecies femoralis, siamensis, robinsoni, and chrysomelas), P. rubicunda and P. hosei. The genus Trachypithecus (Cercopithecidae) was used as an outgroup. The Cyt b NJ and MP phylogeny trees showed P. m. chrysomelas to be the most primitive, followed by P. hosei, whereas 12S rRNA tree topology only indicated that these two species have close relationships with the other members of the genus. In our analysis, chrysomelas, previously classified as a subspecies of P. melalophos, was not included in either the P. m. femoralis clade or the P. m. siamensis clade. Whether or not there should be a separation at the species level remains to be clarified. The tree topologies also showed that P. m. siamensis is paraphyletic with P. m. robinsoni, and P. m. femoralis with P. rubicunda, in two different clades. Cyt b and 12S rRNA are good gene candidates for the study of phylogenetic relationships at the species level. However, the systematic relationships of some subspecies in this genus remain unclear

    Assessing primate’s pelage colour using RGB method in Malayan Pale-thighed Surili (Presbytis siamensis siamensis)

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    The Red, Green and Blue (RGB) colour model has been used to investigate relationships between primates' physiological and colour data. This study uses the RGB method to determine various pelage hues in white-thighed surili at different latitudes in Peninsular Malaysia. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) represents the lowland while Genting Highlands and Fraser’s Hill represent the highland area. Results indicated that no significant values were found based on the sample t-test on every section of the samples except on the nose (Green). Our findings can be utilised further for systematic and population genetic studies of Presbytis siamensis siamensis in Peninsular Malaysia

    Molecular systematic position of the Sarawak Malay badger, Mydaus javanensis

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    The presence of the Malay badger, Mydaus javanensis, has been recorded for nearly 100 years in Sarawak, Malaysia, but it has rarely been seen. In addition, this animal is among the least studied carnivores in Borneo. The Malay badger is not protected under the Sarawak Wildlife Protection Ordinance. To initiate conservation efforts, we conducted a phylogenetic analysis to characterize the Malay badger’s genetic attributes. In August 2013, a Malay badger was trapped at Mentung Berawan, Serian, and sent to the Matang Wildlife Centre. We managed to collect its genetic materials and sequenced 356 bp of 12S rRNA and 405 bp of cytochrome b (Cyt b) genes. We portrayed its phylogenetic relationships with other Mephitidae family members and calculated its molecular divergence. Our results indicated that the Malay badger could be distinguished from its sister taxon, M. marchei. The teledu clade diverged 2.71 million years ago, after the divergences of Mephitis mephitis and Spilogale putorius

    Pengesanan dan pencirian Leptospira spp. pada haiwan liar dan persekitaran di pusat pemuliharaan ex situ

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    Leptospirosis ialah penyakit berjangkit yang disebabkan oleh bakteria Leptospira yang boleh menjangkiti manusia dan haiwan. Kajian ini dijalankan bagi mengenal pasti jangkitan leptospirosis yang berkitar antara orang utan, roden dan persekitaran di Pulau Orang Utan Bukit Merah (BMOUI) dan Zoo Taiping, Perak. Sampel haiwan serta persekitaran yang diperoleh dari kedua-dua kawasan kajian diinokulasi dalam media Ellinghausen-Mccullough�Johnson-Harris (EMJH) untuk pengkulturan Leptospira. Pengesanan dan pencirian mudah spesies Leptospira melalui PCR dilakukan ke atas kultur serta sampel haiwan yang positif. Pencirian spesies yang lebih mendalam sehingga peringkat serovar menggunakan penjenisan jujukan multi-lokus (MLST) hanya dilakukan ke atas kultur patogenik sahaja. Sebanyak 8/14 kultur daripada sampel persekitaran BMOUI merupakan spesies saprofitik (L. yanagawae, L. meyeri dan L. idonii), 4/14 adalah spesies perantaraan (L. wolffii) dan 2/14 (dilabel sebagai ‘Soil2’ dan ‘BJ3 soil’) adalah spesies patogenik. Hasil MLST menunjukkan kultur ‘Soil2’ telah dikenal pasti sebagai L. interrogans serovar Lai Langkawi dengan nilai penjenisan jujukan, ST: 236. ‘BJ3 soil’ pula telah diberikan profil alel baharu yang menjana nilai ST baharu iaitu 262 di bawah spesies L. kmetyi. Kesemua 15/15 kultur daripada sampel persekitaran Zoo Taiping merupakan spesies saprofit (L. yanagawae dan L. meyeri). Leptospira yang dikesan secara langsung dalam sampel orang utan dan tikus dari BMOUI berkait rapat dengan spesies L. wolffii. Sampel orang utan dari Zoo Taiping pula berkait rapat dengan spesies L. kmetyi dan L. wolffii. Kajian ini berjaya membuktikan bahawa berlakunya transmisi leptospirosis di BMOUI dan Zoo Taiping yang sememangnya amat penting dalam menambahbaik strategi pencegahan penyakit ini sekaligus membantu dalam usaha pemuliharaan orang utan

