20 research outputs found

    Ocena przestrzennego rozmieszczenia parków narodowych i obszarów chronionego krajobrazu w państwach Europy Środkowej na tle prowincji fizycznogeograficznych

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    Na podstawie analizy przestrzennego rozmieszczenia parków narodowych i obszarów chronionego krajobrazu Polski (parki krajobrazowe), Czech, Słowacji i Węgier oceniono czy tworzone w poszczególnych krajach systemy ochrony przyrody i krajobrazu są reprezentatywne również dla prowincji fizycznogeograficznych w granicach państw. Stwierdzono znaczną reprezentatywność w prowincjach głównie górskich i wskazano na dalsze możliwości ochrony. Na podstawie oceny stopnia integracji systemów ochrony przyrody i krajobrazu w rejonach przygranicznych określono obszary, które powinny uzupełnić system. Między poszczególnymi krajami występują różnice w przestrzennej organizacji parków narodowych i obszarów ochrony krajobrazu. Współpraca transgraniczna w ostatnich 30 latach znacznie się poprawiła. Większość przygranicznych parków narodowych i obszarów ochrony krajobrazu ma swoje kontinuum w kraju sąsiednim w formach podobnej rangi. Najsłabsze powiązania przestrzenne występują na granicy Węgier i Słowacji

    Problemy regionalizacji fizycznogeograficznej pogranicza gór, wyżyn i nizin na przykładzie Płaskowyżu Głubczyckiego i Kotliny Raciborskiej

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    Płaskowyz Głubczycki i Kotlina Raciborska zlokalizowane sa w południowo- -zachodniej czesci Polski i naleza do Niziny Slaskiej (ryc. 42). Pierwszy z nich jest najwyzej połozonym i najbardziej urozmaiconym pod wzgledem rzezby terenu mezoregionem Niziny. Stanowi południowo-wschodnie zakonczenie makroregionu i graniczy bezposrednio z Górami Opawskimi, nalezacymi do makroregionu Sudetów Wschodnich (Kondracki, Richling 1994; Kondracki 2000; Pawlak 2008). Jest dla nich podgórzem. J. Kondracki (2000) charakteryzuje Płaskowyz jako wysoko wzniesiona równine lessowa, w Polsce – 235-260 m n.p.m., a w Czechach do 315 m n.p.m. Wskazuje ponadto, ze ma charakter wyzynny i własciwie powinien byc zaliczony do Przedgórza Sudeckiego. W Czechach jednostka nosi nazwe Opavska Pahorkatina, co wskazuje na jej wieksze powiazanie strukturalne z górami, niz nizinami. Jest traktowana jako pogórze

    Applications of Banach limit in Ulam stability

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    We show how to get new results on Ulam stability of some functional equations using the Banach limit. We do this with the examples of the linear functional equation in single variable and the Cauchy equation

    Physico-geographical mesoregions of Poland : verification and adjustment of boundaries on the basis of contemporary spatial data

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    The programme of identification, cataloguing and evaluation of Polish landscapes, part of the implementation of the European Landscape Convention, has caused an increase in interest in physico-geographical regionalisation over recent years. The commonly accepted regionalisation of Poland developed by J. Kondracki (Kondracki & Richling 1994) is sufficient for work at an overview scale (e.g. 1:500,000), whereas its spatial accuracy is too low to make use of it for the purpose of Polish landscape cataloguing. The aim of this article is to present a more up-to-date and detailed division of Poland into mesoregions, adjusted to the 1:50,000 scale. In comparison with older work, the number of mesoregions has increased from 316 to 344. In many cases, some far-reaching changes in meso- and macroregions were made. Nevertheless, in most cases the previous system of units was maintained, with more detailed adjustment of boundaries based on the latest geological and geomorphological data and the use of GIS tools for the DEM analysis. The division presented here is a creatively developing new work aligning the proposals of the majority of Polish researchers. At the same time, it is a regionalisation maintaining the idea of the work developed by J. Kondracki as well as his theoretical assumptions and the criteria used to distinguish units, which makes it a logical continuation of his regional division

    Threats to the physiognomic values of areas of a landscape adjusted for tourists through external advertising objects focusing on the example of the national road, Myślenice – Zakopane

