21 research outputs found

    Genotoxicity assessment of three nutraceuticals containing natural antioxidants extracted from agri-food waste biomasses

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    Grapes and apples are the most cultivated fruits in the Mediterranean basin and their agricultural processing is responsible for the production of a large amount of bio-waste. The reuse of this food biomass would increase the volume of recyclable/renewable biomaterial and lower the environmental impact due to the increasing demand for these biological products. To this purpose, agri-food waste from grape and apple processing have become an important source of phytochemicals, and many pharmaceutical industries are using it as starting material to produce dietary supplements, functional foods, and food additives for human consumption. In virtue of the chemical diversity and complexity of agri-food biowaste, developers and producers of nutraceuticals are advised to assess the safety of their final nutraceutical products, in compliance with European Food Safety Authority regulation. Here, we use the Ames test to assess the mutagenicity of three nutraceuticals obtained from agri-food waste biomasses: Taurisolo® from grape pomace of Vitis vinifera L. cv 'Aglianico', AnnurComplex® from Malus pumila M. cv 'Annurca' and Limoncella Apple Extract from Malus domestica B. cv 'Limoncella'. The results showed that all three nutraceuticals were non-mutagenic

    WNT inhibitory activity of malus pumila miller cv annurca and malus domestica cv limoncella apple extracts on human colon-rectal cells carrying familial adenomatous polyposis mutations

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    Inhibitors of the Wingless-related Integration site (WNT)/β-catenin pathway have recently been under consideration as potential chemopreventive agents against Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (FAP). This autosomal-dominant syndrome is caused by germline mutations in the gene coding for the protein APC and leads to hyperactivation of the WNT/β-catenin signaling pathway, uncontrolled intestinal cell proliferation and formation of adenocarcinomas. The aim of the present work was to: (i) test, on in vitro cultures of cells carrying FAP mutations and on ex vivo biopsies of FAP patients, the WNT inhibitory activity of extracts from two common southern Italian apples, Malus pumila Miller cv. ‘Annurca’ and Malus domestica cv ‘Limoncella’; (ii) identify the mechanisms underpinning their activities and; (iii) evaluate their potency upon gastrointestinal digestion. We here show that both Annurca and Limoncella apple extracts act as WNT inhibitors, mostly thanks to their polyphenolic contents. They inhibit the pathway in colon cells carrying FAP mutations with active dilutions falling in ranges close to consumer-relevant concentrations. Food-grade manufacturing of apple extracts increases their WNT inhibitory activity as result of the conversion of quercetin glycosides into the aglycone quercetin, a potent WNT inhibitor absent in the fresh fruit extract. However, in vitro simulated gastrointestinal digestion severely affected WNT inhibitory activity of apple extracts, as result of a loss of polyphenols. In conclusion, our results show that apple extracts inhibit the WNT pathway in colon cells carrying FAP mutations and represent a potential nutraceutical alternative for the treatment of this pathology. Enteric coating is advisable to preserve the activity of the extracts in the colon-rectal section of the digestive tract. © 2017 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Anti-tissue transglutaminase antibodies and EEG pattern in celiac patients on prolonged gluten-free diet

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    The Authors investigate the relationship between serum anti-tTG antibodies and EEG pattern in 12 celiac patients of various age on gluten-free diet for 1-10 years. In a group of 6 patients with good compliance with the diet, anti-tTG antibodies were normal in all and EEG in 5; in another group of 6 patients with poor compliance with the diet, serum anti-tTG antibodies were raised in all; EEG abnormalities of various gravity were reported in 5 patients. The concomitance of raised anti-tTG antibodies and EEG abnormalities is stressed, as possible expression of an immune-inflammatory reaction persistent in Central Nervous System

    Glutamine promotes escape from therapy-induced senescence in tumor cells

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    Therapy-induced senescence (TIS) is a major cellular response to anticancer therapies. While induction of a persistent growth arrest would be a desirable outcome in cancer therapy, it has been shown that, unlike normal cells, cancer cells are able to evade the senescence cell cycle arrest and to resume proliferation, likely contributing to tumor relapse. Notably, cells that escape from TIS acquire a plastic, stem cell-like phenotype. The metabolic dependencies of cells that evade senescence have not been thoroughly studied. In this study, we show that glutamine depletion inhibits escape from TIS in all cell lines studied, and reduces the stem cell subpopulation. In line with a metabolic reliance on glutamine, escaped clones overexpress the glutamine transporter SLC1A5. We also demonstrate a central role of glutamine synthetase that mediates resistance to glutamine deprivation, conferring independence from exogenous glutamine. Finally, rescue experiments demonstrate that glutamine provides nitrogen for nucleotides biosynthesis in cells that escape from TIS, but also suggest a critical involvement of glutamine in other metabolic and non-metabolic pathways. On the whole, these results reveal a metabolic vulnerability of cancer stem cells that recover proliferation after exposure to anticancer therapies, which could be exploited to prevent tumor recurrence

    The hepatoprotective effect of taurisolo, a nutraceutical enriched in resveratrol and polyphenols, involves activation of mitochondrial metabolism in mice liver