    Ciri-ciri Panggilan Katak Borneo (Genus: Hylarana) daripada Populasi Sarawak, Malaysia

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    Recordings of Bornean frog calls from the genus Hylarana were conducted at seven study sites in Sarawak, Malaysia. As many as 12 individuals from five species of Bornean frogs were successfully recorded and analysed. From 38 calling parameters, only 27 could explain call characteristics of the Bornean frogs. The size of male frogs influenced the energy of calling significantly between 90:50% of the peak amplitude, frequency of note between 50%, duration of calling to reach half of the frequency modulation, and the rate of repeated note. The size of Bornean frog showed a marginally significant difference in the basic frequency and dominant calls. Additionally, distribution of calling parameters and Euclid dendogram support taxonomic identifications of each of the Bornean frog species studied

    High-throughput DNA metabarcoding for determining the gut microbiome of captive critically endangered Malayan tiger (Panthera tigris jacksoni) during fasting

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    The Malayan tiger (Panthera tigris jacksoni) is a critically endangered species native to the Malaysian Peninsula. To imitate wild conditions where tigers do not hunt every day, numerous wildlife sanctuaries do not feed their tigers daily. However, the effects of fasting on the gut microbiota of captive Malayan tigers remains unknown. This study aimed to characterise the gut microbiota of captive Malayan tigers by comparing their microbial communities during fasting versus normal feeding conditions. This study was conducted at the Melaka Zoo, Malaysian Peninsula and involved Malayan tigers fasted every Monday. In total, ten faecal samples of Malayan tiger, two of Bengal tiger (outgroup) and four of lion (outgroup) were collected and analysed for metabarcoding targeting the 16S rRNA V3–V4 region. In total, we determined 14 phyla, 87 families, 167 genera and 53 species of gut microbiome across Malayan tiger samples. The potentially harmful bacterial genera found in this study included Fusobacterium, Bacteroides, Clostridium sensu stricto 1,Solobacterium, Echerichia shigella, Ignatzschineria and Negativibacillus. The microbiome in the fasting phase had a higher composition and was more diverse than in the feeding phase. The present findings indicate a balanced ratio in the dominant phyla, reflecting a resetting of the imbalanced gut microbiota due to fasting. These findings can help authorities in how to best maintain and improve the husbandry and health of Malayan tigers in captivity and be used for monitoring in ex-situ veterinary care unit

    Molecular phylogeny of long-tailed giant rats (Muridae: genus leopoldamys) based on mitochondrial cytochrome B sequences

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    Two species of Leopoldamys long-tailed giant rats are found in Peninsular Malaysia. They are currently referred to as Leopoldamys ciliatus which inhabits montane habitat, and Leopoldamys vociferans which usually inhabits the lowland forest. To date, there is no report on the phylogenetic relationship of L. ciliatus with the other Leopoldamys taxa. The present study was carried out to determine its relationship, based on the mitochondrial cytochrome b (cyt b) gene sequence, with L. vociferans of Peninsular Malaysia and other congeners. Phylogenetic analysis shows that L. ciliatus is a sister-species to the lineage L1 of L. herberti and L. revertens, and is distantly related to L. edwardsi. L. vociferans, and L. sabanus form a distinct clade (lineage L5) from the other Leopoldamys taxa from Indochina. The Sumatra taxon currently known as L. sabanus is genetically distinct to L. vociferans with K2P distances between 0.065 and 0.069. Contrary to previous opinions, L. herberti, L. revertens, and L. neilli of Indochina are valid species based on more than 2.5% threshold genetic distance. Both the L. edwardsi and L. neilli species complexes are represented by several sibling species. A more extensive taxon sampling from various regions (particularly Sumatra and other regions of Indonesia) as well as the use of morphological and molecular (mitogenomes or multiple genes) data sets are needed to provide a robust phylogeny and systematics
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