11 research outputs found

    Axial Length/Corneal Radius of Curvature Ratio and Refractive Status in an Adult Nigerian Population

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    Aim/Background: Associations between axial length (AL) to corneal radius of curvature (CR) ratio and refractive status in a healthy Nigerian adult population were studied. Materials and Methods: Healthy students and members of staff of Obafemi Awolowo Teaching Hospitals Complex, Ile‑Ife, South West Nigeria, free of obvious ocular diseases except possible refractive errors were recruited. Consecutive consenting volunteers were recruited by simple random sampling and a proportionate sample of each population based on its representative fraction in the hospital community was recruited. The study was conducted between June and August 2011. Noncycloplegic objective refraction was done and spherical equivalent refraction (SER) of the right eyes was used for calculation. The AL, CR, and keratometric readings were measured with the IOL Master. The AL/CR ratio was calculated. The data were analyzed with statistical software package STATA 13. Results: Three hundred and fifty volunteers aged 18–60 years were studied. The mean ± standard deviation of AL/CR and SER were 3.04 ± 0.10 and −0.38 ± 1.42D, respectively. AL in myopia was significantly higher than in emmetropia and hypermetropia. There were no significant differences between CR in the refraction groups. Myopes had significantly higher AL/CR than nonmyopes. On controlling for age and gender, 1 mm increase in AL increased SER by −0.77D (95% confidence interval [CI] −0.91–−0.64D) while a unit increase in AL/CR increased SER by −8.89D (95% CI −10.00–−7.78D). Whereas AL accounts for 39% of variability in SER (P < 0.001), AL/CR accounts for 51% of the variability observed in SER (P < 0.001). Conclusion: This study has further confirmed that the AL remains a strong determinant of refraction, but a derived factor AL/CR accounts for more variation in final refractive status than AL in isolation.Keywords: Axial length, axial length/corneal radius of curvature ratio, Nigerian adults, refractio

    Axial length/corneal radius of curvature ratio and refractive status in an adult Nigerian population

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    Aim/Background: Associations between axial length (AL) to corneal radius of curvature (CR) ratio and refractive status in a healthy Nigerian adult population were studied. Materials and Methods: Healthy students and members of staff of Obafemi Awolowo Teaching Hospitals Complex, Ile‑Ife, South West Nigeria, free of obvious ocular diseases except possible refractive errors were recruited. Consecutive consenting volunteers were recruited by simple random sampling and a proportionate sample of each population based on its representative fraction in the hospital community was recruited. The study was conducted between June and August 2011. Noncycloplegic objective refraction was done and spherical equivalent refraction (SER) of the right eyes was used for calculation. The AL, CR, and keratometric readings were measured with the IOL Master. The AL/CR ratio was calculated. The data were analyzed with statistical software package STATA 13.Results: Three hundred and fifty volunteers aged 18–60 years were studied. The mean ± standard deviation of AL/CR and SER were 3.04 ± 0.10 and −0.38 ± 1.42D, respectively. AL in myopia was significantly higher than in emmetropia and  hypermetropia. There were no significant differences between CR in the refraction groups. Myopes had significantly higher AL/CR than nonmyopes. On controlling for age and gender, 1 mm increase in AL increased SER by −0.77D (95% confidence interval [CI] −0.91–−0.64D) while a unit increase in AL/CR increased SER by −8.89D (95% CI −10.00–−7.78D). Whereas AL accounts for 39% of variability in SER (P < 0.001), AL/CR accounts for 51% of the variability observed in SER (P < 0.001). Conclusion: This study has further confirmed that the AL remains a strong  determinant of refraction, but a derived factor AL/CR accounts for more variation in final refractive status than AL in isolation.Keywords: Axial length, axial length/corneal radius of curvature ratio, Nigerianadults, refractio

    Pelvic Organ Prolapse in Lagos, Nigeria

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    Background Although not a life threatening condition, pelvic organ prolapse can affect a woman’s quality of life by limiting physical, social, psychological and sexual functions. There is paucity of publication on the subject in Nigeria. We determined the incidence, pattern of presentation, factors determining treatment modalities and complications associated with surgical management of pelvic organ prolapse at the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital. Methods Retrospective review of all cases of pelvic organ prolapse managed between 1st January 1999 and 31st December 2008 was done. Data was analyzed using the Epi info version 3.5 statistical software of the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, USA. Results The incidence of pelvic organ prolapse in this study was 0.74 per 1000 gynaecological consultations. The majority of the subjects were above 40 years and 64% were grandmultipara. The commonest presenting symptom was protrusion from the vagina which occurred in 96% of the subjects. Vaginal hysterectomy and pelvic floor repair was the commonest mode of management and was associated with higher post operative morbidity than other procedures. Conclusion Older and grand multiparous women are the principal sufferers of pelvic organ prolapse. Prevention through modification of obstetric risk factors, provision of adequate maternity care and family planning services is recommended. Key Words: pelvic organ prolapse, Lagos, Vaginal Hysterectomy

    WTO must ban harmful fisheries subsidies

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