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    W artykule przedstawiono ocenę zagrożenia walorów fizjonomicznych krajobrazu wzdłuż drogi krajowej Myślenice – Zakopane, jednej z najważniejszych dróg turystycznych Polski. Podstawą analizy była inwentaryzacja obiektów reklamy zewnętrznej po obydwu stronach drogi w pasmach o szerokości 100 m. Badany obszar ma bardzo istotne znaczenie w percepcji krajobrazów górskich polskiej części Karpat. W wyniku przeprowadzonej analizy stwierdzono bardzo wysoki stopień zagrożenia walorów widokowych przez reklamy. Zinwentaryzowano 1096 obiektów reklamowych, co daje średnie zagęszczenie ok. 18 reklam na 1 km drogi. Na najbardziej zagrożonych odcinkach w Zakopanem i Rabce obiekty reklamowe występują średnio co 15 m. Najbardziej narażonymi krajobrazami na degradację są otwarte krajobrazy łąk i pastwisk oraz zabudowane krajobrazy miejscowości górskich. Obiekty reklamy zewnętrznej są bardzo poważnym zagrożeniem dla tożsamości i odrębności krajobrazów gór Polski. Stopień zagrożenia wymaga pilnego uruchomienia przez samorządy terytorialne narzędzi prawnych ochrony krajobrazu w procesach planowania i zagospodarowania przestrzennego.This article presents an assessment of the threat to the physiognomic values of the landscape along the national road from Myślenice to Zakopane, one of the most important tourist routes in Poland. The basis for the analysis was an inventory of outdoor advertising facilities on both sides of the road in 100-meter wide bands. The studied area is very important in the perception of mountain landscapes in the Polish part of the Carpathians. As a result of the research, it was found that advertisements pose a very high degree of threat to scenic value . 1096 advertising objects were inventoried, which gives an average density of around 18 ads per 1km of road. On the most endangered sections in Zakopane and Rabka, advertising objects occur on average every 15m. The most exposed landscapes for degradation are open landscapes of meadows and pastures, as well as built-up landscapes of mountain towns and villages. Outdoor advertising facilities are a very serious threat to the identity and uniqueness of the landscapes of Polish mountains. The level of danger requires the urgent use of legal tools by local governments for the protection of landscapes in spatial planning and development processes

    Assessment of the spatial distribution of national parks and protected landscape areas in Central European countries in the context of physico-geographical provinces

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    Na podstawie analizy przestrzennego rozmieszczenia parków narodowych i obszarów chronionego krajobrazu Polski (parki krajobrazowe), Czech, Słowacji i Węgier oceniono czy tworzone w poszczególnych krajach systemy ochrony przyrody i krajobrazu są reprezentatywne również dla prowincji fizycznogeograficznych w granicach państw. Stwierdzono znaczną reprezentatywność w prowincjach głównie górskich i wskazano na dalsze możliwości ochrony. Na podstawie oceny stopnia integracji systemów ochrony przyrody i krajobrazu w rejonach przygranicznych określono obszary, które powinny uzupełnić system. Między poszczególnymi krajami występują różnice w przestrzennej organizacji parków narodowych i obszarów ochrony krajobrazu. Współpraca transgraniczna w ostatnich 30 latach znacznie się poprawiła. Większość przygranicznych parków narodowych i obszarów ochrony krajobrazu ma swoje kontinuum w kraju sąsiednim w formach podobnej rangi. Najsłabsze powiązania przestrzenne występują na granicy Węgier i Słowacji.Based on the analysis of the spatial distribution of national parks and protected landscape areas in Poland (landscape parks), the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary, it was assessed whether the systems of nature and landscape protection created in individual countries are representative also for physico-geographical provinces within state borders. High representativeness was found in predominantly mountain provinces and further conservation options were indicated. Based on the assessment of the degree of integration of nature and landscape protection systems in border regions, areas that should complement the system have been identified. There are differences between individual countries in the spatial organization of national parks and landscape protection areas. Cross-border cooperation has improved significantly in the last 30 years. Most of the border national parks and landscape protection areas have their continuum in the neighboring country in forms of a similar rank. The weakest spatial connections are found on the border between Hungary and Slovakia

    Changes in the Spatial Structure of the Landscape of Isolated Forest Complexes in the 19th and 20th Centuries and Their Potential Effects on Supporting Ecosystem Services Related to the Protection of Biodiversity Using the Example of the Niemodlin Forests (SW Poland)