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    Liver diseases affect millions of people worldwide. In most of the cases, severe hepatic dysfunction and liver cancer stem from mild and common clinical signs including hepatic steatosis, insulin resistance, liver inflammation, and oxidative stress, all together referred to as Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD). Nutraceuticals endowed with antioxidant activity have been shown to reduce NAFLD risk factors and exert hepatoprotective effects. Here, we test the protective effect exerted on liver by the antioxidant Taurisolo, a nutraceutical formulation produced by grape pomace and enriched in Resveratrol and Polyphenols. We analyze the effect of Taurisolo on liver cells by profiling the metabolome of in vitro cultured hepatic HuH7 cells and of C57BL-6J mice fed a High Fat Diet and treated with the nutraceutical. Both in vitro and in vivo, we provide evidence that Taurisolo reduces risk factor markers associated with NAFLD. Taurisolo stimulates glucose uptake and reduces hepatic cholesterol and serum triglycerides. Furthermore, we give new insights into the mechanism of action of Taurisolo. The nutraceutical increases mitochondrial activity and promotes respiration and ATP production, fostering catabolic reactions like fatty acid β-oxidation and amino acid catabolism. On the contrary, Taurisolo reduces anabolic reactions like biosynthesis of cholesterol, bile acids, and plasma membrane lipids

    The hepatoprotective effect of taurisolo, a nutraceutical enriched in resveratrol and polyphenols, involves activation of mitochondrial metabolism in mice liver

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    Liver diseases affect millions of people worldwide. In most of the cases, severe hepatic dysfunction and liver cancer stem from mild and common clinical signs including hepatic steatosis, insulin resistance, liver inflammation, and oxidative stress, all together referred to as Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD). Nutraceuticals endowed with antioxidant activity have been shown to reduce NAFLD risk factors and exert hepatoprotective effects. Here, we test the protective effect exerted on liver by the antioxidant Taurisolo, a nutraceutical formulation produced by grape pomace and enriched in Resveratrol and Polyphenols. We analyze the effect of Taurisolo on liver cells by profiling the metabolome of in vitro cultured hepatic HuH7 cells and of C57BL-6J mice fed a High Fat Diet and treated with the nutraceutical. Both in vitro and in vivo, we provide evidence that Taurisolo reduces risk factor markers associated with NAFLD. Taurisolo stimulates glucose uptake and reduces hepatic cholesterol and serum triglycerides. Furthermore, we give new insights into the mechanism of action of Taurisolo. The nutraceutical increases mitochondrial activity and promotes respiration and ATP production, fostering catabolic reactions like fatty acid β-oxidation and amino acid catabolism. On the contrary, Taurisolo reduces anabolic reactions like biosynthesis of cholesterol, bile acids, and plasma membrane lipids

    In vivo bioavailability and in vitro toxicological evaluation of the new butyric acid releaser N-(1-carbamoyl-2-phenyl-ethyl) butyramide

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    A large body of evidence suggests that supplementation of butyric acid exerts beneficial intestinal and extra-intestinal effects. Unfortunately, unpleasant sensorial properties and unfavourable physico-chemical properties strongly limit its use in food supplements and foods for medicinal purposes. N-(1-carbamoyl-2-phenyl-ethyl) butyramide (FBA) is a new butyric acid releaser in solid form with neutral sensorial properties. The aim of this investigation is to provide preliminary information on its pharmacokinetic and toxicological properties through the study of a) in vivo bioavailability of FBA administered by oral gavage to male and female Swiss CD1 mice in comparison with sodium butyrate, b) the influence of digestion on FBA stability through an in vitro simulated oro-gastro-duodenal digestion process, and c) in vitro toxicological profile by means of the Ames Test and Micronucleus Test. The results reveal that FBA is a good butyric acid releaser, being able to increase butyrate serum concentration in a dose and time dependent manner in both male and female mice with a pharmacokinetic profile similar to that obtained from sodium butyrate as such. These data are confirmed by investigating the influence of digestion on FBA, which undergoes extensive hydrolysis following oro-gastro-duodenal digestion, especially in duodenal conditions, with a residual concentration of less than 10% of the initial FBA concentration. Finally, in the Ames and Micronucleus Tests, FBA does not show any in vitro genotoxicity as it is non mutagenic in the Ames Test and results to be unable to induce chromosome breaks in the Micronucleus Test. In conclusion, FBA is a new butyric acid releaser that can overcome the disadvantages of butyric acid while maintaining the same pharmacokinetic properties and safety profile, as shown by the results of the preliminary in vitro toxicological studies performed in this investigation

    Salvigenin, a trimethoxylated flavone from achillea wilhelmsii c. Koch, exerts combined lipid-lowering and mitochondrial stimulatory effects

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    Phytochemical analysis of the Iranian plant Achillea wilhelmsii led to the isolation of 17 pure secondary metabolites belonging to the classes of sesquiterpenoids and phenolics. Two of these compounds, named wilhemsin (7) and wilhelmsolide (9), are new sesquiterpenoids, and the first shows undescribed structural features. Their structures were elucidated through extensive spectroscopic analysis, mainly based on 1D and 2D NMR, and chemical derivatization. Starting from plant traditional use and previous reports on the activity of the plant extracts, all the pure compounds were evaluated on endpoints related to the treatment of metabolic syndrome. The sesquiterpene hanphyllin (8) showed a selective cholesterol-lowering activity (−12.7% at 30 µM), santoflavone (13) stimulated glucose uptake via the GLUT transporter (+16.2% at 30 µM), while the trimethoxylated flavone salvigenin (14) showed a dual activity in decreasing lipid levels (−22.5% palmitic acid biosynthesis at 30 µM) and stimulating mitochondrial functionality (+15.4% at 30 µM). This study further confirms that, in addition to the antioxidants vitexin, isovitexin, and isoschaftoside, A. wilhelmsii extracts contain molecules that can act at different levels on the metabolic syndrome symptoms