3 research outputs found

    Genetic diversity of bovine populations raised in Senegal

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    BACKGROUND: The Gobra zebu and N'dama taurine cattle breeds are important genetic animal resources for Senegal. For several decades, genetic breeding programmes have been devoted to them at the Centre de Recherches Zootechniques de Dahra and Kolda. Since then, these animals have been subjected to mass selection, mainly in closed selection nuclei. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to assess the genetic diversity within these selection nuclei in order to orient future selection strategies. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study was carried out on the Gobra zebu and N'dama taurine populations from selection nuclei of Dahra and Kolda respectively, which were compared to 5 other populations of the main cattle breeds in Senegal. One hundred eighty (180) animals were genotyped with 21 microsatellite markers recommended by the Food and Agriculture Organisation. RESULTS: All populations were found to be polymorphic with a PIC of over 55%. However, animals from the CRZ‐Dahra (indigenous) and CRZ‐Kolda stations had the lowest mean heterozygosity (0.643 and 0.591 respectively). The other populations had an average heterozygosity between 0.650 and 0.737. CONCLUSION: The cattle populations maintained at the different CRZs show a lower genetic diversity than the other populations described in our study. The main reasons for this are reproductive isolation and selection pressure on these populations

    Etude Phénotypique des Taurins Ndama du Centre de Recherches Zootechniques de Kolda (Sénégal)

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    Au Sud du SĂ©nĂ©gal, du fait de la prĂ©sence de glossines, le taurin Ndama ou Bos taurus taurus est la principale race bovine Ă©levĂ©e par les agropasteurs. L’importance indĂ©niable de ces bovins dans la vie socio-Ă©conomique a conduit Ă  la crĂ©ation du Centre de Recherches zootechniques de Kolda (CRZ-K) et l’initiation d’un programme de sĂ©lection Ă  noyau fermĂ© dĂšs 1972 pour amĂ©liorer les performances des taurins. L’actuel noyau de sĂ©lection ouvert est constituĂ© par des animaux appartenant au CRZ-K et ceux de la CoopĂ©rative des Agro-Ă©leveurs SĂ©lectionneurs de la Ndama (CASE-Ndama). L’objectif de cette Ă©tude est de caractĂ©riser phĂ©notypiquement les taurins Ndama du noyau de sĂ©lection. La collecte des donnĂ©es phĂ©notypiques composĂ©es de 15 variables qualitatives et 17 quantitatives a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e sur 118 taurins adultes agĂ©s d’au moins quatre ans. L’évaluation des performances pondĂ©rales a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e grĂące Ă  l’analyse des donnĂ©es longitudinales de 1970 bovins durant la pĂ©riode de 1973 Ă  2016. Les variables qualitatives ont Ă©tĂ© exprimĂ©es en pourcentages et pour les variables quantitatives, une analyse descriptive et une comparaison des moyennes ont Ă©tĂ© faites. Les rĂ©sultats ont montrĂ© que la majoritĂ© des animaux prĂ©sentait la mĂȘme apparence avec une robe fauve uniforme, des cornes bicolores en lyre, des muqueuses peu pigmentĂ©es. Avec un dimorphisme marquĂ© chez les bovins, les animaux adultes ont une hauteur au garrot moyenne de 106,9 ± 3,5 cm et un poids moyen de 230,9 ± 40,6 kg. Les moyennes de la longueur du corps et du pĂ©rimĂštre thoracique Ă©taient de 112,0 ± 7,9 cm et 150,0 ± 8,4 cm respectivement. Cette Ă©tude tout en montrant la hausse des mensurations corporelles des animaux par rapport Ă  leurs congĂ©nĂšres Ă©levĂ©s dans les exploitations rurales souligne la baisse des performances pondĂ©rales survenue pendant certaines pĂ©riodes durant lesquelles le programme a connu des contraintes. In southern Senegal, because of tsetse flies, Ndama taurine or Bos taurus taurus is the main bovine breed raised by farmers. The undeniable importance of these cattle in the socio-economic life led to the creation of the Centre de Recherches Zootechniques of Kolda (CRZ-K) and the initiation of a selection program since 1972 to improve animal productivity. The current open breeding nucleus is composed by animals belonging to the CRZ-K and those of farmers Ndama Agro-Breeders' Cooperative (CASE-Ndama). The aim of this study is to phenotypically characterize Ndama taurins of the selection nucleus. The phenotypic data collected for 15 qualitative and 17 quantitative variables was carried out on 118 adult bulls at least four years old. Longitudinal data from 1970 cattle during the period 1973 to 2016 were used to evaluate weight performances. The results showed that the majority of animals had the same appearance with a uniform fawn color, black and white lyre horns and fairly pigmented mucous membranes. Sexual dimorphism was marked. Adult animals had an average height of 106.9 ± 3.5 cm and average weight of 230.9 ± 40.6 kg. The mean of body length and chest perimeter were 112.0 ± 7.9 cm and 150.0 ± 8.4 cm respectively. This study showed the increase in body measurements of animals compared to those in rural farms and highlighted the decline in weight performances occurred during certain periods where the program had constraints