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    This study assesses the changes in the spatial structure of the landscape between 1825 and 2019 in the isolated, protected forest complex of the Niemodlin Forests. Based on the analysis of changes in this structure, a change the supporting ecosystem services related to the protection of biodiversity was proposed. The landscape metrics were used separately for the analysis of the structure of the whole landscape, and individual types of ecosystems were used in the research. There were no major changes in the share of individual types of ecosystems during the period under review. At the same time, a very large increase in built-up areas and tree stands was found in 1825. Landscape metrics point to internal changes in the landscape composition, which is important for the functioning of the landscape and is related to the fragmentation and increasing isolation of ecosystems. Changes in the share of the surface of individual types of ecosystems in the landscape do not provide enough information about the actual structural and functional changes and ongoing ecosystem support services. There has been ecosystem degradation that is associated with freshwater habitats—surface waters, marshlands, meadows and pastures, as well as ecosystem support services related to these habitats. Changes in the spatial structure of the landscape cannot be solely deduced on the basis of changes in landscape metrics that are calculated for the whole landscape. Changes in the spatial composition of individual groups of ecosystems should be analyzed. Landscape metrics are very helpful in studying changes in the structure and function of ecosystem services

    Consumer Attitudes as Part of Lifestyle in the COVID-19 Emergency

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    The pandemic brought significant changes to the functioning of society. This article examines the opinion of consumers in south-eastern Poland on lifestyle elements such as shopping preferences, physical activity, holiday preferences and others, against the background of the COVID-19 situation. The aim of this study was to identify the relationship between selected components included in the lifestyle of society in the context of the COVID-19 emergency situation. The research was conducted from 9 November 2020 to 17 January 2021. In order to identify the respondents’ attitudes and their perception of the issues discussed in this study, a questionnaire was created containing a number of theses formulations assessed by the respondents in terms of compliance with their beliefs. The evaluation was carried out using a seven-point bipolar Likert scale with a neutral value. The study was not probabilistic, therefore the inference applies only to the studied group. A total of 737 questionnaires meeting the research assumptions were collected. The form was used to identify ecological attitudes, shopping behavior, food preferences, physical activity and tourist preferences in the COVID-19 situation in which the research was conducted. Also identified were holiday destinations in 2019 and 2020, preferred diet type, and socio-demographic background: sex, age, place of residence and approximate per capita income. The research revealed that the purchasing behavior of the respondents was a predictor of their physical activity and tourist preferences. Studies have also shown that the food preferences of the respondents are an important part of their balanced lifestyle and depend on the sex of the person. The respondents preferred an active lifestyle as a form of pro-health activity when living in the situation of COVID-19. During the COVID-19 pandemic, respondents’ interest in domestic tourism also increased

    Impact of the Energy Sector on the Quality of the Environment in the Opinion of Energy Consumers from Southeastern Poland

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    Limiting CO2 emissions has been adopted as a contemporary challenge and introduced into numerous global and regional policies. The measures taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions largely relate to the decarbonization of the economy. Changes in the Polish energy sector are a huge challenge because the energy mix is dominated by the energy derived from coal combustion. Decarbonizing the energy sector will require significant financial resources. Therefore, several questions arise: What is the social attitude to the planned changes? How do residents treat the issue of greenhouse gases? Do they perceive the relationship between energy production and the quality of the natural environment? What are their expectations regarding the transformation of the energy sector? The aim of this study was to identify the opinion of the inhabitants of southeastern Poland on changes in the energy sector and its impact on the quality of the natural environment. The study was conducted at the turn of 2020 and 2021. The survey was partial and carried out using the CAWI (Computer Assisted Web Interview) method; 1539 questionnaire forms were filled in and the sample was randomly selected. The study confirms the following research hypotheses: 1. There is social support for the view that climate change is currently one of the greatest threats to modern civilization. 2. There is a social belief that the quality of the natural environment in southeastern Poland is good compared to other regions of Poland and Europe. 3. Increasing the share of energy based on renewable energy sources is socially expected. 4. There is a social expectation of nuclear energy. It can therefore be concluded that the surveyed community accepts the direction of changes in the energy sector